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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. It's definitely not high grade, just a solid reader. But I'm very happy to finally add a copy to my collection:
  2. You said it. I've shown this one before, it's obviously trashed. But I've had it for over 20 years, and it's one of the first two precode keys I ever got. And to this day I remember the sheer weight of history I felt in my hand when I first got to read it. As wonderful as reading a reprint or a scan is- and thanks to the internet and the current age of reprints, I've gotten to read more golden age comics that I ever would have believed possible when I first got that Mad- there is NOTHING that compares to having the original book in your hand, and the ability to read the exact same book somebody bought off the rack new back when it came out.
  3. Oh, nice one. THREE John D. MacDonald stories in there, I would dearly love to find a copy!
  4. Your copy of #1 is nicer than mine. Grr. Actually, all of your copies look amazing. I'm particularly envious of your copy of "The Army of the Dead", that seems to be one of the highest demand issues outside of the Purple Invasion and I still don't have it. Somewhere further back in this thread I posted the entire Purple Invasion series; I really do need to upgrade a couple of them even by my low standards but I do have the entire run from the start of the Purple Invasion onward. All of the 11 issues I'm still missing are in that fairly narrow band from v2 n4 to v7 n1. You mention the similarity to James Bond. It's not quite his very first line, but in the very first chapter of the very first issue he actually says "My name is Christopher -- James Christopher." I've actually wondered if Ian Fleming ever saw the series; there was at least one issue of a UK edition for sure.
  5. Got a couple of Op 5's in the mail today, here's one of them: The 4th issue, which was the earliest issue I still needed. 37 down, 11 to go, and I've got the first 7 issues out of the way.
  6. A nice pickup, my copy is in decided need of upgrade... although for reading it's fine other that the obvious flaw: I need to take some exception to your statement, though. If you are saying that Sniffles is not one of your favorite LTMM characters in the cartoons, no argument there. I'm always amazed the character actually had a dozen cartoons, because I can never remember anything about them. But in the comic book, the Sniffles and Mary Jane/ Mary Jane and Sniffles feature is miles and away the best thing in the book most issues. Something about the WB insanity just never quite made it to the comics pages on a regular basis. The Mary Jane & Sniffles feature, while not very much like either the rest of the comic or the WB cartoons, is just one of my all time favorite comic series. It's the major reason I'm trying for the full run of the LT/MM comics. (The other would be the handful of Walt Kelly issues.)
  7. I have the reprint of the 2nd one, which is unfortunately in black and white but it's better than nothing. Of course, the comic pages in the issues are by none other than Sheldon Mayer... In short, you have no idea how much I envy you those two books!
  8. I've also gotten a couple small batches of pre-war Astoundings; this isn't all the covers but it's some highlights: Part 1 of "Gray Lensman:", the cover is the only place they use the Grey spelling: This one was mislabeled, but I'm OK with it: It's actually the British edition. Still want to get the US version, but it's an interesting point of comparison: Just a striking cover image, the issue has part 1 of "Slan" Part 2 of "Slan", but the best known story in this issue is "Farewell to the Master". If that doesn't sound familiar, they renamed it "The Day the Earth Stood Still" when they made it a movie. And Heinlein reaches the point where he's writing so much he needs to start using a second name, in just 10 months he has 8 standalone stories, 2 3-part serials, and 3 names:
  9. Picked this up with my tax return. I'll crack it sooner rather than later, but a nice one to have: Sorry for the poor scan, my scanner isn't quite big enough for the slab.
  10. The art shows up on a poster in The Big Bang Theory; so a lot of people would recognize the image even if they don't know the source.
  11. Been a good few weeks for me pulp-wise, assuming everything I won shows up. Here's a start: Oddly enough, that may be the best known pulp cover art these days... even if most people probably don't know where it originally came from!
  12. Just got this gem at my LCS today: Does anybody know if the "Library Copy" indicates a file copy? It doesn't look like the stamp I've seen on most Dell File Copies, but most of the file copies I've seen are from a few years later than 1947, so it may have changed.
  13. Oh, a quick question on the Bugs Bunny Giants, in case anybody knows: Do Bugs Bunny's Vacation Funnies 6 and 8 have variants without ads on the back cover? I know The Winter Fun issue does, and am looking for it at least somewhat; I'm not sure on the Vacation 6 and 8. Those are the only 3 where I have the ad on the back cover versions, or at least where the ad version is my only copy.
  14. And, just in time for the holiday, the last three Bugs Bunny Christmas/ Winter Giants: Sadly, my copy of the Winter Fun giant is the variant with an ad on the back cover, so only the front cover this time: Got a handful of Looney Tunes issues from Lone Star today as my gift to myself; I may post a few in a few days. 210 down, 36 to go... and I also got Bugs Halloween Parade #1, which was the last Bugs Giant I needed.
  15. Just popped in here, the work on the "missing" Four Colors is just amazing to see. Thank you.
  16. As far as I know, only Bell Bakeries did the mini-issues like that. But there are several different formats they did Peter Wheat comics in addition to the 1/3 height Bell Bakeries 8 pagers: The Adventures of Peter Wheat, which was a relatively normal 16 page comic: Peter Wheat News, which was a 4-page flyer where you could cut off the back page and fold it in half to make a 4 page digest sized mini comic: And the Peter Wheat Fun Pac, which included a edited reprint of an issue of Adventures along the top: The Adventures of Peter Wheat issues aren't common, but the other three formats are all downright rare in my opinion.
  17. Just got this little Walt Kelly gem in the mail today: Has anybody else ever seen any of these little Bell Bakery Peter Wheat issues? Even more than Peter Wheat News, these mini issues are just incredibly scarce.
  18. The problem with my last post is, while it's relevant to the specific post it replies to, it doesn't really fit the thread as a whole. Let's get something that does.
  19. It is indeed: You can even see the "E" in "Crime" bleeding through slightly if you look closely.
  20. My copy is the reprint as well, with the 4-engine plane. It will suffice. If my scanner could handle the treasuries, I would post those too. But since it can't, I won't post them or the digest. Still, I'm happy having the full run.
  21. It looks like these had been posted much earlier in the thread, but are gone now. So, let's have the set:
  22. I'm not sure why Daffy got short changed in the Looney Tunes issues and the giants, but Mr. Duck sure did. Daffy didn't even have his own feature in LT/MM for ages, even when they were going so far as to invent new series such as Pat, Patsy, and Pete or Kandi the Cave Kid to fill pages in the early issues.