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Posts posted by warhorse-migration

  1. One very truism I hold faith in is - as a business owner (or celebrity) one should not get on the Internet stating personal opinion, about anything or anyone.

    It never pays and generally polarized customers from you in one way or another.

    It's best to stay in the background.


    Yes, that's just where a business and celebrity wants to be. "In the background." Sorry, but I can't disagree more with this. Beyond the fact that he has every right to speak about anything he wishes, I also don't believe that it does much harm to most customers. Most don't care what a business person thinks about anything. Just that they provide good product and great service. Anyone who's immature enough to let a business owner's personal opinions affect them as you say, well, they are the one with the problem.



  2. Doug, I'm actually a customer of yours, many times over.

    I have no issue with you but I will, and did, speak from experience.

    I'm likely your age or slightly older.

    I've learned many things in my experiences.


    One very truism I hold faith in is - as a business owner (or celebrity) one should not get on the Internet stating personal opinion, about anything or anyone.

    It never pays and generally polarized customers from you in one way or another.

    It's best to stay in the background.

  3. Well said meeley man, on all accounts. If I was attempted to insult or ding me in some way I'd probably have said things in much the same way.


    That said, I've made no knee-jerk comments and I do think my comments through, I don't spend all day on a chat room with a high multitude of comments to my pseudonym, but I do take time to think before speaking.


    I have no vendetta, nor rage issues.

    If I did, I would have posted when that incident happened.

    Actually, ironically, I feel for the fella selling the four items that initially caused my posting. I feel bad for him. Either for getting took, or simply because others said he did when in fact neither is known to be accurate.

    If he did get took, he should contact Ducoso and settle in some manner.


    Then, well, then Doug said what he did about someone I've done business with and happen to think differently about that piece Doug mentioned, and, I have seen the provenance on that piece.

    Of course it would behoove Doug to drag down ebay. Hmmm. lol


    I happen to be your normal gen X comic fan who happens to collect comic art and gets tired of people who make comments without wisdom/knowledge/understanding, or proof. In this case I felt for that seller, and no, I'm not him. I likely would have kept my mouth shut if people hadn't done exactly as most would and suggest I'm Ducoso, which, would be silly of him to do.....keep a negative thread about him alive.


    If a person doesn't like a piece of art for sale or suspects it's legitimacy, pass, but it doesn't mean the seller (like the guy selling the four pieces) has any knowledge of it, nor that he even suspects it himself.

    More likely he's selling something because he needs the funds for something else.

    It drags our hobby down when people are non stop accusing so many pieces as being fake when there is nothing more than opinion and conjecture about a piece of art.

    It does, it drags this hobby down.


    Does Ducoso knowingly do wrong? Very likely, since 99% of his stuff is fake.

    Does the ivory guy, highly not likely since 99% of his stuff is real, I've bought from him before. Has he been took himself and bought fake art. Perhaps, but idon't know that and if he did I don't think he knew it, he doesn't seem that sort.

    When we see a piece we know, Know to be fake, someone should notify the seller. That's when they see a piece they KNOW to be fake; that's what should occur rather than say stay away and post on a thread on the Web that said seller is to be avoided.

    Otherwise we drag down or hobby and begin to diminish sources that we can buy from. Sources such as ebay. What would we do if ebay stopped allowing the selling of original art? Or they limit who is allowed to sell... (by restricting civil rights). People such as the ivory tower guy.

    Eventually we are left with a much limited or diminished number of sources where we can buy art. lol, I mean I've bought published work from ivory guy that iotherwise wouldn't if Doug had his way. Btw, I'm sure Doug would love to see ebay stop the selling of art. :)


    Continuing on, that guy, the ivory guy, buys collections and flips them. How do i know? Because he sends me emails a couple times a year asking if I'm selling mine, though I've not heard from him much at all recently.


    Finally, i love most of this hobby. Some things are unavoidable like ducoso, but I don't think pointing the finger at the guy selling the four pieces is the proper path.

    I have said my peace and wish you well and hope your new year is prosperous.


  4. Meeley man ;)

    Why, does something strangers on the Internet really have effects on my person?

    Maybe, I just like jumping in the deep end so I can kick it with you.

    What it says about me is that I speak after thinking rather than just knee-jerk-speaking.

    I don't jump on a thread to agree that a seller on ebay, betson61, or whom ever he is, is knowingly selling something fraudulent.

    A better course of action is to contact the guy, or simply pass on his items.


    I once had an item on ebay that had its legitimacy brought into question.

    I pulled the item, contacted the artist. Months later I reposted it for sale and some bright light bulb immediately brought up that it was a fake from the past trying to be sold off once again. He did this rather than reading my ads text whereupon I also mention the artists verification and a photo of the letter from said artist.

    His only rebuttal was to then question the letter, hand written by the artist, and its authenticity.


    I had a difficult time selling that piece of art. I finally traded it off


    So, you see, actually, I just get tired of all the "experts" online probably sitting in their parents basements, two days beyond their expiration date for their next shower, looking at art online calling fake, fake.



  5. Weird paper, I agree with you whole heartedly. If in doubt, pass it up. I think fake sellers eventually drift off only to be replaced by new ones.


    Meeley man.....

    And or I'm betson61 also.

    Or, more likely, I'm a collector who is one of the thousands on here who finally started another account so I could post


    Or, I'm hanging with colonial custard in the library.

  6. Yes, you caught me, I am ducusco and my American styled English just got perfect. I've been using slightly off English on my ebay postings, for all these years, so I can one day get on this board only to use perfect American styled English.

    Brilliant in your detective abilities, truly, brilliantly astounding.


    Further, Doug, ivory hunter I've bought two published Frazetta pieces from, among other art. The guy has an incredible art collection, some I've seen, several pieces he's bought from me in the past, albeit not Frazetta.

    I've also seen a letter from Frazetta jr stating the piece you just referenced, and provided a link to, as indeed being the work of his father, Frazetta sr. as I was curious about the piece he mentioned in said ad that is a color Frazetta that published.

    I seen that too.

    I suppose it is a fake as well.



    Or, maybe I'm him and ducusco, oh, or wait, they are one in the same! Yes, that's it, and I am them, or him, rather.

  7. If he didn't "know" they were fakes, he would be trying to sell them individually. Sounds like he has heard the news on Ducoso and is trying to sell them all off at once and recoup his money. Pretty shady, really, but at least honest in where he got them. (with the oh so valuable Ducoso COA!)


    I've been a member of this board from early on but i let my original "nuvox" email account expire after they were bought by a larger company. In doing so I lost some memberships to websites, like this one.

    I never registered again but continue to read the site every week or two.



    I have no horse in this race. However, I've followed this thread, among others. I'm not going to weigh in on ducusco but this guy on ebay may very well not have any clue what he bought, real or fakes.

    It's entertaining to read people's thoughts on what's real on ebay.


    I've learned this, basically if it's not published then it's a fake according to everyone's opinion on the Internet.

    50%-70% of published is fake based on some ignorant comments on the Internet.