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Everything posted by PDidds

  1. He's kinda "self crediting" and no one is really disputing it since he's Roy f-ing Thomas. But once he's gone, I doubt the comic community will continue to note him against Wolverine. He was EIC when Wolverine was created. He waited until Len, Herb and Stan were all dead - and came out saying he suggested the name Wolverine and the country Canada in editor sessions. Marvel didn't seem to protest much and put his name on the movie credits. I don't think it'll last after Roy dies. I intentionally did NOT get Roy to sign my book because it's kinda like stolen valor in my opinion.
  2. I'd definitely be sending that back in as a mechanical error. Hurry though - they only allow it for a few weeks after you get the book back from them. Mechanical Error returns are FREE including FREE shipping back to them.
  3. Good points -- but everything you raise is a CGC problem NOT a customer's problem. Why make it a customer's problem by making us pay? MONOPOLY CASH GRAB. CGC knows they're the only dog in the hunt and while they are very cool about a lot of things, and I praise them regularly, this is just robbery.
  4. THIS is BS and a CASH GRAB. !! Pay for a REHOLDER - yes -- Pay for a JSA verification - Yes -- but PAY to have the same friggin grade put on the book !! Hell NO!! That absolute robbery!! What is changing? You guys graded the book already and were paid for the grading. Now you want to be paid a 2nd time to grade a book you already graded? Did you damage it when you removed it from the green label slab? Why do you need to re- grade it? Robbery! Extremely unethical. To drive interest in the new label you guys SHOULD BE offering special incentives to have all the green labels re submitted. Get these new labels out there in circulation and on eBay etc. But often the forest can't be seen thru the cash grab. I will NOT be submitting any of my GREEN label books.
  5. yeah -- I'm excited to see my book. I asked for "fun" colored pens. Hugh plus the 50th signing. I saw one guy had his cover all taped up with exact little boxes where he wanted people to sign. Very structured.
  6. NICE !! Are you having him sign the BACK cover ?
  7. HA !! Look at all the POPs in the back ground. The collectibles market is definitely going to be flooded with "signed" junk from Hugh.
  8. I can not reveal my source at risk of my source no longer being my source (if they got burned). But the Hugh signing is supposed to take place prior to the 50th Wolverine signing event.
  9. I have it on good authority that Hugh will be signing this month. My source is very very reliable.
  10. If CGC had any pull with CA -- They'd get something in blood and stone from HUGH JACKAMN and commit him to appear with the big 50th Anniversary group signing with Miller and Claremont etc
  11. S-Man -- they've told me multiple different dates multiple times for multiple excuses. Mostly they throw Celebrity Authentics under the bus and say it's their problem and that CGC is absolved of any responsibility in the matter. All I know - I sent my book to CGC. CGC took my money. CGC isn't compensating anyone for the excessive delays. CGC isn't communicating with their customers about it in any professional manner - I mean just post an update once in a while "we apologize for the continued delay...". CGC won't allow me to have the book sent to other signings while they have possession of it. It's just locked away in the Hugh Jackman closet. So, I'm just wanting to know when he's coming out of the closet. (lol)
  12. There used to be a thread here and I can't find it anymore. It's been over a year. No updates from CGC - just passing the back to Celebrity Authentics. In the mean time, I've missed the opportunity to get my Woverine #1 signed my Miller, Claremont. - Twice !! Honestly -- CGC should cancel the signing and resolicit the event if it ever gets scheduled again.
  13. My submission date had a birthday yesterday. Jan 10, 2023 FFS
  14. It's booked through CELEBRITY AUTHENTICS who have a history of writing proverbial cheques they can't cash. The group gets an extremely flexible agreement from a celebrity / athlete etc, not much more than a handshake, really. But their time does get booked and confirmed with their agent/manager, so typically this means it will happen. It's just not a priority - and the level of BS excuses we get as the fan/consumer is terrible. Personally, I don't believe this will happen in February either. They've clearly booked the time with Jackman as a charity event to satisfy some of his tax deduction/offset obligations.
  15. MIKE ZECK is appearing (or scheduled to appear) at SUPANOVA in Melbourne and Brisbane Australia in April 2024. I don't think CGC has any Australian connections unfortunately for me :-(
  16. What the frack! Seriously! There’s likely no better time to get Hugh Jackman in to sign comic books than right now while there’s an ongoing actors strike. He’s out there posting social media pics of himself doing the most mundane stuff. Why isn’t someone confirming him or canceling him for this signing?! CGC has taken my money, I’m not earning any interest on it, I can’t spend it on something else, etc. (it’s just the principle, really). AND I’ve missed a Frank Miller and a Chris Claremont signing for the same book while it’s been in cold storage at cgc. Very annoying.
  17. Still no activity from old Hugh Jackman, He keeps posting stupid on Facebook showing how much free time he has. Sure wish someone would wrangle him to do this signing we paid for in good faith in advance.
  18. My (ex)wife and I were at his San Francisco show in 2011(?). I left the show at the encore to get near front of line for the "leaving" signing he was going to do. Before he came out, they announced "Hugh will sign one item and the Playbill but will not pose for photos" -- my wife desperately wanted a photo. As he came to us (we were maybe the 5th or 6th person), he'd already said NO to two photo requests -- so he got to us and (I'm Australian) I asked "hey mate, any way for a pic with my wife - we're all the way from Tasmania...". He gave me an eye roll look and a smile "okay - real quick - Tassie is pretty far away". As the photo was taken, the crowd started to stir up, so he announced "no - they were from Tasmania!" -- then some woman way in the back screamed "I'm from Darwin!!", so he called her up, took a few pictures with a few others and then called security in to calm the rush. So, Hugh will always be a top pick for me when it comes to "cool celebs". --- But he's testing my patience with this friggin' cgc signing....
  19. There's no way DOWNEY is signing for $370 today. Even if they managed to schedule him he'd be around $1,000 each sig. I know you've got a "deposit" but it won't mean spit.
  20. Alex Ross probably saw my name and didn't sign my books. "I'm not signing books for that !!!" LOL
  21. Seriously -- any update on this? There's a writers strike -- it's not like the guy is working right now.
  22. Hey -- hear those crickets chirping...?
  23. I agree. CGC needs to own their work, accept ownership of previous 9.8 grades, etc. If a book is merely cracked and signed -- then slabbed -- it should get the same grade as it came in with. If the book is submitted with a request for pressing as well as a signature - it should be graded again. Only people hoping up the grade are paying for pressing. It makes ZERO sense books get downgraded.
  24. Oh -- no one posted this because a signed and 9.8 graded copy of this was a free give away if you sent in more than 5 books. ;-)