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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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And maybe you didn't read the part that POV captured quite nicely.


What does "- First :takeit: gets it and trumps any and all PM's." indicate to you? And I stress the "any and all PMs".


Again - "any and all PMs". So even if a PM includes an :takeit:, exactly where can that :takeit: BE in order to supercede "any and all PMs"?


That was why Bio-Rupp asked Green to post TAKE IT to follow the rule for that given sales thread.


Maybe it would be best that there are standard rules which apply to all sales threads on posting :takeit: so there is never a misunderstanding how this should work.

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Looks like Bio droped the ball on this one? Maybe Green should try to put him in the probation list



Oh nooooo - you don't hold any grudges.




It's not a grudge at all. He sold it to green then sold it to someone else! Whats so hard to understand. I read the whole thing and Bio was wrong and his attitude towards Green is also wrong. I don't even hold a grudge against you (thumbs u


All this situation has done is brought a strong education to the overall forum (even Green will tell you this) that too many different standards are going around concerning what confirms a sale. And the opinions being brought to bear in this situation especially proves this out.


What you interpret as cut-and-dry seems to be a different cut-and-dry for others. Bio-Rupp told Green SOLD, but then included a polite request for him to post a TAKE IT in each thread to confirm the deal. Green, in his own words, read this and decided not to do it, but rather went to watch TV because I believe he is taking medicine right now and felt he needed to lay down.


It sounds like the ball was dropped on both sides. So how do you toss out there putting Bio-Rupp on the probation list with this situation?

Maybe a little overboard on my part but Bio should of marked sold "its his sales thread" and not sold to the other person. His bad attitude towards green is just wrong. He should sell the books to Green, if you look at the vote results, it shows favorable towards Green. I do feel if Bio doesn't follow through the sell, he should give green a public apology.
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Bio-Rupp told Green SOLD, but then included a polite request for him to post a TAKE IT in each thread to confirm the deal. Green, in his own words, read this and decided not to do it, but rather went to watch TV because I believe he is taking medicine right now and felt he needed to lay down.


The problem is that he did no such thing, though - if he had specifically stated that Green needed to add the "takeit" to the threads to confirm the deal, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Green obviously read Rupp's reply as if this was a courtesy and not a requirement.


And, to be honest, if I had been the buyer, that's exactly how I would have read it as well.

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Bio-Rupp told Green SOLD, but then included a polite request for him to post a TAKE IT in each thread to confirm the deal. Green, in his own words, read this and decided not to do it, but rather went to watch TV because I believe he is taking medicine right now and felt he needed to lay down.


The problem is that he did no such thing, though - if he had specifically stated that Green needed to add the "takeit" to the threads to confirm the deal, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Green obviously read Rupp's reply as if this was a courtesy and not a requirement.

And, to be honest, if I had been the buyer, that's exactly how I would have read it as well.


Thats the way I saw it also. I just bought a cap 110 from jive turkey, in the pm i said I'll take it, he told me to put it in the sells thread to make it official sale. He didn't say sold or nothing in the pm, but he made sure I put it in the sells thread to avoid confusion. So I did. Thats the way it should of been handled.

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[Looks like Bio droped the ball on this one? Maybe Green should try to put him in the probation list


8mile I do appreciate your concern for Green and your immediate "fling" of the probation thread. Perhaps you care more for the rules of this board than you previously acted like you did in our last conversations. Remember when you were mocking people who worked blue collar jobs like at McDonalds? I think I read in a thread where you got "schooled" for making those comments and they came back to haunt you... something about your job at the post office? Can't remember right off... I'm sure someone does tho.


I put the "1st take it trumps any & all PM's" rule in place to prevent this kind of thing happening. I asked Green to post the "take its"... he refused. He lost.


I've got to address a few things...


Those who say I need to maintain my thread more properly... all this occured over a 12 - 15 min time frame. In the minutes waiting for Green to answer me about why he wouldn't post the "take its" is when the other buyer came into play with his own "take it". Really no time to get there first... but I wouldn't of posted them for him anyway. Why? Because as the seller of MY merchandise, I personally WANT the buyer to place that "take it" sign as public proof of our transaction for everyone to see.


Now I'm hearing I backed out of the deal to make more money. What was the difference between the Thread price and what I quoted them to you for with all the extras you demanded, Green? Something like $7 or so, not counting the 3 free $2 Hulks you wanted? So figuring those in... it's about $1 extra I made by selling to the person who could take the time to post "take it".


Is $1 really an amount worthy enough to tear me away from a deal with Green... who had already spent $100 in another thread of mine? So let's just nip that assumption the "Bio got greedy" right here fellas. $1 won't hardly get 8mile to hand me 3 stamps at the post office, let alone make it worth losing a $100 sale over.


It wouldn't matter if Jesus himself told Green to post those signs. I could tell by his attitude toward me from his first response about posting them... that it was beneath him to do so... and I also feel he was offended I even asked. Why I don't know. He has stated that he read my request immediatly and then went to lay down. Why?


I as the seller of MY goods on MY thread with MY rules asked him to do this. He didn't do it. He lost. Since I am the seller and those were my rules, it really doesn't matter one way or the other how Green, or anyone else, interpretated it.


Green has backed out of the deal we had and I let him do so. The $100 worth of items that he could have had and the other items that he could have secured with a "take it" sign are on their way to someone who didn't have a problem throwing up that little sign.


8mile all you have to do is cast your vote... X amount of people think I'm right and X amount of people think Green is right. No biggie unless you continue to add to it.


If he feel shafted, then Green, I am sorry you feel that way bud... hate you lost out on a great deal due to what ever reason you had to not post those signs. No hard feelings on my end.

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[Looks like Bio droped the ball on this one? Maybe Green should try to put him in the probation list


8mile I do appreciate your concern for Green and your immediate "fling" of the probation thread. Perhaps you care more for the rules of this board than you previously acted like you did in our last conversations. Remember when you were mocking people who worked blue collar jobs like at McDonalds? I think I read in a thread where you got "schooled" for making those comments and they came back to haunt you... something about your job at the post office? Can't remember right off... I'm sure someone does tho.


I put the "1st take it trumps any & all PM's" rule in place to prevent this kind of thing happening. I asked Green to post the "take its"... he refused. He lost.


I've got to address a few things...


Those who say I need to maintain my thread more properly... all this occured over a 12 - 15 min time frame. In the minutes waiting for Green to answer me about why he wouldn't post the "take its" is when the other buyer came into play with his own "take it". Really no time to get there first... but I wouldn't of posted them for him anyway. Why? Because as the seller of MY merchandise, I personally WANT the buyer to place that "take it" sign as public proof of our transaction for everyone to see.


Now I'm hearing I backed out of the deal to make more money. What was the difference between the Thread price and what I quoted them to you for with all the extras you demanded, Green? Something like $7 or so, not counting the 3 free $2 Hulks you wanted? So figuring those in... it's about $1 extra I made by selling to the person who could take the time to post "take it".


Is $1 really an amount worthy enough to tear me away from a deal with Green... who had already spent $100 in another thread of mine? So let's just nip that assumption the "Bio got greedy" right here fellas. $1 won't hardly get 8mile to hand me 3 stamps at the post office, let alone make it worth losing a $100 sale over.


It wouldn't matter if Jesus himself told Green to post those signs. I could tell by his attitude toward me from his first response about posting them... that it was beneath him to do so... and I also feel he was offended I even asked. Why I don't know. He has stated that he read my request immediatly and then went to lay down. Why?


I as the seller of MY goods on MY thread with MY rules asked him to do this. He didn't do it. He lost. Since I am the seller and those were my rules, it really doesn't matter one way or the other how Green, or anyone else, interpretated it.


Green has backed out of the deal we had and I let him do so. The $100 worth of items that he could have had and the other items that he could have secured with a "take it" sign are on their way to someone who didn't have a problem throwing up that little sign.


8mile all you have to do is cast your vote... X amount of people think I'm right and X amount of people think Green is right. No biggie unless you continue to add to it.


If he feel shafted, then Green, I am sorry you feel that way bud... hate you lost out on a great deal due to what ever reason you had to not post those signs. No hard feelings on my end.

First i was making fun of the fact that thing was calling you a kid working at McDonalds not blue collar works. Second you said sold in your pm to him! Whats so hard to understand? Second the vote is in favor of green not you, does that mean that you "the same person who was defending the community by slamming Thing because of what he said about the members and the community" means that you are going against the communitys thoughts? (tsk)
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The problem is that he did no such thing, though - if he had specifically stated that Green needed to add the "takeit" to the threads to confirm the deal, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Green obviously read Rupp's reply as if this was a courtesy and not a requirement.


And, to be honest, if I had been the buyer, that's exactly how I would have read it as well.


That's why based on what could have happened, any one of the following scenarios could have been the end result.


1. Green could have either posted the TAKES IT's - or - asked Bio to mark them as sold as he didn't feel he needed to do anything further.


2. Bio-Rupp could have either marked the books as sold when Green didn't take action - or - when the second buyer posted TAKE IT's, he could have stated there was a potential pending deal and he was just trying to confirm with the buyer.


I don't think either party was trying to screw the other person over. This was a communication breakdown because Bio-Rupp felt his sales rules made it very clear and which he was following with the polite note, and Green felt from past experience with other sellers he didn't have to do anything further.


Lesson learned for the entire forum how clear we need to be as sellers and buyers.

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First i was making fun of the fact that thing was calling you a kid working at McDonalds not blue collar works. Second you said sold in your pm to him! Whats so hard to understand? Second the vote is in favor of green not you, does that mean that you "the same person who was defending the community by slamming Thing because of what he said about the members and the community" means that you are going against the communitys thoughts? (tsk)


No sir I'm not going against the community... of what is now? 36 or 37 people? With a 60 / 40 split? Maybe I'm newer here and Green just has more friends than I do? Maybe the 16 or 17 votes I have are mostly from dog lovers who really think that I have a cute puppy. I would like to think they see my rule was in place and really think that Green should have just taken the 2 minutes it would have taken to post those signs and avoided all this. There are thousands of members here 8mile... get them to all vote and then tell me about the "voice" of the community.


Had Green completed the transaction by doing what was asked of him... politely I might add... then he would have had them. It doesn't matter that I said "sold" to him. Our conversation was in a PM and first :takeit: TRUMPS ANY & ALL PM'S.


Sure you can disagree with that if you want. You can't disagree with the fact that we were talking in a PM, dealing in a PM and coming to terms in a PM. Unfortunatly for Green, first :takeit: trumps all PM's


60% of people who voted think thats wrong and I respect their opinion. But since it's my sales thread and my rules... then my opinion in how I would have looked to Kawfeadikt by backing out of a deal he made with me (by following the # 1 rule of my thread) was more important than Green's feelings since he couldn't follow my posted and requested rules.


Just beg to differ 8mile. Hope you take the time to put that chip off your shoulder towards me and my fast food loving friends and join us at about 10pm est when I start my Silver Age readers sale back up. I'd love to sell some to you... just please post the :takeit: sign.

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First i was making fun of the fact that thing was calling you a kid working at McDonalds not blue collar works. Second you said sold in your pm to him! Whats so hard to understand? Second the vote is in favor of green not you, does that mean that you "the same person who was defending the community by slamming Thing because of what he said about the members and the community" means that you are going against the communitys thoughts? (tsk)


No sir I'm not going against the community... of what is now? 36 or 37 people? With a 60 / 40 split? Maybe I'm newer here and Green just has more friends than I do? Maybe the 16 or 17 votes I have are mostly from dog lovers who really think that I have a cute puppy. I would like to think they see my rule was in place and really think that Green should have just taken the 2 minutes it would have taken to post those signs and avoided all this. There are thousands of members here 8mile... get them to all vote and then tell me about the "voice" of the community.


Had Green completed the transaction by doing what was asked of him... politely I might add... then he would have had them. It doesn't matter that I said "sold" to him. Our conversation was in a PM and first :takeit: TRUMPS ANY & ALL PM'S.


Sure you can disagree with that if you want. You can't disagree with the fact that we were talking in a PM, dealing in a PM and coming to terms in a PM. Unfortunatly for Green, first :takeit: trumps all PM's


60% of people who voted think thats wrong and I respect their opinion. But since it's my sales thread and my rules... then my opinion in how I would have looked to Kawfeadikt by backing out of a deal he made with me (by following the # 1 rule of my thread) was more important than Green's feelings since he couldn't follow my posted and requested rules.


Just beg to differ 8mile. Hope you take the time to put that chip off your shoulder towards me and my fast food loving friends and join us at about 10pm est when I start my Silver Age readers sale back up. I'd love to sell some to you... just please post the :takeit: sign.

I have no chip on my shoulder towards you, but you are wrong. you told him sold in your PM that means they are sold easy as that. Edited by 8milemax
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I have no chip on my shoulder towards you, but you are wrong. you told him sold in your PM that means they are sold easy as that.


If it were as easy as that sir... then wouldn't the vote be 100% Green, 0% Rupp?


I made $30 minus shipping by selling to Kawfeadikt... I lost $130 by not selling to Green.


I stand by the rules of my thread... so much so it cost me $100.


Thats $100 that I need.


I can't say anything more to prove my integrity to you.


Drop the chip and come have some fun with us tonight sir... you are invited.

Edited by Bio-Rupp
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Keep the faith Rupp. Don't let him wear you down. You have a good attitude. (thumbs u


And Paul... you sir are the "go to" man for sweet GGA books! As well as a super nice guy!


I can only hope to attain your greatness sir :headbang:

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Keep the faith Rupp. Don't let him wear you down. You have a good attitude. (thumbs u


And Paul... you sir are the "go to" man for sweet GGA books! As well as a super nice guy!


I can only hope to attain your greatness sir :headbang:


He has a good attitude? If so the why is he taking shots a Green in his sales thread?


Bio is wrong on this matter 100%


Here is Bio taking shots at Green


not sure why its so big...it wasnt where I found it.


... and that's what Green said. :banana:

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Keep the faith Rupp. Don't let him wear you down. You have a good attitude. (thumbs u


And Paul... you sir are the "go to" man for sweet GGA books! As well as a super nice guy!


I can only hope to attain your greatness sir :headbang:


He has a good attitude? If so the why is he taking shots a Green in his sales thread?


Bio is wrong on this matter 100%


Here is Bio taking shots at Green


not sure why its so big...it wasnt where I found it.


... and that's what Green said. :banana:


8mile I'm just having some fun, man. My whole new sales thread is built around how ridiculous this all has become over what boils down to the fact the man was too lazy to push a few keys on his keyboard. What I'm doing is no worse than you bashing me over the Thing stuff, is it?


That chip is causing you to lash out sir. I gave Green as much of an apology as he deserved at your request eariler. If he wants to throw shots at me in his sales thread, I'm all for it. Why can't you just sit back and realize that even Green got in on the joke and was the 3rd or 4th post in my hokey sales thread in question. He knows I'm joshin and its all in good fun.


You may not care to know this but 2 different people PM'd me after your little rant about working at McDonalds. One person had a kid working to go to school and the other worked there because that was all that was available. They didn't appreciate you belittling them and thanked the members of the board who thought what you were doing was in poor taste. Even sent coupons! How nice is that? Very nice sir!


Is what I'm doing kinda immature and jabby.... sure it is. I'm just making light of a bad situation between me and the man. I'm not attacking his place of work, his family or his way of life. I had a great Teri Hatcher gag using Green and everybody had fun with it. My Indian rant... priceless! The one you quoted above... simple, yet effectivly humorous.


You are one of a few people who jumped in this thread that want to light the torches, grab the pitchforks and run a monster all the way up the windmill just to tell him that you just don't like silly ole monsters. And you guys do it to every monster you come across. I'm not the monster you're looking for 8mile.


If Green is mad, then I hope he puts on the "RuPp ScrewDed mY Brainz oUt wiT His Funky Englash" sales thread and gets laughs at my expense. He could do "RuPp ReadeRz for meaniE Nutzheadz" or even a "Bio BucKedeD Me inda TakEit AreeA". Its totally up to him and I'm all for it. Anything to get this torch bearing bunch to loosen up a little.


I invited you to come and have some fun and you still got the chip.


Lose the chip... practice putting out the :takeit: sign like I know Green is... and just relax buddy. It's almost Christmas too. :foryou:

Edited by Bio-Rupp
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Keep the faith Rupp. Don't let him wear you down. You have a good attitude. (thumbs u


And Paul... you sir are the "go to" man for sweet GGA books! As well as a super nice guy!


I can only hope to attain your greatness sir :headbang:


He has a good attitude? If so the why is he taking shots a Green in his sales thread?


Bio is wrong on this matter 100%


Here is Bio taking shots at Green


not sure why its so big...it wasnt where I found it.


... and that's what Green said. :banana:


8mile I'm just having some fun, man. My whole new sales thread is built around how ridiculous this all has become over what boils down to the fact the man was too lazy to push a few keys on his keyboard. What I'm doing is no worse than you bashing me over the Thing stuff, is it?


That chip is causing you to lash out sir. I gave Green as much of an apology as he deserved at your request eariler. If he wants to throw shots at me in his sales thread, I'm all for it. Why can't you just sit back and realize that even Green got in on the joke and was the 3rd or 4th post in my hokey sales thread in question. He knows I'm joshin and its all in good fun.


You may not care to know this but 2 different people PM'd me after your little rant about working at McDonalds. One person had a kid working to go to school and the other worked there because that was all that was available. They didn't appreciate you belittling them and thanked the members of the board who thought what you were doing was in poor taste. Even sent coupons! How nice is that? Very nice sir!


Is what I'm doing kinda immature and jabby.... sure it is. I'm just making light of a bad situation between me and the man. I'm not attacking his place of work, his family or his way of life. I had a great Teri Hatcher gag using Green and everybody had fun with it. My Indian rant... priceless! The one you quoted above... simple, yet effectivly humorous.


You are one of a few people who jumped in this thread that want to light the torches, grab the pitchforks and run a monster all the way up the windmill just to tell him that you just don't like silly ole monsters. And you guys do it to every monster you come across. I'm not the monster you're looking for 8mile.


If Green is mad, then I hope he puts on the "RuPp ScrewDed mY Brainz oUt wiT His Funky Englash" sales thread and gets laughs at my expense. He could do "RuPp ReadeRz for meaniE Nutzheadz" or even a "Bio BucKedeD Me inda TakEit AreeA". Its totally up to him and I'm all for it. Anything to get this torch bearing bunch to loosen up a little.


I invited you to come and have some fun and you still got the chip.


Lose the chip... practice putting out the :takeit: sign like I know Green is... and just relax buddy. It's almost Christmas too. :foryou:

Funny thing is I was going to buy some books until I saw what you said, you should of just left it alone and not said anything.
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Funny thing is I was going to buy some books until I saw what you said, you should of just left it alone and not said anything.


This coming from the man who still has "I'll take a McRib combo with a large coke.." emblazoned in his tag line.


I'm sorry you didn't stop in 8mile. It really was a good thread considering that it was a holiday. My offer of fun & slapstick still stands if you want to come by tonight around 10ish EST. Honestly, it won't bother me if you come by and thread all you want. You can even dust off the "Bio-Burp" if it makes you feel better. I welcome you sir... just try to have fun with it.


Going to be putting up another Marvel Spotlight # 2 at a crazy insane price of $13.33. I would love it if you won one.


Come on 8mile... chip baaad, fun...goooooooood!

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The idea here is to keep the constant chatter out of the Probation Thread. That way it stays shorter and more accessible. If you want to discuss what's going on in Forum Sales, try to do so here.


I've never seen more overgraded krap for sale in the forums then today . . . :grin:

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The idea here is to keep the constant chatter out of the Probation Thread. That way it stays shorter and more accessible. If you want to discuss what's going on in Forum Sales, try to do so here.


I've never seen more overgraded krap for sale in the forums then today . . . :grin:


Can you be more specific? I see mostly CGC books and readers.

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The idea here is to keep the constant chatter out of the Probation Thread. That way it stays shorter and more accessible. If you want to discuss what's going on in Forum Sales, try to do so here.


I've never seen more overgraded krap for sale in the forums then today . . . :grin:

Links? (shrug)

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The idea here is to keep the constant chatter out of the Probation Thread. That way it stays shorter and more accessible. If you want to discuss what's going on in Forum Sales, try to do so here.


I've never seen more overgraded krap for sale in the forums then today . . . :grin:

Links? (shrug)


Can't be my stuff... its all just underpriced krap.


"One man's krap is not another man's krap... but it's still krap to the one man... you know the first guy." - George W. Bush 2003

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