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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. I thought I had scanned the Halloween Bugs Giants before, but apparently just the Christmas and Summer Giants. I'll get to the Halloween ones in a day or so if nobody beats me to them. But for tonight, a couple one-shot giants:
  2. I should dig up the one Silly Symphony giant I have, I want to say I paid $5 for it a decade or so ago. At a flea market.
  3. I wouldn't know, other than the comic issues of MAD I tend to just pick up the paperbacks or magazines at random when I spot them cheap. I would agree that the Mad paperbacks tend to be a bit scarcer than I would expect given how common they were back in the 70's and early 80's. A field almost totally outside my range of expertise, I'm afraid. Other than a copy of the Feb. 1961 issue of Bluebook for Men, which I grabbed for the John D. MacDonald story, I don't have any that even remotely qualify. Even that issue is a borderline case.
  4. I also suspect the survival ratio of paperbacks is 10-100x the survival rate of comics, because as you say adults bought them. (Although I'm sure kids also bought pulps and paperbacks, they were not the primary market for them.) So, even if they were viewed as more disposable than, say, hardbacks, they were much less likely to be abused or casually dumped. If I wanted a copy of Ace Double D-15 in a hurry, I could get one today for under $500; and it's a strong candidate for the most desirable Paperback out there. Pulps, I think, are soft in the marketplace right now because a lot of collections are turning up as the collectors pass away. I've seen more pulps the past decade than I ever did the 20 years previously. Pulps also seem to have survived the paper drives far better than comics; just based on what I see show up it seems people started seriously collecting them in the late 30's- early 40's, and issues from that time forward are fairly easy to locate for the most part. (As always, there are notable exceptions.)
  5. The first issue of Pogo's own title comes next. (I would rank the Albert & Pogo Four Color higher, but this is the wrong thread for it:) The amazing, all-Kelly Fairy Tale Parade is next to the top of the list: But the top spot has to go to Pogo Possum's first appearance anywhere: Are there any other Kelly first issues for Dell (not counting Four Colors or just covers) I'm missing on the list? Adventures of Peter Wheat wouldn't count, since it was produced for Western but not actually for Dell. And anybody want to argue the order?
  6. Mmmmmm. Love me some Walt Kelly too though! OK, we've clearly decided we're all going to go ahead and post Kelly books here despite having the other thread. I'm good with that, as I'm a crazy huge Kelly fan. So, what order would the other Kelly fans prioritize the first issues Kelly did for Dell? (Skipping the Four Color issues for this thread, of course.) I'm also not even counting the Pogo Parade Giant, since that's all reprints. Raggedy Ann and Andy is easily the low book on the list, for me. Still nice. And it gets trickier fast. Our Gang would be next. I know, I really need to upgrade even by my standards, but I got a lot of 1-5 for $40, and it will do until the right copy of OG 1 shows.
  7. 21 hours, 15 minutes. Slightly longer than I expected, but still good time. I think Popular 1 is the first Dell Comic- or at least the first inarguable one. Very impressive to see!
  8. And now, a challenge for this thread: How long until somebody can post an older Dell comic? There's at least a dozen issues that could do it!
  9. And here I go, posting Kelly's only cover for the title here despite suggesting his work belongs more in his own thread. Go ahead, call me inconsistent, see if I care!
  10. I love the mix of the line-drawn Ann and Andy against the more realistic cat here.
  11. As promised, a few Raggedy Ann + Andy covers: This has always seemed like a REALLY odd choice for a first issue cover, hiding the main character's face. 16 pages of Walt Kelly in this one.
  12. I think Better is normally considered the same as Standard, and Minoan is associated with Toby. Similar to Timely/ Marvel/ Atlas. Then again, sometimes sorting out what is what borders on the impossible. Trying to sort out Four Star and Superior can be messy, and they're not even based in the same country for the most part!
  13. I love those grey-tone Raggedy Ann & Andy covers. I should dig through mine, see if I've got a couple more for this thread.
  14. with today Sept 24 being international Rabbit Day, it is with great restraint I will keep from posting LTMM as othereric has pointed out, it has its own thread now. So this gem will have to do. Robot Man posted a nice Comedy Comics 18 with Super Rabbit in another thread today so all in all nice 'other' Wabbits! Well, in honor of International Rabbit Day, I just reposted my Comedy Comics 22 over in the Timely thread. I actually got it at the exact same time as the Animal #4. I think there were about 70-80 books in the lot, and as far as I know my LCS owner was planning on sending the rest to be graded; I just snagged those two before he sent them off.
  15. I've posted this before, but it's been pointed out to me in another thread that today is International Rabbit Day, so what the heck, I'll show it again:
  16. Found at a local bookstore today. The 2nd all-Comic Bugs Bunny BLB I have, not sure exactly where the comics are from but I strongly suspect from BB four-colors.
  17. I'll refrain from including books that could fit into other threads beyond Four Color, we already have decent Looney Tunes, Duck, and Walt Kelly Threads that cover those topics fairly well. So, here's one of the 3 Animal Comics without Kelly art- and one of the nicest GA books I own:
  18. I should have known you would have other pulps with the Atlas globe, Pat! I do find the various fringe uses of the Atlas globe fascinating...
  19. Those Amazings are just beautiful! My most recent find, and the only pulp (well, digest) I've ever seen with an Atlas globe:
  20. Cross-posting this one from over in pulps, since it's the only pulp (well, digest) I've ever seen with an Atlas globe on it:
  21. What exactly is this? It's in Gerber but not most other lists of 3-D comics I've seen.
  22. I did specify it was the May issue that didn't have anything high on my list. I was looking forward to at least a couple items in the July one... including "The Little Black Bag", which I haven't read before.
  23. Perhaps nobody else wants to share theirs, but I've got a few more to show: A very early Richie Rich appearance. For the life of me, I can't remember where or when I got these. They're uncreased, so they were never actually in a comic. An odd one, with Ziggy Pig & Silly Seal in a non-Marvel comic. No idea how or even if the publisher wound up with the rights. Archie's lone entry into the 3-D game.
  24. A couple of digest finds in the mail today: The last Heinlein issue of Astounding I still needed. Now if I can just track down an April 1941 issue of UNKNOWN, I'll have all of Heinlein's work for Campbell. Rarely have I been so happy to get a book I don't care about. There's nothing in this issue I particularly want to read; I just want it as part of my goal of "put together the entire Campbell-edited run of Astounding/ Analog". But, since this is the book that introduced the world to Dianetics, it's one of the trickier digest issues to track down an affordable copy of.