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Everything posted by goldust40

  1. You'll hate it. All right kiddies, I'm going to shock you all by stating that Man Of Steel is NOT A STINKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, it is a very decent film indeed - DC's best, with the exception of TDK, by some distance. The acting is a little wooden in places, and the dialogue does quite often slip into portentous genre guff, but on the plus side - Cavill IS Superman, the plot and logistics generally were worthwhile if not ambitious, the direction was above average (yes, Snyder does good) and above all else, it is a rather good ride, with quite definitely the best action sequences and SFX ever seen in a super-hero film. I even liked Kevin Costner's turn as Pa Kent, whilst the rest of the leads acquitted themselves pretty well. And Michael Shannon was born to be Zod. Better than the Avengers, chaps. A little too long it has to be said, and overall a remarkably dark, gritty work that lacks the humour of the Marvel flicks (and certainly jars with the Donner version) but them's small quibbles. It's a good film!!!!
  2. Make sure you use loads of big words to make it sound important. I'll make 'em small so that the hoi polloi get the gist of my smug invective.
  3. Off to see Man Of Steel this evening. I will of course be sharing my jaded, cynical, hater opinion regarding this turd afterwards.
  4. Lightning fast shipping and a great pre-code book - thanks Karl!!
  5. I still need issues 47, 63 & 67. None of the issues in this run are tough to come by (I am not grade conscious). No issues are really considered "classic" and the main reason I don't have 63 & 67 is that my eBay searches are probably set for GA listings and these would be listed under SA so I miss them all the time, nor am I chasing them specifically hard. Meanwhile, this came recently. Happy they went caption-free for this cover - Possibly the best of the run. Certainly the most gruesome, which is saying something.
  6. Yeah, most of CR is highly underwhelming. Bob was already drunk before that sketch, but apparently he always went on stage loaded anyway. I had no idea Bob was a Boro fan...
  7. Some more (Northern) English humour for Jimmers. Vic and Bob get paralytic for charity. Funniest thing ever to appear on Comic Relief.
  8. He is a adopted Brit. From the north - he's not one of those southern softies.
  9. Always found Victor hilarious. Not likely to be greeted with any less disdain here than Nobby's Piles, obviously.
  10. Recovered from your binge yet? I see that Andrew hasn't returned to the boards.