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The "New Forum" Discussion Thread

509 posts in this topic

hm Perhaps, the new forum could limit each post to 50 words or less.


I like this Mike. What does your dog think about walls of text hm


I think you hit a sore spot.


I am down with this suggestion and a daily post count limit per thread.


Appears so, since he had to take me off ignore to read my post. Can someone quote him, so I can read what he had to say without me breaking my one rule on the boards? If you can give me the condensed version that would be great. I have a lot to do before my trip to the graders tomorrow.





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I condensed this down to something reasonable.


If you're going to cut things out of posts, you really ought to preserve context.


Not true, and it automatically assumes ill motive on the part of the person correcting, which is a fairly bleak way to look at life. Only people who are offended by being corrected would view things this way, in considering the source of the correction. Are you offended by correction, especially if it comes from someone who "has you on ignore"...?


And do you look at everyone you have "fought with" as perpetual "enemies"? Just because you have "fought with" someone (itself a bleak way of looking at things), that means their motives towards you are forever and always suspect and should be assumed to be negative? Why does incidental correction, which you have gone on for many posts now, matter so much to you....? This paragraph here really tells, probably more than you intended.


Enemies? No. But I am not the one requesting this virtual 'complete ignore' world.


I don't know what you mean by "world." I only want it as a feature on the CGC boards. It's pretty simple.


So all it demonstrates is me trying to interpret your long-needed desire to have this feature. It is not a new topic for you.


I'm sure you believe that's all it demonstrates, but what is a "long-needed desire"...?


I think it would be wasted code if someone created a feature that then gets utilized so carelessly.


"Carelessly" is only your opinion, and an uninformed one. It doesn't hold any evidentiary water. There are many, many features that people took the time to code that don't get used, or, don't get used the way you believe they should. That is why they are called "options." If people choose to use them, fine. If not, fine. I will certainly use it, and others have expressed the same sentiment.


HOW they use it isn't really anyone's business but theirs.


That's the true summary of the situation. Engaging it and then bypassing it is not going to bring peace, my friend.


That's because you don't understand that it is a voluntary function, and you don't understand the mechanics, either. It's been explained many times, but you keep thinking that it is some "engage/bypass", as if once it's "engaged", it can't be "unengaged."


Just because you believe the function should be used according to your views doesn't make it so. That's self-evident.


It is only going to cause more turmoil if applied the way you are thinking.


Again...that's because you don't understand how it works, as evidenced by your repetition of the idea that if one doesn't use it the way you think it should be used, they're not using it "properly."


One more time: ignore is voluntary. Therefore, if I choose to UNengage it, that is ALSO voluntary. There is nothing to "bypass"; it's all under the individual's control from the outset. Anyone can turn it on...and off...at will. Only, in this case, if the other party has them on ignore as well, they still won't be able to see their posts.


Why are you having such a difficult time with that?

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I think we ought not to have post-counts. Maybe the same (or similar) levels one passes, so we know who has passed 500 posts, but is it 590 or 774? Who cares? But when they cross 1000, they get another custom level.


Just no numbers.







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hm Perhaps, the new forum could limit each post to 50 words or less.


I like this Mike. What does your dog think about walls of text hm


I think you hit a sore spot.


I am down with this suggestion and a daily post count limit per thread.


Appears so, since he had to take me off ignore to read my post. Can someone quote him, so I can read what he had to say without me breaking my one rule on the boards? If you can give me the condensed version that would be great. I have a lot to do before my trip to the graders tomorrow.



How very unfortunate, that people would go so far out of their way to be so bitter towards others.


It's really unfortunate, and I mean that completely.


PS. Joey may or may not read this, but you don't have to "take someone off ignore" to read their posts.


Also...to Joey: what BK told you was true. You should listen to him.

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I think we ought not to have post-counts. Maybe the same (or similar) levels one passes, so we know who has passed 500 posts, but is it 590 or 774? Who cares? But when they cross 1000, they get another custom level.


Just no numbers.







Maybe like the little flags or symbols that denote levels achieved on the old arcade style video games?
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I think we ought not to have post-counts. Maybe the same (or similar) levels one passes, so we know who has passed 500 posts, but is it 590 or 774? Who cares? But when they cross 1000, they get another custom level.


Just no numbers.







Maybe like the little flags or symbols that denote levels achieved on the old arcade style video games?


I like this idea.


I also like the idea of there being a cap - say 5,000 and then you pick your own icon. That way people are not motivated beyond a certain point to maintain or grow a post count.

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hm Perhaps, the new forum could limit each post to 50 words or less.


I like this Mike. What does your dog think about walls of text hm


I think you hit a sore spot.


I am down with this suggestion and a daily post count limit per thread.


Not to be a wet blanket on your marvelous suggestions, but doing that would turn this place into a ghost town. I guess some folks really DO want to "burn it down."




reductio ad absurdum


Perfect...truly...example for the feature.


Feel free to put me on "ignore" anytime.


I do, and have.


Realistically you are one of the most widely disliked people on the boards.


How do you know? Did you take a poll? Was there a vote?


Or are you just saying vicious things because it makes you happy to do so? Frankly, the vitriol you're displaying is breathtaking.


I have no problem with that, true or not. This isn't high school, and I'm not running for Class President.


Again...the real question is, what would compel you to say that to someone you don't know, have never met, and has never done you any harm...?


The 200,000 words posted in this thread doesn't make that any less true nor does your circular, selective and presumptive form of misguided and unwanted logic.


Proof? Evidence? Any reasonable attempt at all to demonstrate the validity of your statements?


No, of course not. That would be reasonable, and that's not allowed.


Maybe if you used the function as it is designed today instead of preaching for a different one, everyone would be spared your endless rants.


No one is "preaching" about anything. It is a request. Endless rants? You DO realize that Bosco has "ranted" just as "endlessly", right?


Again, feel free to put me on "ignore" anytime.


Your type of malicious, vicious commentary...and I say that without any bitterness; what you say is self-evident....is precisely the reason for this "complete ignore" feature...AND...perhaps those who were on the fence will see this wildly inappropriate and vicious commentary and come to understand my point.


In the meantime I lol everytime I read your particular brand of crazy. Hopefully Arch sees through your silliness and never robs me of that joy just because you want control of everything.




I wonder...who really has done the damage to their own cause, here....




In any event, I want control over who sees my posts....nothing more, nothing less. What else you do is none of my concern.


Facts, evidence...meaningless to those like you.


But...someday, you and I will be reconciled, and these issues addressed. I look forward to that.

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hm Perhaps, the new forum could limit each post to 50 words or less.


I like this Mike. What does your dog think about walls of text hm


I think you hit a sore spot.


I am down with this suggestion and a daily post count limit per thread.


Appears so, since he had to take me off ignore to read my post. Can someone quote him, so I can read what he had to say without me breaking my one rule on the boards? If you can give me the condensed version that would be great. I have a lot to do before my trip to the graders tomorrow.



How very unfortunate, that people would go so far out of their way to be so bitter towards others.


It's really unfortunate, and I mean that completely.


What is really unfortunate, and I mean it completely, is that you have no idea how utterly ridiculous you are. All the time.


Always judging people, always with condescension, always correcting even the smallest misstep in anything, always creating confrontation but preaching otherwise. Posting extraordinarily long strings of utter nonsense to pick apart statements always in an attempt to discredit the poster and shifting the argument to unnecessary and illogical ends just so you can "win."


All the time. You are ridiculous all the time, it really is unfortunate.

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hm Perhaps, the new forum could limit each post to 50 words or less.


I like this Mike. What does your dog think about walls of text hm


I think you hit a sore spot.


I am down with this suggestion and a daily post count limit per thread.


Not to be a wet blanket on your marvelous suggestions, but doing that would turn this place into a ghost town. I guess some folks really DO want to "burn it down."




reductio ad absurdum


Perfect...truly...example for the feature.


Feel free to put me on "ignore" anytime.


I do, and have.


Realistically you are one of the most widely disliked people on the boards.


How do you know? Did you take a poll? Was there a vote?


Or are you just saying vicious things because it makes you happy to do so? Frankly, the vitriol you're displaying is breathtaking.


I have no problem with that, true or not. This isn't high school, and I'm not running for Class President.


Again...the real question is, what would compel you to say that to someone you don't know, have never met, and has never done you any harm...?


The 200,000 words posted in this thread doesn't make that any less true nor does your circular, selective and presumptive form of misguided and unwanted logic.


Proof? Evidence? Any reasonable attempt at all to demonstrate the validity of your statements?


No, of course not. That would be reasonable, and that's not allowed.


Maybe if you used the function as it is designed today instead of preaching for a different one, everyone would be spared your endless rants.


No one is "preaching" about anything. It is a request. Endless rants? You DO realize that Bosco has "ranted" just as "endlessly", right?


Again, feel free to put me on "ignore" anytime.


Your type of malicious, vicious commentary...and I say that without any bitterness; what you say is self-evident....is precisely the reason for this "complete ignore" feature...AND...perhaps those who were on the fence will see this wildly inappropriate and vicious commentary and come to understand my point.


In the meantime I lol everytime I read your particular brand of crazy. Hopefully Arch sees through your silliness and never robs me of that joy just because you want control of everything.




I wonder...who really has done the damage to their own cause, here....




In any event, I want control over who sees my posts....nothing more, nothing less. What else you do is none of my concern.


Facts, evidence...meaningless to those like you.


But...someday, you and I will be reconciled, and these issues addressed. I look forward to that.


Seriously, you are the person everyone wishes they could punch through the computer.


You bring zero value here, zero.


You need to be banned.

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The tension has been very high on the boards this week. It is a shame. Though on the surface it would appear it all started with Birthday threads I am guessing that is just the catalyst.

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On what page did thread become useless to Architect? What series of posts mark the final derailment that wrecked this thread?


Be sensible. Do some research about what products already exist on the market; keep in mind that online message boards have been around for over four decades now, so you can call that a mature market. See how that product matches your interest in how you interact with the board itself as well as other people.


Forget about micro-parsing and deconstructing statements, meta-statements, implied-unstated-butreallyreallyobvious-statements, past feuds, reputations, and other such fanny packs. Heck, go visit some other forums and see how they are built and what people can and can't do it--I bet a lot of us do that already.


Maybe some people are doing that now. If so, I wish they would post their thoughts and give Architect something that isn't a waste of his time.


I'm going to do that myself. Maybe there's still hope for this beleaguered thread. :banana:


At least, I'm gonna do it when it's not 10 PM on the night before my last day of work before a week's vacation.


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The tension has been very high on the boards this week. It is a shame. Though on the surface it would appear it all started with Birthday threads I am guessing that is just the catalyst.



Nothing like wishing someone a good day to get everyone all riled up. lol

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You went for the jugular a bit on that last one. You may not like RMA, and others may agree with your sentiment but you basically called him a horrible human being that no one cares about. That is a bit brutal. :(

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The tension has been very high on the boards this week. It is a shame. Though on the surface it would appear it all started with Birthday threads I am guessing that is just the catalyst.



Nothing like wishing someone a good day to get everyone all riled up. lol




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You went for the jugular a bit on that last one. You may not like RMA, and others may agree with your sentiment but you basically called him a horrible human being that no one cares about. That is a bit brutal. :(



True, and it's best to make points as to how one personally feels without resorting to the peer-acdeptance-crutch of saying "everyone" or " everybody " feels the exact same way on a topic or share an identical opinion about a person. It's not persuasive and it's the best possible way to guarantee whatever point trying to be made, that follows the "everybody thinks", is completely fallacious.

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