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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. I guess the question for you then if you were the consignor is: Where would you go to sell your book for $1M without having to pay any fees at all? Especially since I believe that Craigslist is probably not the best place for you to go to hoping that buyers will be willing to throw a million dollars to you for your used comic book.
  2. I believe this arrangement was already explained by @G.A.tor through his post on the other thread here: Or for further clarification or confusion, another example which I had posted in the other htread here:
  3. FYI: If you have been following the other thread, this 15% BP is limited only to books being auctioned off by this one particular consignor, as all other books in their upcoming Event Auction does not have a Buyer's Premium tack onto them. Not sure about their so-called sluggish to load website, especially since I have found that their 3-minute extended bidding time periods is more than enough time for me load up their listing, in addition to doing historical research through HA and CC archives, looking at CGC census population, etc. in order to determine if I should go higher on my bid increments or not.
  4. I doubt it'll beat the price the last time it sold, which was ~80k if I'm remembering correctly. There's a very obvious reason as to why you can't find any results as I believe you would be referring to this humongous record setting sale or more correctly NON-SALE for $85K in the August 2019 CL Featured Auction: https://www.comiclink.com/error.asp?next=%2F.%2Fauctions%2Fdefault.asp There was lots of talk about this sale at the time back on Page 9 of this thread here: https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/topic/453326-comiclinks-next-event-auction-has-started-posting-books/page/9/#comments No doubt it was another one of these record setting auction results that was never ever completed by the so-called bidder or possibly another one of these whereby the consignor is simply trying to manipulate the price upwards to set the book up for a future sale. Sometimes it works as in the case of the CGC 9.8 TMNT 1 sale that supposedly set a record price of $90K in a very high profile auction sale when all previous sales were only in the mid to high $30K price range to that point in time. Definitely worked that time as it instantly spiked the entire TMNT market into the stratosphere and in particular, the TMNT 1 market up above the $50K price point. Not surprisingly, the exact same $90K copy was then flipped out successfully for $59K through a low profile non-auction Buy It Now sale several short months later. I believe the consignor for this TOD 10 is hoping that everybody will remember the $85K price point and then bid this book up to an even higher price point on this go round here. All I can say is that if that had been an actual legit sale that went through for $85K back in 2019, don't you think that CL would be hying that result like crazy in this auction here?
  5. Until it comes time to sell it because a Conserved copy will sell for much much more than the exact same book if it's residing in a Restored PLOD slab. When did you have this initial conversation with the people at CGC as the serial number indicates the book was graded back in 2009? Just wondering if you are aware that CGC has made significant changes to their Restoration Grading Scale and it seems it's never a good idea to say "never". From their changes back in 2014, it would appear that Cleaning (both water and solvent) have now moved out of the much dreaded PLOD category into the more buyer friendly Conserved category: https://www.cgccomics.com/news/article/4084/ Conservation Repairs Conservation repairs are performed with the intent of preserving the structural or chemical integrity of a comic book using professional techniques and materials. It excludes aesthetic repairs such as color touch and piece fill. All conserved grades must satisfy the CGC quality scale of "A" and quantity scale of "1". Tear seals Spine split seals Reinforcement Piece reattachment Some cover or interior cleaning (water or solvent) Staples cleaned or replaced Some leaf casting De-acidification Then again, they also talk about cover and interior cleaning in their Restoration categories up above at the same time. So, who really knows for sure, certainly NOT CGC.
  6. Like I said, after the big time fiasco that took place in the equity markets with these particular stocks today, you are probably patting yourself on the back. There's probably no worse feeling than holding a stock when its share price is crashing as most of the small time retail customer online trading platforms are banning new purchases and only allowing selling of your equity position in these companies. Especially when the big hedge funds are still apparently allowed to wheel and deal and no doubt driving the prices down even further with massive short selling knowing full well that the little guys can't buy. Definitely some massive class action lawsuits coming as this looks like the 21st century version of Robin Hood in terms of robbing the poor while their hands are tied behind their back and then giving it all to the rich and wealthy.
  7. Just the 31 now. Traded/sold all the rest to buy Timelys So, are you really trying to say that you kept the 'Tec 31 over the 'Tec 27?
  8. Divide and conquer: I'll pump the 90s worthless , you pump the 80s worthless . We can do this, remember the buzzwords. Sure, why not give it the old college try at least. How about if we start with this little former worthless piece of drek, but in today's social media pandemic driven environmment, has all of a sudden become a super hot gem of a beauty where the sky is the limit for this book now: Just imagine, the lucky buyer can have this green beauty of a book for only $1,000 tonight before the auction houses like HA, CC, and CL opens up in the morning and they just might have to pay $10K to acquire it. I'll take it ......................the money, that is!!! Okay, since I don't actually think I have that book or the equally in demand Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters book, how about this turd here which I do have for the piddly sum of only $2,000 before they go ballistics tomorrow:
  9. Well, instead of kicking yourself, you just might be patting yourself on the back for not letting the crazed FOMO win out over your saner thoughts as this game might just be coming to a bad ending for the late comers. Unlike yesterday where stocks like Gamestop closed up about 90% for the day and then almost immediately went up a further 100%+ in the after hours session before finishing up some 200% at the close today, all of them seem to take an immediate dip of some 30% to 40% in tonight's after hours session. Although they've pared these drops in the interim, it definitely does not bode well for what's most probably going to take place tomorrow. Looks like Chewy founder, Ryan Cohen, made a big bet on GME when it was still below $10 and have made a paper profit of well over a billion dollars in his equity position, but said that he's in it for the long term. Sounds like another billionaire investor, Chamath Palihapitya, went in on it by buying call options yesterday and had already closed out his position early this morning. Sounds as though this was just a learning experience for him and he said that he will be donating all of his profits plus his $125K original starting position to some kind of charity fund. If anything, you probably should have gone into Koss which was under $5 at the start of this week, closed at something like $10 yesterday, had a high of roughly $70 today before hitting $90 in the early part of the after hours session. And we thought that ASM 300 and TMNT 1 prices were crazy with all of these nutsos sitting at home on their laptops with nowhere else to spend their stimulus money!!! Definitely don't see this dangerous game going much longer as some of these high risk hedge funds have apparently chosen to close out their short positions with having to absorb billions and billions of dollars in losses. Looks like this could have a big negative impact on the equity markets as they are now being forced to sell some of their big winners like some of the big tech winners which most of us probably have in one form or another, in order for them to to cover their huge short losses. These Reddit WallStreetBets online guys really needs to come over here in order to pump some life and supercharge the dead part of our comic book market so that we can finally unload a lot of this worthless turd that we have sitting in our collections.
  10. Around what time period was this? I guess this goes to show that the Dentist was also a rather active trader of books when he saw something that he really wanted for his collection, and not quite the hoarder some figure that he was.
  11. I was just reading about that tonight Yes, looks like at least one of the hedge funds decided to call it a day and have now closed out their position on Game Stop with the stock hitting almost a high of $380 after closing yesterday at under $150. I guess that's the dangers of shorting when you've got a mob of small retail investors sitting at home with nothing else to spend their stimulus money on except for comic book and stocks (or even cheaper killer call options) when it was selling for under $20 about 2 weeks ago. Needless to say, my better half is totally p*iss off at me since she told me last night we should buy into AMC which closed at under $5 yesterday and ended up opening up the trading day at $20. I told her she really can't complain that much since she still has her almost worthless shares of Blackberry (while I sold off my portion for at a loss well over a decade ago ) from way back in the day and these screwballs have now driven that one up to almost $30 from the $6 price point it was at earlier this month. Finally, after all these long years. Any chance we can get some of these nut cases from the Reddit WallStreetBets to join us here so that they can drive the price of our worthless 1980's B&W's and Valiant books to go up past the price of Action 1 and 'Tec 27.
  12. Definitely in full agreement with you as that definitely sounds like an oxymoron to be. Maybe the original poster needs to give us an exampe of one of these major keys to see if we are even talking about the same thing here. If it's really a stash of 10,000 comics with a total estimated value of only $100K to $150K, then the seller's going to really have a tough time sloughing out all of these books here. As I have said many times here before, in the type of market we have today, it's a whole lot easier to sell one $100,000 to $150,000 book, as opposed to trying to sell 10,000 books at a price point of $10 to $15 each. Not sure if you are planning to get any of the books slabbed or not, but if you do and you are already incurring lawyer's fees to dispose of this huge collection, you just might need to worry more about capital losses as opposed to capital gains by the time you add up all of your time and expenses to dispose of the collection. Hopefully, your estimate as to the overall value of the entire collection is incorrect and it is actually worth a lot more than $100K to $150K.
  13. Talking about video games, just imagine if you had brought a few thousand shares of that worthless and almost bankrupt Game Stop company a few weeks ago. Based upon the after hours trading price, you could have been sitting close to a million dollars as they go and take some of those hedge fund short managers out to the woodshed and give them a hard lesson at their own game.
  14. I went all in on 1 April 2020. Waiting to cash out anytime after 1 April 2021. Currently up 227% Well, if you are talking about crazy equity markets, how about all of the Game Stoppers who probably made that kind of a return between their breakfast and lunch if they were lucky enough to have guess the right way with their bets. Sounds as though they figured the market is rigged anyways, so why not take those big hedge fund managers out to the wood shed and beat the crappers out of them like they normally do to everybody else when they sell short. Sounds as though some of tthose hedge funds lost billions and billions of dollars the past few weeks with Game Stop moving from below $20 earlier this month to below $40 last week and now rocketing up 90%+ today to a close of almost $150 followed by a further 40%+ in the after hours with a high of over $240. All I can say is that the shorts must really be feeling it as I believe that 150% of this company's shares have been shorted. Ouch!!!
  15. Hideous 9.0 Well, let's hope this is just a quality control slabbing error and they just inverted the numbers because this copy here looks a lot closer to a CGC 6.0 graded copy. Then again, maybe this is just within CGC's acceptable grading range of error.
  16. Well, for anything entering or leaving Canada now, I believe there's now ging to be longer delays going forward as they just had a major Covid outbreak at the the South Central parcel facility just outside Toronto (i.e. Canada Post's largest parcel facility) where most of the parcels go through. Sounds as though a total of 190 employees so far have just come down with the virus and all employees are now required to be tested before starting their shifts. No surprise then that Canada Post told their customers that parcel delivery will now be delayed with scheduled deadlines not being able to be met.
  17. Have you checked into the possibility of setting up an off-shore bank account in one of the Caribbean tax haven countries?
  18. Double wow indeed, as this makes me wonder what the CGC 0.5 graded Universal copy would go for since it's clearly super super rare being by far the Single Lowest Graded copy out of almost 20,000 slabbed copies according to the CGC Census Population Report.
  19. Wow, sounds as though they are really tightening the screws on all of this online internet selling that's taking place in this pandemic driven economy. Any idea if the major auction houses are also required to send out these tax forms to you, and if so, do they also provide a matching copy to the IRS on your behalf to make sure that everything gets reported?
  20. Have a cousin who worked for one of the Big Firms in Chicago for 40+ years, since retired. His advice to me in March- If you believe in America, now is a good time to get into the Market. Buy the SPDR ETF for starters. I took his advice. Made some money. Not nearly as much as a bigger shark, but I did ok. Point being, there are a people a lot smarter and well positioned than me, who did the same, and probably made 6 to 7 figures since March. Totally believable and you certainly didn't have to be in the market for as long as that. Heck, I know of some middle class (i.e. non wealthy) people that's made 6 figures in the equity markets this month alone and we still have amother week to go yet. Of course, all of that is probably still really in paper profit as they haven't taken their money completely out of the market yet, so who really knows.
  21. Yes, there it is. A slightly lower commision fee. It may have even been a smarter play that way because the BP is going to cause a lot of people to just not bid at all. Like I had alluded to earlier in my post above, this could result in other unintended consequences in terms of the slipperly slope as it could quickly turn into a race to the bottom with the other competing auction houses also responding in kind and dropping their fees even more. They probably figured that once they got onto this ride downwards, they wouldn't be able to jump off in time until it hit rock bottom.
  22. I definitely wouldn't think of it as their sole marketing advantage since I am not actually aware of any of the other comic book auction sites that charges a Buyer's Premium. Unless you are comparing them solely to Heritage only, since that is the only major comic book auction site that I am aware of that charges a BP.
  23. Hmmm. I never thought of that. I wonder what kind of things are collected in different countries. As history and current times have clearly shown us, the Chinese culture and mindset is all about real estate and collecting property.
  24. Not sure how many people were actually loading up right at the sharp deep bottom of the equity markets as that would have definitely taken a lot of guts or foresigh at the time. I am sure a lot more were definitely stepping into the market during many of the short dips that took place in the equity markets since that time though. If so, these people would definitely have a lot more money to spend on online auctions, especially since they were pretty much stuck at home with nowehere else they could go to spend their extra money that they were now raking in. Definitely a K-shape economy during this pandemic as the rich got richer and the poor got poorer with what took place and is still occuring even today.
  25. Yes, not sure why CGC didn't use their Green Qualified label here, as this CGC 0.5 assigned grade tells you absolutely nothing at all as to the actual condition grade of the underlying book itself.