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Ayn, Neal and the world around me...

887 posts in this topic

My real response to the people involved;


Carry on after this breif response, this is the best thread in the WC and I am sorry I have to reply to such prejudice.


Sheep don't riot, they move to the music of their masters and those little dogs nipping at their heels; no need to worry about them. The riot will not come from the lemmings receiving their daily allotment of bread and water; they are too well trained and enslaved. The civil riot has already begun, slow and plodding along, protected by the view, for the greater glory. What is to come is really just a response.

Careful, your contempt for people is shining through.

Certain kinds: I hope it shines brightly. Can you see it?

Try making light of it all you can, but it won't change that your post stands as one of the most contemptible to appear on the boards.


Contemptible? I have been away and was not able to respond so I wanted to help address this now that I am able.


I dont think you understand the writing, I dont think you know at all what I mean. Lets go back to the postings. Talk of a riot over the financial crisis was going on, back and forth and then some illustrious poster has to self-determine that the rioters would likely be Tea Party activists. [As an aside this is interesting as the most rioting I have noticed outside of the Middle East this spring would be those in the most civil discontent. The French issues a few years back with youth unemployment, the recent London riots over use of police force and really the most are Anarchists. Every G7, G8 and G20 meeting seems to drum up those in search of global change and an end to capitalism. Broken windows, attacks on police, chaos, the usual fair but not Tea Party related.] So I made a statement.


My statement, as everything in this CGC board, has to be tempered and written to not expose the poster to the dreaded Arch. I write very often in hidden riddles and allusions to other items, often tongue-n-cheek such that those that need to can understand. You should be well aware that there are a few of us fully able to talk in this manner without problem or issue. My question to myself was, not who would riot but why? And I wrote what I wrote in a manner to fully shine a light on the true problem and issue. I would suggest that those in need of it understood fully and wholly what I was talking about.


Because you seem to be so blinded in your view, you could only see the narrow description presented in this little writing. You are so far left of the 38th parallel that you approach any and all posts as either for or against; you fail to be able to read and comprehend. I completely and deliberately over stated the plight of one group of people so that the shining light (as I replied) would shine on the darkness truly at fault. Hold a mirror to the post and you have to ask, how did this come to be? Who is holding the citizen in bondage? I highlighted and underscored the plight of the citizen slave to over emphasize the Masters; those really causing the issues. I know you cant see that because you also believe that you have somehow come to grips with who I am based on an avatar and a few writings in my sig line. This is not the second grade playground; you might need to stop judging a book by the cover and look at what is really being said.


It starts with your confusion of me with Ayn Rand. Its an AVATAR! Do you believe the Flaming Telepath really is a beautiful long legged woman? Do you think that Vintage comics is in fact a girl on a raft? I chose her because there were too many Founding Fathers that I wanted to use that I chose one of the people of the last century that best supported the one and best thing they presented unto the people and world: all men are created equal with unalienable rightsto pursue life, liberty and happiness. The further confusion is the play between Tupenny and I in our sig lines; we like to have fun and those so polarized and limited in sight get caught believing everything they see in only their interpretation. I know a lot about Rand, I dislike much of what she later went on to pontificate and profess but I only needed to like one thing to put her at the top: her belief in the right to liberty and life, I could care less at times about anything else she ever said. But lets talk about her as I see her and it may bring some light to your conundrum of hate.


Before I read her, I believed what Jefferson wrote. I further believed in the original purpose of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence; that for the first time people derived their power and rights not from the Government but from their creator, in lieu of that from the act of being born. I dont have the right to property because the King has deemed me worthy; I have it because I am alive. The government is only here to protect this right from being taken by others. The Bill of Rights sets out to protect the citizen from each other and from the King. Ayn Rand lived in a country taken asunder by the oppression and murder of liberty and freedom; she lived and bore witness to being enslaved by those in power. She is a firsthand survivor of slavery and death for those seeking to live. She read in her youth the Declaration and realized that America was her only way to live free and get her message out about what control and oppression was really about. She wrote about this, she supported the ideas that I so came to embrace and love in our Founders as well as many others. Is it wrong to think that at least on this point that Rand has something worth thinking about and fighting for?


I am told that I have to believe an economist solely because he won a prize, well why cant I believe a survivor of slavery? Do I follow everything else she did or said? In no way shape or form. I could list extensively the things I find wrong with her and her ideas further along, but who cares? That is not what I am talking about. I have never professed a devotion to Objectivism or many of her other ideas; you have attached me to them. Notice that people that actually have opened their mind and asked questions have come to know the reality of my fight: liberty and freedom. Bronz and Tupenny came with open mind to talk and discuss and learn; from each other.


I return to the statement: people are enslaved by an elected master. It is horrible and the worst form of sublimation of human spirit I can see. Many do not even know that they are controlled and kept in line, fed for their vote and supply of ready power. Perhaps what I am learning is that it is not me that hates people, but instead those that seek to keep them enslaved.


I say again, I hope my light shines brightly; can you see it?


As for your progressive henchman? He makes up things about me so well I cant wait to read his next derivation of my being; talk about a good movie, who will I be next?



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August 10, 1776


London learns of American Independence.




"We have heard of the impious doctrine in the old world, that the people were made for kings, not kings for the people. Is the same doctrine to be revived in the new, in another shape - that the solid happiness of the people is to be sacrificed to the views of political institutions of a different form? It is too early for politicians to presume on our forgetting that the public good, the real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued; and that no form of government whatever has any other value than as it may be fitted for the attainment of this object."


--James Madison, Federalist No. 45

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My son turned 9 today and I now have bi-focals, they are called progressive lens but I can't use that term. The passage of time continues.








oh yeah, and I am short.

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I have no problem with businesses making money, I am a business that sells and services equipment. We have taken great strides and effort to make sure that we charge a very competitive and market based price to the consumer. As the internet has grown and exposure to available pricing has increased, we have continued to alter and update our service and parts pricing to reflect a small percentage over retail to cover inventory and on hand demand. Not every business has come to grips with this.


The wife called yesterday to say the upstairs air conditioning was not working; blowing hot air. Outside of major problems, it can only be a few items and I knew if I checked I could probably fix it right there. So I got home and took the panel off and sure enough one of the wires to the capacitor had melted and come off. After 11 years, the connectors to the capacitor get rusted, contact starts to get less and less, resistance goes up and sooner or later the wire fails (gets hot and breaks). Mind you the capacitor still works, just the contacts are rusted; they can be cleaned with some sand paper or scotch brite. Cut the wire, new connector crimped on and away we go; flowing cold Freon and all is well.


Now for the rant.


I bought a service contract with the local heating / air people to come out twice a year and check the systems, no problem. They were there two weeks before and the technician saw that the contacts were getting bad and he wanted to replace the capacitor then. He had one on the truck. He even showed it to my wife (to get her full hysteria in action) and offered to change it. She of course called me at work to ask what to do and I ended up talking to him on the phone. He said that for $273.00 he would be happy to install a new motor capacitor that he had on the truck. I asked him for the part number (which he gave me) and if he minded if I looked it up for pricing. My hope is that he would think twice about what he was about to do.


The part is about a $10.00 part (you can get them online or at local supply stores). There are three wires that go to simple contacts, marked and labeled. The part is held in with a metal strap and two sheet metal screws. It slips in and out easily (5 minute job with a short break). I was hoping he would offer a deal (knowing I was going to look up the part) and offer to do it for a reduced amount since he was already at the house and we had a service contract: no such luck.


Had he offered to do it for say $75.00 I would have said go ahead, we all need to make money, I am okay with that. But $273? That is theft.


The knowledgeable customer and competition are the only items between theft and my property.


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Another race...another crash :slapfight:


Hmmm.... I took some heat for this from a friend of mine. He works at Hendricks Motorsports (Jeff Gordon) so we have a good exchange of your guy sucks more than my guy, etc...


Yes, Lewis has been a bit aggressive and made some very poor choices in driving. He did take full responsibility for the incident but the way I saw it, Lewis is to blame for not realizing who he was passing. Kobyoshi is not to be played with or fooled with. A decent mid packer, he would never let up and alow for the pass to be completed like most "normal" thinking mid packers.


Lewis was in error as he was the driver making the pass. He was also at error in failing to remember that not only must you complete the pass you cannot assume that the overtaken will go quietly.



I still would rather have the excitement (Senna, Villenueve, Dale Sr., Lewis) over the boring (Prost, Button, Weber).




On a side note, if you cannot appreciate Eu Rouge as the greatest corner on the circuit, you cannot comment again.






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Jacques or Gilles?


I may disqualify you for asking that question........






Jacks is another in the long list of names hoping to live up to the one before them.


Dale Jr.

Kyle Petty

Michael Waltrip



Now, you have not mentioned the incredible performance in qualifying of Bunno Senna! Top ten baby!

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I leave the North and what happens? They get sweet tea. Who the heII did that? I can't stand sweet tea; the North was the last stand of proper iced tea.







On a side note, is there anything better than getting McD's to go, eat the fries and then find a few more at the bottom of the bag. It's like a special treat.



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