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Everything posted by Cimm

  1. Dystopian? Destruction of Superman? Deconstruction. ...and yes, very dystopian On one level, Dystopianism is a feeling of hopelessness in the world. Is this a world worth saving? Is this a world I'd want to live in? Are any of these people I'd want to know, much less be around? So many of the performances in the first film were hokey and poorly filmed. Performances seemed more like cameos of characters we were never invested in. As pointed out repeatedly, I haven't seen the second film, but the confused, piecemeal plot has been discussed ad infinitum. I don't like Henry Cavell in the Superman role. He just doesn't sell it for me. This plays into my next rhetorical question: Is the Superman character as written and acted so much bigger than real life and disconnected from it that his actions seem cold and mechanical? The question audiences who've seen this movie should ask is does this type of movie make me feel good? ...Did I come away from this film feeling good about these characters? ...about the world? ...about my place in it? Food for thought. I grew up near a lot of farms and knowing a lot of farm people. I always thought of Clark/Superman as someone who could have been one of those people who just happened to have powers. I got that feeling with Christopher Reeves and Tom Welling, and to a lesser extent with Brandon Routh. But I didn't get that feeling at all with Dean Cain (though I still liked the show), and I don't get that feeling at all with Henry Cavill (whether its him or the directing or the plot, I'm not sure). For me, that wasn't really my problem with the movie, but I don't think its unreasonable if a lot of people wanted to connect to Superman the way they 'think' they should, then were frustrated when they couldn't. That seems very reasonable. They think Superman is supposed to be 'better' because of his humanity, not in spite of it. Zack Snyder might have wanted to tell a different story, but it was risky and for the most part it didn't pay off. As human beings we are fragile and at a moments nod from death. Superman represents, for many, the indestructible human, the perfect specimen, with no fear of death, who can easily distinguish the difference between wrong and right, in a fantasy world that is either black or white. It's the most simplistic of concepts for the child who has just discovered real world bummer (parents divorcing or dying or abuse) and has always worked at it's best in that simple format. Some of us prefer to wonder how we could ever relate to a being like that, in an actual reality world like ours, and how he would be able to relate to us. And how he could rise above the frailties that make our world so grey and be bigger than that. How he could inspire us to want the same. For some of us, Zack nailed it perfectly. Note the bolded parts. I have a much easier time relating to Superman, as played by Henry Cavill, and directed by Zack Snyder, in that he makes the difficult choice, does the right thing for the right reasons without hiding behind some idyll wherein death is never the answer. True evil exists, and there is nothing finer or more noble than ending it. I find a world of do-gooders who would allow a Zod, or Doomsday, or Joker to continue stealing oxygen far more dystopian, misguided, and unrealistic.
  2. I will ABSOLUTELY go see the R-rated release... it was great the first time, and with more story/build up/ action... cannot wait
  3. Just got back from seeing this movie. Loved it. REALLY don't get the critics negative response... Was totally the Batman v. Superman that I wanted to see.
  4. Love the tiger bro... that is one of the better tiger's drawn in the GA and nothin' but love for you too, man
  5. "I will show you fear in a handful of dust..." I will always remember that adline from the pre-release house ads DC ran. Just made me really want to read that book! And it delivered