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9/11 Graphic Novel

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Videos of the Pentagon attack were taken by security cameras at the Sheraton Hotel and a nearby gas station, both of which had a clear sight-line to the side of the Pentagon that was hit. The FBI confiscated these within minutes of the attack. Why doesn't the government release these videos?


Maybe because the government doesn't want to publicly release video that may have reveal sensitive information regarding the infrastructure of the Pentagon? I think it's a mistake to think that the general public has an entitlement to know and see EVERYTHING.


I also find it strangely coincidental that the alleged terrorists decided to target the Pentagons west wing (Rumsfeld and all the top brass, whom terrorists must surely have wanted to kill, were in the east wing, about as far removed from the west wing as possible).


The plane was coming from the west. Wouldn't it make the most sense that they would strike that side? confused-smiley-013.gif I think you're giving them to much credit. From the looks of things, they almost ditched it before they even hit the building. The plane that hit the South Tower of the WTC was not a dead center hit either... it was pretty close to a sideswipe. These "pilots" were minimally capable of flying let alone selecting precise points of impact on a building.


No knock on you Fandango flowerred.gif ... I just don't understand why people -- and there are a lot of them -- are compelled to find conspiracies in everything. More often than not, a cigar is just a cigar.

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No offence taken Zipper flowerred.gif, though I must admit it's always been my (albeit rather limited) understanding that the alleged pilot, Hani Hanjour, had to execute an unnecessarily complex flight manoeuvre in order to hit that west wing (perhaps I should revisit those books of mine). Anyways, I appreciate the response. thumbsup2.gif

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Videos of the Pentagon attack were taken by security cameras at the Sheraton Hotel and a nearby gas station, both of which had a clear sight-line to the side of the Pentagon that was hit. The FBI confiscated these within minutes of the attack. Why doesn't the government release these videos?


Maybe because the government doesn't want to publicly release video that may have reveal sensitive information regarding the infrastructure of the Pentagon? I think it's a mistake to think that the general public has an entitlement to know and see EVERYTHING.



But they did show the video explosion, two frames I believe, at impact. What possible sensitive information would be comprimised if they showed the 3 or 4 frames prior to the explosion? The fact that they released the explosion kind of kills your logic on this point. confused-smiley-013.gif I'm just yapping off the top of my head. flowerred.gif

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Anyone read USA Today and see the article about the 9/11 Graphic Novel? Sid Jacobsen and Ernie Colon created it. 9/11 Report: a Graphic Adaptation. It's an adaptation of the 9/11 Commission report.


I think it is a cool idea, and great way to use the medium.


I went to the panel discussion in San Diego where most of the creators and the publisher were there to talk about this GN. Ex Washington State US senator Slade Gorton was also there to give his input on the book. Apparently, this graphic novel is the only approved adaption of the 9/11 Commision report, although they were approached by many different media sources who also wanted to adapt the report. It was a very interesting panel. They also discussed a possibility of a follow up to this GN going into the war on terror and so on. It looks like a very high quality piece of work, and it was hhandled in a very serious manner.


The main key that they touched on is that in the GN they establish a timeline which covers where and when all four jets took off in relation to each other. For example, the first plane hit one of the WTC towers before the plane that crashed in Philadelphia even took off. So it covers all that, which includes how the lack of proper communication between authorities was one reason why that fourth plane was not warned in time.

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The main key that they touched on is that in the GN they establish a timeline which covers where and when all four jets took off in relation to each other. For example, the first plane hit one of the WTC towers before the plane that crashed in Philadelphia even took off. So it covers all that, which includes how the lack of proper communication between authorities was one reason why that fourth plane was not warned in time.


Aas I mentioned earlier, watch "On Native Soil," the documentary of the 911 Commission on Court TV.




In one of the remarkable revelations, they document in detail (with recordings) the utter incompetance at the FAA. The FAA stood for almost an hour like a deer in the headlights. FAA officials were stuttering and stammering and unable to make decisions. They hung up on flight controllers that were reporting the 2nd hijacking because they were "too busy" dealing with the first (which had already crashed.) They didn't know whether to [embarrassing lack of self control] or go blind. It's jaw dropping stuff.


BTW, the documentary is very even-handed IMO and not a partisan attack on anyone. There was PLENTY of incompetance and it touched all parties.

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The 9-11 panel considered filing perjury charges against members of both the FAA and the military for the outright lies that they told to the committee.

They recently handed some findings over to the Justice Dept.

FAA and the military claimed they were tracking a flight twenty minutes after it had already crashed.

As is the usual,as bad as the intial reactions were,the cover-up made them appear even worse.

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the government can't even cover up a break-in at a hotel in D.C., but they can keep the literally thousands of people who would need to be in on any kind of 9/11 conspiracy quiet for five years. uh, sure.


the way the towers fell makes perfect sense. having a modicum of understanding about construction methods, structural integrity, and the way the towers were engineered will give you the same understanding. not to insult anyone, but the information is out there, and it's completely understandable how and why they buildings came down as they did. it only seems strange to the ignorant - "ignorant" defined as those who lack of information, not an inability to process said information

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the government can't even cover up a break-in at a hotel in D.C., but they can keep the literally thousands of people who would need to be in on any kind of 9/11 conspiracy quiet for five years. uh, sure.


the way the towers fell makes perfect sense. having a modicum of understanding about construction methods, structural integrity, and the way the towers were engineered will give you the same understanding. not to insult anyone, but the information is out there, and it's completely understandable how and why they buildings came down as they did. it only seems strange to the ignorant - "ignorant" defined as those who lack of information, not an inability to process said information


Not really sure if you are referring to my quote or just replied to it as the last one,but there is no question that both the FAA and our Military attempted to cover-up their reaction and lack of action on the morning of 9-11.Both of those agencies provided witness after witness to the committee that clearly distorted both.Only after numeroues subpeonas were issued,did they suddenly recant their original testimony.The bottom line was that neither of them were prepared for anything like this happening,and tried to hide that fact.

Thats not a conspiracy theory,thats the conclusion of the investigating panel.

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the government can't even cover up a break-in at a hotel in D.C., but they can keep the literally thousands of people who would need to be in on any kind of 9/11 conspiracy quiet for five years. uh, sure.


the way the towers fell makes perfect sense. having a modicum of understanding about construction methods, structural integrity, and the way the towers were engineered will give you the same understanding. not to insult anyone, but the information is out there, and it's completely understandable how and why they buildings came down as they did. it only seems strange to the ignorant - "ignorant" defined as those who lack of information, not an inability to process said information


Sal, historical precedent shows us that clandestine Government conspiracies are commonplace; it is an irrefutable and widely acknowledged fact that every member of the US Joint Chief of Staff signed off the Operation Northwood plan to murder Americans in fake "Cuban terrorist" attacks in 1962. The planned Operation Northwoods murders of ordinary Americans in fake terrorist bombings and a fake "airliner shoot-down" would have involved hundreds of military and intelligence personnel.


It's also true that the fall of the twin towers (and that of building 7) remains the source of much scholarly debate.


Just as an aside, the existence of Operation Northwood was successfully kept secret from the American people for forty years until James Bamford revealed it in his book Body of Secrets, published in January 2002.

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Sal, historical precedent shows us that clandestine Government conspiracies are commonplace; it is an irrefutable and widely acknowledged fact that every member of the US Joint Chief of Staff signed off the Operation Northwood plan to murder Americans in fake "Cuban terrorist" attacks in 1962. The planned Operation Northwoods murders of ordinary Americans in fake terrorist bombings and a fake "airliner shoot-down" would have involved hundreds of military and intelligence personnel.


It's also true that the fall of the twin towers (and that of building 7) remains the source of much scholarly debate.


Just as an aside, the existence of Operation Northwood was successfully kept secret from the American people for forty years until James Bamford revealed it in his book Body of Secrets, published in January 2002.




Asserting something doesn't make it so. Anybody can write a book, just as anybody can post on a message board about what is "irrefutable and widely acknowledged." There's no wikipedia entry for Operation Norwood, and a google search for "Operation Norwood" shows little relevant info, mostly citations of it in support of the poster's own pet conspiracy theory. Without more research, I have no way of knowing whether that thing is true or not, but the "irrefutable and widely acknowledged" part is baloney. screwy.gif

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Sal, historical precedent shows us that clandestine Government conspiracies are commonplace; it is an irrefutable and widely acknowledged fact that every member of the US Joint Chief of Staff signed off the Operation Northwood plan to murder Americans in fake "Cuban terrorist" attacks in 1962. The planned Operation Northwoods murders of ordinary Americans in fake terrorist bombings and a fake "airliner shoot-down" would have involved hundreds of military and intelligence personnel.


It's also true that the fall of the twin towers (and that of building 7) remains the source of much scholarly debate.


Just as an aside, the existence of Operation Northwood was successfully kept secret from the American people for forty years until James Bamford revealed it in his book Body of Secrets, published in January 2002.




Asserting something doesn't make it so. Anybody can write a book, just as anybody can post on a message board about what is "irrefutable and widely acknowledged." There's no wikipedia entry for Operation Norwood, and a google search for "Operation Norwood" shows little relevant info, mostly citations of it in support of the poster's own pet conspiracy theory. Without more research, I have no way of knowing whether that thing is true or not, but the "irrefutable and widely acknowledged" part is baloney. screwy.gif


Wikipedia entry for Operation Northwood


Available at the US National Archives and Records Administration

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