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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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Boscoe, you act like this is something out of character for rupp. Certainly you remember all the memes he did make public of killing/torturing one of my avatars. In one of his clowneython threads he even ran a contest encouraging other boardies to make memes doing the same. A contest which i believe you participated in.


The only contests I participated in was his Walking Dead cover editing contest, movie poster editing contest, and I believe there was something about a famous comic cover contest where I used a Superman image tearing open his shirt.


But if you and Park need to now call out other things that didn't happen with the loudest "let's get 'em all" chant, have at it.


You and I have chatted a few times about your disagreement with Rupp, and I told you I felt bad you two couldn't get along. Did I not?


If you say you didnt participate, i believe you. I didnt follow along or check to see who all played. But it did happen.


You were never the focus of any contest I participating in, though I know you two do not like each other. I wish that was not the case.


Park jumping on your now stated "facts" is a mob hype that needs to be avoided. The photos Seanfingh is talking about are the issue. Anything else is just a vendetta being carried out, and wanting to take others along for the ride.

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With one of them that included Seanfingh's and Park's avatar images, they laughed and cheered it on. Seanfingh said 'my body is bumpin' because it was the Heat Miser head on a woman's body. So see how hyperbole can lead to misperception when history is forgotten?=


I've been trying to stay away from this. But now the classic "She was asking for it" defense has been trotted out, and to that I say




The only thing that this post proves is people really do identify other people on these boards by their avatar. And while at first, I tried to blow this whole thing off, the more people try to defend it the scarier it becomes.


I told Chris I would stay out of the discussion where Rupp needs to explain the other images being mentioned.


On this one, nobody said 'she was asking for it' though you attempt to convey that message. Roy seemed to be upset because he though there were hidden images created that now were sent to him. What I am aware of were in CG threads, and people involved even laughed about their avatars being included.


So no, the message is not if it is funny to post in light images, let's go for something more wild. That is not acceptable.


I am not going to engage you any further, unless you try, again, to somehow state that the memes about my avatar having chunks of bone and blood blasted out the other side of its head are somehow OK because months ago it was funny when the same head was put on a Heavy Metal mag for comedic effect.


If there are images floating around conveying death to a fellow board member, it is extremely disturbing. There isn't even anything funny with a message like that. And if it was done to me, I would be concerned what the next step may be for this person. A knock at my door while my family is home?


But let's stick to that point. Not these other comments that have nothing to do with the chief concern.


Now you're getting there.


Also, someone please be kind and send Bosco685 a PM so he can stop saying "if" and acting like it is a hypothetical exercise. Thanks.



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This is a very good question, and as I said before, Rupp has gleefully exposed PMs before when it suits him. He has no regard for board rules concerning PMs. Another point-he willfully disregards George in freely giving out GPA info. And now to find out he posts homophobic and threatening memes to other members on this board OF members of this board.


Just wow.


Nate, some of these statements are troubling.


1) None of this discussion has anything to do with sales. Yet the General Discussion thread meant to talk about sales general discussion topics is being used to repeatedly beat people down.


2) When the GIJOEISAWESOME situation came up, people were posting their PM discussions with him and being cheered on for it - including people that swore in that Graham Comics situation you never post a PM. Yet the hyperbole comment now being made that "Rupp has gleefully exposed PMs" was him posting the threat made by Graham Comics that he wanted to meet him face-to-face at a show for posting the forum guidelines in his sales thread. And Graham Comics did receive a strike for this, so there is something to it. But I have not seen Rupp posting PM discussions "gleefully" and excessively.


3) Another troubling thing to learn which was posted yesterday was when Logan510 admitted a small group of people were going through another board member's Photobucket account to see what images had been made of them. Also, that when images of other board members were found, these were sent to those members so as to get them on board. Roy was sent images that now upset him (not fair to Roy). But when I questioned Rupp about the Roy images, he pointed me to the Comics General threads where they were used publicly. With one of them that included Seanfingh's and Park's avatar images, they laughed and cheered it on. Seanfingh said 'my body is bumpin' because it was the Heat Miser head on a woman's body. So see how hyperbole can lead to misperception when history is forgotten?


Open letter to the Moderation Team


All factions of the board must bow down to the heaviest of metal... known only... as Roy.




4) The GIJOEISAWEOME situation is just plain crazy. But to watch it come together through a vendetta search that just so happened this one time to be right also came with a high level of "creepy" associated with it. So who else is being researched on past sales so a few forumites can judge whether or not others should be allowed to conduct transactions on here?



If Rupp has these other images that are now being used to fire up the masses, it is very troubling. Nobody should want to kill someone else. But it is just as troubling how they were acquired, and how they are being distributed with an end goal in mind: destroy Rupp's reputation permanently on here!





You really did just post that.


I could barely read through this. Go show those memes to your wife and then tell her you just got defending the person that made them.


I am at a crossroads trying to decide which is worse, Rupp's actions or you trying to deflect the same way he did and defend him.






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That's certainly one answer to the questions, and a fine defense of a friend.


Nate, the difference is through bad times and good, I am there for people that have treated me kindly. But that never means excusing horrible behavior.


In this case, if proven out, I would be there to help encourage a friend to get help. Not run for the hills because things got really bad.


But the images are the concern. Not bringing up all this other noise that gets away from the main concern. Let's stick to the main point.




That main point? If proven out? :mad:





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Boscoe, you act like this is something out of character for rupp. Certainly you remember all the memes he did make public of killing/torturing one of my avatars. In one of his clowneython threads he even ran a contest encouraging other boardies to make memes doing the same. A contest which i believe you participated in.



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I realize some people have a mad on for rupp, but that image of Sean is inexcusable.

So no one is going to take responsibility for the meme?


That's what it looks like to me.


May I ask where or who you got the image from? PM me if you like.

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Boscoe, you act like this is something out of character for rupp. Certainly you remember all the memes he did make public of killing/torturing one of my avatars. In one of his clowneython threads he even ran a contest encouraging other boardies to make memes doing the same. A contest which i believe you participated in.




See, this is the vendetta thing. Branget just came back from a strike for calling out a lie, and now wants to get even.


Green calling out a statement he NOW stated he is not sure if it is true being bumped by Park and Branget shows where this happy thread is going.



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I read EoW 6-8, Earth 2 0-6, FF 302-308, and UXM 121, 133, & 136 last night after I got done with the James Patterson novel I started the day before.


No Valentines for me, as usual.








Happy belated VD slym :foryou: :foryou:

VD! lol

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Ok everyone, lets ease up on Boscoe. It appears that everyone who has had any form of beef with me is present, so lets not get misdirected or forget why you are here today.


I don't believe anyone is trying to "defend" my sense of humor. Just the means in which this vendetta started.


As I reiterated to Ditch earlier, I deny, nor corroborate anything said here.


That being said what I do off this site is really no one's business but my own. Regardless of public / private settings on any site I frequent.


I posted nothing on this board. Any images that have made rounds here, whatever they may be, weren't posted by me and distributed by individuals who obviously have more time on their hands than I do since I have literally 1000's of pictures posted on a multitude of photo sharing sites.


I'm sure that would take a lot of time and effort to dig through. Not only excessive trolling... but concentrated, group trolling.


Some of those sites probably contain documents about tax information, pictures of my house and other things... which is something each and every one of us should consider thinking about.


My humor is South Park level and I get that is not to some people's level of taste... but I really didn't expose anyone to it. That was done by the vendetta going on here... anything found on any photo sharing site was deliberately searched out and distributed here for no other means than to start a war and a entertaining Friday thread.


You don't like my sense of humor then fine, your choice. You can find much racier stuff in Aqua Teen Hunger Force and in re-runs on Comedy Central.


I think the point being made here is if you choose not to watch South Park... is it ok for a "watch dog group" to transmit to your TV with a flashing light "saying watch this" in order to start a revolution against it? That's what is happening here and where this is more of a vendetta... and it was timed out with precision and cooperation.


Park and his crew have taken cartoons characters with dynamite in their mouths and turned it into what is basically being played up as "hate crimes against humanity". Beat that statement to death if you want.


Don't take into account that any of those images could have been altered by anyone else in the process of it being distributed to your PM box by the vendetta crew. Not saying they have, not saying they haven't.


Is this really information sharing for the "better" of this community, or is it just more kerosene to add to a fire that's been burning for a while now?


If anyone wants to see anything I've done, I'm certain that if you request it from Logan, Park or Ditch, they will probably help you find what you are looking for.


They are the ones that are, by their own admittance, distributing it freely and continuing to willingly PM it to board members... and not I.




You are a piece of work.


You are dam right I am distributing this.


You made memes about Sean blowing his brains out you psycopath.


You are absolutely right that I am beyond pissed. There is no excusing this behavior. ABSOLUTELY NONE.


And yet Boscoe is in here trying and now you are gonna go with maybe we did it?


You are disgusting.



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Boscoe, you act like this is something out of character for rupp. Certainly you remember all the memes he did make public of killing/torturing one of my avatars. In one of his clowneython threads he even ran a contest encouraging other boardies to make memes doing the same. A contest which i believe you participated in.




See, this is the vendetta thing. Branget just came back from a strike for calling out a lie, and now wants to get even.


Green calling out a statement he NOW stated he is not sure if it is true being bumped by Park and Branget shows where this happy thread is going.




Are you kidding? Serious question.


You are still defending what Rupp did?


Meme's calling Roy gay?


Memes showing Sean blowing his brains out?


Memes showing Logan asking how his wife and Rupp's kids are with that dogs head he puts on everything?


And guess what, nobody makes hundreds of these types of memes without showing them to others


This isn't the touch feely, fanny rubbing internet world you like to control Nick. This is real world sociopathy and it is scary.


Even scarier is you defending it. I am blown away.




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And yet Boscoe is in here trying and now you are gonna go with maybe we did it?


Let me make sure I get your vendetta clearly stated, Park. So in adding "we", you want to convince people I was in on any death images. Is that it?


Nice! What a great guy you are, Park.



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I read EoW 6-8, Earth 2 0-6, FF 302-308, and UXM 121, 133, & 136 last night after I got done with the James Patterson novel I started the day before.


No Valentines for me, as usual.




Happy belated VD slym :foryou: :foryou:


meh, I was responding to Porci but realised it doesn't really belong in the General Discussion part of the Sales forum. I thought I deleted it before anyone could quote it, but alas, I wasn't quick enough.







Edited by slym2none
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Boscoe, you act like this is something out of character for rupp. Certainly you remember all the memes he did make public of killing/torturing one of my avatars. In one of his clowneython threads he even ran a contest encouraging other boardies to make memes doing the same. A contest which i believe you participated in.




See, this is the vendetta thing. Branget just came back from a strike for calling out a lie, and now wants to get even.


Green calling out a statement he NOW stated he is not sure if it is true being bumped by Park and Branget shows where this happy thread is going.




Are you kidding? Serious question.


You are still defending what Rupp did?


Meme's calling Roy gay?


Memes showing Sean blowing his brains out?


Memes showing Logan asking how his wife and Rupp's kids are with that dogs head he puts on everything?


And guess what, nobody makes hundreds of these types of memes without showing them to others


This isn't the touch feely, fanny rubbing internet world you like to control Nick. This is real world sociopathy and it is scary.


Even scarier is you defending it. I am blown away.


You know I am not defending what Rupp did with any images of someone being killed. You are clear on that. I've said it a few times now.


But the rest of this effort in jumping on anything to make your point - even Green making a statement about me that then he confirmed he is not clear on - you don't see that is a problem?

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