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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. Saw this online for sale I am not sure what this is implying. Is it a true double cover? I was under the impression a double cover was always blue? Is this one that someone just replaced the staples on? If so, why the mention of marrying covers?
  2. My mom and dad never collected comics. But dad did have a random drawer of hot wheels he picked up from time to time in the 90s. I dunno if you can call it a collection but he had about fifty and they were a mix of cars he liked and just ones he thought was cool. He also had a small collection (maybe 10-15) of antique rifles. So perhaps it is something genetic?? My dads mother also collected dolls and had an entire room filled with them in their old farmhouse. I’m surprised I was never creeped out by it. Musta been close to 500 if not more.
  3. Def have someone else press it. Looks like they buggered it up in the first place (unless you sent it in like that)
  4. In terms of comics as a collectible, I think it’s a safer hobby now than ever before. Hollywood has committed to adapting characters from not just the big guys but also independent companies. And with comics still coming out and having great content, that leaves new things to be adapted for tv or a movie. It’s just so large that it seems to be a safe bet, provided you do a decent bit of research into what comic collectors go for. There are enough tried and true books that only take money to buy. Now collecting to stay with or even ahead of the market is scary and risky and really, if that’s someone’s angle that’s fine but I appreciate people who do that but also know their stuff too and have read the characters. I think getting into comics for the investment only is silly unless you take the time to read (be it floppies or digital or omnibuses or whatever) and actually know the characters.
  5. Are comics the most commonly collected item? Will it fade or does it reach enough people to make it something that could last a long time? Collectible things definitely come and go. Example, Western stuff and dolls. My grandma collected dolls in the 80s and it was a hot market. When she passed, however, most of what she collected was worthless. The people collecting dolls shrunk drastically. Similarly with Western stuff, although I would argue it is still stronger than dolls. My guess would be dolls aren't viewed the same anymore. They are mass produced and in terms of "cool" toys for kids, they are low on the bar whereas back in the 40's-70's, getting a doll was a big deal. So it makes sense that people would love them as they aged. However, most of those people are gone now and the amount of people picking up the hobby is very small. I think it is why video games is growing. Video games are huge and so the history of them has grown, thus people wanting games that were even before their time. Plus, people who were kids in the 80s have money now to spend. I think this is a collecting hobby that can sustain because video games are still a thing. You may not have the boom you have now but I think enough kids now (8-16 year olds) might still like video games when they are in their 30s and might eventually gravitate backwards to games before their time (kind of like how there are a lot of "younger" collectors seeking Golden and Silver and Bronze Age books that were well before their time). I like comics' chances. Until something else comes along, I think they are a constant we can rely on for a loooong time. Kind of like how certain mythical characters have survived thousands of years with the tales that were told about them, superheroes should be similar.
  6. I think at the core, is we as humans want things. Things that are not necessities but that we can have to just say we have them. For some people, having 1-2 things is great...like 2 classic cars. For some, it is much more. It is also interesting to think about collecting from a male versus female perspective. I know there are female collectors but waaaay fewer. I think that is true for most collectibles, even things ne might associate a woman with collecting, like Barbies. Pretty sure that while that may be a bit more even comparing men to women who collect, that there is still a large amount of men who collect Barbies. Maybe the female brain does not have this attachment? Or maybe they do, it just most often is applied to things that others wouldn't think of as being collectible (like clothing). Again, that is a generalization. But I feel it holds true, else why would such a stereotype come into existence? It would be interesting to know what parts of the brain affect this and why it is (seemingly) more present in men and even to be present at all it seems to not affect as many people. Or maybe it does if your definition of collecting is broad...
  7. Interesting to see...skip to the 7:34 mark to see the process and eventual results. Not sure whether this ups the value of such a book but just seeing the experiment on how much could be done is interesting to me. Would be neat to see if a more savable specimen could go from having a spot of black mold to being almost undetectable (and safe to now store with comics without the mold spreading)
  8. I think a clean on the back could def push to a 6.0. As is, I am comfy in the 5.0-5.5 range. Solid mid grade book with a great stamp!
  9. Yup it's a good one and a great cover for a second appearance.
  10. 5.0 from me. That tape pull kills it. Otherwise, it has 7.0 potential with the gloss. Even if it were 7.0 or so, the stamp is a non factor. As is, I would think around $50 would be a fair price to pay. I wouldn't want to pay much more and preferable, would pay much less
  11. Why are all the best ones claimed!?!? My trigger finger is clearly up my nose...looking forward to what tonight has to offer!
  12. If Sugar was wielding a flamethrower and Spike riding a horse whilst tossing a potato masher, I think it would have sold instantly.
  13. My top ten reasons 1. I love the art 2. I enjoy superheroes 3. I love a good quaint story (even if it continues, I can read it in small chunks and takes less time). 4. I love owning a piece (err 3500+ pieces) of pop culture nostalgia 5. I like talking with others about their comics and likes and dislikes 6. I like spending time looking at what other people have and envying them but also enjoying seeing their finds. 7. I enjoy getting a great book for a great price. Like finding treasure. 8. I like selling a book to fund my truest comic desires and also to fulfill someone else’s. 9. I enjoy learning new stuff about comics and characters every single day. 10. I like that I can spend as little or as much as a like and still be a part of the community.
  14. Higher than a 2.0 and not a 3.0 so for me, 2.5. Calling it lower would be safe and make seller happy, calling it higher could cause some to say grrrrrrr upon its arrival. Basically, if you disclose these flaws, assign your grade and let the buyer choose, you have done no wrong. It is the people who say "book is VG" without telling ya anything that ya gotta be aware of. That is how you end up with cut coupons. Grrrrrrrr.
  15. So....a couple issues I have that you have shown do NOT have this mark. A quick ebay peek at others for sale and I don't quite see this mystery mark. The dirty scanner theory gains a vote!
  16. Great...now I have to dig through my books before bed. This better be worth it !
  17. That is not a signature of anyone related to the comic. It is some kid or former owner writing their name. Even with that on there, it would grade blue. 100% And as for the effect the signature has, believe it or not it would have less effect that the hole punch hole. If the hole was gone and the name remained, easy 4.0 book I believe.
  18. I am not seeing much a clean or press would help. The foxing spots or whatever on the lower BC (and just above pitching mound) could keep it right at 7.0-7.5 max.
  19. 9.0-9.2 That mark/smudge in price box hurts. I think without it (and the tiniest of marks in the top right corner) and you COULD be looking at a 9.6-9.8. Maybe those are cleanable but if not, my bet is 9.0-9.2
  20. I'll be nicer...6.5 to me with a shot at 7.0
  21. I'd feel good about that one, personally. And yes, I played around with the notion of sending my ASM #97 signed on the first page by Gil Kane but the cost to do it combined with not ever being able to see it again made that a hard no. Plus, as it is not a book I ever plan to sell, I really did not see the point. I have it stored in a toploader so I feel it is getting the "encapsulation" treatment and is as safe and preserved as any slabbed book.