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To my East Coast comic buddies...

144 posts in this topic

One of the best things you can do is to stuff as many bottled waters that you can

into your freezer and let them freeze solid. This will help your refrigerated foods

last longer in the event of a power outage.


This is actually great advice. Did it last night. I never even thought of that. doh!


Personally, I think the media is blowing it way out of proportion for us here in the NY area. We had a pretty bad storm a few years back that I remember. Knocked out some power and had some crazy winds, which knocked down a piece of my parent's fence in their backyard. However, I don't remember this much media coverage happening then. I'm expecting something similar. I guess we'll see later on if the meteorologists are right or wrong. Hopefully, they'll be the latter. Everyone stay safe.


Better safe than sorry.


Don't leave your comics in the basement! Move them upstairs to avoid water damage!

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Well after speaking with my Mother; here is her Genius plan


She is in a mandatory evacuation area - she is about 2 hours upstate. She is currently on the road driving BACK to her ground floor apartment in Brooklyn next to the Navy yards to get papers etc out of the basement. WTF; seriously, this was not a stealth Hurricane, it did not appear an hour ago, what is she thinking. Thank God Im adopted (she says Im not but I think I am)




She does not win fool of the day...the rest of the family is still on South Shore of Long Island, in a house about 30 feet from waters edge, they have decided to stay...SERIOUS F'ING insufficiently_thoughtful_persons...I'm sorry but they are...as traffic would be too bad to get back to NYC


Whats a son to do??? :tonofbricks:



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Well after speaking with my Mother; here is her Genius plan


She is in a mandatory evacuation area - she is about 2 hours upstate. She is currently on the road driving BACK to her ground floor apartment in Brooklyn next to the Navy yards to get papers etc out of the basement. WTF; seriously, this was not a stealth Hurricane, it did not appear an hour ago, what is she thinking. Thank God Im adopted (she says Im not but I think I am)




She does not win fool of the day...the rest of the family is still on South Shore of Long Island, in a house about 30 feet from waters edge, they have decided to stay...SERIOUS F'ING insufficiently_thoughtful_persons...I'm sorry but they are...as traffic would be too bad to get back to NYC


Whats a son to do??? :tonofbricks:


Yikes, Joe. Hope everything goes ok with your family.


It was interesting to go to the grocery store in NYC this morning. Shelves were half empty and the lines were insanely long. But I'm all set with 4 days of PB&J sandwiches.

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My beach house is part of a co-op. Some 300 families own the 400 acres and 300 bungalows. After a few people made noise about staying dispite the county's manditory evaquation orders, the co-op board held an emergancy meeting and announced $1,000 per person fines for anyone except the caretakers still on the property after 6PM tonite. Hopefully, greed will prevail where logic failed.

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Well after speaking with my Mother; here is her Genius plan


She is in a mandatory evacuation area - she is about 2 hours upstate. She is currently on the road driving BACK to her ground floor apartment in Brooklyn next to the Navy yards to get papers etc out of the basement. WTF; seriously, this was not a stealth Hurricane, it did not appear an hour ago, what is she thinking. Thank God Im adopted (she says Im not but I think I am)




She does not win fool of the day...the rest of the family is still on South Shore of Long Island, in a house about 30 feet from waters edge, they have decided to stay...SERIOUS F'ING insufficiently_thoughtful_persons...I'm sorry but they are...as traffic would be too bad to get back to NYC


Whats a son to do??? :tonofbricks:


Yikes, Joe. Hope everything goes ok with your family.


It was interesting to go to the grocery store in NYC this morning. Shelves were half empty and the lines were insanely long. But I'm all set with 4 days of PB&J sandwiches.


That's what I bought, P+J, bananas,tuna and low fat potato chips..


Joe, tell her to call and see if they will let her back IN to the neighborhood...she may be driving down and get turned around. Traffic was not pretty yesterday.

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finally they are seeing some sense,


my Bro left Long Island to get back to Brooklyn, (? which is frying pan, which is fire?...?are are they both fire)


my mom got back into the city, removed documents from the basement she needed and is heading back to Westchester

, my Dad is in NYC in a flood zone, so they are trying to get stuf out of the basement also, a lot of people want sandbags, but only handbags to be found in NYC


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I'm dead center in it's path. I have been preparing my items for proper looting. I have my requisite sack, eye mask, striped shirt, hammer and crowbar. 2 quarts of Jack and a carton of reds. Enough NoDoz to keep me up for three days, and some cyanide tablets tucked in my collar in case the zombie invasion rumors are valid.


I also put all outside items in my garage, gassed up my cars, got some cash and a really spiffy raincoat. (thumbs u


Good luck to my fellow East Coasters and I hope, as per the usual, the news weatherman are wrong.


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I live at the Jersey Shore. I am extremely nervous... Leaving is not an option for me. So I am strapping down for the ride. I pray this thing peters out or changes direction. Eff the slabs I have a 2 year old and Jess is due in 10 days. I hope my family and I do well.. Good luck to everyone else on the EC, I wish you all well. I hope for nothing but the best for all of us.


Even with winds at 50-60 miles and the foot or so of rain this thing can dump on NY/NJ it is still a dangerous storm. Everyone focuses on the wind speed but it is the storm surge and the amount of rain this monster can drop that will impact the tri-state area the worst.


As of this morning they said the storm was the size of Europe.

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A major problem is that this summer has been so wet that the ground is so soft, that it wouldn't take much to uproot some really big trees. Even at 60 MPH, I'm expecting some serious tree damage on L.I. I've got two huge trees in my back yard, Each over 100 years old, fifty-sixty feet tall and thirty or more wide at the top.

They'd do some serious damage if they topple.

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I live at the Jersey Shore. I am extremely nervous... Leaving is not an option for me. So I am strapping down for the ride. I pray this thing peters out or changes direction. Eff the slabs I have a 2 year old and Jess is due in 10 days. I hope my family and I do well.. Good luck to everyone else on the EC, I wish you all well. I hope for nothing but the best for all of us.


Even with winds at 50-60 miles and the foot or so of rain this thing can dump on NY/NJ it is still a dangerous storm. Everyone focuses on the wind speed but it is the storm surge and the amount of rain this monster can drop that will impact the tri-state area the worst.


As of this morning they said the storm was the size of Europe.


....I heard Greggy's comic collection is the size of Europe....seriously, tho.....a falling tree limb can kill a person....stay inside. GOD BLESS...


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u

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