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Everything posted by selegue

  1. Yes that one Oddly on my search result page, there was no "Camera" icon next to this result and I simply assumed it was not scanned. I should have clicked on the listings. Love the Batman knock-off on the left side! Bertie Bat -- amazing that they got away with it, but I suppose it's a parody rather than a copy. I suppose a minor publisher like "Swappers Quarterly and Almanac" (in the Orbit/ Patches family) was beneath DC's notice. The story is bizarre -- I wrote a long review of it for a comic-book www group while I was indexing it. Here's a scan of the splash page of Chapter 1. Notice how all of the "potato bugs" look different, and there's Bertie Bat lurking in the background. Here's the last paragraph of my review: "Wow, none of the moralistic tales that we’ve grown accustomed to from the comic books and cartoons of the 1950s! The characters are almost thoroughly unlikable, except for poor, henpecked Tubby and poor, insecure Bertie. The dishonest and lazy prosper through no efforts of their own. No one learns a lesson and reforms. The characters are as violent as Itchy and Scratchy, with characters clubbed over the head with a full panel “Whango!” complete with a star and Saturn. Others are tortured, kicked, smacked in the chin with a telescope, knocked through a wall, nearly drowned and about to be boiled alive. This is not a comic book to read your kid for a bedtime story! I wonder whether Wertham and the gang saw this one." Jack
  2. I'm not sure whether you're pulling our legs. This must be "Hilton Squirrel" = "Milton Berle" I'm behind on your last few Month in the Life posts but am enjoying the heck out of catching up -- even the Love titles! Jack
  3. This book? http://www.comics.org/details.lasso?id=219513 I indexed and (I think) scanned that one for GCD. Outrageously crazy story. I'm sure that the cover is Cole, but I think that he only drew part of the story because the artwork sputters out. Jack
  4. I don't think I can afford to blow another quarter on Spawn 1. Besides, I have at least one other copy. For all I know, it has a UPC Jack (has never seen "need" and "Spawn" in the same sentence)
  5. and speaking of "no price too high", check out this lot "High grade with most NM but a few may be slightly under. Lot is Todd McFarlane's Spawn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S. 2 (2 copies), 3, 4, Supreme 2, Supreme Volume 2, #1 (signed by artist), and Cyber Force 1." just picked up on ebay for the princely sum of a quarter. How the mighty have fallen. Are any of them worth reading? Jack
  6. Chua and Colletta! I'm sure this books falls firmly in someone's personal golden age, but YEESH -- even a super-gorilla isn't enough to overcome the artwork of that dynamic duo. Jack
  7. Thanks, I added a few odd Eiffel covers Jack
  8. How many on the list now? Slightly over 20 I believe. Is the list posted somewhere? Golden age only, or do you have Metamorpho 6? http://www.comics.org/coverview.lasso?id=20025&zoom=4 Jack
  9. Oh my gosh. It's Governator Schwartzenegger! Jack
  10. If this were a Hollywood musical, I'd feel a production number coming on! "And then one day things weren't quite so fine I fell in love with Lily I asked my dad where Lily I could find He said, 'Son, now don't be silly' 'She's been dead since 1929' Oh, how I cried that night If only I'd been born in Lily's time It would have been alright" Strangely à propos in the Gold Comics forum. Jack (Who?)
  11. Fantastic! Radium AND g-g-gold! First use of an nuclear power plant. Must not be very well shielded, the way the animals walk and talk down there. Thanks, Jack
  12. Renée Lilly (sp?). She also did interior work in these Planets. Some great splashes in these issues. Thanks. I'm finding lots of entries for Lily Renee (probably should be Renée), pen name Reney, in GCD. Same person. I meant to write "Same person?" as a question, but with your added information, she must be. GCD? Lily Renee was one of the few women creators in the golden age. She wrote and drew for Fiction House. I have a magazine with some pictures of her at home. I'll drag it out and scan it if you want. Grand Comic-Book Database. If this url doesn't work http://www.comics.org/search.lasso?type=...p;Submit=Search go here and rerun the name search by Penciler. http://www.comics.org/ Thanks for the info. Jack
  13. My want list was 4 issues long. I have FCs 123, 142, 164 and I only miss FC 51 now. Yowtch! Pricey and scarce. Good luck. Jack
  14. I am not afraid to scan much, only when the staples are screwed up and on the cover instead of the spine, I won't scan. I was kidding. I guess I need to use those horrid gremlins. OK, thanks. I suppose if a steel boat can float, so can a gold boat. Gold's so soft that you'd have to be mighty careful about putting your foot through the bottom or bumping into a rock! Jack Jack
  15. Renée Lilly (sp?). She also did interior work in these Planets. Some great splashes in these issues. Thanks. I'm finding lots of entries for Lily Renee (probably should be Renée), pen name Reney, in GCD. Same person. It would be great to get more of these credits in the GCD! Jack
  16. Michael, can you post some scans of the Bugs story inside? I've been wanting to see if these Bark-esque Bugs FCs are worth collecting. The ones I've seen are (do you mean worth reading, worth collecting or both?) -- and so are the early Walter Lantz ones like Woody Woodpecker in FC 288. This is a cover worthy of of a nomination for the favorite cover gallery. Do you know who drew it? Which FC Bugs are you missing? Jack
  17. Great! That's from Don Winslow 43? Any idea of the credits? Could I talk you into a full-page scan? Aren't you scared of lowering the grade by a few tenths, taking it out of the baggie and scanning it? Thanks for the heads-up, Jack
  18. I know your tongue is in cheek, but that's Commando Yank with screwed-up color and details, right? Jack
  19. HAW! great head-fin on the bad gal. Do you know who is the artist Renée (signed)? Jack
  20. Those lecherous dragons are hilarious! They look as threatening as Beany's pal Cecil. According to the GCD, art credits for the cover are in dispute. Who do you think drew it? Jack
  21. No, I meant Eric Powell's The Goon series - New one on me. He seems to be going for an updated Jack Cole look, doesn't he? How come his little pal has blunked-out eyeballs? Related to Little Orphan Annie? Jack
  22. The hillbilly jock made me think of The Goon and his sidekick! Duh? Which Goon? You can 't mean Alice the Goon from Popeye -- she was a she -- and the sidekick/bodyguard -- and bare-chested! Well, blow me down! Jack
  23. OK by me! The romance books of this era are oddly fascinating. My favorite romance book title!!! Some very strange cover to that series. Is this essentially a Loretta Lynn story? What a fabulous page! Y'know, something about those faces is almost manga-like. Must be the exaggerated expressions and those strong horizontal lines. Great stuff. Jack "a disgrace to th' state o' Kaintucky"
  24. Hooray! My favorite Collectors Society feature returns! Pillar of popular culture? Why, wasn't it only a week ago that members here listed the top ten characters from comic books recognized worldwide, and Bugs didn't even make the list? (Fat chance. Let's take pictures of Bugs Bunny and Wolverine to Tierra Del Fuego and see whom they recognize!) Greatest cartoon ever produced That's my favorite version of da wabbit. Wilder and less polished that the version that survived. They're my favorite feature of the Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies that I've picked up. I suppose the fact that the name is funny in a *nudge -- wink* late 60s underground comics way, consistent with "getting small" with the magic sand, helps. The plots are totally wild and uninhibited. Definitely Alice in Wonderland ("Eat me!" "Drink me!") was on the creators' minds as well. Can you imagine what Crumb, Moscoso, Shelton and the gang could have done with this feature? This wasn't really Sniffles' debut -- he had appeared in several WB animated shorts in the 1930-40's, but this was his first team-up with Mary Jane. Everything about the feature is first-rate -- even the lettering! Toonopedia says that Roger Armstrong worked on it in the 40s and Al Hubbard in the 50s. Do you know anything about them? Is that Armstrong's own lettering that I like so much? Didn't the lovely calligraphy (look how he changes the font on GOLDILOCKS for effect) disappear later in the series, perhaps when Hubbard took over? Do you have the Four Color issue with Mary Jane and Sniffles as cover feature? They languish on my want list. Probably not all that expensive -- just hard to find for lack of interest. That one almost made my Golden Age non-superhero nominees! THANKS, Scrooge. Great stuff. Jack "poof, poof, piffles"
  25. Nice cover-- Somebody call Overstreet -- Audrey prototype!! Jack feedme