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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. And just to mix it up a little, with another ECCC snag... I want to say dollar bin, might have been $3:
  2. And that version of Thor actually first shows up in Venus #11, despite some sources saying #12. I could scan the relevant page if needed... Although I don't think the Thor in Venus really maps to the latter Thor very well at all. Loki, however, is a lot closer to the later version. Not identical, but close enough that I think the Venus #6 is a meaningful book in a way the #11 isn't.
  3. And a couple more: One of these days I'll get bored and post the 170 consecutive issue run I've got. This is not that day, however. :-)
  4. Because I'm down to 32 books to go for my Looney Tunes run, and I often don't feel like scanning my older books? With that said, there was ECCC last weekend, so a few holes did get filled...
  5. A relatively minor pickup, but nice to have. Basil Wolverton for the win!
  6. I think you did solve the reason for the incorrect date. The indicia starts: "WORLD'S FINEST COMICS, No. 96, September, 1958. Published monthly, with the exception of January, May, July, and November..." . So, if that's where the change from 6x to 8x occurs, it makes perfect sense that the cover had what would have been the correct date before the change in schedule. The 97 then has the correct October date, both on the cover and in the indicia, and both the 97 and 98 have the same list of skip months. I don't have a copy of 99 to check, but I'm guessing by 101 they decided to evenly space the skip months, so April rather than May is skipped. Thank you for the research, mystery at least partly solved!
  7. The GCD reference is brand new, I added it when I discovered the book.
  8. My guess... and it is purely a guess... is they accidentally printed part of the run with the OCT. on the cover, but somebody noticed the error before the run was done and corrected the remaining copies. Alternative theory: for some bizarre reason they had to print more copies; and because of the delay they wound up changing the cover date to keep it on the stands longer. We'll probably never know at this late date, given that it apparently took 58+ years for somebody to even notice the variant existed. (Although if anybody can find an earlier reference to it, I would love to hear about it.)
  9. I picked up a low grade copy of this at ECCC today; and it was only when I got home to put it with my other Kirby Green Arrow issues that I realized that it had an October cover date, which is incorrect. A glance at the bay suggests that the October version is less common, but there are some around. But I couldn't find any reference to it otherwise. Does anybody here know anything about this one off the top of their head, or is this a previously undocumented variant? (Admittedly, a boring one, but it's still fun to come across something like this.)
  10. I'm afraid my selection of Lobby Cards is rather limited... All I've got is a set of 8 from the original release of Bridge on the River Kwai. I'll see if I can get a picture of them after ECCC.
  11. Ordered this from Metropolis about 8 years ago, I figured the listing was a typo for Adventures of Peter Wheat #43. There wasn't even a scan, but the book was cheap. Overstreet still only lists Peter Wheat News to #30, and back then the GCD did the same. So I, quite literally, did not know the book existed until I had it in my hand, and was happily surprised to discover an unlisted book. Mind you, the title has been driving me crazy- over the last 8 years I've found (and won) exactly 11 complete issue, and 15 with just the comic pages:
  12. Howard, Lovecraft, CA Smith, and a cool cover? Here's my only book that meets the first 3 requirements all in one; and if there's any Brundage cover that doesn't meet the 4th I'm not aware of it. Howard has a western story, "The Man on the Ground"; Lovecraft shows up twice with "Dreams in the Witch-House" and, ghost-written for Hazel Heald, "The Horror in the Museum"; and Clark Ashton Smith has "Ubbo-Sathla", a Hyperborea story.
  13. I would say supply is probably similar to comics, but with a lot of variation. Genre can have a LOT of influence of scarcity; Science Fiction pulps are a lot more common, for example. Right now, I would say demand (with a few exceptions) is pretty soft and we're very much in a buyer's market. The internet has been making finding books a lot easier, and it's a little morbid but I believe a lot of collections are hitting the market as the generation that could have bought them new are passing away. If there is a price guide, I'm not aware of it, and probably wouldn't trust it much. With quite a few exceptions, as I said the demand is soft at the moment and books can be gotten a lot cheaper than a decade or two ago. Hero Pulps, Spicy Pulps, and pulps with stories by certain authors are notable exceptions, but even those have deals pop up. Pretty sure there's nobody grading and slabbing pulps, I know I've never seen any slabbed copies for sale. I'm also not what I would call an expert on pulps; so if one of our members who is disagrees with what I'm saying trust them over me.
  14. You're just bringing in the good stuff this week, aren't you?
  15. I could be quite wrong, but I think some of the early EC's are actually PD, including that Moon Girl issue. None of the famous books are, though.
  16. A lot of those listings aren't really from photocopies, they're from the free scans at the Digital Comic Museum or Comic Book Plus. A good quick example would be the Target v2 n5, the damage on the cover is clearly from my scan of Jim Vadeboncour's copy. To be fair, the listing does admit this. But why buy a book via eBay you can read on line free?
  17. Not "Going to get", have. That one definitely is/was a grail issue for me. I've posted it before, but any excuse will do:
  18. This one isn't quite a grail; at least not in the way the June 1936 issue was. Do we have a term for "as high on the want list as it's possible to get without actually being a grail book?" In any case, it's one I'm extraordinarily happy to finally get. Now I just need to track down the March and April issues; but I think this is the hardest of the four Lovecraft Astoundings to get:
  19. Let's see if it will let me upload the 2nd issue now: Oh, good! I'll get this figured eventually. A couple of fun looking books, by the way, Robot Man!
  20. And this thread needs some bumping. I've posted these covers before, but I don't think I've ever actually posted them in the Pulp thread specifically. Picked them both up (the full run) at ECCC a year or two ago; can't wait for this year's show: And... it's only letting me post one, says the file is too big. I'll get the other issue soon.
  21. Got this one recently that had been rescued from a bound volume at some point; might as well use this to test posting an image. Not high grade, but I'm happy to have it:
  22. You can argue that this is both Flash and Buck... at least, it's the actor for both: And thrown in just for fun:
  23. +1 I have a few of the Our Gangs and really like them. I might well end up with a few more of them some time. I tend to rate Our Gang as the least of Kelly's major Comic Book projects, behind Pogo, his Fairy Tale work, and Peter Wheat. The lack of 'fantastic' elements kept him from producing his greatest work. With that said, it's still one of Kelly's major works; and it's a masterpiece. Still need to fill in quite a few issues; 6 in particular is driving me nuts...
  24. I believe that is a very scarce book. I was the one who told Overstreet about it many years ago. The price that was listed, was reported by me. I assume a lot more copies have turned up since then. What's the back story on this book? It appears to be a book sent out to sell newspapers on a fairly new comic strip. It has 10 weeks of daily Pogo strips from 1950 and a 2 page bio of Walt Kelly, plus the cover and a couple pages selling the strip. I'll see if I can scan the non-comic pages this weekend; the comic strips themselves are easy to find. My copy has a printing error in the middle, the centerfold is horribly off-centered (the center pages only, the reverse is fine. So there's essentially one blank page and then one page of strips a page off from where it should be.
  25. Love me some Animal Comics, and those copies look great! One of these days I need to get a group shot of my complete run to show around here... Posted this in the Promo comic thread a few days ago, didn't get any comments. Maybe somebody here has something to say: Not one you see that often, I was quite happy to find a cheap copy.