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Everything posted by rjpb

  1. sfilosa, no need to justify collecting high grade - I'm guessing the difficulty in finding what you want has the effect of actually making it affordable to collect HG. If I could wait 3 to 4 months between comic fixes I would consider looking for nicer books myself. Unfortunately , if I go more than a month without adding something to my GA/Atom Age collection I start to get the shakes and begin hallucinating.
  2. Great Shomburg war covers! Does anyone know why Subby was routinely drawn as being 15' tall or larger on these covers - something you almost never see with Cap or Torch. I'm not complaining - the symbolic representations are cool- especially when Subby is wrecking a bridge, or dunking an aircraft carrier, but Schomburg pretty much limited this type of represtation to the Sub-Mariner.
  3. This Speed #35 is an upgrade from an ultra-low grade copy. It arrived yesterday, a Christmas present to myself. Being the only Black Cat bondage cover by Schomburg it usually runs for a premium over guide. A few years ago it seemed all war-era and earlier Speed's were going for well over guide, and while some earlier issues are somewhat scarce, not all issues are. This was around the same time that Cheslers suddenly became hot. In both cases there are high demand books that will always fetch a premium, but today the bulk of Chesler's output can probably be picked up for around 1/2 guide.
  4. Here is the first of a couple of Speeds I picked up recently, #32 - This scan is for nearmint, who was curious about Harvey Schomburg covers. Although the cover characters are as obscure as Nedor's, Schomburg's covers for Harvey remind me more of Timelys, being generally quite busy. Harvey also made an attempt to tie the covers into the interior by having the two page text piece inside based on the cover action. Harvey seemed to use a slightly paler yellow and pinker flesh tones in coloring the covers than either Nedor or Timely.
  5. Beautiful books! Love that kiss of death cover - a classic!
  6. Did one of you guys pick up that high grade AMERICA MENACED that was on Ebay in the last year? IIRC correctly I think it was listed twice failing to get a bid the first time ( I believe it was listed for around $900 ) It seemed like a fair price for a HG copy of such a rare book, but I had already spent too much money, and rarely spend more than $400 -$500 on a single book (which is why most of my GA is around VG ). I'm sure I will regret not bidding in the long run.
  7. AMERICA MENACED - isn't that an extremely rare DC!!
  8. I'm jealous - I'd like an affordable copies of DEVIL & BLOOD myself.
  9. Excellent Lulu #1. About 10 years ago I passed on an opportunity to buy a VG Lulu#1 at a lcs for $50, and have regretted it since.
  10. Major Kudos to drbanner! for a tightly graded and well packaged Marvel Mystery #36 that arrived yesterday.
  11. Jayman, Those are all in about the same shape as my meager collection of pre-hero books, even low-grade copies aren't dirt cheap anymore
  12. Yeah, WWIII #1 and Atomic War #1 are fantastic books - I'll stick with my VG copies for now, but if I were a high grade collector, I'd be seriously considering the WWIII on ebay - a 9.2 for 150% of guide - I imagine a VG copy could probably sell for 150% of guide.
  13. $350 for a VG sounds less than what these were selling for a couple years back. I seem to remember a raw VG going for $450 on ebay at one point. Even though it is a key pre-code crime book, I don't think it's all that scarce - probably easier to find than LSS#11 or CDNP#24.
  14. Congrats on the excellent grade! While a 9.0 might sell for more than $180, Is This Tomorrow is probably the most available anti-communist comic out there - they must have printed up millions of them. There is likely at least one copy on Ebay at any given time. Compare this to books like America Menaced, Plot to Steal the World and Red Iceberg, comics which rarely seem to appear on Ebay. It is a great piece of propaganda, and no atom age collection should be without one.
  15. I always got the feeling more than a few small time dealers were hobbyists, who if they sold enough to pay for their table they were happy. They really weren't interested in liquidating their stock, because they weren't working too hard to replenish it. I think they liked to feel they were part of some larger dealer community, but lacked the skills to really make a business of it. That they would sell just enough books to warrant paying for a table convinced them that eventually there were buyers out there for all their overpriced stock. Another catagory of dealer is the guy who's bread and butter is selling silver, bronze and modern in bulk, and who has a few GA or pre-code books on the wall, or maybe HG or key SA books, and isn't really interested in cutting a deal on those books as they pull people to the table who might decide to look through the cheap stuff after checking out the wall books.
  16. I haven't been to a comic-con since the late 90s. Ebay pretty much sucks up my vintage comic budget. However, I keep thinking I'd like to check one out again, but I've heard the monthly LA con is mostly toys and porn these days, and the reason I stopped years ago going was the lack selection of GA & pre-code material ( I would often end up buying stuff I was only marginally interested in, in order to justify the time spent there). Back in the 90s, while there were always a few dealers with books both overgraded and overpriced, many dealers were flexible and willing to work out a deal on low-mid grade books, even when they were reasonably priced to begin with ( It seemed pretty easy to get at least 20% knocked off the asking price on most books, and towards the end of the day as much as 50%). I'm surprised with all the competition from Ebay and other on-line sources, that there are apparently many dealers out there with unrealistic expectations of what their inventory is worth. Who are they selling to? Is there really that large a collector base interested in low-mid grade books, who don't use Ebay and are therefore unaware of the FMV of these books?
  17. Black cat #33 has a cooler than average cover, so I can see a file copy going for guide, but it seems to me alot of Harvey File copies don't sell that quickly at guide.
  18. Screw 'em - I find alot more stuff on Ebay than I ever found at shows.
  19. I've posted this before in a different thread, but since I have it scanned already, I figure it deserves a second look. I always felt this was an underappreciated cover from Cole's Four Star era.
  20. Keith $75 for a VG Mr. Mystery 12 in 94-95 was a steal back then - I remember Harley Yee had a VG+ copy for $300 back around that time - it was that price that had me cross it off my want list as it was never a must-have cover for me. Around 95-96 I came across a FR copy for $40, which I turned around and sold in a CBG classified for $75. As for prices on high grade horror classics - except for the Harvey File copies - I'm afraid the days of buying these for only 3 or 4 times what a VG copy might cost are gone. While the absurd multiples for every .2 increase in grade may ease somewhat, I think that there is a larger appreciation for just how rare most of this stuff is in unrestored HG - and there will always be enough deep pocket collectors out there to compete for any pre-code book considered a "classic". That being said, 6K for a Mister Mystery #11 sounds extremely ambitious - I'll be surprised if Metro sees that much for it.
  21. Comichut - Shocking Mystery 51 is probably my favorite Cole cover from the Star era, certainly his best crime cover from the early 50s. Psychedelic!
  22. Here's another Cole war cover - the accidental gerber no-show Contact #2 - a cool cover none-the -less. Somehow I think a paratroopers vs. Japanese Zeros battle would have been a bit more lopsided the other way.
  23. If that Black Cat 50 you bought was better than a Fair, you made out like a bandit. I paid $750 for a NM file copy back in '96, and at the time VG copies were selling for $250-$300 if you could find one, but I do remember just 2 or 3 years before that, that it was still possible to buy alot of classic pre-code crime and horror for guide if you were the first to find it - those were the days. Thanks to Harley Yee, I was able to pick up such classics as Horrific #3, Crime does Not Pay #24 and Fight against Crime #20 for guide back then. I still think pre-code crime and horror is quite affordable - all the classic cover "keys" are still available in mid-grade for well under $1000, and low grade copies for a few hundred at most. If you compare this to Silver Age keys or many GA Superhero "classic covers", let alone keys, it's not that bad. And when you get to lesser "keys" and other cool covers, VG copies often run less than $150, sometimes as little as $30 - $50.
  24. Banner, Nice Contact - I'd like a copy of that as well. Cole did a few really striking war covers.