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Rating spec books
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354 posts in this topic

Hindsight is 20/20 as they say but predicting the future is about making intelligent, well informed guesses. So I’m going to put up some spec books that have potential to be important but aren’t locks. On a scale of 1-10, share your opinions if you will. I’m starting with some personal favorites. Feel free to add your own. Looking for growth potential. Longshots welcome. 😊

Starting with Vengeance #1. First appearance of America Chavez. She is or has been a member of the Young Avengers, Ultimates, West Caost Avengers etc. it doesn’t hurt that the cover to the is a Dell’otto or that the entire creative team are superstars.

My personal experience with this book is as follows. Sent 9 of my 12 to CGC for 9.8 prescreen. Only 3 came back 9.8. Worst return rate I’ve received other than UF #4. 

She appeals to many and is an all original character. Her versatility is important as she can easily fit in almost setting. I believe she is movie bound and could be a star.


Raw NM  = 7 of 10

CGC 9.8 =. 8 of 10



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Next up is Amazing-Spider-man #4 featuring the 1st appearance of Silk. This book is an easy winner in my opinion. Every halfway important spider related character brings the money and she seems a little more important than most. 

This book has a several variants. I realize those are important and even currently more valuable, I’d like to limit this discussion to the primary covers. The covers the majority of collectors have access and the means to obtain and buy even after the book gets hot.

My personal experience with this book.

7 of 8 sent to CGC came back 9.8.


raw NM  =  8 out of 10

CGC 9.8 =  9 out of 10





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Next up, Young Avengers #1. This book has me pretty excited. Only wish I’d bought more in the past. First appearances aplenty . Kate Bishop , Patriot, Hulkling, and Iron Lad. This group may be the future. Kate’s future is now.  This book may have limited growth but it feels like there is still room with all of the 1st appearance potentially leading to movies. The book is starting to bring big money and for good reason. This seems the safest bet of the 3 I’ve listed so far

My experience with these is as afollows

I own 4 since new. Sent 3 to CGC, all came back 9.8...very happily surprised.



raw NM =  9 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 9 out of 10



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Next is Batman #655 the 1st appearance of Damian Wayne. Maybe it’s because I watched the Omen as a kid but for some reason, I keep seeing Damian because the biggest villain in the DCU. Maybe it’s the memories Kid Marvelman/Miracleman but something seems off and I think it’s a long term DC play. Then again, he could be the replacement for Bruce Wayne. What do I know ?  Either way, this book is another safe bet in my opinion. 

My experience. 

Had 15 copies. Sent 6 to CGC. 3 came back 9.8 and 3 came back 9.6. The colors on these covers make it a little tough to see small defects...at least for me. 



raw NM = 8 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 8 out of 10


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Because of here I have grabbed a few of these 


a few Vengeance 1.  One I subbed last year and it came back 9.8

i preordered a few ASM 4 when it came out. I think I have a few left and even a second print found it’s way into my collection somehow. 


I read about  young Avengers here and halfassed looked for them.  Should have looked harder. I have none. 


I don't have any of those batmans either. 

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Next up, Invincible Iron Man #9. A lot of us thought that #9 was the book to have over #7 as the 1st full of Riri Williams and so far, that’s the case. Both are good books to own and to be fair, the #7 may be held down by the variants of the same issue. 

This is a book that while slightly high at the moment, seems cheap when compared to a book like Naomi #1. When it comes to reading, I don’t have a preference of DC or Marvel. When it comes to movies and their long term impact on new readers and collectors? Make mine Marvel. This character is sliding under the radar relatively speaking but for how long ? Tony ( Robert Downey Jr) Stark is getting old.


My experience

5 copies owned and sent 3 to CGC. All 3 were 9.8. Going to sell one and hold the rest. 

Raw NM = 7 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 7 out of 10 


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Sleeper book... Green Lantern #48 1st appearance of Kyle Rayner. Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Guy Gardner, Simon Baz, and Jessica Cruz all sell well. Kyle seems to be every bit as important as all but 2 of them. I look for him to someday get his due. He always seems to be surrounded by tragedy both in continuity and outside of the DC mainstream. Look for this on to grow. Riskier than some of the earlier books but worth owning.

My haul ? 

3 NM+ ungraded copies.

raw NM = 6 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 6 out of 10


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...and now...

Planetary #1. Elijah Snow is one of my all time favorite characters so I may be too biased on this one. 😝 

This series was and is special. As in I consider Warren Ellis’ writing abilities to be as great as anyone in the comic book industry. Frank Miller, Alan Moore, and the like, while unbelievably accomplished, have nothing on him.

Then consider that he wrote what I consider to be 2 comic book masterpieces. This series and his run from Stormwatch #37 through the Authority #12. If you haven’t read it yet, stop what you’re doing and buy it immediately 😆 

While Stormwatch and the Authority would be amazing on the silver screen, Planetary seems more likely to be made.  I truly believe that at Stormwatch movie would give Marvel real competition with a more modern  take on superheroes and villains that are fantastic. 

Planetary would be cheaper to make, just as interesting, and would transfer well from the printed page to TV. I’m strictly a buyer on these at this point. If they ever hit, it’ll be like having lottery tickets. 

My collection includes 12 Planetary #1 including 3 I sent to CGC that came back 9.8. I also have at least 6 short boxes of the entire series in runs. Some may seek out the Preview book but I prefer the full package. 


Raw NM = 6 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 8 out of 10

the reason for the spread is that only 67 9.8s exist on the census and this was a very popular series for a long while. There is 1 9.9 that I’d love to own. 




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Next is more Green Lantern spec. Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz make up the Green Lanterns in the Rebirth run. Jessica seems to be the more popular of the two. That may or may not stay that way depending on future roles, writers, etc..

There are 3 books involved here. For Cruz, Green Lantern #20 and #30 are both vying for top dog honors. Even issue #31 is potentially in the running. For Baz, it’s Green Lantern #0 and he is front and center on the cover. Much easier spec. Less risk usually means less reward. So...

My books.

2 Green Lantern #20 both CGC 9.8

3 GL #30 and #31. Haven’t sent these in yet but I believe all will grade 9.8.

6 GL #0 and I’ve only sent 1 to Cgc for a 9.8. For whatever reason, I’ve only been able to find 1cipt in better than VF/NM. Maybe just bad luck.



raw NM = 8 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 8 out of 10

this is the cameo of cameos but it is a square bound book that was expensive and is popular.My gut tells me this will be the toughest of the bunch to get in 9.8 but strictly a guess.


raw NM = 7 out of 10

CGC 9.8  = 8 out of 10


Green Lantern #0 

raw NM = 5 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 5 out of 10






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Next we have Black Panther #2 featuring the 1st appearance of Shuri. She seems to be building a strong base and the Marvel movies have certainly improved her position. There are other books that will rival her 1st but ultimately, this seems to be the winner.

my haul 

1 in NM. Sold the rest because I underestimated her role in the MCU. 



raw Nm = 7 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 8 out of 10


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Next is a the highest rated book on my list. It’s not cheap but I believe it has a loooong way to go. Ultimate Fallout #4, the 1st appearance of Miles Morales. Already hit the big screen as an animated feature and it’s only a matter of time until he’s live action. Sure fire, blue chip, must have modern. I believe he’ll end up being more important than Deadpool, Harley, and X-23 in the long run. This is the book to have in the modern age and the one that is a tough book to get in 9.8 relative to the number available. 

My take

14 total ( had 24 ) and now not selling. 

Sent 14 to CGC in 9.6 prescreen after a press. 3 came back 9.8 and 3 9.6. 8 missed the cut.


raw NM = 10 out of 10. Most will not be 9.4 or better. Most won’t cut 9.6 with a very experienced presser. 

CGC 9.8 = 10 out of 10


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Next in our list is Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1. First let me say, this wasn’t my cup of tea. There are going to be lots of books like that on this list. That said, there is no denying both the popularity and push for this character. She’s going to be big because Marvel is even pushing her in scholastic books. That’s a clue. No guarantee but it’s very promising when a company gets behind a character when sales stay low. I’m guessing big things for this book but more for the book and animated side of Marvel than anything to do with movies. Cheap buy in makes it appealing.

my books = 0 but I’m thinking it’s time to buy at least a couple of nice copies. 


Rating NM = 6 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 6 out of 10


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Now for a little BKV...and there will be more of his stuff on this list. Runaways #1. This is a pretty outstanding story. Another good book for younger readers but TV/movie hopes aren’t high after landing at Hulu. It’s an okay platform but limited o a smaller amount of viewers than many of its peers. Still, for the comic book alone, it’s awesome. Not everything is about Hollywood. 

My stake = 0 comics though I’ve sold many of them. If it slides in cost for 9.8a, I’m back in. 



raw 9.4 = 5 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 6 out of 10


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Next is a personal favorite. Superman in Action Comics #775 featuring the 1st appearance of Manchester Black and the Elite. I mentioned earlier that I could see Damian Wayne turning great villain. Now here’s the guy I see as a potential anti-hero ( Magneto like ), good guy, bad guy, and really creepy threat. It doesn’t hurt that this is the 2nd time I’ve seen Superman as decided underdog ( 1st was Doomsday) which really lets the Boy Scout shine. The greater the villain, the more heroic the good guy. Superman has never been cooler than he is here. I think this will remain Supes 2nd greatest heroic story for years to come.

my ownership

3 NM copies.



raw NM = 7 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 9 oou of 10


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Ahhh, here is another great one. Saga #1. BKV isn’t done with this one but I believe this is his most remarkable book, and that’s saying something.

Saga fans are rabid, loyal, and put their money where there mouth is. This is one of Image’s all time great stories and will always be big regardless of movie/TV talk. Not buying earlier and more is a regret of mine. 

My Saga = 1 NM 



Raw NM = 9 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 9 out of 10

this is a book that has a 3rd print, Retailer Incentive Edition, that I would call a 10 out of 10. Demand far outweighs supply.



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Okay, an admission. The next book is my personal favorite and I own more than 100 copies of issue #1 raw. I also have 10 CGC 9.8...andI still buy them when they’re priced right. Call it an addiction. East of West #1 has it all...except buyers. 😝 

This was a book that paid for itself the 1st 2 months it was out and it seemed that the sky was the limit. All of that said,  sales have never matched the quality of the story since month 3. 

Amazon, yes Amazon, has their hands on this show and I’m hoping against hope that it gets made and that it is high quality. My gut tells me that it won’t happen. This has been one of the most talked about and collected books on the modern board. Third to the Walking Dead and Saga. There are definitely fans but I think more readers than collectors. 

My stash = huge



raw NM = 4 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 4 out of 10


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Another blue chip book. Edge of Spider-verse #2. This one is special. There was Both a lot of angst and a lot of excitement when this book arrived. Excitement won out and the book is a juggernaut. This one is rated just slightly below UF #4 because of the lack of original character. They did make the most of her return to action.This book in spite of being expensive for its age has plenty of growth potential. 


My stash = 0 I know, I’m a big dummy and sold them all. Keep waiting for them to drop in price. If it doesn’t happen in the winter, I’m buying anyway.



raw NM = 9 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 9.5 out of 10


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Rai #0

Kept it simple. Like they did with the cover. Valiant fans have the most voracious appetite and loyalty to and for their characters and books.

Between the picture on the cover, Valiant movie news, and Bloodshot being involved, this book has it all. Oh, did I mention that there are both matte and glossy versions of this book ? No ? Well there are. 😝 

While this is far from the most expensive book in the Valiant U, it is potentially the most recognized and bankable book of the bunch. We all want to own it and if your old enough, you’ll remember it being a wall book in the 90s. 

I own 

2 raw NM, NM- glossy and matte

1 matte CGC 9.8



raw NM 8 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 8 out of 10 though I’d give a glossy a bump to 9 out of 10


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13 minutes ago, the authority said:

Rai #0

Kept it simple. Like they did with the cover. Valiant fans have the most voracious appetite and loyalty to and for their characters and books.

Between the picture on the cover, Valiant movie news, and Bloodshot being involved, this book has it all. Oh, did I mention that there are both matte and glossy versions of this book ? No ? Well there are. 😝 

While this is far from the most expensive book in the Valiant U, it is potentially the most recognized and bankable book of the bunch. We all want to own it and if your old enough, you’ll remember it being a wall book in the 90s. 

I own 

2 raw NM, NM- glossy and matte

1 matte CGC 9.8



raw NM 8 out of 10

CGC 9.8 = 8 out of 10 though I’d give a glossy a bump to 9 out of 10


Glad to see some Valiant love here. With Shadowman #13 blowing up the last few days, apparently over nothing more than a Punk Mambo mini being published (SM #13 is her first appearance), that book, and some other VEI first appearances (Shadowman 5, Harbinger 3, etc.), could explode if the Bloodshot movie does well and brings in new readers, and leads to talk of more movies.

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