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Everything posted by AGGIEZ

  1. That's not what Robin says. That you have to make stuff up doesn't support your argument. Let's go to the videotape. So, try again. Oh, and still waiting for you to identify where in B&B 54 the Teen Titans first appears. Or are you really claiming that a text box after the story is their first appearance? This has been covered already… Not sure that picture strengthens or weakens your argument. Doesn't the word bubble clearly state "Teen Titans is a group of junior crime-fighters I set up, after Kid-Flash, Aqualad and I helped the teenagers of Hatton Corners"…? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any mention of Wonder Girl in there. B&B #54 ends with the team being formed. Wonder Girl was obviously not a founding member to the team being blatantly absent from Robin's comment in this issue. I think this one obviously points to B&B 54 as the 1st appearance of the TEEN TITANS…straight from Robin's mouth... No, Robin says "after" B&B 54. If you think Robin is wrong about when he set up the Teen Titans, please identify the panel in B&B 54 in which that happens. There is nowhere that says after "B&B 54"...it says "after Kid-Flash, Aqualad and I helped the teenagers of Hatton Corners" which was in B&B 54 with the issue ending with the team formed…the team was later named TEEN TITANS in B&B 60 and added a new member. This thread has certainly run its course. It's beginning to sound like Capital Hill...
  2. I'm actually watching that now. (thumbs u After watching his performance in Star Trek I had to check out his other stuff
  3. That's not what Robin says. That you have to make stuff up doesn't support your argument. Let's go to the videotape. So, try again. Oh, and still waiting for you to identify where in B&B 54 the Teen Titans first appears. Or are you really claiming that a text box after the story is their first appearance? This has been covered already… Not sure that picture strengthens or weakens your argument. Doesn't the word bubble clearly state "Teen Titans is a group of junior crime-fighters I set up, after Kid-Flash, Aqualad and I helped the teenagers of Hatton Corners"…? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any mention of Wonder Girl in there. B&B #54 ends with the team being formed. Wonder Girl was obviously not a founding member to the team being blatantly absent from Robin's comment in this issue. I think this one obviously points to B&B 54 as the 1st appearance of the TEEN TITANS…straight from Robin's mouth...
  4. That's what it looks like to me...
  5. Completely agree! He's an incredible actor and he'll fit this part perfectly. Not sure about this rendition, but I think he'll be great!!
  6. YES THEY DO! My general rule of is -2.0 for a water stain that goes all the way through the book, no matter how big.
  7. I watched about 15 minutes of it….F'that. I'm a ninny. When Granny was combing Mommy's hair and then demon screamed! No thanks.
  8. The market is speaking. JO #134 is the 1st Darkseid appearance to have....... That, or take better pics for your actions because it really affects the final hammer price...
  9. I LOVE Spawn, but the movie was HORRIBLE! It's unwatchable for me...
  10. I agree. And as long as incorrect statements continue to be made by you and others, I will correct them. So many things wrong with this statement. Nowhere in BB 60 does it say there are only "four charter members" of the group. Robin doesn't reference four charter members. Instead, he strongly implies that there are only three members by stating: "Teen Titans is a group I set up, after Kid Flash, Aqualad, and I helped the kids of Hatton Corners." The strong implication, consistent with the last panel of BB 54, is that the "new group" started with Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad. Robin doesn't even mention Wonder Girl, let alone as a "charter member." Your assumption of four original members is contrary to the continuity, where the first adventure and origin of the group in BB 54 features three members. Fans/scholars have long recognized, as the quotes I posted in the above posts evidence, that BB 60 featured the addition of a new member to the team. Exactly what I thought - magic Lima beans. Glad to know you are the protector of incorrect information since you continually make assumptions based on faulty information, ignore posts correcting these, and revert back to past arguments that are lacking in logic. But don't fret you are winning - everyone can see that. Have fun guys - I'm done and so should this thread. Quit attacking people...
  11. Still holding tight at 'Graded'… I called, asked to check on the status of an invoice, and got a hugh sigh from the CSR on the other end. Sounds like they're getting tired of all of us calling. I have a solution! I've made the leap from 'Grade' to 'Grading/Quality Control'...only a few short months to go... Shipped 10/23!!! 4-months to the day
  12. Who were you 'attacked' by? Curious…I'll get 'em!
  13. I suspect this is a NM98 after effect. OR, is it the Liefeld and X-Force tv show effect? It's the latest pouch cover speculation pehnomenon...
  14. What was the name of this "startling new team of DC heroes" at the end of B&B #54? That's a big omission and a huge part of the argument. Subby, Hulk and Surfer teamed-up before MP #1 and they were known as the "Titans Three." Unofficially. BS...was the specific super-hero name of "Ant-Man" mentioned at all in Tales to Astonish #27? Some people are grasping at straws trying to play up their copies of B&B #60. I'm not buying it...if you want to change the 1st appearance of the Teen Titans, then go change the 1st appearance of Ant-man and a whole host of other superheroes first. Wonder Girl joins the Teen Titans...that's about it The cover to TTA 35 says The Return of The Ant Man. Note: no hyphen between Ant and Man. It's like calling someone the sports guy (a guy around the office that is crazy about sports). On the cover to TTA 36 you have Ant-Man, a minor difference in punctuation that makes all the difference. The hero Ant-Man did not appear in TTA 27, Hank Pym, the Ant Man (sports guy) did. Around the time of 35, Lee needed a hero so it took the story from 27 and went with it. Genius! That's my take on the TTA debate, anyway. I still think BB 60 is the first appearance of a formal group called the Teen Titans, though. I don't own a copy of any of these books, sadly. (thumbs u that's the first time I've heard the punctuation argument in the TTA 27 vs 35 debate...interesting stuff
  15. Still holding tight at 'Graded'… I called, asked to check on the status of an invoice, and got a hugh sigh from the CSR on the other end. Sounds like they're getting tired of all of us calling. I have a solution! I've made the leap from 'Grade' to 'Grading/Quality Control'...only a few short months to go...
  16. What was the name of this "startling new team of DC heroes" at the end of B&B #54? That's a big omission and a huge part of the argument. Subby, Hulk and Surfer teamed-up before MP #1 and they were known as the "Titans Three." Unofficially. BS...was the specific super-hero name of "Ant-Man" mentioned at all in Tales to Astonish #27? Some people are grasping at straws trying to play up their copies of B&B #60. I'm not buying it...if you want to change the 1st appearance of the Teen Titans, then go change the 1st appearance of Ant-man and a whole host of other superheroes first. Wonder Girl joins the Teen Titans...that's about it
  17. +1 ... I'm taking my ball and going home...
  18. Probably the biggest difference is that BB 54 concludes by celebrating the creation of a "new team of DC heroes" and Subby doesn't. Probably the second biggest difference is the next issue of Subby doesn't refer back to the prior issue as the origin of that new team. Just like B&B 60 doesn't refer to B&B 54 as the origin of the Teen Titans. It explicitly says the Teen Titans were formed "after" B&B 54. No. What Robin says is: "Teen Titans is a group junior crime-fighters I set up, after Kid Flash, Aqualad and I helped the teen-agers of Hatton Corners.* *Brave and Bold 54." Of course, at the end of B&B 54, after the adventure is concluded, it states: "Once again, a startling new team of DC heroes has triumphed!" Taken together, you can easily conclude that the team was formed in BB 54 as a direct result of the Hatton Corners adventure told and concluded therein. This is like instant replay, unless you got clear evidence that the original call was wrong you don't get it over turned. If anything, the evidence supports the view that has been predominant for the last 50 years.
  19. You and I are going to have disagree on the existence of an incoming wave and the role of dealers (who are the market makers and comprise the Overstreet advisors) in resolving these kind of disputes. But, that's a matter of opinion. I'm more intrigued by what "evidence" that DC considers BB 54 as just "a teamup" you think I am "conveniently dismissing." The way I see it, the wikia is clearly not evidence of what DC thinks. The only person who thinks otherwise is blazing, and I don't think he gets wiki's. Which leaves the following evidence of DC's views on whether BB 54 was the origin of a new team of DC superheros: * In 1964, BB 54 concludes by stating that "Once again, a startling new team of DC heroes has triumphed!" * In 1965, BB 60 does not, contrary to DC practice, tout itself as "introducing" a new team. Instead, the text of BB 60 makes clear that the formation of the team pre-dates BB 60 and there is a specific citation back to BB 54. * In 1973, DC 100 Page Super Spectacular 21 reprints BB 54 as a "Teen Titans" story. * In 1978, TT 53 retcons a new origin of Teen Titans and refers to BB 54 as a "team-up" before the team was formed. * In 1985, the "Official Teen Titans Index" denoted the first Teen Titans appearance as BB 54. That index was approved by the staff of DC and consultants included Jerry Bails and George Olshevsky. * In 2003, DC Archives reprints BB 54 as the first Teen Titans adventure. Aside from the footnote to the retcon, seems pretty clear that DC has always viewed BB 54 as an adventure of the "new team of DC heroes" that were first named the "Teen Titans" in BB 60. /END THREAD
  20. Anyone see the Bud Light commercial with the Tampa Bay fan and Warren Sapp? They make over his house in to the ultimate Bucaneers fan house...he walks in to the surprise holding the Walking Dead comependiums...great reading!
  21. They're all holed up in their Golden Age Forum bubble...