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Everything posted by sfcityduck

  1. Economy does and always has COST more than Modern. Also, until April 2021, it had a HIGHER value cap and the books languishing at CGC getting passed by Moder tier books were submitted under that higher value cap. Your rationalization does not hold water.
  2. Assertions are not evidenced argument. I believe the change was made in April 2021. So the Modern books which are getting churned out faster than the Economy books still waiting to be graded were submitted when Modern Tier had a $200 value cap. That sound you hear is your rationalization blowing up.
  3. That's your opinion (and not everyone agrees an X-Men 93 is harder to grade than an X-Men 95; or that foil covers or 3D or holographic covers, and other factors, such as the quest for 9.8, make modern a quicker grade). Is it CGC's stated rationale for why they charge more for Economy and that the TAT are longer despite the representation that higher tiers will have priority? I have not read that. If you have, a link to the CGC statement would be appreciated.
  4. Again, you had it right the first time, before your self-sefving edit, the pricing is higher on Economy so they are not equal. And, again the question you dodge: When did Modern move to a $400 value cap? It used to be a lower cap than Economy. More evidence they have not been and are not equal.
  5. It shows we have a difference of opinion. But, I am asking for where CGC states that Economy costs more because it is harder to grade Economy books. Personally, I think the attention to detail required to grade minute differences to high end books takes a lot of time and effort. I am curious to know CGC's view, as opposed to the opinion of the self-appointed defenders of CGC. Put more bluntly, on this point I'd like evidence of what CGC's position is, not just opinion.
  6. You had it right the first time. The pricing shows that they are not equal. And the values only became equal when?
  7. FALSE. A pre-1975 book is essentially the same structure as post-1975 newsprint books, and I do not believe it is easier to grade the differences from 9,2 to 9.8 than it is 3.0 to 5.0.
  8. You need to read the above posts as you have lost the post of the conversation. I know the present TAT disclosures and have quoted them in the very first thread. The assertion has been made that it is harder to grade Economy books and it takes longer as a result. CGC has not ever said this. Nor has CGC ever said Modern, the cheapest tier and formerly lowest value tier is an equal tier to Economy to my knowledge. Those are the assertions being made in arguments above, yet I do not recall CGC ever saying that. If they have, I would appreciate a link.
  9. What would he have put in books of those titles? The CCA censored Incredible Science Fiction!
  10. I am asking where cgc has made statements that modern is an equal tier to economy, that it takes longer to grade economy, and that it is therefore justified to charge 50 percent less for modern than economy but give economy 40 percent plus slower service - e.g. the argument being made on this thread to support the status quo,
  11. If so I appreciate it. But where has CGC made those statements? Looks like argument not reporting.
  12. Super cool! I own only one item that I know Frederic touched. It is a special binding of a journal article that the journals print when the journal is printed to give to authors. Authors commonly mail out these things to people who they think will be interested or to reviewers. Wertham was not happy about one sentence in the article, so in the only two copies I know of that still exist, he made handwritten interlineations. The other copy is owned by SOTIcollector who has the envelope Wertham used to send it to the recipient (yeah ... I'm jealous, but he's the man on the complete SOTI collection!). My copy:
  13. I don't know why I've never noticed this thread before. Here's a few items that fit the theme. First, my CCA rack: And some accompanying CCA literature I have not seen posted before:
  14. I am posting on a CGC board, which is one form of providing CGC some input and discussing the issue with fellow customers. And what makes you think I have not emailed CGC to make my thoughts known? Not trying to ruffle your feathers, but you seem a little defensive of CGC. They are big boys who can listen to customer complaints and work to do things better without getting upset.
  15. Until a little while ago, the max value cap on Modern was $200, right? Modern has always been the lowest tier and the prices reflect that. While I understand your rationalization for CGC's slow grading, THEY have never taken that position, and I really don't think there's a reason to think that a 1975-1980 book is any more fragile than a 1970-1974 book. If Modern began in the 1990s, after comics had generally all abandoned newsprint, you might have a point (if foil, holographs, textured covers, etc., don't cut against that point). But, that's not how Modern is defined. I'm also not convinced by this statement: "more likely to have defects therefore more time consuming to grade." Do you really think it is easier to tell a 9.4 from a 9.6 from a 9.8 than to tell a 3.0 from a 3.5 from a 4.0?
  16. They owe the Economy tier a refund. They said higher tiers get higher priority, but they have faster service for the LOWEST tier. It is messed up. Matt needs to fix this problem. From a business perspective, if they have to temporarily put a damper on some business to fix a problem, the damper should be applied to the lowest priced tier. Sorry modern.
  17. On March 12, 2021, CGC said: Doesn't look that way to me. Here's why: Modern is a lesser tier than Economy, costing less money for submissions (and until very recently lower value books), yet these are the TATs for the two categories: Modern (1975 - Present) - 116 days / Fast Track: 91 days Economy (Pre - 1975) - 153 days / Fast Track: 131 days That is messed up. They ought to drop the price for Economy below that of Modern based on these TATs if they really are trying to be honest about the "working on a first-in, first-out basis with higher grading teirs prioritized." The Economy tier ($33) costs 50% more than the Modern Tier ($22), yet its TAT is 44% slower. That should be the slogan: "Economy Tier: Pay $50% more for 44% slower service!" That is messed up! CGC's statements about priority by tier pricing are simply not accurate. MATT, YOU ARE THE MAN! Time to fix this mess! EDITED TO ADD FROM THE BOTTOM OF THIS THREAD: Even if Economy and Modern are the same level of tier, "first-in, first-out" means that Economy books submitted before Moderns (e.g. "first-in") should be graded before the subsequently submitted Moderns (e.g. the Economy should be "first-out"). But, the TATs on Moderns are faster. That suggest that CGC should be shifting graders from Moderns to Economy to ensure that the "first-in" Economy really do get "first-out." Especially since smart businesses make representations they can live up to. I think Matt, a GA guy, will make this right.
  18. Not as visionary as this (start at 1:00):
  19. What you are describing is the past six months. They just made changes today. Hopefully, these changes will include a more accurate "Received." I am curious to see how long it takes for folks to get that status after delivery under this new regime and tracking info.
  20. I have to congratulate CGC or Blackrock for finally recognizing that the lack of transparency and accuracy in its tracking of submissions was causing considerable angst on the part of its customers. Hopefully, we will now all have a more accurate view of what's going on, and that will lead to a speedier process.
  21. Congrats! PM me to discuss payment and shipping details.
  22. TERMS: Payment: I prefer Paypal or a means which is non-burdensome for me. We can discuss the options. If you pay by check, it must clear before shipment. Shipping: USPS flat rate medium box. A signature will be required. Returns: No returns on CGC books BUYERS MUST BE IN GOOD STANDING. First in thread wins and trumps all PM negotiations. I will listen to offers, but the fact I'm listening to you gives you no priority an "I'll take it" in the thread. Here's the item: A How-To Book #7 (aka The Complete How To Book of Space) in CGC 4.0 Off-White There are only four unrestored copies of this book on the census. The other three unrestored copies have sold. This is a very little seen book which is a must for the L.B. Cole collector. This particular copy presents very nicely with off-white pages, but was downgraded a bit due to eight puzzles that were filled out in pencil in the interior. (Which is pretty much irrelevant for a very nice and little seen L.B. Cole cover that is only notable because of the cover). This is the companion or baby brother to a Blue Bolt 108 - the difference being that a comparable graded Blue Bolt 108 would have cost you almost twice as much at Heritage last year. For my friends on the boards, I'll let this go to a good home for: Price: $475 (includes shipping domestically). This price is in line with prior sales (for more money) for the CGC 5.5, 6.0, and 6.5 copies (the only other unrestored copies, there is also a restored 3.5).