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Alan Thomas

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Posts posted by Alan Thomas

  1. Hello is it possible to send payment with the submissions. In your own terms and agreement number 5. It says that the customer will be charged at time of submission. I currently have two submissions that if charged at time of submission would of been paid for. But because CGC does not follow it's own terms and agreements I have two submissions that have not been able to clear the payment process and currently I do not know when I will be able to to pay.

  2. I finally have my first 6 magazines being shipped back. I am very curious to see what I receive back. I will compare my images of each magazine. As I check out the photos that I took of my submissions and compare them to the grader's notes, I'm at a loss for what the graders eyes pick up that my camera could not. That being said, It would be a great service for CGCs customers if in the grading numbers explanation there were examples photographs for the grades. Without examples the words mean nothing. And transparency is good for both sides. Like I said before in an earlier post , I would freelance for CGC fixing all the wrongs.

    The best grade I received is a 9.0  but what does a 9.0 look like. What are handling and or manufacturing error what do they look like.  Thank you Alan Thomas

  3. On average, how much time does it take to recieve images via email. My UV tracking shows that the package was picked up on Monday at 4:58 P.M. in Sarasota. Today is Wednesday. I also paid for the overnight shipping and was hoping to receive it on Friday.  Thanks Alan

  4. When does CGC Charge my credit card. I purchased a membership and then sent for magazines in to be graded. During the invoice process, when it is time to finalize the order, and it calls for the credit card information  I then clicked on the submit link and continued the process of printing out the invoice and sending everything in. I assumed that, like all other websites I have used, once you finalize the order it charges the card immediately, Just as it did when I paid my membership dues. Apparently there is some time before CGC charges the card. I looked for some place that explained this process on the site but could not find one. It is possible that I missed it. This has to create problems for both CGC and there customers, If CGC does not charge first then there could be issues with there not being enough money to cover the charges due to there delay. I am trying to make it possible for CGC to collect any outstanding fees so there is no delay in turn around time.if there is no explanation of the charging process on there web site, there needs to be one so that CGC and it's customers can be on the same page. Thanks. Dreadful Delay 

  5. I have purchased a magazine for a decent price less the $30. I can't find anything wrong with the magazine it has been stored in a plastic box with other magazines for the last 25 years. I have checked the price of similarly graded magazines, the price range at auction of a graded copy ranges from $200 to 123,000. What tier to I choose for grading, I payed less then $30 but I believe it will grade very high. Does this mean that I need the higher tier. What do I need to do when shipping. Is. There some special practices I need to do. I would not want to just ship it to CGC In normal shipping. Are there any third party insurance company's that you know of that I can purchase insurance from?

  6. I am trying to submit and make an invoice, the magazine does not show up for selection so I enter the correct information on the link and still nothing is showing up? This prevents me from being able to submit. What can be done to correct this? Thanks, also I assume that this is due in part to the fact that this would be the first one of this date graded?

  7. After great research on CGC site I finally have a good answer. One that makes it affordable. The fair market value is what I paid for it, what a buy has offered to buy it at. Basically what CGC will pay me if they decide to keep it themselves. I'm not saying that they are dishonest, So far I have had no problems with CGC. You need to play the game it's a game right. I talked to someone who is familiar with this type of industry. His advice was to find an insurance company that understands what I am trying to do and buy real insurance, that way if the items I send in get lost or damaged then there is an avenue to having the claim investigated by law enforcement, as well as the insurance company. The person I talked to was qurious if CGC had there own collection of collectables, If so how were they acquired. What documents do they have to support there claims. And he said that there should be a public board of all the items claimed lost or damaged by the customers. He also suggested that if I had to pay more for an item based on its fair market value as insurance, then there should be a document that explains the insurance policy. That without such a thing I had very little chance of getting anything from them if my items were lost damaged or as he made clear stolen. He said that lost and stolen in the legal sense are very different actions. The fact that they do not include stolen in there recognition of possible outcomes. Makes him nervous. He questioned who the actually underwriter of the insurance policy is. If they are calling it insurance then there must be an underwriter who is registered under the federal insurance act. Otherwise there in so actually insurance on my items. He warned me that these practices are not legal and it would be best to have an actual insurance company insure my items. He said this is a very bad situation to get into, if I send something that has a possible value exceeding 100k and it was lost damaged or stolen while at CGC and even if they had to pay 100k for it, They would still have it somewhere. That the old adage of 1X0 = 0 does not stand up to today's mind. That if I had One copy of a Jordan magazine in front of me and I multiplied it zero times it does not disappear. It stays right in front of me.  Personally I will continue to send in my items so far I have had no issues. But I will take his advice if I ever send in something with a high potential value. May there is a company out there that can mark a magazine with ions or radiation something that does not do any damage that way I know the magazine I send in is the magazine I get back. So far I have had no problems at all thou I am new to this. And eager to join the community I just hope there is no conflicts of interest here. A good chance to hear what they have to say, I suppose I'm lucky that my brothers a lawyer. He said l, just like in boxing protect yourself at all times.   Alan Thomas


  8. So I can select the lowest tier regardless of the expected value is?

    Maybe I should get strait to the point. I have a magazine Michel Jordon that has nothing wrong with it the are no marks of any sort. A 9.6 sold for $122,000.. If I submit mine there is no way I can presently afford the unlimited tier either now or the foreseeable future. A 122,000 to me is like millions to the average person. So I have a lot of anxiety about this. If I cannot get it graded....you ever have one of those dreams when you find a pile of money and grabe a bunch of it only to wake up squeezing your pillow?



  9. Hello I have a magazine that I believe will grade at either a 9.6 or a 9.8. Recently the only know 9.6 sold for $2,200.  My copy  is in near perfect condition. So I must assume that the market value is 2200 at the minimum. How and what grading service do I need to use. and how is payment made if I select the under $400 and it grades at a 9.6 I have all ready paid for the grading at this point. What happens. Do you try and run my credit card for the difference, if so and the card is declined what happens.  What happens if I get charged for the unlimited value price and when I sell it I only get $300 for it, do you refund me the difference between what I was charged and the normal $25 price.

    This would only seem right seeing as if I claim it to be 400 or less and the actually market value is 2200. Then I assume that I would have to pay more. 

  10. How should one go about researching Sports Illustrated magazines. I ask due in part, that when I search one cgcs' website the only list I can find is from 1993 to 2023. I would not prefer to see cgc completely missing there target, so I will assume that I am in error. Thank you Alan Thomas