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Everything posted by Theagenes

  1. Atta Boy, George - classic Frazetta, presents well for the grade, superb page quality. I like. Beautiful book! :applause:
  2. Western pulps need love too! Here's a great Saunders cover with an REH story inside. "The Curly Wolf of Sawtooth" was originally written as one of Howard's Breckinridge Elkins stories, a popular Western humor series that was running in Action Stories. This one was apparently rejected, so he changed the name of the main protagonist to "Bearfield Elston" and sold it to rival Star Western instead.
  3. Thanks for posting. I'm not familiar with the covers that Saunders produced during the 60's. These 60's men's magazines are something else! Thanks for sharing these great Sauders covers, alanna.
  4. That will be an amazing book. And July will give me time to start saving my pennies.
  5. So "Slime" came out in '53 and the film The Blob was a few years later. I wonder if it was inspired by Brennan's story or if it's just a coincidence.
  6. Do you remember which thread? I find things like this impossible to search for. I really want to see this copy that even cheetah covets! Wally Wood... i have carte blanche authority to post my geek's books. That's the one. It's got it all. Everyone should have a copy. Beautiful books!
  7. I saw that this weekend. I asked my wife about the possible of taking out a second mortgage and I got "The Look".
  8. Wow, that's really interesting stuff. I had know idea. Now I want to see a bio of margaret brundage more than ever. Thanks for posting this.
  9. And I didn't mean to slight the great Paul - I am genuinely curious who collectors consider to be the "Alex Schomburg" or "Lou Fine" of pulp covers. Fortunately, Schomburg was the Schomburg of pulp covers. With that artistic style, it is easy to understand why he thought that tie went with that shirt
  10. After years of very little REH available, we are now in the midst of a Howard boom much like the 70's. The best and most authoritative editions currently are the Del Rey volumes, three of which contain all of the Conan stories. (thumbs u And I agree, BtBR is one of REH's best, no doubt.
  11. That's a gorgeous copy, Pat. I really need to read the Elak stories some time. Are they any good?
  12. Nipples Neil (lookwhoitis) got to see those Brundage originals too - along with a Frazetta, some St. Johns, Pauls, Boks, and even a Wyeth. Good times! Here's a write-up I did on that exhibit for The Cimmerian - even talk about the nipples: http://www.thecimmerian.com/maidens-and-monsters-masters-of-science-fiction-and-fantasy-art-on-display/
  13. Definately the best of the three covers that depict Conan. (thumbs u At least he's standing up and fighting something, instead of lying down like in the other two:
  14. I am rapidly becoming a huge Brundage fan - is she generally considered the tops in her field amongst collectors? Another sad story - she married a hobo, and apparently lived in near poverty till her death in 1976. I would love to see someone do an art book/biography of brundage like some of the others that have been done. I think maybe she is acquired taste, because her style is very different. Part of that I think is the medium she used - pastels as opposed to oil or watercolor. But there are definately a lot of collectors, myself included, who love her work. Her female figures I think often tend to be much better executed than her male figures. I know there are a lot of REH fans that hate the way she depicted Conan and there is a legitimate gripe there (although I like the "Devil in Iron" cover). But some her other covers are just magnificent - the Batwoman and Altar of Melek Taos for example. I got to see the original of the latter last year and it was just amazing (see below). On an interesting side note, if you look close you'll see that woman's nipples are visible - this was also true of the one other Brunage original I've seen, "The Witch's Mark." I'm guessing that most of her WT covers were actually nudes that were "cleaned up" for publication. Maybe BZ could post his copy of the Melek Taos issue for comparison.
  15. No firsthand knowledge - only secondhand via Moore's promotion of Victorian era smut.
  16. It's been a while since I read it, but I think Alan Moore mentioned a couple of these books in LoEG. Several of them sound familiar anyway.
  17. The flagellation theme actually crops up in a number of REH's works. Among his papers was a list of books on the subject along with prices: "A History of the Rod" by Cooper; illustrated; published in London: $7.50 "The Merry Order of St. Bridget" by Margaret Anson; illustrated, privately printed: $5.00 "Curiosa of Flagellants & History of Flagellation"; bound in one volume; illustrated; privately printed: $3.00 "Painful Pleasures" translated by W.J. Meusal; illustrated; privately printed: $5.00 "Nell in Bridewell" by W. Reinhard; (translation) illustrated; published in Paris by the Society of British Bibliophiles: $5.00 "The Misfortunes of Colette"; illustrated; privately printed: $3.00 "The Strap Returns"; illustrated; The Gargoyle Press: $2.00 "Tracts of Flagellation" by George Colman; paper bound; published in England. Henry Thomas Buckle: $6.00 "The Rodiad" by George Colman; paper bound; published in England: $1.50 "Tender Bottoms" by Guenoles; illustrated; published by American Ethnological Press, Inc.: $3.00 "Sadism and Masochism" by Eulenburg; illustrated; published by The New Era Press: $3.45 "Presented in Leather" by Claire Willows; illustrated; privately printed: $5.00 "Padlocks and Girdles of Chastity"; privately printed; illustrated: $1.50 TOTAL : $50.95 We know he ordered at least two of these and possibly three. He discusses the topic of flagellation with HPL in their correspondence and it seems he understood very well that sex sells and that throwing in a scene with a naked chick getting whipped by another naked chick was a sure-fire way to get that $50 cover bonus.