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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. They show it on their site, so I'm guessing so http://www.skeltoncrewstudio.com/ghostkey.html Dial up won't let me in.
  2. I absolutely loved it. I read it three times already. ...and now I can start "Ride On" in Mr. Hill's Heart-Shaped Box tonight.
  3. Yeah, they had decided on a 36 issue run last year. But, it might not be over like you think...
  4. The "hairs cross over each other" variant. Hastings has had some pretty classy IDW variants. Really on par with the excellent ones of Jetpack Comics.
  5. Whoops! Spoke to soon. Good luck getting it though.
  6. My LCS had them, so I think you will be alright. Enjoy it when it comes in. Crown of Shadows was an awesome arc.
  7. Thank you ComicDiva, I'm still stuck on dial-up so I haven't been able to visit his image heavy site to well. Those look awesome. Wow and Wow, about the new #1 book. I guess all six issues will be stand alone books to the "Keys To The Kingdom" arc. It has the most beautious art in it, with some good ol' fashion Walking Dead ultra-violence in it to be sure this month and Joe's narration in the Legacy reprint was a hoot too.
  8. I wonder if there will be a Hastings Edition for the variant?
  9. why is that? Official List For Tomorrow... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4189813#Post4189813 piece of mess i don't think i can wait another week *spoon* *spoon* *spoon* *spoon* *spoon* Might have to start a support thread at the WDC for TWD floppy withdrawal symptoms.
  10. Yeah, truth is I can't find anything out of the ordinary with L&K: COS #6. But, because I'm so obsessed with finding them in perfect condition, I can see little differences in construction(staple placement), printer ghosting, cover background tints or different coverstock which is kind of cool.
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/Walking-Dead-10-Serbian-B-W-CGC-9-8-OKRUZEN-MRTVIMA-/180542127842?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 or http://cgi.ebay.com/WALKING-DEAD-10-SERBIAN-VARIANT-CGC-9-8-LIMITED-100-/230488318514?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 http://cgi.ebay.com/WALKING-DEAD-1-SERBIAN-VARIANT-CGC-9-8-TOP-CENSUS-/230488318524?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 also, i wish this guy would get his info correct. his copy is not the only cgc'd copy. i have the first serbian #1 to be cgc'd Yeah, that guy is completely out there clearly...
  12. I bet a few did. I can't tell what I'm supposed to be seeing as a misprint in that pic. Yeah, I'm not sure either. I just bagged and boarded them after I got a couple from one of the creators and have been waiting to see what the issue was before grading them. At the time during mid-June there was no regular editions released(so I think it had something to do with that issue) and not many variants. I originally thought it was because of miscuts(I sent TJ one) then I thought it was because the covers weren't embossed, despite being coated to be, but now I'm not so sure. Everything looks to be about the same inside with subject matter(nothing bad was taken out), Mr. Hill really pushed the emotional envelope with this issue. I'll follow up on this when I can.
  13. And you passed on the 2nd print books? Do you know how tough those are to track down in high grade?
  14. 9/10 for me too, got the # of kids at the farm wrong. same here Same here, plus another one(where the zombie popsicles were). 8/10 (thumbs u
  15. I loved that movie when I was a kid. My dad's generation had Barbabella, I had Galaxina.
  16. Now if all those sigs were on a #1. I think it would create a major time "pair-of-ducks something" that would stop the universe right there and only someone like JJ teamed up with Lady Gaga could save the galaxy from the evil robot kings with another awesome Signature book. But seriously JJ, They are not Jon's. Go on......... Ummmmm.... Pirate's?
  17. Now if all those sigs were on a #1. I think it would create a major time "pair-of-ducks something" that would stop the universe right there and only someone like JJ teamed up with Lady Gaga could save the galaxy from the evil robot kings with another awesome Signature book. But seriously JJ, They are not Jon's. I'm a big Galaxina fan.
  18. Now if all those sigs were on a #1. I think it would create a major time "pair-of-ducks something" that would stop the universe right there and only someone like JJ teamed up with Lady Gaga could save the galaxy from the evil robot kings with another awesome Signature book. But seriously JJ,
  19. I know. I'm dying for more keys too. "Ghost Door" doorknobs with "Ghost Keys" that open them would be awesome too.
  20. I guess Israel Skelton designed "Head Key" and Anywhere Key" prototypes and made a "Ghost Door" for Joe Hill's home, but other than that nothing else has been released other than the "Ghost Key". I have seen a Locke & Key zippo pictured somewhere, but not for sale.