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Posts posted by Khazano

  1. On 5/8/2024 at 10:44 PM, cdadamly said:

    I came across this thread while googling info to help me confirm that I have the pencils and inks for this splash page from Ultimate Spider-Man #38. This is my only piece of original comic art, and I had it professionally framed 10+ years ago, so excuse the awkward angles to minimize reflections.





    You're good there. That is old fashioned pencils and inks. 

  2. At the end of the day it's unpublished and features a very obscure villain. Punisher is minimally shown. No different than a commission of just Barracuda really and we all know how commissions do on the resale market.  Stegman is a big name yes but not big enough that any character he draws can command over 1k.  This was always a sub-500 piece IMO.







  3. On 7/10/2023 at 3:52 AM, grapeape said:


    Not sure where you live, but we should collect money in a Go Fund Me and send you to SDCC. Ye Brothers Grimm will be there. Would love to see you in action with cameras rolling. lol

    TBH, I can't believe it hasn't happened yet.  They've got what, 25+ years of angering people in this hobby? (Although I do recall some stories back in the comicart-l days of people confronting them...) 

    I'm sure when the inevitable showdown between them and I happens, my friends will have camera's rolling. Although I would image the title they would upload to tiktok would be something like "man child becomes unhinged over spider-man drawing" all the while sad/inspirational music plays in the background. lol

  4. On 7/7/2023 at 8:59 AM, Dr. Balls said:

    Holy cow, that's crazy. Does this classify as a 'forgery' - and if so, what legal recourse is there - if any (I'm sure there is, but lodging it is another level of action)? Has the "alternate" #36 sold to someone not knowing what it is?

    Who even if the one supposed to launch the legal recourse? I own the art, but not the image. So.  It would probably have to be Marvel, cause they're the ones whom technically still own the rights to the image. All commissions fall under a gray area of copyright law. 

  5. On 7/7/2023 at 6:04 AM, Twanj said:

    Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for!

    What's the story with the way the covers are colored vs interiors? The interiors still look great while the covers look very dated to me.

    #35 that's wrong to do.

    #36 that's downright evil!

    That's interesting about the #24 last page. I looked it up and couldn't tell.

    In terms of the cover's coloring. You've gotta remeber you're looking at them through the view lens of today's sensibilities and technology. That book debuted in 2000. Over 20 years ago. Back then that look wasn't dated, it was fresh. CGI was in it's infancy. PS2 hadn't even come out yet. Bill Clinton was still in office. But more importantly, NO ONE was buying comics. So, with the entire Ultimate line, they were just trying to make stuff look new and stand out.  Which those books did.  There was nothing on the stands that looked like that at the time. Now it just looks like bad CGI. But then, that really was a different story. 

    Yes, I agree, what they've done with my issue 36 covers (and others like it) it is downright evil.  I initially sent them a polite email informing them about the fact that it was a commission. After seeing no change, I sent some scathing emails, and after that, pretty sure I posted both on this message board and Facebook groups about the deviousness of it all. To this day, should I ever see either brother at a con, I plan on ripping into them something fierce about it all.  

    I was wrong, it wasnt issue #24, it was issue #16. Again, speaking to technology. Waicom had just introduced the Cintiq tablet and Mark figured he'd give it a shot. Thankfully, he didnt like using it. So, this was the only page ever done that way.   Attached is a scan. 



  6. As long as you make them pay "letting it go when I dont really want to tax" it should stave off the flippers. It'll only hurt if you give a bargain cause of the lie.

    Ive only ever sold something cause of a sob story once. They paid double market value, and to this day, 10 years later, its still sitting in their CAF which is dedicated to the character. I feel like its where it should be. Subsequently, I've only ever pulled the sob story card once in 20 years. Me and another collector (very well known) both put in an offer for the same amount for a piece on eBay, the seller accepted his instead of mine. Fair enough. However, the buyer then instantly listed/flipped it on his CAF for 3x the sold offer. I pretty much messaged him using words I never do like "please" "If you could" "I would be so grateful" Blah blah blah. Ugh, hated myself for it, but, I also offered him a 50% profit (rather than 300%) on his investment, and he let it go. To this day, it's still in my CAF.  

  7. On 4/6/2023 at 11:15 AM, RobHW said:

    Just a heads up that PayPal Friends and Family is not allowed.


    8. Forms of payments must be listed. PayPal "goods and services" is an acceptable payment method, but Personal PayPal, aka "friends and family," is not allowed. It is also against the rules to ask for Personal PayPal via private message.

    My bad! Fixed. 

  8. Hi Everyone,

    Selling something special. This is the first time it's been for sale in 10 years.

    Scott McDaniel - Wizard Magazine #112: Batman, Nightwing and the Bat Family Pin-Up


    Size is 17x22 inches. Pencils and inks the old fashioned way, all done by Scott. Published in Wizard #112. A vintage center piece for any McDaniel or Batman collectors.

    Price includes shipping within North America. International, please email for a quote.

    Payment is in USD (US Dollars) via PayPal FF, money order or check. Please add $160.00 if paying via G&S. 

    Time payments are doable. 

    Thanks everyone!


  9. Hello Everyone

    I havent sold here in years, so dipping my toes in and selling a book I bought of these very boards many moons ago.

    Amazing Spider-Man 20. First appearance Scorpion.

    I bought it as a 5.5 - 6.0, so that's what Im advertising it as. But I've included a lot of pics to make your own decision.

    All pages intact, no cutouts etc.  

    Price is $850.00 USD which includes shipping in North America. Firm. PayPal only.   All sales are final. No returns. 

    Thanks !! 








  10. On 1/26/2022 at 6:07 AM, Bird said:

    I have no idea, but I imagine he is trying to appeal to the crypto guys and this way they can just transfer directly? Again, just guessing.

    This was my thought as well. All it takes it one or two to go "Gee, this is only 10ETH? I spent more on a digital image of a monkey with a popsicle yesterday."

  11. No inked pages of USM by Mark were done via blueline method.  All pages are inks over pencils the old fashioned way.. Certain pages (like less than 1%) are pencil only (so no inks exist) as they were colored straight off pencils. The Ultimate Venom flashback pages for example. And all the covers. (Save one that a not so intelligent collector had inked after the fact.) 

    Mark did sometimes do his initial layouts on page with blue pencil, so you might see that.  Although it's pretty rare, especially on his Ultimate Spidey stuff. (Doesnt effect value one way or the other.) 

  12. 1 minute ago, Twanj said:


    I thought you were saying the artist sold low priced on purpose so people would get a shot that normally wouldn't. Didn't realize he sold them low unknowingly - altho that still  


    I am saying that. Im only speculating that he was unaware of the price. I dont know that for a fact. (Although I strongly suspect it.)  No,  the gray area for me is, he made it VERY clear during the sale that this was so his real fans could own a piece of art. He literally did not allow anyone who didnt participate in the group discussions or joined within the last few months to buy it. There was a very clear line being verbalized and drawn about the purpose of these pages being so cheap.  Ive never really seen a circumstance like this before in 20 years. So, I was curious what the consensus is. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, Twanj said:

    That's a crappy thing to do, but of course no, no one has a "moral obligation" for selling property they own.

    Unless they signed contracts or made promises?

    Art is a bit of a luxury item and they're not price gouging on food during a famine.

    I'm not familiar with this art, and I'd rather the artist charged a fair or above price so this didn't happen, but they're not stupid and knew this was a possibility.

    Well, yeah,  one can argue theres no such thing as moral obligation at all in any facet of life. Survival of the fittest and all that.  

    So I guess thats a check next too,  collectors doesn't owe artists anything, its the artists mistake for being generous/naive. For what its worth, I dont know what the answer is, cause A> the flip wouldnt stop me from buying it and B> if I were to buy the page, I wouldnt worry about whether the artist got a share of my money.  So am I just as "bad".... (shrug)

    I would disagree with artists knowing exactly how much the art is worth. Before this, his pages fetched 300 on a good day. He may have not truly realized what he was giving away. 

  14. I dont wanna shame anyone, but I am curious about peoples thoughts on this situation.

    Some of you may have seen this play out on Facebook already.

    But - The artist who did the Ninja Turtles Last Ronin held a private sale, in a private group, where he sold a bunch of pages 80%-90% off market value from the first issue, to collectors who otherwise would never have had a shot. (Im sure you can see where Im going with this.) A few days ago one of those collectors posts a page he scored from this sale to his FB. Tagging the artists. Talking about how grateful he is yada yada.... Five days later its listed for sale. Highest offer was 1k. (Which is right around what its worth IMO.)  Then the seller decided he didnt wanna sell it, but would trade it for a nice Mignola or Art Adams or artists of similar caliber... So this piece went from 150 to 1000 in five days. Then in the span of a 1 minute decision,  jumped from 1k to costing 3k+ in lopsided trade. (So clearly this guy doesnt need the money either, he's just trying to maximize his return.)

    My question to you is, if he were to make a 2000% profit off this scenario, is there any moral obligation to give the artists some of the profit, considering said artist sacrificed that profit specifically so a true fan could own a piece of his work / TMNT history they would otherwise never have had a shot at it?

  15. There's a lot more than I realized...


    • Kirby - Fantastic Four


    • Romita Jr - Daredevil (Typhoid Mary)
    • Bolland - Killing Joke


    • Nolan - Knightfall
    • Dillon - Preacher
    • Ross - Earth X
    • Miller - Sin City
    • Mcfarlane - Spawn


    • Quietly - New X-Men
    • Dodson - Black Cat ETMD
    • Finch - Avengers (Dissembled) 
    • Brubaker - Cap (Pre-Death)
    • Kubert - Batman 


    • Copiel - Spider-Verse
    • Bennett - Immortal Hulk
    • Lemire - Sweet Tooth
  16. On 11/5/2019 at 4:51 AM, vodou said:

    Like one of their favorite practices - gluing them thar fakes logos own, as if adhered by the original production dept? Shim-sham-scam and destructive too. Surely these are not dealers but collectors that deal to enhance their own collections...mmm-hmmm ;)

    Fake is a kind term too...  They used to hire a letterer to put those logos on an acetate overlay . But now a days, it looks like theyve started printing them out themselves on copy paper and then gluing straight on to the art. :facepalm: