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  1. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from jhutton2 in Canadian Paypal classaction lawsuit   
    What happens is that if you DO NOT choose the fund the recipient gets, they get what Paypal chooses.
    So if you send $10 US and don't choose the outgoing funds, the recipient (in this case Canadian unfortunately ;-p ) gets approx $12.00 CAN (1.20 exchange from US to CAN when it would normally be 1.24 so Paypal takes a few cents on the dollar).
    Except they might have wanted $ US and in that case would have received $10 US instead.
    Now, if they have $ CAN in their account, they will likely need to pay for their next eBay purchase in $ US and so now they pay with the $ CAN they have and Paypal once again takes an exchange premium so they lose 3-4% in the other direction as well.
    Boom. Paypal has double dipped into your wallet...without anyone realizing it.
    It used to be that when someone sent $ US I received $ US.  That is no longer the case.
    Some executive somewhere realized there was wool to be pulled over people's eyes so they mucked with the exchanges and even had the gall to call it a glitch.
    This is apparently the way of doing business in the common age.
    Now, if you don't specifically ask for the recipient to receive $ US they don't. And Paypal makes money in all directions.
    That used to be called robbery when I was a youngin'
    The red circle on the right (the 2nd circle) is the important one:

  2. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from jhutton2 in Canadian Paypal classaction lawsuit   
    Could you see a major entity like Paypal stop servicing an entire country?
    I don't think so.
    Further, you guys aren't thinking this through. The problem is not only Canada. It's every country that does not use the $US.
    There's no way they're dropping Canada, furthermore this suit could be a benchmark to help other countries fight Paypal as well.
    Business is one thing. Greed and fraudulent manipulation of markets is not business.
  3. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from porcupine48 in Canadian Paypal classaction lawsuit   
    What happens is that if you DO NOT choose the fund the recipient gets, they get what Paypal chooses.
    So if you send $10 US and don't choose the outgoing funds, the recipient (in this case Canadian unfortunately ;-p ) gets approx $12.00 CAN (1.20 exchange from US to CAN when it would normally be 1.24 so Paypal takes a few cents on the dollar).
    Except they might have wanted $ US and in that case would have received $10 US instead.
    Now, if they have $ CAN in their account, they will likely need to pay for their next eBay purchase in $ US and so now they pay with the $ CAN they have and Paypal once again takes an exchange premium so they lose 3-4% in the other direction as well.
    Boom. Paypal has double dipped into your wallet...without anyone realizing it.
    It used to be that when someone sent $ US I received $ US.  That is no longer the case.
    Some executive somewhere realized there was wool to be pulled over people's eyes so they mucked with the exchanges and even had the gall to call it a glitch.
    This is apparently the way of doing business in the common age.
    Now, if you don't specifically ask for the recipient to receive $ US they don't. And Paypal makes money in all directions.
    That used to be called robbery when I was a youngin'
    The red circle on the right (the 2nd circle) is the important one:

  4. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from CycloneComics in Canadian Paypal classaction lawsuit   
    Could you see a major entity like Paypal stop servicing an entire country?
    I don't think so.
    Further, you guys aren't thinking this through. The problem is not only Canada. It's every country that does not use the $US.
    There's no way they're dropping Canada, furthermore this suit could be a benchmark to help other countries fight Paypal as well.
    Business is one thing. Greed and fraudulent manipulation of markets is not business.
  5. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Bomber-Bob in HULK # 1 CLUB   
    Except it's not true.
    SC22 is like a crack addict looking for his next fix, with price appreciation being the drug of choice.
    He said that Hulk #1 was dead in the water and yet it still continues to slowly appreciate at a reasonable (and historic) rate over all.
    He said AF #15 would never go down and yet now concedes that it went down. It's simply a correction.
    People need to slow down and relax and get some perspective. And that means maybe checking GPA once every few months to look for trends rather than refreshing every hour.
  6. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from badback83 in HULK # 1 CLUB   
    I didn't take it as you stirring the pot, but I'm just trying to moderate the expectation that if a book doesn't double price in a year that it's flat.
    That is not healthy for the hobby.
    Hulk #1 has been appreciating at a historical rate. It's continuing to climb. It's just not multiplying like some books.
    To me that makes jumping into a Hulk #1 a safer bet at this point.
  7. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from SC22 in HULK # 1 CLUB   
    I didn't take it as you stirring the pot, but I'm just trying to moderate the expectation that if a book doesn't double price in a year that it's flat.
    That is not healthy for the hobby.
    Hulk #1 has been appreciating at a historical rate. It's continuing to climb. It's just not multiplying like some books.
    To me that makes jumping into a Hulk #1 a safer bet at this point.
  8. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Shaolingoat in HULK # 1 CLUB   
    Except it's not true.
    SC22 is like a crack addict looking for his next fix, with price appreciation being the drug of choice.
    He said that Hulk #1 was dead in the water and yet it still continues to slowly appreciate at a reasonable (and historic) rate over all.
    He said AF #15 would never go down and yet now concedes that it went down. It's simply a correction.
    People need to slow down and relax and get some perspective. And that means maybe checking GPA once every few months to look for trends rather than refreshing every hour.
  9. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Unca Ben in Fox Studios' WOLVERINE 3 - LOGAN starring Hugh Jackman (2017)   
    Logan was phenomenal.
    Enjoyed it from start to finish.
    DC take note, this is what a good Superhero movie is like.
  10. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from october in HULK # 1 CLUB   
    Before this newest era of free money with zero interest, comics appreciated slowly. Calling key Marvel issues dead in the water is like saying the ocean is broken because the tide went out.
    Metropolis sold a Hulk #1 in 9.0 for $300K a few months ago and prices have generally appreciated for Hulk #1 across the board (the higher the grade, the greater the price appreciation).
    Hulk #1 nearly doubled in price 3 years ago. So because it doesn't double in price this year it's dead? Oh my goodness this new generation is impatient and in need of a history lesson. 
  11. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Primetime in HULK # 1 CLUB   
    Before this newest era of free money with zero interest, comics appreciated slowly. Calling key Marvel issues dead in the water is like saying the ocean is broken because the tide went out.
    Metropolis sold a Hulk #1 in 9.0 for $300K a few months ago and prices have generally appreciated for Hulk #1 across the board (the higher the grade, the greater the price appreciation).
    Hulk #1 nearly doubled in price 3 years ago. So because it doesn't double in price this year it's dead? Oh my goodness this new generation is impatient and in need of a history lesson. 
  12. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Knightsofold in THE AMAZING FANTASY #15 CLUB   
    All expensive books. The greater the price the greater the possibility of volatility due to personal preference on what people like and don't like on their comics.
    What you're seeing is personal preference and how people value certain qualities within each grade.
    A grade is not a price point, per se. A grade is simply an opinion on what shape the book is in.
    The market decides price points based on how they perceive the book. Prices have always varied on books in a given grade for various reasons.
  13. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Knightsofold in THE AMAZING FANTASY #15 CLUB   
    OK, this explains your position. You think that it only applies to AF #15 and I would disagree. All the things discussed here apply to all books in my experience (and have for the entire 15 years that I've been back into comics after leaving for a decade).
    I'm not trying to fight either. 
    Just trying to make sure that people clearly understand my position.
  14. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Treco in When will the “comic con” bubble burst?   
    As with all things cyclical, those shows are coming back.
  15. Thanks
    VintageComics got a reaction from jimjum12 in The Showcase Collecting Thread   
    My son is a fireman in training. So proud of him.
  16. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from SC22 in Brave & Bold #28: Speculation on future pricing   
    Owner doesn't care if it sells or not.
    And if someone wants it, that's the price unfortunately.
  17. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from SC22 in Brave & Bold #28: Speculation on future pricing   
    The price for this book will move if the lone 9.6 ever sells.
    Asking price for that one is currently at $900K IIRC.
  18. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from NewEnglandGothic in JUSTICE LEAGUE: PART ONE (11/17/17)   
    I can't be bothered reading pages and pages of a missed thread.
    There are so many meaningless posts in this forum that I have no interest in (toys, advertisements, multiple trailer and poster posts, fan creations, etc) that I don't visit as often as I used to. I just check in from time to time when I feel I want to post something about a film I've seen recently.
    My comment towards the mustache was because I could tell something was up while watching the movie but I couldn't place my finger on exactly what it was. When Superman was making his evil grimace, it didn't look like Cavill and it annoyed me (in the theater, not after reading the article - which was two days later). To me, accumulative small things like this ruin what should be a world class production.
    I also don't understand why people who voice negative opinions about a movie shouldn't say anything. I don't have any particular agenda except for the fact that I believe that these movies should be held to high standards.
    I'm past the 'I should just be happy to see my heroes on the screen' phase.  I was happy for this 30 years ago.
    We're well into an arena where I would expect quality productions at this point and not just passable, mediocre efforts to pry my money from my wallet.
    It's what competition is supposed to bring....quality and choice.
  19. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from delekkerste in THE AMAZING FANTASY #15 CLUB   
    I don't know why people keep repeating this.  No they do not.
    The amount of chipping affects the grade directly.
    It may not affect it as much as you want it do, but in my experience of grading books for 15 years, it definitely make a measurable difference.
  20. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Artboy99 in JUSTICE LEAGUE: PART ONE (11/17/17)   
    I can't be bothered reading pages and pages of a missed thread.
    There are so many meaningless posts in this forum that I have no interest in (toys, advertisements, multiple trailer and poster posts, fan creations, etc) that I don't visit as often as I used to. I just check in from time to time when I feel I want to post something about a film I've seen recently.
    My comment towards the mustache was because I could tell something was up while watching the movie but I couldn't place my finger on exactly what it was. When Superman was making his evil grimace, it didn't look like Cavill and it annoyed me (in the theater, not after reading the article - which was two days later). To me, accumulative small things like this ruin what should be a world class production.
    I also don't understand why people who voice negative opinions about a movie shouldn't say anything. I don't have any particular agenda except for the fact that I believe that these movies should be held to high standards.
    I'm past the 'I should just be happy to see my heroes on the screen' phase.  I was happy for this 30 years ago.
    We're well into an arena where I would expect quality productions at this point and not just passable, mediocre efforts to pry my money from my wallet.
    It's what competition is supposed to bring....quality and choice.
  21. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Artboy99 in JUSTICE LEAGUE: PART ONE (11/17/17)   
    Thou dost lack perspective.
    It's not about having fun or not having fun.
    It's about dishing out decent money to watch something 2nd rate when other franchises (Planet of the Apes, Marvel Cinematic Universe and others) can really deliver something special that you can't wait to talk about with people or see again.
    I called JL a stinker without seeing it but I still went to see it.  I went with Lou last night to see it and we dished out $100+ at a VIP theater with dinner. I expect value for my money when I choose to watch a movie.
    While not an absolute stinker, it's still an amateurish film in my opinion.
    They throw a bunch of new characters at you with no real development, they make up a lame villain to move the plot along, they ram too many things into one 2 hour movie (something the were guilty of with BVS as well - that easily could have been several Billion dollar films if it were done right) and then they try pass it off as a top shelf movie.
    It isn't.
    Sure, it's fun watching superheroes use their powers, but ultimately quality wise it just felt rushed and I felt like they could have done better.
    Wonder Woman was a much better film. It was crafted and well paced start to finish.
    DC, what is the hurry? Why not make every film great?
    At this point there just seems to be a rush to rival the Thanos saga that Marvel has been building up for nearly a decade. Well, it ain't working. The emperor has no clothes.
  22. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Knightsofold in THE FANTASTIC FOUR #1 CLUB   
    It's on the high side of a normal range. It's typically a $130-150K book although there are outliers.
  23. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Knightsofold in TALES OF SUSPENSE #39 CLUB   
    That is a product of comics being investments rather than being a hobby.
    As a collector I never thought about resale. I thought about owning nice copies.
    Unfortunately, as values rise people need to think about resale.
    As I said years ago, these books are moving from being collectibles to being artifacts. And artifacts become commodities when the emotion is removed.
    I've been a collector since 1974 or 1975. I pay no attention to quotes, blue boxes or anything else like that.
    Personally, I'd just want a copy with nice greens.
    If people continue to focus on such things we're going to jump the shark as a hobby IMO.
  24. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from Gatsby77 in JUSTICE LEAGUE: PART ONE (11/17/17)   
    Thou dost lack perspective.
    It's not about having fun or not having fun.
    It's about dishing out decent money to watch something 2nd rate when other franchises (Planet of the Apes, Marvel Cinematic Universe and others) can really deliver something special that you can't wait to talk about with people or see again.
    I called JL a stinker without seeing it but I still went to see it.  I went with Lou last night to see it and we dished out $100+ at a VIP theater with dinner. I expect value for my money when I choose to watch a movie.
    While not an absolute stinker, it's still an amateurish film in my opinion.
    They throw a bunch of new characters at you with no real development, they make up a lame villain to move the plot along, they ram too many things into one 2 hour movie (something the were guilty of with BVS as well - that easily could have been several Billion dollar films if it were done right) and then they try pass it off as a top shelf movie.
    It isn't.
    Sure, it's fun watching superheroes use their powers, but ultimately quality wise it just felt rushed and I felt like they could have done better.
    Wonder Woman was a much better film. It was crafted and well paced start to finish.
    DC, what is the hurry? Why not make every film great?
    At this point there just seems to be a rush to rival the Thanos saga that Marvel has been building up for nearly a decade. Well, it ain't working. The emperor has no clothes.
  25. Like
    VintageComics got a reaction from paperheart in JUSTICE LEAGUE: PART ONE (11/17/17)   
    It's the ENTIRE point of the MCU. Everything is gearing up for Infinity War isn't it?
    They're just going about it properly. They're not trying to saturate you with everything at once. They're building each piece to the puzzle deliberately, patiently and thoroughly by developing each character slowly.
    It's what DC should be trying to do. Even if the Darkseid final battle appears 5 or 7 years from now, they'd still be better off than just pushing out a few weaker films over 2-4 years.