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Everything posted by BB-Gun

  1. What a splash page!! What book is this from? That is from Marvel Mystery #9. I think this is a scan from a Heritage auction item. bb
  2. Perhaps another clue would help. bb
  3. Saunders squeezed a lot into that illo. Does the woman have wings? I think you are right. I never noticed. The lady on this cover is more of a Bat-woman. Another Saunder's cover too. bb
  4. I think someone else has shown a copy of this one but it is worth showing again. It is one (March 4 1933) of four Argosy issues that I bought at a flea market. I didn't buy the other twenty issues because I couldn't carry them on my motorcycle. Not a good excuse but it is the only one I got. bb
  5. BZ, That is a special cover with a smiley face helmet, a Van Gogh tee-shirt, a woman in a metal bra and the rhinocaninocerous (or something like that). bb And all I have is another Super Science Bat-man and a previously shown rodent of unusual size.
  6. The whip scorpion looks pretty nasty. What do you call this one from Ditko? bb
  7. ...and here's an octopus by Stahr. ...and here is a whatever by Stahr. You tell me what it is cause I am not sure. bb
  8. Western comics and stories were huge in the forties and fifties. Hey below is an early western with Gene Autry that I picked up at the Farmers Market. But that isn't the question. Can anyone tell me what comic featured our Indian friend on the cover. bb
  9. This was kind of nice to find on line. I cleaned it up a little. bb
  10. I like those Noah's Ark inspired covers. Were there any comic covers with a similar image? I looked around and found the obvious Noah cover from Picture Stories of the Bible. The other things that I remember are the Mystery in Space 17 cover and some JLA covers which have a similar lay out but not Noah. I found a few more interesting covers In the pile from the flea market. bb The artist signed the cover on top of one of the skulls.
  11. Was this later version of Sally a reprint from a Spicy Detective story? I think it was in Popular Detective and in the comics before and after the Pulp appearance that I have. bb
  12. Did these guys admire each others work or was this an editor's request? bb Schomburg didn't mind using another artist idea but he could also update the picture.
  13. Blue Ribbon 9 Another splash below from BR 13. I like Cooper's art and his bizarre characters. Reminds me of Ditko. bb
  14. I didn't find any neat cartoons in my issue of Spicy but I did find an interesting cover. But I also liked these Fantastic and Amazing covers and another Marvel (with a Gardner F. Fox story). BB
  15. Please post more Spicy and Speed covers. I think this scan is from one of the anthologies (The Pulps by Tony Goodstone) that I purchased at a flea market. It has a variety of covers and a lot of text. Unfortunately I haven't found a lot of early pulps. They tend to be more fragile and hard to find in grade. The Bat or Batman seemed to be a popular name for a character in pulps. The Black Bat stories were also being published before 1939. BB BB
  16. Just posting a couple of scans that I thought were interesting. I noticed these two in a couple of books that I down loaded from goldenage.UK and the other is a scan I made a while back. bb Like them robots and gooey dripping ogres. Isn't that the same girl from the Death Kiss?
  17. Nice book Scrooge! I have a bunch of Sunday pages by Hogarth and a book that he published with original material. I really enjoyed the Sunday pages with Tarzan on the top and Superman on the bottom half. BB
  18. :golfclap: Good Job Mr. B. I wasn't even close. I was just starting to go look at Feature Books (thinking Phantom cause of the skulls) and might have passed by it in Gerber but I don't think I would have been able to pick it out. If you got one, then it probably helps. I can't wait to see BZ's copy. What is the highest graded copy? 8.0 is pretty good for a rare book isn't it? BB-gun
  19. I don't know if this was discussed on the Undead Thread before but I have seen a lot of scans recently that have work by Powell and Palais and I was wondering whether one of them or both colored his own art. I have seen where this was done for some strips by some artists. I suspect Powell would do it in his shop. But I wonder about others too. Particularly when they did complicated backgrounds. Did any of these color guides survive? Examples below. I am sure people have seen better Powell examples but I am still looking. bb Another example of the creative use of color is this page by Cole.
  20. BZ, Really interesting letter. Jerry always seemed very bright due to all of his stories and creations. It is interesting to see what he read as a teenager. It reminds me of Asimov who grew up reading and writing science fiction as a teenager. He did have that chemistry sideline that took away from his creative years but we can't blame Isaac for that. By the way did you ever find one of these paintings by Paul? bb from SWS V1#6.
  21. I think the Land That Time Forgot was one of the few ERB novels that I read as a teenager. I love the U-boat vs dinosaurs Amazing cover. I wonder what happened to my edition of the book. Well it probably was not a first edition since I remember it was red (and well read). bb
  22. BZ, That is another nice looking MLJ book. Does your collection include Pep 22? I really like early Montana art. I think his super heroes were great and I like Archie too. I could spend months reading all of the MLJ books. Some I could read again. The Skull stories seemed to be continued forever, like the Joker and Dr. Doom. BB
  23. Here's another clue. This face should help you. Looks like Top-Notch 8 Congratulations, BB. BZ, I went looking for a scan from an issue five of a golden age comic but couldn't find one I liked. But I found a silver age number five. The Challengers were really a group of five if you count June. Hey, Susan Storm counted and she was invisible. Anyway to boost my ego and celebrate my fifth win (guess), here is a pretty good splash by Kirby and Wood. bb
  24. Theagenes, I thought it looked like MLJ too. With the green hands and green face the Skull should come to mind and Top Notch. But I was thinking more about the Blue Ribbon 7 cover that I have. There is a similar Top Notch which started me thinking about where I had seen that yellow pier. That may sound like a strange free association of things but the sixties were good to me.... bb [