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Yet another eBay buyer to block

220 posts in this topic

Remember: eBay considers positive feedback left to be the end of the transaction.


Untrue. Ebay does not consider a transaction over until 45 days from the time of payment.



Untrue. In fact, for sellers who have the "restriction" of not being able to receive payment immediately, and have funds held, positive feedback left is that trigger which releases the funds.

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risky quick flip I'd say... hm




** and any sympathy on title verbiage disappeared when this guy didn't even put it in the title


Pretty optimistic seller. That looks to be an 8.5 at best with the rounded/blunted top corners and multiple spin ticks, some of which are poorly color touched. The back cover's edges appear to have foxing along the top and the outside edge and I wouldn't be surprised if there was invisible creases/handling wear not apparent from that scan. Appears to be another "eBay NM".




There are ZERO "invisble creases/handling wear." How do I know that? I pressed the book myself.


Tell you what.


Buy the book.


Send it to me.


If I agree that the book has not sustained damage since leaving my hands, I will sub it for you, fast track.


If it comes back LESS THAN an Apparent 9.2, I will cover ALL the grading fees AND pay you an ADDITIONAL $100.


If it comes back a 9.2 or greater, YOU will cover all the grading fees, AND pay me an additional $100.


If it HAS sustained damage, I will send it back to you, and cover postage both ways. After all...the book has been out of my hands for over a month now.




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It's the buyer's mistake and he should suck it up.


However, you should have put "Apparent" in your title description.




I did.


* Uncanny X-MEN #94 New X-Men Begin! 4th Wolverine! App NM 9.4 *


It does not say "4th Wolverine App." It says "4th Wolverine (exclamation point)", indicating a separate phrase follows.


"4th Wolverine! App" makes no sense.


Remember, there are only 84 characters with which to deal.


You baited him him, and it's possible he hastily bit the hook without reading the description entirely.


"Baited"...? Really...?


No, he didn't hastily bite the hook. It was a Buy It Now with Best Offer, and he had made all three of his offers before he accepted my counter of $700. All three offers came over the course of a few days.


Maybe I'm reading it wrong,


You're reading it wrong.


Let me emphasize, for clarity:



I am tempted to say no. You got a SMOKING hot deal on the Spidey #300 (It's now selling for $300 in that condition), so if I'm going to allow a return almost a month later, it will have to be everything.



I hadn't accepted anything. I told the buyer to read the description, then get back to me. Yes, I understand that "if I'm going to allow a return almost a month later" can be construed as "yes, I will accept a return"....except it was immediately preceded by "I'm tempted to say no", which means I hadn't made up my mind yet.


but why did you agree to take back the book if he also reruns the ASM 300, but then back out ?


I didn't, clearly.


2-I dont agree with RMA for asking the ASM 300 be returned as well if he was going to accept the X-Men back. The issue isnt with the ASM but with the X-Men. So it is either take the X-Men back or dont. He didnt and is completely correct for not doing so. But asking for the ASM back, and insinuating that because the buyer got a great deal on it he would have to pay that as his penance for making a mistake on the X-Men, is not professional in my eyes.


These were both Buy It Nows. The acceptance of the one was contigent on the acceptance of the other. It was a PACKAGE deal. In fact, there were THREE books involved, but one was a trivial $16 one.


But even if they were NOT such a package deal, it is beyond foolish to allow the return of a SINGLE ITEM, especially in a $900+ transaction. It opens the door instantly to fraud on the buyer's part. No, when there's a problem with a multi-item transaction, and you're going to allow a return, you never, ever, EVER allow just one...because the buyer can say (and many have said) that they sent everything back, have proof they mailed SOMETHING, and demand the entire amount back...keeping the rest of the books as a free bonus.


It may look "unprofessional" to those not experienced with eBay, but it is, sadly, the correct thing to do.


He then accepted that he could not return it. Unless he blows it up further, I see no reason to block him.


3-I dont understand why someone would think this guy needs to be blocked


Well, allow me to explain my reason: this is someone who purchases a $700 item, without even bothering to read the very simple, very obvious, very plain description, and doesn't "notice" that the title says "App. 9.4", not "4th Wolverine App."




He gets the book, apparently likes it, then leaves positive feedback (see what I did, there...? ;) )




3+ weeks later...he "discovers" that there's color touch on the book....and before going back to the actual listing to check if it was mentioned there...just sends an eBay message stating what I had already stated in the listing.


This guy is a disaster in the making.


What if I had already spent his $700? After all, it was well outside the 14 day window. What then? If the guy had insisted, and files a chargeback, I'd be in very serious doo doo. What I considered a fully completed sale for a not-insubstantial amount of money...remember, he already left positive feedback, so it's a safe assumption that he's...ya know...HAPPY with his item....is now back in question.


I'm glad you guys are millionaires, and can casually toss around $700 like it's pocket change, but it's not quite that easy for the rest of us. I'm not complaining, and I'm not suggesting I couldn't refund him....but if he pulls this kind of nonsense with others, he could very easily put someone into a very tough situation screwing around like this.


If you don't think that's block worthy, fine. But others might, and are probably happy for all this info...that you probably won't read. ;)


I mean, really, who drops $700 on ANYTHING without reading the description? And not just "OMG, I have to buy this before someone else snaps it up!" He had DAYS to look!




And this guy SELLS slabs!


Hey look, RMA is posting words again! :whee:


and leading towards lord knows what.....


a strike :wishluck:



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Remember: eBay considers positive feedback left to be the end of the transaction.


Untrue. Ebay does not consider a transaction over until 45 days from the time of payment.



Untrue. In fact, for sellers who have the "restriction" of not being able to receive payment immediately, and have funds held, positive feedback left is that trigger which releases the funds.


What does that have to do with the "end of the transaction"?

I know, you know better.


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Remember: eBay considers positive feedback left to be the end of the transaction.


Untrue. Ebay does not consider a transaction over until 45 days from the time of payment.



Untrue. In fact, for sellers who have the "restriction" of not being able to receive payment immediately, and have funds held, positive feedback left is that trigger which releases the funds.


What does that have to do with the "end of the transaction"?

I know, you know better.




When a buyer leaves positive feedback, indicating that they are satisfied with the transaction, that is, and has been for a very long time, eBay's position as to what constitutes a "completed transaction."


In fact, people have lost claims because they previously left positive feedback. Not always, but it happens.


This is why, when a seller's funds are "held", they are released as soon as positive feedback is left. That says "the item has reached me, and I am satisfied with it."


If that doesn't say "end of transaction", I'm not quite sure what does. Yes, people can still file claims...but their claims lose a lot of weight if they've left positive feedback already.

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Holy Jesus...


There is not much to read there and it immediately says that "some applied color touch"


We are becoming such an illiterate society. No one wants to read even when it is in their best interests. We are becoming a bunch of text messaging illiterate .


:applause: And as far as "baiting" the buyer goes.. that's BS. If they allowed 3rd graders to purchase things on ebay, you may have had a point, Miles. But, it's up to the adult buyer to be able to read simple sentences. No excuses.


Baited may be the wrong word, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to read and research. I said that from the beginning.


However. If you want to avoid problems. You better cater to 3rd graders. Don't fill the title with fluff to attract and sell until pertinent information is clearly listed.

So the listing header should have read: RESTORED, TAMPERED, DOCTORED 4th/5th APP of Wolverine. Oh, X-men 94, by the way? That's like going to a used car lot and expecting the saleman to tell you the second you ask about the car, that it's been wrecked. If you're dumb enough to buy a car without getting a history of that car... speaks for itself. The fact RMA mentions this at all in the header is rare. Most of them wait until you click on it to mention this. I see PLODS with the color tone changed to blue, so that maybe some unsuspecting sap will buy it. I'm siding with RMA on this one. He did nothing wrong.

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Holy Jesus...


There is not much to read there and it immediately says that "some applied color touch"


We are becoming such an illiterate society. No one wants to read even when it is in their best interests. We are becoming a bunch of text messaging illiterate .


:applause: And as far as "baiting" the buyer goes.. that's BS. If they allowed 3rd graders to purchase things on ebay, you may have had a point, Miles. But, it's up to the adult buyer to be able to read simple sentences. No excuses.


Baited may be the wrong word, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to read and research. I said that from the beginning.


However. If you want to avoid problems. You better cater to 3rd graders. Don't fill the title with fluff to attract and sell until pertinent information is clearly listed.

So the listing header should have read: RESTORED, TAMPERED, DOCTORED 4th/5th APP of Wolverine. Oh, X-men 94, by the way? That's like going to a used car lot and expecting the saleman to tell you the second you ask about the car, that it's been wrecked. If you're dumb enough to buy a car without getting a history of that car... speaks for itself. The fact RMA mentions this at all in the header is rare. Most of them wait until you click on it to mention this. I see PLODS with the color tone changed to blue, so that maybe some unsuspecting sap will buy it. I'm siding with RMA on this one. He did nothing wrong.



What's wrong with "X-Men #94...NM 9.4 Restored"? Too simple I guess?


Wait. A buyer is supposed to know so much about comics that they know what "app." means, but doesn't know this is a key book so we better squeeze in all the fluff.


Rhetorical questions, btw. I really don't care.


RMA didn't do anything wrong. It was clear in the description. Yes, the buyer has to be responsible for themselves.Pretty much everyone, including the buyer it seems, has the opinion that the buyer effed up and should eat it. Unless something further develops, it was a stupid mistake on the buyers part and not everyone agrees that it is worth blocking him.

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Holy Jesus...


There is not much to read there and it immediately says that "some applied color touch"


We are becoming such an illiterate society. No one wants to read even when it is in their best interests. We are becoming a bunch of text messaging illiterate .


:applause: And as far as "baiting" the buyer goes.. that's BS. If they allowed 3rd graders to purchase things on ebay, you may have had a point, Miles. But, it's up to the adult buyer to be able to read simple sentences. No excuses.


Baited may be the wrong word, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to read and research. I said that from the beginning.


However. If you want to avoid problems. You better cater to 3rd graders. Don't fill the title with fluff to attract and sell until pertinent information is clearly listed.

So the listing header should have read: RESTORED, TAMPERED, DOCTORED 4th/5th APP of Wolverine. Oh, X-men 94, by the way? That's like going to a used car lot and expecting the saleman to tell you the second you ask about the car, that it's been wrecked. If you're dumb enough to buy a car without getting a history of that car... speaks for itself. The fact RMA mentions this at all in the header is rare. Most of them wait until you click on it to mention this. I see PLODS with the color tone changed to blue, so that maybe some unsuspecting sap will buy it. I'm siding with RMA on this one. He did nothing wrong.



What's wrong with "X-Men #94...NM 9.4 Restored"? Too simple I guess?


Wait. A buyer is supposed to know so much about comics that they know what "app." means, but doesn't know this is a key book so we better squeeze in all the fluff.


Rhetorical questions, btw. I really don't care.


RMA didn't do anything wrong. It was clear in the description. Yes, the buyer has to be responsible for themselves.Pretty much everyone, including the buyer it seems, has the opinion that the buyer effed up and should eat it. Unless something further develops, it was a stupid mistake on the buyers part and not everyone agrees that it is worth blocking him.

It's a matter perspective, i suppose. I could see why some would choose not to block the guy. He probably just effed up, as you state, and should be given the benefit of the doubt. For me, personally? The guy wouldn't be worth the trouble of dealing with, because he either 1) can't read, or 2) has no idea of what he is doing. People who don't know what APP 9.4 is, shouldn't be buying $700 comic books. Period. Do your homework. Pay attention before you drop that much cash on anything. I think everyone has the right idea by just saying "restored" in the header to avoid the hassle. Lesson learned. Buyer blocked. Story ends there. :)
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Remember: eBay considers positive feedback left to be the end of the transaction.


Untrue. Ebay does not consider a transaction over until 45 days from the time of payment.



Untrue. In fact, for sellers who have the "restriction" of not being able to receive payment immediately, and have funds held, positive feedback left is that trigger which releases the funds.


What does that have to do with the "end of the transaction"?

I know, you know better.




When a buyer leaves positive feedback, indicating that they are satisfied with the transaction, that is, and has been for a very long time, eBay's position as to what constitutes a "completed transaction."


In fact, people have lost claims because they previously left positive feedback. Not always, but it happens.


This is why, when a seller's funds are "held", they are released as soon as positive feedback is left. That says "the item has reached me, and I am satisfied with it."


If that doesn't say "end of transaction", I'm not quite sure what does. Yes, people can still file claims...but their claims lose a lot of weight if they've left positive feedback already.


Positive feedback has more often than not meant absolutely NOTHING in a dispute, rather than a trump card for the seller. To imply otherwise is disingenuous. Until 45 days have elapsed from payment, the transaction is simply not ended in eBays book.

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Holy Jesus...


There is not much to read there and it immediately says that "some applied color touch"


We are becoming such an illiterate society. No one wants to read even when it is in their best interests. We are becoming a bunch of text messaging illiterate .


:applause: And as far as "baiting" the buyer goes.. that's BS. If they allowed 3rd graders to purchase things on ebay, you may have had a point, Miles. But, it's up to the adult buyer to be able to read simple sentences. No excuses.


Baited may be the wrong word, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to read and research. I said that from the beginning.


However. If you want to avoid problems. You better cater to 3rd graders. Don't fill the title with fluff to attract and sell until pertinent information is clearly listed.

So the listing header should have read: RESTORED, TAMPERED, DOCTORED 4th/5th APP of Wolverine. Oh, X-men 94, by the way? That's like going to a used car lot and expecting the saleman to tell you the second you ask about the car, that it's been wrecked. If you're dumb enough to buy a car without getting a history of that car... speaks for itself. The fact RMA mentions this at all in the header is rare. Most of them wait until you click on it to mention this. I see PLODS with the color tone changed to blue, so that maybe some unsuspecting sap will buy it. I'm siding with RMA on this one. He did nothing wrong.



What's wrong with "X-Men #94...NM 9.4 Restored"? Too simple I guess?


Yes, it's too simple. I wish to take advantage of proper keyword searches, as well as give my own personality to my listings.Wolverine is relevant to the book. I want to catch the eyes of someone who wasn't necessarily shopping for X-Men, but may be interested when they see what it is.


It's called "window dressing", and it's done every day throughout the world.


They do not need to know what "App" means, as it is explained in the description, but those who do will see it, and they might be in the market for a nice, high grade restored copy.


I guess the part you have a problem with is that you think I'm telling people they MUST block this guy. Not at all. I'm presenting my evidence, and it's up to anyone else to decide what they want to do with it. It's none of my business what anyone else chooses to do, and that should be a "for granted" in any discussion among rational adults. I shouldn't have to write "IMO" after everything I type, and neither should anyone else. It should be a given.


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Remember: eBay considers positive feedback left to be the end of the transaction.


Untrue. Ebay does not consider a transaction over until 45 days from the time of payment.



Untrue. In fact, for sellers who have the "restriction" of not being able to receive payment immediately, and have funds held, positive feedback left is that trigger which releases the funds.


What does that have to do with the "end of the transaction"?

I know, you know better.




When a buyer leaves positive feedback, indicating that they are satisfied with the transaction, that is, and has been for a very long time, eBay's position as to what constitutes a "completed transaction."


In fact, people have lost claims because they previously left positive feedback. Not always, but it happens.


This is why, when a seller's funds are "held", they are released as soon as positive feedback is left. That says "the item has reached me, and I am satisfied with it."


If that doesn't say "end of transaction", I'm not quite sure what does. Yes, people can still file claims...but their claims lose a lot of weight if they've left positive feedback already.


Positive feedback has more often than not meant absolutely NOTHING in a dispute, rather than a trump card for the seller. To imply otherwise is disingenuous. Until 45 days have elapsed from payment, the transaction is simply not ended in eBays book.


Okey doke. Whatever you say.

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Holy Jesus...


There is not much to read there and it immediately says that "some applied color touch"


We are becoming such an illiterate society. No one wants to read even when it is in their best interests. We are becoming a bunch of text messaging illiterate .


:applause: And as far as "baiting" the buyer goes.. that's BS. If they allowed 3rd graders to purchase things on ebay, you may have had a point, Miles. But, it's up to the adult buyer to be able to read simple sentences. No excuses.


Baited may be the wrong word, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to read and research. I said that from the beginning.


However. If you want to avoid problems. You better cater to 3rd graders. Don't fill the title with fluff to attract and sell until pertinent information is clearly listed.

So the listing header should have read: RESTORED, TAMPERED, DOCTORED 4th/5th APP of Wolverine. Oh, X-men 94, by the way? That's like going to a used car lot and expecting the saleman to tell you the second you ask about the car, that it's been wrecked. If you're dumb enough to buy a car without getting a history of that car... speaks for itself. The fact RMA mentions this at all in the header is rare. Most of them wait until you click on it to mention this. I see PLODS with the color tone changed to blue, so that maybe some unsuspecting sap will buy it. I'm siding with RMA on this one. He did nothing wrong.



What's wrong with "X-Men #94...NM 9.4 Restored"? Too simple I guess?


Yes, it's too simple. I wish to take advantage of proper keyword searches, as well as give my own personality to my listings.Wolverine is relevant to the book. I want to catch the eyes of someone who wasn't necessarily shopping for X-Men, but may be interested when they see what it is.


It's called "window dressing", and it's done every day throughout the world.


They do not need to know what "App" means, as it is explained in the description, but those who do will see it, and they might be in the market for a nice, high grade restored copy.


I guess the part you have a problem with is that you think I'm telling people they MUST block this guy. Not at all. I'm presenting my evidence, and it's up to anyone else to decide what they want to do with it. It's none of my business what anyone else chooses to do, and that should be a "for granted" in any discussion among rational adults. I shouldn't have to write "IMO" after everything I type, and neither should anyone else. It should be a given.

I'd just change the title of the thread, then. I could see how to some it would imply that you're telling them they should block the guy. Maybe "Another ebayer I'm blocking?"
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I don't have a problem with it. Everything I have written has been IMO. The difference is I understand opinions may vary. You don't like any that differ from yours.

If addressing me... HAH! No way.I welcome all opinions and am the first to admit when I am wrong. Hell, I am wrong all the time. At least that's what my wife tells me. :)

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RMA didn't do anything wrong. It was clear in the description. Yes, the buyer has to be responsible for themselves.Pretty much everyone, including the buyer it seems, has the opinion that the buyer effed up and should eat it. Unless something further develops, it was a stupid mistake on the buyers part and not everyone agrees that it is worth blocking him.


The decision to block him depends on your tolerance for the stress of dealing with squirrelly buyers.

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RMA didn't do anything wrong. It was clear in the description. Yes, the buyer has to be responsible for themselves.Pretty much everyone, including the buyer it seems, has the opinion that the buyer effed up and should eat it. Unless something further develops, it was a stupid mistake on the buyers part and not everyone agrees that it is worth blocking him.


The decision to block him depends on your tolerance for the stress of dealing with squirrelly buyers.


My patience with "squirrly buyers" is at its end - thus any chance to block them - they get blocked!


CAL :sumo:

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Excuse me? Do i need to take photos of your original text? where after you say that i would need to return ASM 300 for you to CONSIDER a return? and then when i said i didn't read the description but i would be willing to send ASM 300 back YOU said basically well its not my fault you didnt read the description and Congrats on my new baby THEN i said I Understand Thanks......... WHERE I NEVER SAID I AM AWAITING CHARGE BACK? I accepted the fact of my error and didnt say anything after I am glad a fellow ebayer sent me this link to see this BS written about me

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eBay eBay sent this message to Johnny Ventura (redskinsjjv).

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Seller has responded to your question about this item

Do not respond to the sender if this message requests that you complete the transaction outside of eBay. This type of offer is against eBay policy, may be fraudulent, and is not covered by buyer protection programs. Learn More


Dear comic-sutra,


I understand thanks


- redskinsjjv



* Uncanny X-MEN #94 New X-Men Begin! 4th Wolverine! App NM 9.4 *

* Uncanny X-MEN #94 New X-Men Begin! 4th Wolverine! App NM 9.4 *

Item Id: 200883815421

End time: Jan-29-13 16:39:46 PST



redskinsjjv (208)

100.0% Positive Feedback

Member since Nov-11-07 in United States

Location: MD, United States

Listing Status: This message was sent while the listing was closed.


eBay eBay sent this message to Johnny Ventura (redskinsjjv).

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Dear redskinsjjv,


I see you've sold CGC graded books before, so this isn't news to you.


I'm really sorry, but you had a 14 day window to return the book, and it's now well over that. It's not very fair of you to have ignored the description, and then want to return it over three weeks later.


Best wishes for your new baby. I'm sure he/she is a handful.


- comic-sutra


eBay eBay sent this message to Johnny Ventura (redskinsjjv).

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Do not respond to the sender if this message requests that you complete the transaction outside of eBay. This type of offer is against eBay policy, may be fraudulent, and is not covered by buyer protection programs. Learn More


Dear comic-sutra,


Im sorry I did not see it in the description I was so focused on seeing the photos of the comic, if that is what I need to do to get a refund I will return both comics


- redskinsjjv



* Uncanny X-MEN #94 New X-Men Begin! 4th Wolverine! App NM 9.4 *

* Uncanny X-MEN #94 New X-Men Begin! 4th Wolverine! App NM 9.4 *

Item Id: 200883815421

End time: Jan-29-13 16:39:46 PST



redskinsjjv (208)



eBay eBay sent this message to Johnny Ventura (redskinsjjv).

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Seller has responded to your question about this item

Do not respond to the sender if this message requests that you complete the transaction outside of eBay. This type of offer is against eBay policy, may be fraudulent, and is not covered by buyer protection programs. Learn More


Dear redskinsjjv,


First off, I'm sorry you're unhappy.


However...please read the description of the listing. The color touch was quite clearly listed, and quite clearly described in both the title and the listing.


As well, you received this book on Feb 14th...well over three weeks ago.


A 9.4 Near Mint copy of this book is worth around $1500.00. One just sold for nearly $1700 a couple weeks ago. Why do you think I sold this copy for only $700? $700 for this book is a fair price, given its issues, which, again, were explained upfront in the listing.


Please consider what I have said, and get back to me. I am tempted to say no. You got a SMOKING hot deal on the Spidey #300 (It's now selling for $300 in that condition), so if I'm going to allow a return almost a month later, it will have to be everything.


Why didn't you bring this issue up when you got the book, or very soon after? Very disappointing.


- comic-sutra

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