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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. Well...the "it was all a dream" ending is cheap and lazy, but I can't really call Legion's structure cheap or lazy at all. It's highly intricate and the opposite of lazy. But I can't help but think "none of this is really happening" throughout most of every episode as I watch and it keeps me from digging it fully.
  2. I never understood the idea of the astral plane anyway. It seemed to take the Xavier's telepathic powers and add magic to them, putting things into the realm that in Marvel Comics was inhabited by Doctor Strange and Thor. The X-Men are the children of the atom, the by-product of science and evolution. Yes, it's all essentially magic anyway since there's no viable mutation that could allow someone like Storm to ever control the weather--which Stan Lee has also said he never liked about Storm--but it had enough science for me to enjoy it as unique from the type of magic defined by Merlin from the Arthur legend or Gandalf and Saruman from Lord of the Rings. I could never get into the astral plane issues because of all this, and I'm not particularly enjoying it here in Legion, either. But I do like the style of the show, without that I would've stopped watching a while back.
  3. I doubt most people could get into it. I always hated the X-Men issues where Xavier was off in the astral plane doing stuff that had no direct correlation to reality, including the issue of X-Men where the Shadow King first appeared pictured below. They seemed too ethereal, abstract, or like figments of the imagination. Kind of the same frustration when a director shows you a bunch of stuff but then the character wakes up and you realize it was all a dream. Seems like a cop-out.
  4. Probably my favorite episode aside from the pilot, but I'm still not much enjoying almost everything taking place in his head. The British voice was funny. Jemaine Clement continues to be the highlight of the cast.
  5. It's probably already obvious since they haven't casted the film yet, but just to be clear that poster is fan art.
  6. I wouldn't even pick her in a fight against her mom.
  7. The actors exaggerate their height, and the fans underestimate it in response. Stallone is 5' 9", Cruise 5' 8", Gibson 5' 10". There's a guy who has a dedicated site that objectively figures it out I use whenever it's in question: http://www.celebheights.com/. I have heard people claim Stallone as 5' 7", but it's relatively easy to see he's taller than that with all the times he's been photographed next to Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  8. This guy does seem to be tall, though. I stood next to Chuck Norris at a casino once, a long time ago, trying my best not to stare, but he was barely my height and I was wearing flats. I'm only 5'6". My friend was playing craps next to him, so we were there for a while. I don't collect autographs, and I didn't want to disturb him, but I wish I had a camera with me. This was before we all had cell phones with cameras;) Tell the primal portions of your female brain that yes, he's 5' 9", but Chackie Chan is 5' 8", Statham is 5' 9", Bruce Lee was 5' 7", Ray Park is 5' 9", and Jet Li is 5' 6, so the idea that Finn Jones is tougher because he's 6 feet is purely a myth.
  9. I didn't know she was playing Barbie, but I know Amy Schumer so it seems clear that defying the expectations you're referring to would have been the very first reason she agreed to the role and the most likely reason they cast her to begin with.
  10. If you can't find another Chuck Norris, or Jason Statham, then don't make Iron Fist yet. Wait. Much like finding a large, physically and mentally strong female actor is difficult with Wonder Woman, finding a martial arts guy who can act is an incredibly difficult task.
  11. I really liked this show as a kid, but it seems incredibly difficult or impossible to translate it to a big-screen film four decades later. Half of the coolness was seeing a ship that looked like a totally traditional ocean-faring battleship floating magically in space. The allure of that will wash over us as adults if we didn't cling to the idea as kids, so what remains from the original is the Japanese melodrama that we didn't recognize as exaggerated as small children. George Lucas had enough lashback from fans in trying but failing to help adults recapture their childhood with his prequels, and this show seems far more challenging to create in any way that will appeal to adults.
  12. Yea, that's just an awful Hollywood decision. Whoever thought that just anyone can play a martial arts master hasn't the first clue why Bruce Lee was so loved, or why people do enjoy Jackie Chan movies, or why Ray Park was by far the coolest villain in the Star Wars films in his portrayal of Darth Maul. Having a high degree of martial arts skill is scintillating to watch on screen, and if you don't have it and your main guy is supposed to be a martial arts master...hoooo, boy.
  13. Much better than Rotten Tomatoes! Pretty sure the IMDB ratings are fan ratings, not critical ratings like Rotten Tomatoes uses for their primary scoring.
  14. I just mess my pants in anticipation for this gem.
  15. Train wreck in progress. And I'm a huge Venom fan, too, so it gives me no pleasure to say that. But after seeing Sony ham-handedly force Venom upon Sam Raimi effectively forcing him to quit the series, I have little or no faith in their ability to manage these films.
  16. Critics pooping on this thing left and right!
  17. So who's making this movie, Marvel or Sony? If it's Sony, then
  18. I'm sure it will be as a Force ghost...maybe CGI versions of Alec Guinness and Sebastian Shaw will make an appearance too.
  19. I'm tired of every episode taking place in David's head. Much like Bill Sienkiewicz's art on Legion's first appearance in New Mutants #25, this is all too abstract for me.
  20. That is definitely different than Facebook likes which show you who did the liking when you hover over the feature.
  21. How does it discourage people from talking to each other?
  22. Why is anyone who up-clicked this change request paying any attention to the like feature or the statistics at all? Other than glancing at it when Arch said he added it and clicking the "Leaderboard" link once, I haven't even noticed that the feature exists since he added it. It's also fair to ask me why I'm even questioning the change request. I'm libertarian by default and don't really understand why you guys want to take this feature away from whoever finds value in it. I similarly ignore Facebook's "like" feature and don't get the hubbub around it, either.
  23. I think your final comment there is as childish as the like function we're (trying) to air our views on. Sounds like you need a "dislike" button to click.
  24. Who cares if there's a like button or not? I get not finding value in it because I certainly find none, but I don't get wanting to take it away from other people who might enjoy the feature. The "Quote" line was there when Arch first set up the boards, but the "Like this" feature wasn't, so if he turns it back off we've still got the big quote box, so there's literally no functional advantage to turning the "like" feature off other than some sort of bizarre sour grapes towards the people who enjoy it. Is this all some sort of pent-up hostility about not being liked by the popular kids back in high school?
  25. I liked the parts where David used his power in the real world. I'm not much digging all the stuff that takes place in his head. The highlight of the head stuff was Jemaine Clement last week acting all 70s groovy.