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Everything posted by wahoofury-migration

  1. What is this? What's My Line? Meaning I will FURTHER (expand on) no longer...Its getting into a battle of semantics at this point. Other than the fact that I have had MANY years collecting experience (and no this is not a "beat this" thing), dealing with people who know this individual, and have seen some (nope, not all mind you) of the doctored books, and heard of many more throughout many forums of communication, I have nothing more. Would I purchase an Edsel in order to prove that it is a defective automobile? Call me liar, call me mud-slinger, call me what you want, but DO NOT call me uninformed.
  2. Unfortunately for you, I dont think many people were of the thought that you were "faking" it.
  3. Not many are surprised, he leaves many feeling that way.
  4. Huh? Get hooked on phonics buddy, seriously. The Skakel case PROVES that facts are not necessary in a court of law to CONVICT. If you followed the case, you would KNOW that. Its the perfect example I can give. It was a MURDER case..........A FARRRRRRR cry from someone being "accused" of doctoring comic books. I just did, and in the MOST EXTREME example of a case, resulting in the death of Martha Moxley about a quarter of a century ago. How fitting that you would choose to quote professional wrestlers OTHER than the Gove of Minny.
  5. What others exactly? And seriously, they ARE about comic books. About someone who sells doctored comics to many unknowing people. FACT: This is something that MANY people know, not think, KNOW. Ive seen the books, I know dealers. I read, I talk to many others. Period. You can opine otherwise and its anyone and everyones right, but what he and others do is WRONG for the hobby. FACT: I have not STARTED a thread pertaining to his actions, others have. I'll say it again, I only "chime-in". Maybe the noisiest wheel gets the most oil, or however the saying goes. FACT: Yes, he does talk about comics and I honestly LOVE when he talks about them mainly because he has a PASSION for them.
  6. Yet another illogical meandering of the mindless.
  7. What is it about not understanding when a person states a fact, as can be viewed throughout many of the threads in these forume, THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND????? Seriously? AGAIN, I never assumed, thought, dreamed, nor imagined that you would hold anything even remotely close to my nor anyone's OPINIONS. You dont know me, nor do you know much of my actions in real life, and the Venom I spew just may be the truth you and others hide from, but then again, that is JUST an OPINION, one of which may just be based on more credible evidence than yours. Uh, yes I do...Do not advise me on anything, that it also a reality in which I will further no more in this thread.
  8. Then you are quite narrow-minded, as you do NOT know the FULL credibility of ANY messenger on these boards. If I say the sky is blue, it has less credence than if someone else said it. I am not asking you to take my side or opinion of ANYTHING, but to only acknowledge what is ALREADY known as FACT on these boards concerning you-know-who's behavoir. If you have been reading correctly, such as others here who do NOT read things correctly. They remember what they want pertaining to a (deleted) discussion about how facts are NOT needed in a court of law. Take a look at the Skakel case a few months back, THEN tell me facts are needed. YES, even in a court of law...Even a jury can find someone guilty for MURDER without a "smoking gun" and ONLY innuendo and hearsay. The man is in prison for a LONG time now, and we are ONLY talking about Comic Books...Would you like to digress some more?
  9. Maybe it should be the MESSAGE you should FOCUS on instead of your perceptions concerning the messenger.
  10. I STARTED absolutely ZERO threads pertaining to INITIATING a "feud" with ANYONE. Anyone looking at my post records can see this. As for "hijacking" threads such as: "Re: METROPOLIS REPLIES " "Re: Proud Member Of This Board Who Is Ashamed Of Comic-Keys " "Re: Post Heritage........more Ebay price falls?" This thread and the deleted "Official Meth bashing" thread, are ALL: 1. "Re" indicating I have NOT begun the thread 2. Just chiming-in on an already initiated theme/ discussion/ "bashing" of this individual SHARED by quite a few other people BESIDES me, therefore CANNOT logically be branded as "hijacked". 3. Done so without any racism, vulgarities, gay-bashing, what have you that you-know-who is well known for. For good reason, especially those more in the know including collectors and dealers alike. 10,000 frenchmen NEVER lie. He has done so, yet with quite an immature, racial, threatening, what have you manner. Many would agree that he has stretched this "right" much too far. His civility has been PROVEN to be nothing BUT civil many times over, and others inluding me, have ONLY replied in the same to him after he has initiated the flaming. This thread is a PERFECT example (fact) of what and who he has SHOWN himself to be: Threatening, demeaining, name-calling (to more than just 1), vulgar, you name it. Allin just one thread. My post/ reply is JUST to point this out, as if nobody already knew it
  11. Why is this guy STIIIIILLLLLLLL not banned??? He brings an off-topic "feud" into these forums, which is NOT the proper place to introduce it, Then THREATENS someone AGAIN! Why on earth is he still here, seriously? He has done NOTHING but introduce and fuel negativity on these boards since he has arrived, not to mention his "doctoring" of comics that are well-known throughout the comic collecting community. This ENTIRE thread was unnecessary from the beginning, and Koo-Koo began it WITH this knowledge. How many "strikes" does a person get?
  12. I wade into this fray reluctantly... I was once told (and believe wholeheartedly) that one of the keys to winning any battle is wisdom. Wisdom to know when not to fight, i.e., it's just not worth the irritation. Wisdom is also knowing when NOT to reply to purposely juvenille posts, and Koo-Koo has PROVEN to be extremely lacking in that area. I guess the "fish" were a biting! The other tidbit I remember is pain tolerance. It doesn't matter how much bigger the other guy is, if you can withstand whatever punishment he or she can dish out you'll win. Belief and willpower will triumph everytime. Of course I welcome opposing viewpoints. You mean belief that someone's daughter "doodled" only in several areas of an X-Men #7 scan? Even though she has to do a "Save AS" in the same folder as the original? And then the father, knowing where his "original" scan is, KNOWINGLY uploaded the WRONG, and more importantly, WRONGLY-NAMED file, in which he originally named???? And obviously DIDNT realize that there were TWO scans of the same? How does one know to upload a file in which he is unaware of and DOESNT know the name of??????????? Sounds like Ira Einhorn NOT knowing what was in his trunk in the closet! Either for brains, or a baseless excuse.
  13. It figures you'd defend someone who is 13 for 13 with his negative posts, Slobberintime. What's you do, clone him from your inbred genes? Why not do the Forum a favor and post something constructive. It's been what, about 150 posts since you did anything but [!@#%^&^], moan, and complain. And with the INVENTORY, that YOU boast of...isn't it ironic that the amount of crying and finger-pointing that someone does is inversely proportionate to their books. You speak ill of books, speak ill of people who HAVE these books, argue and debate your moot, factless, lack of evidence, self-contradictory points based on BOOKS that you don't own, could never own because you can't afford to own them. No wonder that you're such an opinionated person_too_unaware_of_social_graces. You're like the guys that come up to me with their arms akimbo, I call it imaginary lat syndrome, you know, they THINK they've got em' and want to impress ME. Then they ask how much I can bench and when I tell them, they tell me that they "can bench press 550 lbs., 10 times". Meanwhile, I'm looking at 15 inch pipestems, real spaghetti arms that maybe can manage 10 pushups. Little details like that escape most with no sense, like yourself, and you say these ridiculous things and have actually convinced yourself of it, just as they do. My next question to these pathetic fools is usually, "wow, I'd really like to see someone THAT strong in action, tell you what, there's a 24 hour gym right down the block...how about we go over there...Damn..I'd pay $100 just to see ONE of those 550lb repetitions!". I've read all your posts, didn't take long at all just browsing for CONTENT because there ISN'T any. I've "seen" your 15 inch pipestems through these posts of yours, and you belong right in that "arms akimbo...imaginary lat syndrome" crowd. You want to REALLY impress someone here. Let's see you write a post that someone can gain knowledge and insight from. Thusfar, you and Wahoo together are a cumulative 0 for 240 in that respect. Wow, Koo-Koo the Living non-sequitur is at it again! Keeping stats on me now huh? I must be in your log-book if ever you had one! I think its about time you asked me to marry you. Dontcha think????? People defend because they agree. Unless you are incompetent (Very likely) or hiding something (more likely), you have VERY little credibility on these forums and in the comic world. Changing the focus of many a viewpoint, discussion, point, fact, and other more RELEVANT issues with rambling non-sequiturs of which you are now widely known for. You live on these forums it seems, trying to protect your name and "reputation" with hidden feedback, and began his "career" on these very forums as "anonymous" for quite a long time. You have no credibilty to a vast majority of people in the know. Your "Hanz and Franz" talk is both immature, embaressing, and EXTREMELY irrelevant. If you feel you have to compensate your obvious idiotic ramblings here, there, and everywhere, with talk of "goings-on" in the gym, it speaks VOLUMES of your inability to deal with all the accusations you should be more than very well aquainted with on these forums and in the convention and comic collecting world. By the way, we are a cumulative 0-241. You must have missed a post in your little log-book you spend so much time on.
  14. We were ignoring him hoping he would go away Hey Doctor Phil, Obviously you are not ignoring me too well by going through the little trouble of feeling you had to type that. On the other hand, Koo-Koo should heed Snizzlet!t's advice, But when you have -for-brains, sometimes it doesnt "click"!
  15. Hey guys and Joanna, take a quick look at all the posts WahooFury has made by hitting his name in the bio box, paging down, and hitting "read all posts by....". It won't take too long. 13 posts of basically 1 sentence put downs and insults. Not ONE lucid thought or contribution to this Board. Not even one remotely constructive idea. Keep up the bad work Wahoo anonymous, you're batting 1.000 on the S**t-bird scale. Oh my, Im blushing! Im soooooo flattered to be such a subject that you are obviously obssessed with, to the point that you would spend so much time researching. I think. No! Im certain now! There is a tear trickling o' so slowly down the side of my face! I have never been stalked, oooops sorry, I mean thought to mean THAT much to you! NEVER argue with someone who acts/ is a fool. Others will never ascertain as to who the real fool is. Famous saying. Very fitting with you as your actions prove that. IN SPADES!
  16. Hey Wahoo, One anonymous, ridiculous, fool to a Forum. You showed up! You're obviously his replacement, and a damned good suitable one at that. Should I recap all of your interesting PROVE IT, Or shut the hell up. Maybe if you checked your FACTS, you will see that the proximity of your re-appearance (or re-birth!) is much more in alignment with the other living non-sequitur's "death" on these boards. Follow up with the inevitable assumption-based you must have patented long ago.Pretty interesting that you chose to reply to THIS post
  17. where the hell is this procrustean dope? Been awhile huh? Made to look like the fool he is, then he just disappears, How convienant!