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2 posts in this topic

  • Administrator

The Boards marketplace has proven to be a valuable tool for buying and selling of comics and related material. Please review the rules below before listing items in the marketplace. The violation of certain rules will invoke a warning that allows you 24 hours to correct. Other violations may cause the entire sale thread to be removed, so please be sure each rule is met. 

Note that buyers and sellers have full responsibility for their transactions. CGC will not resolve disputes. Purchases and sales are done at your own risk.

  1. A sale thread must contain books that are CGC-certified or raw only, or items directly related to comics.
  2.  Any book that reprints material prior to 1980 is allowed in GSB.
  3. List your books only once, and in the appropriate sub-forum. Incorrectly placed threads or books posted in multiple places will be moved. Repeat offenders will have their threads pulled completely. Do not post copper or modern books in Golden/Silver/Bronze Age Only, and do not post golden, silver or bronze books in Copper / Modern Age Only. Opinions vary about when the bronze age ends and the copper age begins, so the moderation team considers 1980–1984 an overlap period; books from the start of 1980 through the end of 1984 are considered appropriate for either the G/S/B sub-forum or the C/M sub-forum. Books from before that period should be posted in G/S/B, and books from after that period should be posted in C/M. Books from any age are allowed in Mixed Age Threads and Misc.
  4. A sale thread must be an exclusive Boards-only offer. If the book is offered for sale through another venue such as a personal site, dealer site, eBay, etc., then it should not be offered here. If a book is offered elsewhere, it should be offered in the Sales Advertising board.
  5. A sale thread must list specific books with purchase prices. It is acceptable to bulk price, and/or note that package discounts may be available, but you must list a starting price that you will sell the item for.
  6. Either a scan or an estimated grade must be listed with each book offered for sale.
  7. Estimated shipping costs, times, and methods must be listed.
  8. Forms of payments must be listed. PayPal "goods and services" is an acceptable payment method, but Personal PayPal, aka "friends and family," is not allowed. It is also against the rules to ask for Personal PayPal via private message.
  9. Your post cannot violate the terms of service for your payment methods.  (NOTE: Specifically, no surcharges for accepting PayPal, or discounts for other methods)
  10. A return policy must be stated with any time limits indicated. It is acceptable to say "no time limit" or "no returns," or have time limits that vary by reason for a return, such as "30 day return for any reason. No time limit for returns not as described.” But time limits must be stated.
  11. If posting a trading thread you must list a dollar value price for the book that you will accept in trade value, and you must put "TRADE ONLY" in the title of your thread if you will not accept money.
  12. Threads are allowed to be bumped three times total and only one full day after falling off of the front page. This does not include "sold" notices, or truly useful informational updates. A post that inappropriately bumps a sale thread and is then deleted can still be seen by CGC.
  13. No spamming. Group your for sale items into one thread in each sub-forum. Attempts to take up front page real estate by creating multiple threads are not allowed.
  14. Links to outside sites for any purpose involving purchasing the offered books are not allowed.
  15. Threads selling digital codes or digital versions are not allowed.
  16. Raffles are not allowed.
  17. Mystery boxes are not allowed. You must list everything you are selling exactly as the buyer will receive it.  An exception will be allowed for stuff that is being offered for free.  Shipping charges for free merchandise can't exceed actual shipping costs.
  18. Pre-sale announcements belong in the Announcements thread. Do not start your own thread in the sales sub-forums for your sale until you are ready to post and sell your books. Posting a single book now and the rest at a stated time is considered an announcement, and is not allowed.

For a violation of rules #5-7 and 9-11, a warning will be issued stating the violation. If the violation is not corrected within a 24 hour period of the warning, the sale thread may be removed.

For violation of rules #1,3, 4, 8 and #12-18, the sales thread will be removed.

If 2 there are 2 or more violations of the rules, the thread will automatically be removed.

Repeated violations may result in a point assignment.


Sellers:  If your books are being offered to US residents only, please be kind and make a note of that in the title for our foreign board members.


Buyers may not post in a way that hurts a sellers chance of a sale, or discredits their reputation.  A few examples would be saying this book is priced too high, or a cheaper copy can be found at xxxxx.  Another example would be, I don't like this person, and would never buy from him/her.   There may be a few exceptions for known scammers.    We can tell the difference between a joke and a rude or unnecessary comment.    A decision either way will be at the discretion of the moderator.  Violation of this rule will result in points added to your account, and possibly restricting your ability to post on the forum.  

If a buyer or seller is on the Probation or Hall of Shame list, it is ok to make 1 post only to alert the community.  Being on said list does not mean a seller is restricted from listing books for sale or a buyer is restricted from purchasing  but, we understand the need to make people aware of the situation. 

BUYERS: Prompt responses must be made to buy requests made through the Boards either by posting in the sale thread or sending a private message. When you reply to a sale thread indicating that you'll buy something, you must indicate what book you are buying. If someone else is more specific than you are, your offer may not be considered valid by the seller.

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  • Administrator

This is a suggested "ok to post" rules reminder template so that everyone can feel comfortable helping to keep things in line with the guidelines instead of feeling like a self appointed forum cop.


If someone is not complying with the rules, this should be considered an OK way for everyone around here to nudge people a bit. Once in a thread is plenty, guys. After that you can re-post it in new threads (once) but then just hit the notify moderator button if things don't get cleaned up.



Welcome to the "Comics Market - Forum Only Selling" board!


The moderators have asked everyone around here to help educate new comers about the posting rules for this forum so that we can keep things running smoothly. So whenever we see a new thread go up that's missing some of the information required by the rules, someone will generally happen along and post this reminder (by moderator request).


You can find the posting guidelines here:



They are well worth reading, because your posts can be removed from the boards if they don't conform to the guidelines. This will help you to attract more buyers as well, since this is how people expect to have books offered around here.


Thanks, and glad to have you here!

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