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Everything posted by wolvie

  1. I'm not sure the post should be scrubbed , as he implicated CGC Mike .....maybe just cleaned up ?
  2. Hey , just a heads up for the guy who has the Flash #1 still there that he talked about at the start .... earlier in this thread , he was asked if he intentionally damaged my comics or it was just neglect ...his reply was "in hindsight , i wish " , meaning he wished he had damaged them intentionally ..... because , apparently, when you email him too many times, or challenge him when he fails to keep his word .... it manifests spite in him.. "more chickens"
  3. A Flash #1 , .....5K & 9 years A Flash #1 , .....5K & 9 years ....so monumental I had to say it twice ......(bro, I would have lost my mind,you are stronger than I , hope you get it back fast ) .....wait what , Was the scheme.to wait so long as to the Victim dies ? .... and poof .....no one knows ? More importantly , has this already in fact occurred , and if so who the hell would know .......aside from in a few cases , a few informed survivors .... "One of the lucky victims" .
  4. As a victim of this "Company" , I read Heroes entire reply " the oh woe is me tale " As another member pointed out , no apologies in that diatribe ,no care for the monies lost ,property damaged, or held to point of meaningless..... I'm not rich , I didnt go on vacation this year, as my income was reduced by expected 2-3k , due to his repeat unfulfilled promises..... He did , at least the 4 days he wouldnt reply over memorial day weekend , .Dominoes... I cant recover those expected sales this year , notable foreign comics auctions are far between . Its "nice" to dream your dreams with other peoples money , however the customers didnt know they were participating in your delusions. Now that the "dream" is a proper nightmare , you think the victims should be understanding ???? you think people that have been scummed by you, give a single whit about your health or what happens to you ? ...... hilarious .... ... hilariously narcissistic ..... no one cares , they care about their comics and the money you took ....but hey, its out of your hands now easy peasy huh "In Hindsight, I Wish "
  5. Did you see the pictures of his 11 short boxes, what they look like .......yes , yes it happened there , they were fragile
  6. No , no, if you read my prior post, I'm definitely not claiming high grade , as I stated , no , nowhere near that ...they needed work, its why i chose Heroes , supposedly the best ..........these were Filipino foreign editions ....the X-men 100 has a split it didnt have ..... the whole batch was never worked on as stated they were ......and now admitted to not being touched ...
  7. he also admitted that he didnt do anything, no work, all lies ...., just kept my cash .... its ....laughable
  8. I dont have any pre scans ,as i trusted his reputation... thats on me, I should have taken some ...they were all foreign editions i got long long ago , I never had taken photos .... ....in addition , I am the low man on the totem pole , in terms of economic damages ,and property loss in this thread ....i still consider myself lucky, as compared to others ......I'll shut up , hes already admitted what I wanted all to know ....baby chickens
  9. They were received/verified on 10/ 3/ 2022 ....and hes lying again, they were NOT like that ....were they perfect,no its why i sent them to the "Best " ......lololololol
  10. "Give a fool enough rope , they hang themselves "
  11. Its enlightening to all, he shows his true colors here
  12. Oh , I'm done ....yeah, nothing bores me more than a liar
  13. I could continue ....forever , but this dead horse is beat
  14. Lie #2 ... Hi Mark, I'm very sorry for any misunderstanding, but we do not work with due dates. We give our best guess on turnaround time, based on our current workload. There are so many things that can change and extend the process, so that's why we try to make it extremely clear on our website, and in our terms and conditions. We have a very specific process, and most submissions need multiple rounds of pressing, which means they have to sit for a minimum of 2 weeks each time, and then be processed through quality control. Your books are still moving through the process in the order they were received. My boss is a perfectionist, and he will not send a book out unless it passes QC. Each time it has to be re-pressed he has to use a whole new set of techniques and tools. Mike, the owner, has been going through some health issues, which has slowed us down a bit, but we are still working and hoping to be caught up soon. I will email you when your books are at the end of the process. We're getting close! Cheers, Jaclyn Kearney CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER
  15. Lie #1 .... Hi Mark, Your books are being worked on as we speak. They will have to go through Final QC and if all 4 pass, they will go to Out-Take for shipment. I will send you an email when they ship with your tracking information. Thank you for being so patient, as the pressing process can be a long one, especially when books dont pass QC (which is more often than not). Of course, it didn't help that we have been in the middle of a move, etc... Again, I thank you for your patience and I think once you see your books, you will be very happy with the outcome & the wait will have been so worth it!! Cheers! Jaclyn Kearney CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER East Coast Operations Hero Restoration
  16. me too :0 it would have at least added to your excuses
  17. I agree , nothing was done, they were left to gather moisture, flop around wherever , ... and possibly out of spite , and my constant emails .....intentional or just outright negligent ? ....I'll hope the latter .
  18. HEROES RESTORATION HOSTAGE SITUATION , explained ... a mans word is all they got, this mans word is worthless.. Hi , I'm one of the "lucky "ones ... i actually got my books back , though 2 of the 4 subbed are now destroyed. After reading the preceding 38 pages of absolute , outright wildly_fanciful_statement ...both in terms of property losses and monies paid for services , I have to be thankful I guess... I have many multiple letters from "Heroes" that are blatant lies , "Your comics have finished second press, my boss wont release these until perfect , almost there ! " ... From the Owner , "You are my top priority , just a couple more weeks " ...ect wildly_fanciful_statement , ect wildly_fanciful_statement , ignore,ignore ... .... this dragged on for many months until at this point i needed the books , The comics subbed were promised to a Heritage Foreign comics auction, and as the deadline was nearing , I would lose the opportunity , I deemed my comics as being held hostage ..... I sent a letter to Heroes office ...that said please release my comics in whatever state they are ( I assumed that they had finished a second press, as stated ) .....just release them, no refund needed That never happened , I then contacted the owner , i asked the owner the same thing ....that never happened ...although he gave his word repeatedly he'd send this day or that ....then acted as if i was the problem when i tried to confirm..........ect wildly_fanciful_statement , ect wildly_fanciful_statement , ignore,ignore After 2 months and MANY emails / multiple attempts to get them sent , they arrived at CGC .......with absolutely no work ever being done .....in fact , all the while they were there 8 months , they were stored like mess ....the comics were sent to him, flat , intact.... now ....well .... lets show how he cares for your property while they are being held hostage ......the X-Men #100 has a split from lower staple to bottom, it never had .....all 4 are now moisture rippled to F The trashiest thing is , he knew nothing was done ( I didnt ) , then he sent these rippled to hell comics to CGC instead of me ...... now costing me double , as all have to be pressed correctly, and regraded ......When I asked why he would knowingly do that , ..... his wise remark was ....you asked me to send em to CGC. ...... no he hasnt refunded my payment , no i dont think anyone will get reimbursed .... ... i think that money is long long gone ... Also, the fact that the Heroes Website is still on the internet , as a legitimate entity , and is still accepting submissions .... tells you whats still up .. it will continue ....