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Journal Entries posted by mre1129

  1. mre1129
    collectorz black friday sale early.
    Had to share this because of the great deal. This is the software I use for my comics. its 50% off till friday. I paid the full 50 and love it. get it at 25 for a steal. http://www.collectorz.com/shop/sale.php
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  2. mre1129
    What happened here?
    So IM looking at all the hoopla on the Walking Dead #1 and how it jumped from 400 or 500 bucks to up wards of $3000 for a 9.8? and 10k for a 9.9? Really?
    1st IM thinking there is a lot of NON comic collectors buying this book that are Driving up the price. Which in a year or 2 when the series ends or interest drops, so will the price of the book. 2nd is it really worth that? Sure Id like to have one. But when there is almost 500 9.8's (with the SS) again, I have to ask. Is it worth it? People are sending in their copies as we speak to cash in on this book. Which will mean 1000 9.8's in no time at all. ok with the current wait times another year. But Again, dropping the price. Any one else have a thought on this?
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  3. mre1129
    Your killing me smalls
    2 orders graded now just waiting for the actual grades.... come on guys you're killing me. 93 business days to be graded on the first and 89 on the second.
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  4. mre1129
    My eyes must be going.
    My latest order just got shipped and I got the grades. Disappointed? OH YEA.
    IM normally with in a grade or 2. I sent in books I thought were 9.6+. 1 came back at a shocking 8.0. 2 others came back as 8.5's. in fact out of 15. only 5 were 9.6 or higher. My WORST job at grading EVER.
    I was very happy with 3 of them though. They came back at the top of the census. But still. WOW was I off on the rest!!
    IM going to throw my eyes under the bus and blame them for not being as sharp as they use to be!! Getting old sucks. :]
    Hope all of yours come back 10's
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  5. mre1129
    I just got my latest grades and OHHHH MY!
    I got my first 9.9 on any of my books. To make it better I got 2. To top it off with a Cherry. Both are the High end Green Sketch Variant from the new Evil Ernie series which is limited to ONLY 10 copies. To get 2 Ultra rare books in almost perfect condition priceless. For all the complaining I do about turn around times. Its moments like this that make it all worth the wait!!

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  6. mre1129
    Is he Good or Bad?
    I recently posted a Journal about a book of EE's that I got back Which scored a 9.9 . Screenwriter asked a few questions so Here are some answers.
    Evil Ernie was Written by Brian Pulido and Stephen Hughes was the Artist on the book. Steven Hughes did just an OUTSTANDING job on the artwork IMO. I have some original art and I love all his detail he did.
    Ernie was an abused Child. His well to do parents didnt understand that he had the ability to hear other peoples thoughts. They were just wack jobs that beat him all the time. One day his parents took him to a psychologist to get tested and during this test he met Lady Death who promised to love him.
    Ernie got tired of the beatings and killed his parents. as well as some other town folk who knew about the beatings but did nothing. later Ernie during his incarceration he had more tests and met up with lady death again and was given powers so he could Kill all life on the planet. That is the only way he could be with lady death is if all life on the planet was gone.
    With the ability to control the dead as well as being Undead him self he goes on a quest to kill all life on the planet to get back to the one person who loves him.
    He wages his war with his undead zombie army across the US. With every death to the human race there is a new soldier to the zombie army.
    Some say this book is sick or dark. But in a way poetic. How many people have died for the love of woman? Or wars wagged? Yes, it is graphic and Ernie is demented but I still like it anyways.
    Its worth checking out just for the art work. you never know, You might like it as well.

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  7. mre1129
    scratching my head.....
    So, I got my latest books back. I sent them in and to me they were spotless. At least from what I could tell. We have all missed things. I get the grades 9.2? WTH? So I wait to get the books to pull the grader notes. All I keep thinking is, What did I miss to make my idea of a 9.8 maybe 9.9 drop to a 9.2
    Left Top Back Cover Bend
    Left Bottom Back Cover Bend
    I took a magnifying glass to both. Dont see it. HUH? well a modern book like this at 9.2 isnt worth anymore then a raw version of this book. I guess ill just crack it open. ... HUH!! I dont see anything? Nothing? Magnifying glass again?.. NOPE. I cant see anything that would drop this to a 9.2 . maybe the encapsulation process pressed out the issue???
    I am just completely baffled on how either of these got a 9.2. no spine marks no "bend" no folds.
    IM thinking a resubmission is going to happen for sure.
    Sorry to complain, Just need to vent IM sure some of you can identify.
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  8. mre1129
    Like I said in the title.
    Collectorz software 50% off. its what I use for my comics. check it out free. https://www.collectorz.com/shop/sale.php
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