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Journal Entries posted by Skeester

  1. Skeester
    Last submissions of 2007
    When all the grading is said and done, I should be in the 90% completion of my LADY DEATH. I can't make any guarentees on the grades, but I should be close to completion. It's been fun and exciting(and expensive) getting into the comic scene. I think now that I have a better understanding of comics, I may delve into ther earlier years to collect. But first, let me secure #1 on Lady Death.....

  2. Skeester
    Can't afford to keep her!
    Well, it's been a while since I posted in my journal, and I must say, it was fun when I had the money to do it. I did once have the #1 set for 4 years in a row, until CGC expanded the set type to go to 2002...and that's what pushed me down. So...I lost some interest in the "ol girl" and was considering liquidating her, along with all the other doubles and slightly lower graded that I have. Just wondering what would be a fair price. Does anyone think that $3k is too much? If so, what would be considered a fair asking price for the set?
    To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  3. Skeester
    ...minus one issue
    Well, I just bought my last issue that I was missing from my set. There is one more issue that is about as rare as the holy grail, which there is only 1 graded copy, and it belongs to Marvel Madness.
    If I was him, I would hang on to it to! It must be such a feeling to see that there is only one copy graded, and it's from 14 years ago, and you have the only graded copy!
    But, even though he does have a graded copy, that doesn't mean that I will stop my search, or end my quest. (Same thing, right)? When, I'm silver and so is my set, I may just find that issue!
    Happy memorial weekend everyone!
  4. Skeester
    Won it off Ebay!
    Alright, I tried to get the chromium edition and send it in to get graded, and all 3 came back with some sort of acrynom that I still don't know what they mean! SO, I was able to get Lady Death #1 at UNIVERSAL grade 9.6...and at an affordable price at that.
    Let's just say that I like the blue label a heck of alot better than the purple label! Yellow of course ranks supreme.
  5. Skeester
    Wait till you have some $'s saved up and grade them when you can.
    Any paper (from what I'm told) is relatively collectible. Think of what happens to most of this stuff. Kids roll up the comics to swat each other, or flies, or they throw them across the room. Maybe after they read it, they just trash it if they didn't like it. What I'm getting at is that if you have some really descent condition comics, they may not grade out as 9.8's but some may get a 7 or 8.5, which is a great grade for the age. They lasted this long, so just keep them and save up for the grading. You can always check Ebay as a possible price guide.
    And now.....the REST.....of the story.....
  6. Skeester
    ...a personal "hidden" gaol...
    I can only thank God that I am an American, and that I am not in Bosnia, Somalia, Kuwait, or those other vacation resorts that I've been. While I am still here in America, I have some personal goals that I would like to attain.
    Granted, I do not have a whole bunch of series that I am getting graded, and hopefully I can keep it to what I have, maybe less.
    What I was keeping in the back of my mind, was being able to attain the 2K mark in the registry level.
    If you'll note, my last entry only earned me the "just under award" of 2K.
    If you feel what I feel, then no more words need to be spoken..........
  7. Skeester
    ...and now time for the ride!
    I tell ya, it's something to attain #1 over the years of collecting, especially with a series that has more than 4 issues and a vast of varients. It was a learning experience, and expensive one also. MARVEL MADNESS, your a great person, and thank you for your offers on comics on LADY DEATH. You unknownly set a goal for me, and I attained that goal. It's funny, I finish up my collection just as I finish up my career in the Air Force. All the best to you and yours.
    Now I get to spend the next 20 years looking at it. Hopefully now I won't frequent Ebay so much. I know that won't happen....I still have 6 cents to get on my 1971 proof set, and that will take a paycheck or two...God knows that I will never get #1 out of that one, unless I win the lottery.
    Have a great day! Enjoy your collections
  8. Skeester
    ...so I sent my LADY DEATH's in!
    I keep looking at those empty spaces in my registry, and it just bugs the hell out of me. I had (yes, past tense) the comics for grading, but one thing or another prevented me from actually sending them out (alright, it was the wife) BUT APART FROM THAT, I started adding up some possible registry points, and realized that I'm not too far off from getting #1 in the Lady Death set. Yes, I'll have to claim temporary insanity and sell some things later, but, well, you all understand, right? Then I had some MONSTER MADNESS by Stan Lee that were calling me to send them in too! Well heck, I already have #1 issue in that, and I have a blank space for #1. So the comic (and a spare #3) got sent in with my Lady. Needless to say it was a $250 temporary insanity session that I had.
    If you don't see another post in here after the comics get graded (say by the end of the month) then you'll know that I've been banned from the internet..........
  9. Skeester
    If this is a sign of things to come, then I'll just stop collecting now
    It's not often that you are able to find "the" comic, especially if it's limited to 1000 copies. Yes, I am in referance to Lady Death limited edition # 1 1994 issue, signed by the three, and numbered. No sooner than I had it in my hands, it was the one that I was waiting for to send off to CGC. It was enclosed in hard plastic, and it was from CHAOS comics. NOW, somehow, it is already marked with "Apparent SP".
    I am totally unfamiliar with these terms, so could someone please tell me what exactly that means? I think that it means someone did some restoration, but how? Any info would be appreciated.

  10. Skeester
    After recalculating the numbers...
    I just looked over the numbers and I will only have 3 more to add to the collection, with 7 possible upgrades, which will give me 17 total books in my registry, the same as the individual who holds #1, and he has 77% of his collection complete, Which mean, so will I!
  11. Skeester
    ...and very limited on comic knowledge!
    Well, first off, I have a problem, and I know that the first step is recognizing that I do have a problem. My problem is collecting. Name it, I collected it. Bottles, matchbooks, prints, stamps, currency (I wish I could keep that, but use it for other collecting) coins, hot sauces (Blair's, check it out) newspapers...the list goes on. Well, now on the list is comics. I'm scared for myself.
    It all started back in 1994, after I had returned from 8 months in Somalia. I was stationed in SC. As luck would have it, I got an apartment next to a comic book store. After a few months there, the comic book store was having a going out of business sale, and up to 75% off. I decided to walk in, and asked the very young gentlemen behind the counter for some "investment quality" comics, and that I had $100.00 to spend. Their eyes lit up, and they were just shy of locking me in the place. Since they were have 75% off, they were picking every high dollar comic that they had, and assuring me that it would be a good investment.
    Well, they sold me just about every Lady Death version that they had (signed, velvet) and a few Shi, to include a boxed set that was signed. Now, 13 years later, I found them again, and wondering if they are worth grading.
    Now I'm with NGC, and know more about how they grade coins vs comics. If they grade comics like BGS grades baseball cards (that's another on the list) then I'm not for certain I have comics worth grading. I did buy a CGC 9.9 Lady Death leather cover just to get an ides of how pristine a comic needs to be for it to recieve such a grade. The two that I have, both of which are have 5-7 signatures on them, have a slight SLIGHT corner wear. Alright, so now I know it's not a Gem...probably not 9.9, but how far down will "slight corner wear" drop the grade? Any advice would be grateful and helpful.
  12. Skeester
    There was a helluva "BIN or Best offer" on ebay. I guess during Christmas, people just want to sell, which I totally understand. On the same token, there can be some really good buys! I was able to buy 5 graded Ren and Stimpy 9.8 CGC for $100, postage included. I figured I saved a considerable amount in time, postage, insurance, and register return insured mail. If you do a quick breakdown, it would be like $75 to get them graded, and it would of been more than $12 each way for mailing, and not guarenteeing a 9.8, unless you really know your books, and I don't. I'm still learning. It's fun, and having a blast, but I still have another some 15 of Lady Death to get graded. If anything, I would just like to complete the Lady Death Set. I hope you all have a great weekend,and Merry Christmas if I don't write again this year!

  13. Skeester
    Like I said, it wasn't as good as my first 10...
    ...but it helped fill in some spaces. I really must be getting old or something, cause I have like 5 of the same issues that I keep thinking I don't have. Then again, alot of that is when I win an auction for 1 issue I need, but has 2-3 of the others I already have, and they won't break up the set. Which leads me to finding a way to submit another 20 something for grading and not getting the hatchet by the wife. There are a few coins I would like to send in also! Too much hobby, not enough $$$
    Take care and have fun!
  14. Skeester
    No longer the only...
    Remember when I said that I had the only Lady Death 1/2 red velvet graded at 9.8? Well, CGC just updated the census and now there are 3. Ahhh....it was a fun ride while it lasted. Also, just got the grades of my other 20+....ewww....wasn't as much of a pretty site as the first 10 I sent in. The average was about 8.5, a few 9's, some 8's and a 7.5. Check your friendly Ebay in the following weeks to come! :-)
  15. Skeester
    I recently updated my Lady Death registry set with it! It's still not listed on the census!
    Alright, I know, I the new guy on the block. But, regardless, you have to admit that when you have THE highest graded comic, it's a rush. In this case, it's the Lady Death 1/2 red velvet. Now I'll admit, there arn't too many graded (like 8 or something like that) but there may be a person or 12 that will see that, and think their's may grade so high, just to try and beat it.
    I had no idea what to look for and how they would grade out. When I called to find out the grades, I was shocked to hear of all the 9.8's my initial 10 graded. Some of the others graded as high as previous graded Lady Death series.
    All I got to say now is that it's going to be a LONG wait to get my next 25 back
    And, if there are any Lady Death collectors out there I'm selling a 9.8 leather lingerie on ebay starting out at grading cost! Signed by 5 artists. Check it out! But, your not going to see the 1/2 on there until I really need to sell it. That's just too cool!
    Keep on collecting!
  16. Skeester
    My first submission turned out very good. I'M VERY HAPPY WITH IT!
    There were a few that I kinda sweated sending in, but over all it was a very good turnout! Overall, there were (6) 9.8 (2) 9.6 (1) 9.4 and (1) 8.5. The 8.5 was my superman died gravestone #500 something or rather. I took it out of the bag, slipped it into a board, and sent it off. You'll see that one on E-bay soon enough. There were 2 Lady Death lingerie leather editions that graded out as 9.8 qualified, cause there was about 6-8 signatures all over it, which brings me to the topic of discussion.
    Now, once upon a time, the only thing that one could be assured that the comic was signed by who signature it was, was a COA. There were COA's since before the creation of CGC! That piece of paper was the Willie Wonka GOLDEN TICKET! Here's the turn of events that turned the golden ticket into fools gold. 1) CGC is created (that's cool). 2) CGC, in order to stimulate an appreciation for a comic condition or for friendly competition, created the infamous "Registry" (that's cool too) 3) The registry soon realizes that there needs to be a section for signed comics, since a vast majority would like to have their comic signed by the artist, or what have you, which is cool also. 4) Here's what's NOT COOL: Since the computer scanners and printers have evolved and became so enhanced in their abilites and DPI and such, and the competition for the registry was getting out of had with your buddy Frankie down the street, and you missed the last convention where you could of had your comic signed, that you thought it would be "just the same" if you signed the comic yourself, and scanned in a COA, to prove to Frankie that you kept up with him. Folks, it wasn't just one person that did or tired this senerio. There were thousands, and it was getting out of hand. And because of it, has rendered the Willie Wonka Golden Ticket COA worthless in the eyes of CGC. I can't say I blame them.
    When I called CGC to find out how my comics were coming along, I asked about the signatures and COA and why they don't take the COA as proof anymore (refer to senerio for their response). Even if I tried to explain that the COA that I had were from 1995, and some even came from Wizard company himself. That's when it was explained about the scanning and the printing, and to combat that, and to keep everybodies integrity in check, now has to have a CGC rep at the conventions, and annotate that the comic was indeed signed by the artist, and then it could get sent in for the wonderful yellow seal SIGNATURE series. I know this is something you all probably know, but this is something that burns my butt.
    All because of Frankie. I don't know who the hell Frankie is, but he really got me upset now!
    Have a great day, and most of all, enjoy your hobbies!
  17. Skeester
    My first 10 submissions to be shipped out next week sometime
    Well, the time is nearing, but not quick enough. I have called twice already, and one time they called me (but I still asked) on the status of my first order and if grades were available. Of course, they were running behind with all the conventions and such, but I kept getting reassured that they are almost caught up.
    When it comes to submissions, I'm worse than a kid at Christmas. I do have to say, I really like being able to check online, which saves me a phone call to them. CGC is very polite about it, saying it's no problem, but I know with them being behind on their grading, they don't need some $200.00 order new guy who doesn't know WHY the difference between 9.2 and 9.8.
    Now, I'll admit, I don't know. I DO know that the comics that I had, had been boarded since I bought them, and I had never read them. I keep hearing the horor stories of NEVER opening them, cause that will drop them down a grade. Now how the hell am I supposed to find out the date? I very gingerly opened the front cover as if it was the Declaration of Independence itself to try and read the dates when I did send them in.
    I had sent in another 25 for grading but those one made it on line, so those ones are safe.
    Alright, I thought I could act like a grownup on this, but I foresee me making one last phone call tomorrow, even though I will get them next week! I told you I was bad about this!
  18. Skeester
    ...for me, that is...
    WELL! My big old 44th birthday has brought me some good things! My dear wife knows how much I like the casinos (and how the casinos love me is more like it) but she allowed me to go to the Hard Rock Casino here in Tampa FL on my birthday, which was the 24th of this month. I go there with all good intentions of spending $100.00. Now, I don't play cards with humans because I am a sore loser, and I have realized that if I lose to you, I will nag you for dinner till I get "my" moneys worth. So, I play the one armed bandits. A half hour doesn't go by before I realize that I spent my $100.00, so off the the good old ATM for another $100 and ask for forgivness later. This time, I'll be more conscience of my spending. That last for about an hour. Shoot! Here it is, 1400hrs (2:00 p.m. to the civilians) and I'm down $200, and the wife is sure to be upset with me! Well, me and my good judgement says go get yet ANOTHER $100...if I'm already in the dog house, might as well make it worth my while.
    I love my wife, very much.
    SO, there I sit, drinking my last red stripe beer, thinking of my excuse of why I spent $300.00 on slot machines when I could of spent it on getting comics graded!
    It was then, Lady Luck smiled on me.
    I was playing the dollar slot when all of a sudden, a 7 showed up and two doublers! (x4) for a total of $960! SO NOW! my story telling has changed!
    Hummm....well, let's see how my wife reacts when I tell her that I spent $300.00, and then if I get chewed out, I'll at least have the money to keep her quiet!
    So people keep congradulating me on my win...and I'm still over the shock of recovering $300...but now how to tell the wife about the win! So, here was the battle plan. I show her the $300 in receipts I spent gambling, and wait for the reaction, then explain to her, "here's the 300 I spent, here's a hundred for the Ebay "I forgot to tell you" and here's 200 for the comics and coins that are getting graded now, and the other 300 is for what I would like to spend on comics and grading". Sounds like a plan.
    So I get home, and show her the shirt I bought. One of those, been there, got the t-shirts deal. She happy for me, likes the t-shirt. Then she says (I knew it would happen) "how much did you spend?" I doggedly show her the receipts, and the first one shows the total left in the bank. She centered in on that and said "OH! We got to watch our spending!" I'm thinking, this is going to be good! She didn't total up the receipts that I gave her! But she asked me again "How much did you spend?" I tell her 300. She had that pasted smile on her face and said "Did you have a good time?" I told her yes, it was great, and she said "we can't do this any more". I think there was a smile hidden on my face somewhere cause she smelled it. Well, I'm not one to hold out too long, so I let her in on "my plan". Needless to say, when she saw the first 3 Franklins, she was relieved...and after the other 3 she said "Holy !" and the last three just brought hysterical laughing. I don't think she really heard me, but all 9 of the Franklins went into her little purse.
    So....yes, I "paid back" my $300, and for my Ebay "oh by the way, I forgot to tell you" and spent another 100 on comics, which in turn will get graded and for the coins and comics that are getting graded as we speak! Thank you Hard Rock Cafe!
    Did I mention I love my wife?
  19. Skeester
    Lady Death (1994-1995)
    There are 5 people tied for 4th place which is interesting since all of them don't have a single comic book entered. I'm at #2 and that's entering 3 comics. I actually got second place when I put in my first comic that was graded 9.9.
    I never really got too involved with the registry stuff until I started making my "ultimate" 1971 proof coin set. First place is out of the question since you need a 1971 proof Ultra Cameo Eisenhower dollar graded at 70, and there are only 2 ever graded so high, and they are from PCGS, and one sold on auction for $13K. I was happy my wife allowed me to go as high as $3K. Sorry, but I don't have 13K for a coin, comic or other.