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Any Regrets?

87 posts in this topic

Ok, you've been here along time. Well then, I guess you must be right then. You're not an insufficiently_thoughtful_person, a child, or dangerous... nah... it only takes a month to smell your stink in the air.


Oh, Dan, I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid that the 27 days it took for you to show the Board that you're a pompous @$$ whose fragile ego hides behind his comic art collection does *not* eclipse the world speed record established by KrazyKat. As a consolation prize, however, I'm pleased to offer you a one-way ticket back to the ComicArt-L list! Whaddaya say? 893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif

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no, no.... please don't make me go back there... i'll be good I swear... hail.gif(actual tongue in cheek, not that other thing)



Ok, you've been here along time. Well then, I guess you must be right then. You're not an insufficiently_thoughtful_person, a child, or dangerous... nah... it only takes a month to smell your stink in the air.


Oh, Dan, I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid that the 27 days it took for you to show the Board that you're a pompous @$$ whose fragile ego hides behind his comic art collection does *not* eclipse the world speed record established by KrazyKat. As a consolation prize, however, I'm pleased to offer you a one-way ticket back to the ComicArt-L list! Whaddaya say? 893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif

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893scratchchin-thumb.gif By the way... you seem to be conveniently side-stepping my point which is why you feel the need to insinuate that David Mandel or anyone else for that matter is KK... other than KK of course. Since you seem to speak as if you had some sort of moral authority over this board, why don't you just cut the [embarrassing lack of self control] and explain that!


Oh... I forgot, you are entitled to ask the tough questions and point fingers wherever you choose. Ahhh, the stink of self-righteousness.... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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893scratchchin-thumb.gif By the way... you seem to be conveniently side-stepping my point which is why you feel the need to insinuate that David Mandel or anyone else for that matter is KK... other than KK of course. Since you seem to speak as if you had some sort of moral authority over this board, why don't you just cut the [embarrassing lack of self control] and explain that!


Oh... I forgot, you are entitled to ask the tough questions and point fingers wherever you choose. Ahhh, the stink of self-righteousness.... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif



WTF are you talking about? If you think I was seriously insinuating that Mandel is KK, then you're an even bigger fool than I thought. foreheadslap.gif Did you think that Spider9698 was serious too? If you weren't so busy condescending to everyone, assuming that they didn't know Dave Mandel from Howie Mandel, maybe you would have realized that I couldn't possibly be serious. If anyone is being presumptuous and self-righteous here, it's you, thinking that you and your merry band of circle jerkers have a monopoly on information in this hobby. You don't know me or anything about me, including who and what I know. Do you think I'm some clueless rube who doesn't know who David Mandel is and who can't rattle off a laundry list of what he owns, including pieces that he has not publicly admitted to owning? Uh, hello McFly, hello??

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And so let the back-peddling begin.. man, you are pathetic! 893applaud-thumb.gif


OMFG. If you really believe that I am "back-peddling" (sp), you are even more stupid than I thought. Please stop before you embarrass yourself any further.

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I'm sure we'd all be eager to lay accolades upon you acclaim.gif and give credit where credit is due but we don't know who you are!


I'm not looking for any "accolades" or "credit". I just think Dan Forman is an obnoxious loser who needs to get off his high horse. The only thing I did was ask whether it can be verified that David Mandel still owns the DD #181 cover to see if KrazyKat's claim that he is the owner holds up or not. In a clear joke, I asked whether Mandel might be KrazyKat - adding that perhaps Mandel imbibed too much absinthe on the set of his movie Eurotrip and developed a split-personality (i.e., KrazyKat). If that is not obviously a joke, I really don't know what else to say.


Now, apparently "Einstein" Forman thought that (a) I was a cluebag who didn't know who Mandel was or anything else about comic art and (b) that somehow that my joke was somehow gravely offensive to Mandel, and so he starts hurling some insults my way. Anyway, I think Einstein probably realizes by now that he made an error, but his colossal ego won't let him admit it. And, so, we've been going back and forth and back again arguing. Which is fine by me - I don't mind knocking a little hot air out of this pompous windbag.


As for who I am, I try to keep a fairly low profile. If you know Hari, though - he can tell you more about who I am - I count him and a number of other well-known collectors, dealers and artists among my friends.

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I'm sure we'd all be eager to lay accolades upon you acclaim.gif and give credit where credit is due but we don't know who you are!


m not looking for any "accolades" or "credit". I just think Dan Forman is an obnoxious loser who needs to get off his high horse. The only thing I did was ask whether it can be verified that David Mandel still owns the DD #181 cover to see if KrazyKat's claim that he is the owner holds up or not. In a clear joke, I asked whether Mandel might be KrazyKat - adding that perhaps Mandel imbibed too much absinthe on the set of his movie Eurotrip and developed a split-personality (i.e., KrazyKat). If that is not obviously a joke, I really don't know what else to say.


Now, apparently "Einstein" Forman thought that (a) I was a cluebag who didn't know who Mandel was or anything else about comic art and (b) that somehow that my joke was somehow gravely offensive to Mandel, and so he starts hurling some insults my way. Anyway, I think Einstein probably realizes by now that he made an error, but his colossal ego won't let him admit it. And, so, we've been going back and forth and back again arguing. Which is fine by me - I don't mind knocking a little hot air out of this pompous windbag.


As for who I am, I try to keep a fairly low profile. If you know Hari, though - he can tell you more about who I am - I count him and a number of other well-known collectors, dealers and artists among my friends.


Don't know where to begin. Wow, I think you are the biggest loser, insufficiently_thoughtful_person I've heard on the internet... congrats! You have now back-peddled so far that you are re-writing this thread. The only thing I realize is that you need to be in a padded cell. Or, you simply need to be spanked and sent to your room. How old are you Deli? I defy you to show any pomposity in this thread on my part- Simply calling you on your c$%p! I will continue to do so, because around here we ask the tough questions and get to the bottom of things...


p.s. I find it very hard to believe you have any friends, much less friends in this hobby. But, I ain't wasting my time to try and find them; I'm sure you are quite an irritant to the people who know you.


p.p.s. at the risk of sounding pompous... do you actually own any original art? Or is Deli a Troll? I think the latter. screwy.gif

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And so let the back-peddling begin.. man, you are pathetic! 893applaud-thumb.gif


OMFG. If you really believe that I am "back-peddling" (sp), you are even more stupid than I thought. Please stop before you embarrass yourself any further.


Isn't it past your bedtime little Deli.... on you go now... shoo, off to bed with you. Don't forget to brush your teeth... you've been busy today.

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You know, this all started with a complete and obvious lie by KK. It's funny how far it's gotten. KK starts the wheels turning (lies, personal attacks, etc.) and then just sits back and watches the fun. Seems like most threads in the OA section end up like this. Seems like something should be done........

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Don't know where to begin. Wow, I think you are the biggest loser, insufficiently_thoughtful_person I've heard on the internet... congrats! You have now back-peddled so far that you are re-writing this thread. The only thing I realize is that you need to be in a padded cell. Or, you simply need to be spanked and sent to your room. How old are you Deli? I defy you to show any pomposity in this thread on my part- Simply calling you on your c$%p! I will continue to do so, because around here we ask the tough questions and get to the bottom of things...


I guess you're so caught up into your "I'm part of the Original Art Inner Circle" persona that you can't even tell when you're being pompous and condescending. I think anyone and everyone who read your posts came away thinking you're a pompous windbag who blew in from ComicArt-L. And will you please STFU about the back-pedaling - are you really that f893censored-thumb.gifing stupid? Here's exactly what I said:


"Or that Mandel *is* KrazyKat? 893whatthe.gif893whatthe.gif Hey, maybe the guy downed too much absinthe while on the set of Eurotrip and developed a peculiar alter-ego. 893scratchchin-thumb.gif"


Hey, Double Digit IQ, does that really sound like I was being serious about identifying Mandel as KK? makepoint.gif If you were a rapper, you'd be 50 IQ.



p.s. I find it very hard to believe you have any friends, much less friends in this hobby. But, I ain't wasting my time to try and find them; I'm sure you are quite an irritant to the people who know you.




You're pathetic. You're so full of yourself, coming on the Boards and acting like you can push people around and not expect them to push back. I wrote an innocuous post and you decided to pick a fight. You're a LOSER. You picked the wrong guy to pick a fight with, 50.



p.p.s. at the risk of sounding pompous... do you actually own any original art? Or is Deli a Troll? I think the latter. screwy.gif


Can you really be this dense? Do you always go around picking fights with people you have no clue about? Like I said: pathetic.

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dude, c'mon... anyone reading this thread knows you and kk are the insufficiently_thoughtful_persons here. A lot of people may not agree with Gene, but you two come off as two of the biggest losers ever to make an appearance on the boards -- and that says a lot considering some of the trolls and we've seen around here.

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Obviously a Troll, so I'm done with this thread. If anyone has had the patience to follow this thread they know the truth. (Applause from the crowd!) 893applaud-thumb.gif


Anyone who's been on these Boards for longer than a month knows that I'm a serious collector, can probably name at least 1 or 2 things that I own, and knows enough about me to realize that you're so off the mark about me it's not funny. And, you're right - anyone following this thread will know the truth. The truth is that you're a pompous blow-hard that rode into town on your high horse and started flapping your gums about things you have no clue about and that your ego wouldn't let you admit you were wrong. 893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif


You're a LOSER and I'm done with you and this thread. sumo.gif

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Actually Dan,


Gene a.k.a. Delicatessen collects cheesecake art (girlie porn illustration art). Gene works in the Financial Services Industry and thus believes 'he be da man'. Moreover, Gene believes he is a 'Market expert' and thus his understanding of OA market dynamics are 'spot on'. Gene once insisted he knew the "OA market and pricing/ value better than yours truly because "I [he] works in the market" [meaning Wall Street]. -- It was than that I realized the guy was a 'dip'.


Among Delicatessen's key positions are (A) OA is over-priced because "nothing goes up 20% every year (B) OA will never be perceived as 'real art' because it is mere production material. On both counts, Gene is wrong and history continues to 'biaatch slap' him with that reality.


We've seen this type before,....doesnt have "any",..wants "some",..thus is jealous and bitter.





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dude, c'mon... anyone reading this thread knows you and kk are the insufficiently_thoughtful_persons here. A lot of people may not agree with Gene, but you two come off as two of the biggest losers ever to make an appearance on the boards -- and that says a lot considering some of the trolls and we've seen around here.



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