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Ewert Exposed as Trimming Books: Redux

133 posts in this topic

The Ewert statement does not pass the "smell test" at that point to me.


There are lot of problematic questions still lingering out there:


1) Jason knows that Marc at least has a suspect past, yet deals with him anyway (if you were a major dealer and bought from hammer, would you be surprised it was worked on?)


2) Tom has not been involved with the deal only from the end of selling the book to Bob -- so he can claim no "actual" knowledge to Bob that the book had work done -- plausible deniability


3) How convenient to blame someone with a track record for fraud. We automatically believe Jason and naturally assume it's this other guy -- who will never come on here. It's like blaming Hammer for everything. Only we have a new guy to point the finger at... saw a lot of fraud guys using the "i was duped by someone else" defense in my former life.


Look, I'm with Tim on this one -- I know Scott you know him personally, and that counts and I respect that opinion -- but to me, everyone here has just sort of assumed Jason's telling you the WHOLE truth in is ONE post. And his record as a dealer. I'm not saying we should presume guilt at all. Nor am I saying that we shouldn't take Jason's word. But given the circumstances, I don't think for all the chirping that went on, we ought to simply say ok, Jason's 100% clean either.

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Shrunkenhead starts intimating the real problems.


Right. It seems to me the lingering question is whether or not one believes Ewert's statement that he had no knowledge of the trimming, and that this Marc fellow acted alone. And regardless of what you believe on that question, the question is compounded when one stops to wonder if Ewert's inventory has additional damaged goods that got the blue label from other submissions. That's really the crux. Whether or not Ewert knew about it, the books could still be---and likely are---floating around

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Initial problems with Ewert's explanation that I had.


What's dubious:


1) books have "passed through" his hands -- meaning there's some consistent, prior relationship between the two. This is not a one time deal.


2) The person, as Jason states up front, is somebody who is known to have a questionable record (at best) yet he continues to deal with him? Why?


3) The guy posted once. How many single posters are received so well and their explanations accepted so blindly?


4) In the past he has out right denied he pressed books. Do you think anybody asking him this question meant do you (personally) press books? Or do you think they meant, do you have books pressed and sell them without disclosing it. Jason has emphatically denied he presses books. That is an honest statement. But it is not honest in spirit since he sends the books out to be pressed. This is plausible deniability.


5) Look at the set up of how they sold the book to Bob: Like a corporation that doesn't want hand A to know what hand B is doing so that the hand representing "honesty and truthfulness to its buyers" can maintain that honesty. Tom didn't know a thing when he sold that book to Bob. Wow, that's convenient.


That's what I find dubious. And would I say that Jason is lying. No way. But would I say it's questionable. Absolutely. Would I recommend anyone buying a book from Jason? No way. Too risky.

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It's a good thing we didn't adopt Rhino's attitude on this one (no offense intended, but if it had ended like you suggested, we never would get to the bottom of the story).


It's not BS. I am taking his word for what happened and letting it go.

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I was ready to let it die as well (just so Rhino isn't singled out)


but I also think it's time to let the thread die, and I'm hoping that's what will happen for the most part. I think things will play out however they're going to, and as time goes by, we'll see what happens -- I think everything comes out in the wash eventually. I believe it will here too.

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My statement on the level analysis we should be giving the Ewert situation.


It's like blaming Hammer. Immediately he's doubted. Hell, he's been convicted like Danny boy.


I'm amazed everyone here, after one post, after all this blow up, everyone's just taking what Jason says at face value. Deconstruct what everyone is actually supplying you, and the ONLY person who's made any exonerating comments is Jason -- statements in his own interest. If I had a defendant on the stand, and his was the only evidence that exculpated him, how heavy would you weigh it?

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Sfilosa is starting to catch on.


Without trying to add fuel to the fire, here is what STILL doesn't add up.


Back Track:


1) Book is on Bob's site for $4,750 (I believe)

2) Book was purchased by Bob. While I have no firm information, I HAVE to believe Bob marked the book up at least 20% (especially since he outright purchased it plus he is usually willing to deal a little).

3) That means the max Bob pays for the book is close to $4,000 from Jason/Brulato.

4) Jason apparently bought this book from Marc, and obviously at a lower price then $4,000.

5) Let's assume Jason wanted at least 10% profit and recoup grading fees (but probably more).

6) Book is sold to Jason at a maximum of $3,600.


Marc fellow buys the book for $3,737 from Heritage, changes the staples and trims the book, loses JUST one grade from 9.0 to 8.5 but gets a blue label. And LOSES $137 minimum.


Just doesn't ADD UP!!!!

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Namisgr starts pointing at the CGC problems in more detail.


Leaving the remaining issues aside for a moment surrounding the controversial CGC submission, and who did what and when to whom, what bothers me alot about this affair is CGC's role in it. That is, why was the trimming on the FF3 so damn hard to detect in the first place, and how was it missed? Having had one of my own very high ticket books come back with a PLOD trimmed label, and being the scientist that I am, I have long wondered about the methods behind this aspect of the resto check. As others apparently believed as well, I was under the impression that an examination of book edges under a well-lit and well-powered dissecting microscope was used to reveal structural characteristics of the cut paper fibers, and also that hand-trimmed fibers would have a different appearance than machined ones.


Now I learn that this is not the case, at least with some books (like the FF3 in question). How the heck does CGC decide whether a book has been trimmed then? Cover and page alignment apparently has alot to do with the decision - for instance, I was told regarding my PLOD that the way the top cover edge aligned with the interior pages was the compelling bit of evidence. This, frankly, seems ridiculous to me, because surely a small handful of books will roll off the presses with a cover edge that, by chance, is in remarkable alignment with the interior pages.


Someone stated earlier that CGC is not infallible. Well, doh. At issue, rather, is just how fallible are they? How the h-ll do they judge whether a book has been trimmed, how reliable are the methods, and how many other examples exist out there of books either in blue labels with trimming, or purple labels without it?

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The Godfather Speaks! Oh yeah, and we find out that Schreuder says he never sold the books to Ewert.


Steve said that he had contacted Mark Schreuder and that Mark has denied trimming the books. As far as I understood our conversation, Steve/CGC have made no conclusions and have not blamed nor cleared either party at this point. I don't know where that leaves the investigation, but I hope there is more news to come (or more digging). Perhaps Schreuder will make a more detailed public statement at some point for whatever that will be worth.

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The second Borock post, dated September 8, 2005. Ewert is clearly flagged as the submitter.


I don't know what you want cleared up from CGC's end. We did what we can.Here is my post if you do not remember it:


"As promised, I am here with what we have found out.


We got the FF #3 in yesterday, it is definitely trimmed and there are now vintage staples instead of cleaned ones. I can now also tell, because I now know it is the same book, that whoever put the vintage staples in, damaged the area by the staples, thus the lower grade upon re-submission. CGC will be buying the book back from Bob.


The trimming of the FF #3 is very slight. I would challenge anyone to be able to detect this trimming without the help of a “before” scan.


Thanks to the Heritage archive of scans and some board members this trimming has been caught and CGC has made restitution (which we did not have to do) to Bob. This is the way the hobby should work. We appreciate any help we get from people on or off these boards.


I have spoken to some of the people involved in this and I can tell you that Heritage, for legal reasons, will not reveal who their bidders are. CGC knows and has the permission of the submitter of the invoice in question: It is from the VIA account which, at times, there are 2 submitters, either Jason Ewert or Tom Brulato. This invoice was submitted by Jason.


On a separate note, as to some people here casting aspersions about Chris Friesen and his ethics; Chris feels the same way we at CGC do about trimming and would never trim a comic book. Not only that, when he was doing restoration he would never trim a comic. True restorers and conservators do not trim books. More importantly, if Chris ever trimmed a book while under the Certified Collectibles Group banner, he would be let go immediately.


Hope this helps from our end.

-Steve "

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More problems I had after Steve's response and the public revelations concerning Schreuder.


I've also spoken to Borock, and I think his take on your questions Jim was that there isn't any action being taken (i.e banning) by CGC against Ewert because they can't prove he did anything wrong yet (and nobody can offer 100% iron clad proof that they are looking for)... if CGC did find that proof, they have stated they would out Ewert the same way in which they outed Dupcak. However, with regards to the detection, Steve's take to me was basically, we're not going to catch it all the time, it's very difficult to detect the job on this book, and we will try and do better next time.


As far as Schreuder is concerned, well, I think this is one piece of information that should change a lot of people's 100% mindset that Jason was telling you the whole truth. Obviously, there's another side to the story. Who do you think benefits by not having his rep torn apart? Jason's the one with more at stake here, and that's why I've maintained that it's burden to prove that he's telling the truth since he submitted the book and got caught with the trimmed book -- he bought it from Schreuder -- 27_laughing.gif! -- but then again, perhaps if he can offer something a little better than his word -- that would change the entire situation.


And again, as I've noted in the past, it's not pressing that bothers me but here again is bruce coroborating what others have said that in the past JASON HAS OUTRIGHT LIED TO THEIR FACES when asked about whether he presses. So don't give me this b.s. that Jason is the only dealer who comes on here and admits pressing... he did it because he's been caught dead to rights and everybody knows he does it anyway. If he wants to press books, i could care less... but the fact that he has lied in the past has to cast some serious doubt on his story.

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Let me state this again for the record, Jason has lied in the past about his pressing, and now has been caught again lying on this issue: Conclusion, Jason is a liar.


All I know is that Ewert has told people in the past to their face that he does not press. That's the issue

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Crux of the difference between the Ewert story and Schreuder story. Schreuder says he never touched the book.


My understanding of the conflict that I got from Steve was basically that Schreuder says he never touched the FF 3. Period. Never sold it to Jason and it has never passed through his hands. Mighty big conflict.

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I agree with RIP, show me the proof!


I totally agree. Some sort of proof would probably give me enough faith to stop until more definitive evidence would be revealed. How about a cancelled check? No, you paid in cash? Well about more info like, how were the books bought and received? How about, where'd you guys meet to exchange the cash... did Schreuder come to you, did you go to him? Or perhaps answer, why did you do business with him given his notorious reputation? Maybe even, mailing records if the books were mailed to and you wired transferred the money (oops, there'd be a receipt then, probably not...), or perhaps even just a list of the books he bought from Schreuder (wouldn't want to do that, that might cut into my sales!!!!)


y'know, the more and more I get a sense of this whole picture, the more I think Tommy B. might not know exactly what Jason is doing in Fl. and Jason might be doing some shady stuff...


I agree with RIP -- let's see SOMETHING from Jason proving his story!!!! It would certainly get me to STFU

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awe4one reinforces the concerns with CGC.


These are serious resto issues that made it by your folks. There's apparently a loophole in your system that was exploited. Hell you don't even know whether there may be other people using the same methods to avoid detection. Waiting until it happens again doesn't cut it. Something internal to CGC need to be addressed and any actions taken revealed to customers. I agree that a concerted scammer will try again and you all can't be correct 100% of the time. But this situation is on a whole level more than a typical over/undergrade or minor missed color touch. These were major changes and they were still missed by a company that should pick up the slightest resto. Being complacent, and that's the situation as it looks now, is waiting for disaster to strike twice...

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