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Everything posted by thebugguy

  1. Now THAT'S a wasp! And yes, they have one of the worst stings in the world- I've never been nailed by one, but that's because I know better! That's probably Pepsis or Hemipepsis- the real deal. I do get asked questions about termites and fleas and imaginary insects inhabiting people's skin (delusional parasitosis is not just an urban legend!), but I prefer to go after little brown beetles and such. Matter of fact, I'm heading to Guatemala soon for a three week "vacation"- collecting jungle bugs (and drinking rum). I only started this conversation now because I've been sitting on these books for a while and will need some pocket money for later in the summer... cheers, tbg
  2. Good advice- thanks. I'm somewhere in the middle in terms of turn-around time. I don't have to make my living doing this- I don't need to squeeze every penny from every book (and I'm not interested in dragging this out forever- the guy's got 1,400 more books I haven't even looked at yet!), but then I don't want to give 'em away, either. Frankly, I'd rather sell for a little less to a reputable buyer than deal with the potential hassle of an anonymous sale. I haven't been burned on Ebay too bad yet, but I get a little antsy with these higher end titles. I have put the ASM 122 on Ebay before, but everyone only seemed interested in low-ball offers. I may not be an expert, but I'm not desperate, nor am I totally naive. It was kind of a waste of time... cheers, tbg
  3. Nawp, but good guess. I only do "dead" bugs- I work for a major university research collection (~5,000,000 specimens). I get paid (sorta) for collecting and organizing bugs (think of a librarian and books), then go home and spend the money collecting stamps and coins (and just about anything else I can get my hands on). I've set aside a few of my buddy's comics for myself (Arrgh! 1), but for the most part I'm just a pass-through. I get a kick out of learning new hobbies, though... cheers, tbg
  4. Thanks re: personal Paypal. Makes sense. And yes, a GPA subscription would be useful- I didn't realize how cheap it was. I don't have piles and piles of $100+ books and I doubt I'll stay "in the business" once this fellow's stash is liquidated, but I can take a lot of notes during a one-month subscription and see what I can get done. Now if I can only find a spare month... Thanks for the suggestions, and yes- I don't need top dollar, just "fair and reasonable" without a lot of hassle. cheers, tbg
  5. Yes, thanks for the link. I've read through most of it before. I still see lots of adds saying "Paypal only", though that seems to go against #9. More importantly, I can't find any "comparables"- maybe I'm dense, but I can't see where a single Ironman 55 has changed hands here on this forum, if only to get a sense of fair market value (outside of Ebay)... cheers, tbg
  6. Hey, all- Please point me in the right direction if this isn't the place, but... I could use a little advice. I've been a forum member here for a while but honestly I rarely visit or post. I do have a tiny collection of comics, but I'm mainly here to "learn the ropes" to help a buddy sell off his much more substantial collection on consignment. I typically sell on Ebay (and have successfully sold 50 or 60 titles already), but like most folks I'd love to avoid it if possible, hence my interest in selling here. The problem is that I don't know the community or rules very well (what's "personal" Paypal vs regular Paypal?) and it has been difficult for me to find successful sales posts that I can emulate or a fair pricepoint to start with. I don't need to make a killing, but I also want to do right for the owner. I have three of his high-end titles ready to sell: Ironman 55 (9.4 White), ASM 122 (9.4 White), and Hulk 181 (9.6 White). Is it just dumb for me to try my luck here? Do these titles change hands frequently here? It's been hard for me to find appropriate information using the search function... Any advice/encouragement would be appreciated! cheers, thebugguy