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See, Rock. Although I still don't believe kidcolt's story I at least admitted to misreading his post. Maybe you misread kryptonite's posts or just assumed its contest without even reading it.


But the subsequent denials following can be nothing but deception.

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Well I have no dog in this fight, and I think it's a shame that some of the ones who do have a dog in the fight seem to have bad cases of mange and fleas that ought to be treated by a licensed veterinarian, possibly resulting in the wearing of embarrassing plastic cones projecting outward from the aforementioned dogs' necks.


It's also a shame that kidcolt hasn't stuck around to defend himself (not that he needs to or has to), or to at least offer some more explanation. Personally I am always interested in hearing stories about thefts and resulting actions to catch the thieves and recover the comics afterward.


For purposes of basic decency, I think it's fair to give kidcolt the benefit of the doubt on his story, even though it is sometimes fun to be a skeptic and look for inconsistencies. There doesn't seem to be any obvious alternative possibility that makes sense instead of "the comics were stolen." If you back out of a $100 sale and then a month later make a similar $100 sale, it's not like you were motivated by profit. Also, if kidcolt were up to something shady, he'd hardly be likely to post a message drawing attention to himself.


One thing I would want to ask kidcolt is for more details on the nature of the theft. Presumably the comics were at his residence when they were stolen, and presumably kidcolt has many other comics in his collection. Why was it that only 4 comics -- each being offered for sale -- were stolen? I'm just curious about the circumstances. Again, I would love to know how/when the culprit was caught, whether he is being charged, etc. When one hears about an injustice, one desires to hear about a corresponding justice.


Here is my summary of the case details:


-- Kidcolt gets two negs, one for pulling out of a sale, the other for alleged misrepresentation of the details of the item.


-- Assuming theft really occurred, the first neg was entirely undeserved. It appears Kidcolt pulled out of the sale of another comic at the same time, and that buyer left him a positive.


-- The 2nd negative also seems to be entirely undeserved. Kidcolt's photo is clearly of a blue CGC case, not a yellow one. Kidcolt does say that a note mentions the Stan Lee signature, and when squinting at the scan it appears there is indeed a comment on the CGC case that mentions a Stan Lee signature.


-- Kidcolt did say he had previously never had a negative feedback. That does appear to be a fib, since according to http://www.toolhaus.org/, Kidcolt had two previous negs. One of those negs was withdrawn, so it is reasonable to say it does not count. The other neg stands, but with the mitigating factor that it was received way back in 2005. So for Kidcolt to claim he had no previous feedbacks was untrue, but on the Lie-o-Scale it ranks very low.


I think that about sums it up. One more comment though, about the back-and-forth currently occurring between two particular users. One of those users does seem to have overreached, even to the point of being what The Fonz would call "www---ww--ww--wron-un-ungghhh." But the user who is attempting to condemn him for it is not an exemplar of reasonable behavior either, and in fact has proven to lack self-restraint on an ongoing basis. These back-and-forth types of threads are utterly tiresome to everybody else reading, and it makes matters worse when the posters can't be bothered to edit down the response chains, which results in constant, mind-numbing barrages of scrolling repetition that ends up turning what start as interesting threads into giant masses of suck.

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In your post I believe I'm the "wruuung" one you're referring to. I admitted to misreading his post.


With that being said, you're right. I have zero tolerance for those who practice deception and I'm skeptical by nature. I still have my opinion about the validity of his story, but for now his explanation is at least possible. So without knowing for a fact I should have kept my opinion to myself, and for that I apologize.

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Not getting into it again with you. I already explained to you that "disagreeing with USArmyPartypooper" = "liar", so there's no point.


Move on already.


(thumbs u


YOU: "Tarnish", as master toner collector kryptonitecomics has already pointed out, is not a term used by anyone except neophytes and non-collectors who don't know any better.


What kryptonitecomics actually said: Finally...the only folks who actively use the term tarnish in the hobby are using it in a negative light...that's a fact. It doesn't mean they are wrong...toning is tarnish no doubt about it but those of us who actively collect original toned material all refer to it as toning and the collectors who prefer blast white always refer to it as tarnish or damage...that's just a fact.


When I called you out on your lie you said: Now you're just making *spoon* up. *I* was the one who said that, I didn't say kryptonite did.



We can just agree to let others read the above and decide if you were outright lying. You're good with that, right?



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See, Rock. Although I still don't believe kidcolt's story I at least admitted to misreading his post. Maybe you misread kryptonite's posts or just assumed its contest without even reading it.


But the subsequent denials following can be nothing but deception.



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So without knowing for a fact I should have kept my opinion to myself, and for that I apologize.


Fair enough! Can we all get back to person_without_enough_empathying about buyers who leave unnecessary negs? And maybe with any luck, kidcolt will come back and tell us his theft horror story.

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Well I have no dog in this fight, and I think it's a shame that some of the ones who do have a dog in the fight seem to have bad cases of mange and fleas that ought to be treated by a licensed veterinarian, possibly resulting in the wearing of embarrassing plastic cones projecting outward from the aforementioned dogs' necks.


It's also a shame that kidcolt hasn't stuck around to defend himself (not that he needs to or has to), or to at least offer some more explanation. Personally I am always interested in hearing stories about thefts and resulting actions to catch the thieves and recover the comics afterward.


For purposes of basic decency, I think it's fair to give kidcolt the benefit of the doubt on his story, even though it is sometimes fun to be a skeptic and look for inconsistencies. There doesn't seem to be any obvious alternative possibility that makes sense instead of "the comics were stolen." If you back out of a $100 sale and then a month later make a similar $100 sale, it's not like you were motivated by profit. Also, if kidcolt were up to something shady, he'd hardly be likely to post a message drawing attention to himself.


One thing I would want to ask kidcolt is for more details on the nature of the theft. Presumably the comics were at his residence when they were stolen, and presumably kidcolt has many other comics in his collection. Why was it that only 4 comics -- each being offered for sale -- were stolen?


He didn't say the 4 comics were "each being offered for sale." Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. All he said is that four WERE STOLEN, and 3 recovered, TWO of which happened to be the ones sold on eBay.


I'm just curious about the circumstances. Again, I would love to know how/when the culprit was caught, whether he is being charged, etc. When one hears about an injustice, one desires to hear about a corresponding justice.


Here is my summary of the case details:


-- Kidcolt gets two negs, one for pulling out of a sale, the other for alleged misrepresentation of the details of the item.


-- Assuming theft really occurred, the first neg was entirely undeserved. It appears Kidcolt pulled out of the sale of another comic at the same time, and that buyer left him a positive.


-- The 2nd negative also seems to be entirely undeserved. Kidcolt's photo is clearly of a blue CGC case, not a yellow one. Kidcolt does say that a note mentions the Stan Lee signature, and when squinting at the scan it appears there is indeed a comment on the CGC case that mentions a Stan Lee signature.


-- Kidcolt did say he had previously never had a negative feedback. That does appear to be a fib, since according to http://www.toolhaus.org/, Kidcolt had two previous negs. One of those negs was withdrawn, so it is reasonable to say it does not count. The other neg stands, but with the mitigating factor that it was received way back in 2005. So for Kidcolt to claim he had no previous feedbacks was untrue, but on the Lie-o-Scale it ranks very low.


Oh please.




What is wrong with you...and by extension, USArmyPartypooper...that you think this was a LIE, instead of a simple misstatement?


Very, very poor form. You ought to be ashamed of even making such a claim. i suppose you, then, are the epitome of perfection, and have never misstated anything in your life, ever?


I suppose if you were taking a test, and got one of the answers wrong, you're lying there, too..?


I think that about sums it up. One more comment though, about the back-and-forth currently occurring between two particular users. One of those users does seem to have overreached, even to the point of being what The Fonz would call "www---ww--ww--wron-un-ungghhh." But the user who is attempting to condemn him


You are, as seems to have become your habit of late, again mischaracterizing the situation as it exists.


No one is condemning anyone.


Tweaking, yes. Condemnation? No, see, that's what all the people who were accusing kidcolt of being a con...before even allowing for an explanation...were doing.


Seriously. Stop mischaracterizing situations to score whatever debate points you seem to want to score. I know you're angry because I wouldn't go toe to toe with you in that other thread, but carrying around this hostility only damages you.


(thumbs u


for it is not an exemplar of reasonable behavior either, and in fact has proven to lack self-restraint on an ongoing basis. These back-and-forth types of threads are utterly tiresome to everybody else reading, and it makes matters worse when the posters can't be bothered to edit down the response chains, which results in constant, mind-numbing barrages of scrolling repetition that ends up turning what start as interesting threads into giant masses of suck.


Which, of course, is beyond hilarious, coming from someone who typed up the single longest post in recent board memory.




Your complaint: she lacks merit, no?


(thumbs u

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It is Daily, but when RMA attempts to say, "see anyone who disagrees with you is lying!" he's trying to exonerate himself from what are unquestionably lies on his part. I posted it, the point is made and I'm content with that.




You're lying.


(thumbs u

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In your post I believe I'm the "wruuung" one you're referring to. I admitted to misreading his post.


With that being said, you're right. I have zero tolerance for those who practice deception and I'm skeptical by nature. I still have my opinion about the validity of his story, but for now his explanation is at least possible. So without knowing for a fact I should have kept my opinion to myself, and for that I apologize.




Was that so hard...?


I mean, you STILL try and qualify it to not make you look like a total buffoon, but hey, it's a start.



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In your post I believe I'm the "wruuung" one you're referring to. I admitted to misreading his post.


With that being said, you're right. I have zero tolerance for those who practice deception and I'm skeptical by nature. I still have my opinion about the validity of his story, but for now his explanation is at least possible. So without knowing for a fact I should have kept my opinion to myself, and for that I apologize.




Was that so hard...?


I mean, you STILL try and qualify it to not make you look like a total buffoon, but hey, it's a start.




It never has been hard for me to admit a make. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. You on the other hand "was that so hard"? lol


YOU: "Tarnish", as master toner collector kryptonitecomics has already pointed out, is not a term used by anyone except neophytes and non-collectors who don't know any better.


What kryptonitecomics actually said: Finally...the only folks who actively use the term tarnish in the hobby are using it in a negative light...that's a fact. It doesn't mean they are wrong...toning is tarnish no doubt about it but those of us who actively collect original toned material all refer to it as toning and the collectors who prefer blast white always refer to it as tarnish or damage...that's just a fact.


When I called you out on your lie you said: Now you're just making *spoon* up. *I* was the one who said that, I didn't say kryptonite did.

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In your post I believe I'm the "wruuung" one you're referring to. I admitted to misreading his post.


With that being said, you're right. I have zero tolerance for those who practice deception and I'm skeptical by nature. I still have my opinion about the validity of his story, but for now his explanation is at least possible. So without knowing for a fact I should have kept my opinion to myself, and for that I apologize.




Was that so hard...?


I mean, you STILL try and qualify it to not make you look like a total buffoon, but hey, it's a start.




It never has been hard for me to admit a make. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. You on the other hand "was that so hard"? lol


YOU: "Tarnish", as master toner collector kryptonitecomics has already pointed out, is not a term used by anyone except neophytes and non-collectors who don't know any better.


What kryptonitecomics actually said: Finally...the only folks who actively use the term tarnish in the hobby are using it in a negative light...that's a fact. It doesn't mean they are wrong...toning is tarnish no doubt about it but those of us who actively collect original toned material all refer to it as toning and the collectors who prefer blast white always refer to it as tarnish or damage...that's just a fact.


When I called you out on your lie you said: Now you're just making *spoon* up. *I* was the one who said that, I didn't say kryptonite did.









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(am I a bad boy for egging him on...? hm )


It's a deflection, but the thing is I fully knew you weren't going to attempt to address it again because anyone who reads it can see you're full of mess. Eat popcorn, pretend to be having fun with it, it's all the same to me. It's there for people to read (for those who haven't already) and that's all I wanted to get out of it. (thumbs u

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He didn't say the 4 comics were "each being offered for sale." Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. All he said is that four WERE STOLEN, and 3 recovered, TWO of which happened to be the ones sold on eBay.


Your point being?


Oh please. "Lie-o-scale"? What is wrong with you...and by extension, USArmyPartypooper...that you think this was a LIE, instead of a simple misstatement?


My comments are obviously conciliatory and my obvious point is that even if it's a lie, it is hardly worth getting up in arms about it. I am pretty sure that's where you're coming from as well. It seems you just scan through messages looking for anything you can jump on. Your taking the "Lie-O-Scale" thing seriously is especially amateurish, since it was meant with clear whimsy.


Very, very poor form. You ought to be ashamed of even making such a claim.


What makes you think that being knee-jerk haughty toward people is anything BUT poor form?


i suppose you, then, are the epitome of perfection, and have never misstated anything in your life, ever?


Wow, I attempt to defuse the conflict, and you respond by trying to escalate it. But thank you for calling me the epitome of perfection! Bow down to my glory!


I suppose if you were taking a test, and got one of the answers wrong, you're lying there, too..?


I was downplaying the whole issue of the "lie." Rinse. Repeat.


No one is condemning anyone.


Irony, thy name is RMA...


Tweaking, yes.


Self-awareness, thy name is not RMA...


Seriously. Stop mischaracterizing situations to score whatever debate points you seem to want to score.


Projection, thy name is RMA...


I know you're angry because I wouldn't go toe to toe with you in that other thread, but carrying around this hostility only damages you.


Delusion and an exaggerated sense of self-importance, thy name is RMA... (Hint: Not everything is about you.)


Which, of course, is beyond hilarious, coming from someone who typed up the single longest post in recent board memory.


"Having something stuck in one's craw," thy name is RMA...

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