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Everything posted by DavidTheDavid

  1. Harder to find in good condition, more sought after by some collectors.
  2. Decent crowd? Okay sales? I had spent my comic budget this month and skipped it. I would have gone for the sake of meeting people, but between no budget and things at home that needed attention, it just didn't work out. Is there a FB page to follow? If I can plan for the next one, I'll be prepared.
  3. If I see that a seller doesn't update listings once they're sold, I just exit the thread. Not worth the effort. If someone is lazy with that, it suggests to be that they might be lazy with other aspects of the transaction. By way of example, I usually avoid one guy's threads because they're such low effort, but I grabbed a few things recently. Have I been invoiced yet or seen a thread update? Nope. Dude just is low effort. We'll see how packaging is. 🤞
  4. Costs more than the TPB, but @ft88 has a set for sale: https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/504646-copper-lots-sets-and-keys-part-ii/?do=findComment&comment=12243721
  5. You jokers better hop to it! I had 3 really pretty copies of this comic, and dropped them and the shipping box they came in. They did not survive the drop. 😭
  6. I don't get the sense that Piskor and Rugg are pumping books to dump them. They are explicitly shilling their own channel, asking for likes, subscriptions, and enabled notifications. Views and visibility are far more valuable than 10 copies of Alien Salvation they might have in a box. I don't watch many streamers, but because I work in mobile gaming, I will watch some streams for the game I'm attached to. Streamers have common practices now, in how they market and present themselves. Kayfabe is doing just that, practicing the art of the self-promoting barker, within their own idiom. They have a niche that makes growing a large audience difficult, but if they pull it off, they can enjoy another profit stream, while growing their own popularity and presence. To repeat myself, there is much greater fiscal, professional, and personal value in doing so than promoting various comics.
  7. Afraid I snuck in on the Eeries, but not that particular SSOC.
  8. I will take Eerie 70 and 72 and SSOC 19. What is the second SSOC? I might need it, too.
  9. Okay, don't wreck me for this, but it's there any Aliens content I can show an eight year old? Not gory? My kid loves xenomorphs, but I've told him he can't see the movies until he's 25. He has some toys but that's it.
  10. This is the "Kayfabe effect". Ed Piskor and Jim Rugg covered this book in a recent video on their YouTube channel. They tout the "Kayfabe effect" explicitly and tell people to go buy copies before they disappear due to the videos driving interest. 🤷🏻
  11. Wow, that must be frustrating. Don't post on my behalf. I have a time payment to complete already, so I'm really just a lookie-lou.
  12. I love those Piskors! I'd buy a complete raw set at the right price. Glwts!
  13. Another. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Wolverine-Jungle-Adventure-by-Mike-Mignola-unpublished-/255430802217?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  14. I'm slowly becoming an omnibus reader. I will grab tpbs for some titles. It's a much more affordable way to read and house the content I want. But trade readers aren't even the real juice for graphic novels. Visit your local public or school library, not to mention any retail bookstore. There's a huge market for these that extends well past the comic fare that comic readers consume.
  15. Incognito mode for those questionable search topics. ✌️
  16. I wondered that, too. I read this after going down the Google rabbit hole a bit after reading this thread earlier: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/comic-book-market-103903#:~:text=The market is projected to,all regions amid the pandemic. As well as this: https://comichron.com/blog/2021/06/29/comics-and-graphic-novel-sales-hit-new-high-in-pandemic-year/ Shift to digital is accelerating. Collectability continues to drive print sales. Big growth in Asia. Graphic novels going strong. Not extraordinary growth predicted, but it's still operating in the billions. My own LCS says things are great in all regards. I do think it's easy to overstate the comic fandoms in regards to broader pop culture. Netmarble's mobile game MARVEL Future Fight has more than 100,000,000 installs. Look at box office receipts and digital games sales for comics-related IPs, and you can easily see that many, many millions of people around the world know these big properties. And it's easy to surmise that very few of them, relatively speaking, will convert to print or digital comic readers. My point is that most people consuming comics-themed content do so in a way that is essentially comics-adjacent. It's commodified for the masses and consumed alongside all the other pop culture content that is commodified for the masses. It's great that folks around the world know these characters, but they know next to nothing about the rich tradition of printed material that we all so greedily consume. What you can see now, very plainly in the work of someone like Mark Millar, is that many creators are looking for the leap from print comics to a larger audience. So many comics read like story boards for movie or television series that I can't help but assume they are looking for their option contract with each page they draw. Okay, I am rambling. It's a rabbit hole and I need to get back to work. But yeah, the industry trends are really interesting.