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Latest Scandal! Comic Book Dealer Disbarred As Lawyer!!!!

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Every person has to make his or her own decision about this. Based on what I know personally of Doug, directly, and my dealings with him, and his gentlemanly treatment of my daughter when he met her, I will continue to do business with him. I understand if others choose differently.


No one is as pure as the driven snow. I'm just factoring the latest in with what I know about Doug. We are all part Buddha and part demon. A mix of good and evil. (Except me. I'm perfect.) I'm disappointed in hearing the news. I don't minimize it, but it's my personal choice to continue to do business with him, and in the areas of comics, to trust him as much as I trust anyone I do business with.




Oh....and Jason Ewert can still burn in hell!


This thread was referenced in another thread, curious I began reading it. I stopped at this post. Perhaps I should read on, because you may have retreated from the remarks you made above Brad. I sincerely hope so.


If this starts a flame war, then flame on brother. But your remarks are so unbelievably counter to the position that you usually take, that they border on fraud.


You are the most vocal captain of the "lynch Matt Nelson" mob for PRESSING COMIC BOOKS!!!! For heavens sake! You give this sleezeball a pass for ripping off a score of his clients while being engaged in the sacred trust of being their attorney because he was/is YOUR FRIEND???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? And was nice to your daughter!?!?!?


That is absurd on so many levels, that I can't even begin to break it down enough where I can get my head around it.


You celebrate Jason Ewert for his banning due to TRIMMING BOOKS, but defrauding an elderly person of the money that is rightfully theirs so you can build the best Silver Age colleciton in the world is ok by you?


His actions are inexcusable. Period. He is not to be trusted, period. I am glad I don't know him, and hope to never meet him, period.


As I said at the beginning of my post, if you retreated from these remarks later, good for you and I apologize for dredging this back up. If you didn't...shame on you.

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Who are you again? wink.gif


Talk about trying to breathe life into a dead corpse.


By the way....try expanding your vocabulary. I've never been out to "lynch" Matt Nelson. My most recent statement about Matt was that I thought he was an okay guy, but that we found ourselves on opposite sites of the pressing debate. That's a quote.


Now, if you want to mispresent my position, go ahead, cause I do seem to recall you're a big bud of Matt's. But for the record, undisclosed pressing is fraud in my book. As far as I know, they don't disbar restoration experts, but they do disbar lawyers and Doug got what he deserved from his peers.


If you want to reignite this discussion, be my guest. I stand by every word I wrote in this thread, so if you want to throw a hissy fit two years later, go for it.


Brad Hamann


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Tell you what. Since you scooted off....I'll give a reprieve. I'm going to sit in the backyard with the wife, do a little bbq-ing, drink a nice chilled white and enjoy the spring weather.


See ya. hi.gif

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Who are you again? wink.gif


Talk about trying to breathe life into a dead corpse.


By the way....try expanding your vocabulary. I've never been out to "lynch" Matt Nelson. My most recent statement about Matt was that I thought he was an okay guy, but that we found ourselves on opposite sites of the pressing debate. That's a quote.


Now, if you want to mispresent my position, go ahead, cause I do seem to recall you're a big bud of Matt's. But for the record, undisclosed pressing is fraud in my book. As far as I know, they don't disbar restoration experts, but they do disbar lawyers and Doug got what he deserved from his peers.


If you want to reignite this discussion, be my guest. I stand by every word I wrote in this thread, so if you want to throw a hissy fit two years later, go for it.


Brad Hamann


I am certain my vocabulary and spelling are at least as good as anyone else on the boards.


lynch :verb (used with object) to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.


The group that disbarred Doug had authority, you don't. Therefore the term "lynch" was used quite appropriately.


CGC is the grading authority, not you. They say pressing isn't restoration, therefore it is not disclosed on the label. Matt is acting within the confines of the system that is in place. That does not in anyway consititute fraud.


Kudos to you for having the strength of conviction to stand by your comments and your friend. I view your comments as hypocrisy, but that is just my opinion.


BTW the original post was in January of 2006, just over a year ago, not two.....

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See my expanded post. I hope you have all afternoon to receive a hammering.


Hammering from a shill like you??? That'll be the day sonny boy,.


Red Hook ------ Team America(4825) Tom Mundane(10740)


you are a joke at best.


What have you ever done or contributed to the hobby?

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Who are you again? wink.gif


Talk about trying to breathe life into a dead corpse.


By the way....try expanding your vocabulary. I've never been out to "lynch" Matt Nelson. My most recent statement about Matt was that I thought he was an okay guy, but that we found ourselves on opposite sites of the pressing debate. That's a quote.


Now, if you want to mispresent my position, go ahead, cause I do seem to recall you're a big bud of Matt's. But for the record, undisclosed pressing is fraud in my book. As far as I know, they don't disbar restoration experts, but they do disbar lawyers and Doug got what he deserved from his peers.


If you want to reignite this discussion, be my guest. I stand by every word I wrote in this thread, so if you want to throw a hissy fit two years later, go for it.


Brad Hamann


I am certain my vocabulary and spelling are at least as good as anyone else on the boards.


lynch :verb (used with object) to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.


The group that disbarred Doug had authority, you don't. Therefore the term "lynch" was used quite appropriately.


CGC is the grading authority, not you. They say pressing isn't restoration, therefore it is not disclosed on the label. Matt is acting within the confines of the system that is in place. That does not in anyway consititute fraud.


Kudos to you for having the strength of conviction to stand by your comments and your friend. I view your comments as hypocrisy, but that is just my opinion.


BTW the original post was in January of 2006, just over a year ago, not two.....


Not sure where you're going with this, Bill, particularly bringing Matt Nelson and the topic of undisclosed pressing into a discussion about Doug Schmell as a comic dealer.


I am a collector who shares Brad's view that selling comics pressed into higher CGC grades with full knowledge that the comics have been pressed is a fraudulent business practice. It has absolutely nothing to do with what CGC considers to be restoration. It has everything to do with purposeful deception of potential comic buyers. This is my opinion that you are more than welcome to disagree with, but please leave any personal attacks out of the discussion.

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Seems like you beat me to the drinking today. poke2.gif But seriously...who are you?


Nope, only Dr. Pepper. The key question is who are you???? You post under three different handles, that we know of, you constantly run your mouth about things that you know nothing of, you run down some of the finest people in the hobby..and you ask who I am?


You know perfectly well who I am. So does just about everyone else on these boards.

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Who are you again? wink.gif


Talk about trying to breathe life into a dead corpse.


By the way....try expanding your vocabulary. I've never been out to "lynch" Matt Nelson. My most recent statement about Matt was that I thought he was an okay guy, but that we found ourselves on opposite sites of the pressing debate. That's a quote.


Now, if you want to mispresent my position, go ahead, cause I do seem to recall you're a big bud of Matt's. But for the record, undisclosed pressing is fraud in my book. As far as I know, they don't disbar restoration experts, but they do disbar lawyers and Doug got what he deserved from his peers.


If you want to reignite this discussion, be my guest. I stand by every word I wrote in this thread, so if you want to throw a hissy fit two years later, go for it.


Brad Hamann


I am certain my vocabulary and spelling are at least as good as anyone else on the boards.


lynch :verb (used with object) to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.


The group that disbarred Doug had authority, you don't. Therefore the term "lynch" was used quite appropriately.


CGC is the grading authority, not you. They say pressing isn't restoration, therefore it is not disclosed on the label. Matt is acting within the confines of the system that is in place. That does not in anyway consititute fraud.


Kudos to you for having the strength of conviction to stand by your comments and your friend. I view your comments as hypocrisy, but that is just my opinion.


BTW the original post was in January of 2006, just over a year ago, not two.....


Not sure where you're going with this, Bill, particularly bringing Matt Nelson and the topic of undisclosed pressing into a discussion about Doug Schmell as a comic dealer.


I am a collector who shares Brad's view that selling comics pressed into higher CGC grades with full knowledge that the comics have been pressed is a fraudulent business practice. It has absolutely nothing to do with what CGC considers to be restoration. It has everything to do with purposeful deception of potential comic buyers. My opinion that you are more than welcome to disagree with, OK?


I brought Matt into the discussion as an example of the hypocirsy of Brad's posts and positions. I can't understand how what Brad alleges Matt does is reprehensible and unforgivable, but what Doug did is not.

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I brought Matt into the discussion as an example of the hypocirsy of Brad's posts and positions. I can't understand how what Brad alleges Matt does is reprehensible and unforgivable, but what Doug did is not.


Well good, then, because your lack of understanding can be easily solved. You are mistaken in thinking that Brad believes Doug's actions as a lawyer are not reprehensible and unforgivable. Capisco?


While we are on the topic of Matt Nelson selling books he has pressed without disclosure - why do YOU think Matt refuses to disclose the pressing to potential buyers? I think it is to purposefully deceive the subset of potential buyers who would not be willing to pay the going rate for a CGC book of a particular grade that was pressed from a lower grade. In other words, purposeful deception.

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That's a complete misrepresentation of my statements. Would I buy from Doug? Yes. Would I hire him as a lawyer? No.


If you have questions about who I am, then I would suggest you keep reading old threads and not spouting off.


Do you want to talk about shilling? Go ask Matt and Richie Evans about arseman.


You're biased because you are an old friend of Matt's. Understandable.


If you think you are helping Matt by reigniting this discussion, you are mistaken.


Have another Dr. Pepper and take a walk around the block.

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That's a complete misrepresentation of my statements. Would I buy from Doug? Yes. Would I hire him as a lawyer? No.


If you have questions about who I am, then I would suggest you keep reading old threads and not spouting off.


Do you want to talk about shilling? Go ask Matt and Richie Evans about arseman.


You're biased because you are an old friend of Matt's. Understandable.


If you think you are helping Matt by reigniting this discussion, you are mistaken.


Have another Dr. Pepper and take a walk around the block.


Perhaps I will take that walk around the block, it is a nice day outside after all.


Don't deflect the issue at hand though with the "arseman" thing. Whatever that means. Does he post on these boards?


You on the other hand do, with multiple identities. I found it odd that just after your election to the focus group or whatever it was, you were outed as a repeat shill. What does that say about you? You hide behind other ID's to make comments you didn't want associated to your "true" identity, as a champion of what "should be" in the hobby.


Matt and I are friends, that is true. Big deal. He gets his does of medicine when he needs it too. No passes are given. You should know that, as you are the self appointed doctor of these boards.

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I brought Matt into the discussion as an example of the hypocirsy of Brad's posts and positions. I can't understand how what Brad alleges Matt does is reprehensible and unforgivable, but what Doug did is not.


Well good, then, because your lack of understanding can be easily solved. You are mistaken in thinking that Brad believes Doug's actions as a lawyer are not reprehensible and unforgivable. Capisco?


While we are on the topic of Matt Nelson selling books he has pressed without disclosure - why do YOU think Matt refuses to disclose the pressing to potential buyers?


That's about it. I never stated Doug got a raw deal by being disbarred. He did the crime and he paid the price. And I believed Doug was sorry about his actions, and wanted to move on.


Who am I? I'm a collector who doesn't appreciate the assumption that I don't have a right to know ALL the information about any book I buy. More folks on these boards have met me and know me than you. If you want to personally attack me, go right ahead. But there won't be any advantage to doing it.

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I brought Matt into the discussion as an example of the hypocirsy of Brad's posts and positions. I can't understand how what Brad alleges Matt does is reprehensible and unforgivable, but what Doug did is not.


Well good, then, because your lack of understanding can be easily solved. You are mistaken in thinking that Brad believes Doug's actions as a lawyer are not reprehensible and unforgivable. Capisco?


While we are on the topic of Matt Nelson selling books he has pressed without disclosure - why do YOU think Matt refuses to disclose the pressing to potential buyers? I think it is to purposefully deceive the subset of potential buyers who would not be willing to pay the going rate for a CGC book of a particular grade that was pressed from a lower grade. In other words, purposeful deception.


Si, capisco. BTW your usage of "capisco" was incorrect.


Brad said he wouldn't hire Doug as his lawyer, I assume for a lack of trust. But he says he would buy comics from him. I guess trust is not an issue when buying comics???


What Matt does and doesn't disclose I cannot comment on, as I do not know. There has been no adjudication of the allegations as they relate to Matt. Doug on the other hand.........

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Perhaps I will take that walk around the block, it is a nice day outside after all.


Don't deflect the issue at hand though with the "arseman" thing. Whatever that means. Does he post on these boards?


You on the other hand do, with multiple identities. I found it odd that just after your election to the focus group or whatever it was, you were outed as a repeat shill. What does that say about you? You hide behind other ID's to make comments you didn't want associated to your "true" identity, as a champion of what "should be" in the hobby.


Matt and I are friends, that is true. Big deal. He gets his does of medicine when he needs it too. No passes are given. You should know that, as you are the self appointed doctor of these boards.


Many of us on the boards played around with shill accounts. When mine was outed, I took my medicine and didn't whine about it. As far as I know, running a shill account didn't take a dime out of anyone's pocket. I do not have "multiple identities". I post only as Red Hook. And I am not a repeat shill. Get your facts straight.


For the record, your timing is terrible. Discussion and debate about Matt's "work" has been at an all-time low recently. Nothing like re-opening the debate to help out a friend, eh? As for me being the self-appointed doctor of the boards, I don't even know what that means. It does tell me you do have drama-queen tendencies.


Ask Matt about arseman. I'm sure he'll give you the straight dope.

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I brought Matt into the discussion as an example of the hypocirsy of Brad's posts and positions. I can't understand how what Brad alleges Matt does is reprehensible and unforgivable, but what Doug did is not.


Well good, then, because your lack of understanding can be easily solved. You are mistaken in thinking that Brad believes Doug's actions as a lawyer are not reprehensible and unforgivable. Capisco?


While we are on the topic of Matt Nelson selling books he has pressed without disclosure - why do YOU think Matt refuses to disclose the pressing to potential buyers?


That's about it. I never stated Doug got a raw deal by being disbarred. He did the crime and he paid the price. And I believed Doug was sorry about his actions, and wanted to move on.


Who am I? I'm a collector who doesn't appreciate the assumption that I don't have a right to know ALL the information about any book I buy. More folks on these boards have met me and know me than you. If you want to personally attack me, go right ahead. But there won't be any advantage to doing it.


How do you know who I have and haven't met? Many of the members of this board were customers and friends of mine dating back over 15 years.


You have a right to know whatever you want to know, I don't deny that. More power to you. But if you think you can slam folks and then not be slammed when you are wrong, then you haven't managed your expectations very well.

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Perhaps I will take that walk around the block, it is a nice day outside after all.


Don't deflect the issue at hand though with the "arseman" thing. Whatever that means. Does he post on these boards?


You on the other hand do, with multiple identities. I found it odd that just after your election to the focus group or whatever it was, you were outed as a repeat shill. What does that say about you? You hide behind other ID's to make comments you didn't want associated to your "true" identity, as a champion of what "should be" in the hobby.


Matt and I are friends, that is true. Big deal. He gets his does of medicine when he needs it too. No passes are given. You should know that, as you are the self appointed doctor of these boards.


Many of us on the boards played around with shill accounts. When mine was outed, I took my medicine and didn't whine about it. As far as I know, running a shill account didn't take a dime out of anyone's pocket. I do not have "multiple identities". I post only as Red Hook. And I am not a repeat shill. Get your facts straight.


For the record, your timing is terrible. Discussion and debate about Matt's "work" has been at an all-time low recently. Nothing like re-opening the debate to help out a friend, eh? As for me being the self-appointed doctor of the boards, I don't even know what that means. It does tell me you do have drama-queen tendencies.


Ask Matt about arseman. I'm sure he'll give you the straight dope.



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What Matt does and doesn't disclose I cannot comment on, as I do not know. There has been no adjudication of the allegations as they relate to Matt. Doug on the other hand.........


You can do better than this. I know you can. poke2.gif

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