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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Not completely sure here as I don't tend to follow the low to mid-grade results that much. But as far as I could tell, they seem to be pretty strong and in line with what we've been seeing on HA, if in fact, possibly even slightly higher. Let's see if I can dig up the results from their CC archives here: Famous Funnies 209 in CBCS 6.5 for $1,601; Famous Funnies 211 in CGC 6.0 for $2,250; Famous Funnies 213 in CGC 3.0 for $3,305; Famous Funnies 214 in CGC 3.5 for $3,700; Famous Funnies 215 in CGC 5.0 for $2,777; and Famous Funnies 216 in CGC 3.5 for only $800. Except possibly for the Famous Funnies 216, those would all appear to be pretty strong results to me.
  2. Well, if it's the Berk 9.0 grsaded copy, then I imagine you must be referring to this copy right here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/714729 Seems I got sent to the CGC sin bin for awhile there until I bent over and acknowledged my wrongdoings when I mistakenly posted a small pic of a 1.8 slabbed copy of this book graded by those nasty nasty boys from across the street that had sold for a piddly miniscule $8K earlier today. Definitely okay though to post a pic of this CGC 9.0 graded beauty of a copy that sold back in 2017 for the earth shattering amount of $38K .
  3. Definitely, but somehow wondering if they (i.e. CC and consignor) were hoping for it to hit 6-figures considering the 9.0 copy had sold for $72K. Then again, I guess we will have to wait to see what the CGC 9.2 graded copy goes for at Heritage at the end of this month.
  4. Herage had an ultimate fall out 4non display in Chicago tonight 9.8 estimated auction price of 4ok WTF Why............were you shocked that they didn't have a slightly higher estimated auction price on it considering it's still trending upwards since they sold one for $40.8K back in June of 2022 and another one for $43.2K in January of this year? Unless it was one of those defaced Signature copies since that 9.8 graded copy with the yellow label sold for only $$32.4K in the same auction as the $43.2 Universal sale. Looks like that was a mighty expensive signature have scrawled on the front cover to the tune of some $11K: https://comics.ha.com/itm/modern-age-1980-present-/ultimate-fallout-4-variant-edition-signature-series-marvel-2011-cgc-nm-mt-98-white-pages/a/7338-92126.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515
  5. Tec 43 cover Aahhhhh.....................you guys must be referring to this CGC 4.0 VG graded copy here with the little numerical masking tape on the cover: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/991236 Probably really shouldn't be that much of a surprise since all of the overblown Heritage hype was focused much more on the books with the big big and sometimes possibly over inflated numbers on the top hand corner of the slab. This may have resulted in much higher than normal prices being realized on these particular higher graded copies during their initial first go round. It would would seem to appear that with less attention and hence less of the crazy money paid on the lower graded Promise books, this might have made it easier to sell these particular lower graded copies for more on their second go round.
  6. +1 My bet is that the winning bidder had a higher max bid in place, so there would NOT have been a $100K difference if somebody else had decided to toss in a competing bid.
  7. Now, this must clearly be one of the biggest understatements of this year so far to date.
  8. With a $100k difference, I would rather have the CL copy My thinking is that the winning bidder for the CL copy simply got lucky as they probably had a much higher max bid in there, but nobody else wanted to play the game of tossing in a last minute blind Hail Mary bid, especially when the CC copy was knowingly available and they could make a more fully informed bidding decision.
  9. Well, big congrats to the consignor here as it looks like we got our answer as this copy finished up with a hammer bid of $261K or just a shade over the $300K milestone thresdhold mark once the 15% BP juice is added in there.
  10. Sadly, but I imagine rather not really that surprising, the second round drubbing continues to take place on the Promise Collection retreads as this one here managed to fetch only $10K or a 49.5% drop from it's initial auction result of some $19,800. Looks like a even slightly worst percentage performance as compared to the Promise Collection copy of All-American 91 from yesterday which dropped from $8,700 to only $4,830 for a percentage of only some 44.5%.
  11. Wow, when I see not only a price point of $1,300 on this book here, but the fact that it has actually sold at higher amounts in the recent past even with seemingly a gazillion copies out there, it makes me think that I should really have my copy squashed, graded, and slabbed for sale here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/990659 Sadly, the only problem being that I have absolutely zero idea of where my copy would be residing at all in my collection.
  12. Looks like if you are into the early Fox books, your choice is rather limited in this current round of auctions here as you can shoot for either the rather nicely presenting CGC 5.0 graded copy of Mystery Men 6 due to close tomorrow on CC, the relatively lower CGC 3.0 graded copy of the classic cover Wonderworld 7 which is already sitting at $6K in the upcoming Heritage Signature Auction with weeks to go , or this relatively higher graded copy of Fantastic 2: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/971894 Definitely not a dreamy grail like the Fantastic 3 with its much more in demand classic robot cover, but looks like this one here has only 2 higher graded copies with the only higher graded copy ever coming to market being the single highest graded CGC 9.0 graded Jon Berk Church copy that sold back in 2017. Looks like the Heritage archives indicates their hghest graded copy was only a CGC 4.5 graded copy and that was all the way back in 2006. Somehow, I highly doubt we will be seeing the Church copy make a reappearance anytime soon, and also possibly the same with any other higher condition copies yet to be graded. Not sure where this rather visually appealing copy will end up finishing at in a few short hours from now, but my personal bet is that it will be seeing some extended 3-minute incremental action if it remains at this seemingly bargain bid of only $3,400 when the fat lady gets up to sing her grand finale tune.
  13. Rather a bit surprised that the Frazetta Famous Funnies haven't made much of a movement at all, with this one here still being the highest priced one for now even though I believe it was at this exact same $2,150 during the first few days of the auction here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/989018 Of course, not too sure about the current market prices on these books in this type of condition, although it looks like Heritage did auctioned off a CGC 3.5 graded copy for $3,600 just this past Sunday.
  14. Just received my catalog phamplet for the upcoming Heritage Signature Auction in the mail a few minutes ago and was flipping through it when I noticed the following book here: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/crime-suspenstories-22-gaines-file-pedigree-12-12-ec-1954-cgc-nm-92-off-white-to-white-pages/a/7339-91028.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515 Looks like it's going to be an interesting tussle between this CGC 9.2 graded copy here and the CGC 9.4 highest graded one that's wrapping up later this afternoon on CC. Especially since a CGC 8.5 graded copy had sold for $52,800 back in November and a slightly higher graded CGC 9.0 copy had sold for $72K, with this CGC 9.4 sitting at $64K with only a couple of hours left to go.
  15. All kidding aside and seriously though, when it comes to the 'Tec books on this go round here, I guess I would really need to scour the bargain basement section when it comes to my potential shopping list: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/971895 https://www.comicconnect.com/item/984971 Unfortunately, I highly doubt they will be staying around this current $2K and below bidding level by the time the 3-minute bell rings. Especially when you are looking at one of the top higher grade copy of a nicely presenting 'Tec 82 with both the Heritage and CC archives indicating the only higher grade to come to market being the single highest graded CGC 9.2 graded Alfred Pennyworth Rockford copy of 'Tec 82. As for that 'Tec 128, a nice Joker cover seemingly residing on the lower floors of Wayne Tower while the earlier Joker covers are on the higher floors with both 'Tec 62 and 'Tec 69 occupying the top floor penthouse suite.
  16. And to our dear fellow boardie @Gotham Kid who seems to be caught in a connumdrum deciding between trying to corner the market on his fave "rare" variant version of Ultimate Fallout 4 and these 2 pre-Robin 'Tec books here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/982260 https://www.comicconnect.com/item/982262 Looks like it's going to end up being a big toss up between these 3 in their ensuring battle for top dog supremacy in Peter's heart with the Nova Scotia pedigree copy of 'Tec 30 sitting atop for now at $22K and the Crimson Avenger 'Tec 34 trailing far behind at only $14.5K, with the Ultimate Fallout 4 squashed right in the middle at a current hammer bid of $17.5K or already just a shade over $20K with the 15% BP juice in there.
  17. Well, I've never been charged sales tax on anything at all from CC, CL, or HA. But then, I imagine that's simply because I don't live in the good old U.S. of A. and instead sometimes have to pay that egregious Customs duties when the books cross the border.
  18. Well, if it's the Berk 9.0 grsaded copy, then I imagine you must be referring to this copy right here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/714729 Single highest graded by a wide margin at CGC 9.0 with the next two highest graded at CGC 7.5 and CGC 6.5 before the remaining 7 Universal copies takes a much further drop down to CGC 3.5 and below. So, definitely not easy to find in any condition, let alone in high grade.
  19. Like I've always said, it's all really a case of to each their own............but being a long time collector well before the age of certification, what I see when I look at the Promise Coolection books, what I see are their stunning and seemingly "fresh off the printing press" colors and it's really much more to do with visual eye appeal, as opposed to that big and some times controversial and possibly over inflated number on the top left hand corner of the slab.
  20. Well, here was my rather bad attempt at trying to explain it and it's really much more to do about human psychology or human nature than what you are willing to spend on a book:
  21. Oh wow.....................looks like another chance here to see how one of the Promise Collection retreads do in their second go round here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/982247 Gotta admit that I absolutely love the seemingly "fresh off the printing press" stunning colors of this classic "damsel to the rescue of a man in distress" cover. But somehow I still highly doubt if it will be able to do any better than the All-American 91 or the other Promise Collection books which came back for a second try on Heritage as the overwhelming majority of them all ended up taking quite a big hit as compared to what they managed to fetched on their initial first go round.
  22. Not sure if this is the one you are referring to or not, but if it is, it looks like it finished up at $243K which is certainly right up there for 7.0 copy then: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/706816 Ineresting to note that prices for the CGC 7.0 graded copies seem to take a bit of a short term hit during the pandemic with Heritage only being able to fetch $186K for a copy in May of 2020 before making more than a full recovery with a rather fugly 7.0 copy selling for $312K in May of 2022 after CC had successfully auctioned off their 7.0 copy for almost $340K a couple of months earlier in March of 2022.
  23. In what Vinnie is now promoting on the CC website as a Clash of the Pre-Code Horror Titans, it looks like this one here in all its glorious blood dripping and stunning colors has finally moved ahead of Venus 19 since it's the first one to come up to bat later today while Venus gets to rest on deck for a couple more days: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/982253 Already sitting at what I thought was a rather stunning $58K, but I guess not really since Vinnie points out that a CGC 8.5 graded copy had sold for $52,800 back in Novemeber of 2022 which was then followed up by a CGC 9.0 graded copy being auctioned off for $72K a couple months later in January of 2023.
  24. Well, another day and another round of auctions here, with the big boy himself stepping up to the plate for his turn at bat later this evening: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/988064 Seems like this copy here has been stuck at its current hammer bid of $211,069 (i.e. or almost $243K with the 15% BP juice in there) and will be interesting to see if it can pull in some additional bids to move even further ahead of the CL $201K copy and to see if it can hopefully make it to the $300K milestone threshold.
  25. Although some might see this sale as a bit of a disappointment considering that Vinnie himself styated that a CGC 6.5 graded copy had sold for some $35K back in November in a private transaction, still seems surprsing to me at least that a 8.5 graded by the bous across the street which we can't post here would still be able to fetch $24,999: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/986960 Especially since I believe the high prices that some of these foreign copies are now bringing in will result in more copies coming into the marketplace going forward which might see prices trending downwards if this actually does take place.