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User 01001010

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Everything posted by User 01001010

  1. In short my whole point (kind of in code) is that it is up to everyone to take an active role in their own healthcare that is the biggest stumbling point. most people have no idea what to ask or when to ask. they put absolute trust in their doctors to do the right thing 100% of the time, but dr's are just as prone to errors as anyone else. it's not that most people are dumb, they just have the majority of what is said to them go right over their head. we are lucky (us that are in health care and health insurance) we can keep our dr's in check since we are around it. but you get a steel worker or a person who works in a high end clothing boutique and they could have the same medical misadventure happen to them regardless of status or intelligence. it is lack of awareness and i applaud you jason for educating even a handful of people. that would be a handful less likely to allow waste and to correct errors before they start.
  2. I am completely happy with with WD gold label 9.8's as well, Jason can't wait until next month, have two ok copies of wd 1 ss, still working hard on guillory to convince him and the booker of bcc to get him there. i guess i'll have all three wd #61 ss along with the 2 #1s and maybe that agent #6 ss too.
  3. the answer is yes to the question you have, sanchez city...
  4. she said to ah me, dirty sanachez. i say what isa that? she'a tell me and i gave her mosta crazy mustache of all time...
  5. Go on I'm curious as to why my patients should question me. Three main reasons patients should question doctors (and in this discussion doctors was a code word for healthcare provider). Three main points. two backed up with examples from the healthcare organization I work for and one by my own personal experience. Asking your doctor questions assists you in getting the "right care", "the proper level of care" and that you are not getting "care you do not need" The right care - The company I work for had a patient about 9 years ago that was going to have their left arm amputated. When the patient awoke from surgery, the right arm had been removed instead of the left. Patient was cited in the local paper as knowing something was wrong when they started preping the right arm and put the IV in the left, but didnt QUESTION anyone why that was happening. (I'm not saying this or any other medical mistake is the patients fault. Just using it as an example) The proper level of care - We recently had an orthopedic surgeon put in a total knee replacement construct that is designed for active (read that as mobile) people in their late 40s-50s that is one of the highest cost constructs on the market into a bed ridden 97 year old woman. Her family was furious after the fact when they received the bill which included the charges for the implants and saw how much they would have been billed if she had not been covered under medicare (which made for a wonderful story on the local tv news). If they had QUESTIONED the doctor before what he was going to be implanting, they could have been informed as to what was going on. (in fact their are TONS of examples like this on both ends, receiving not enough care and receiving too much care) Care you do not need - This was my personal experience. I hurt my shoulder. Went to my GP. He had me get X-rays, scheduled me for an MRI, and referred me to the Orthopedic specialist all in the same visit. Had the x-rays that day, three days later had the MRI, two days after that the specialist visit. Specialist comes in looks at me, checks me over, "might need surgery", leaves the room. His PA comes in with his orders to get a X-Rays and an MRI (at his clinic) on a seperate visit. I balked and said I had just paid over $400 for X-rays and an MRI, why wouldn't they work. Because I QUESTIONED my doctor, I did not have to a second set of X-rays and an MRI, saving myself and my insurance company money. AND I made sure to stress that doctors know what they are talking about (most of the time ) and to make sure not to question because you want to be pissy, but to be polite and just try to get all the info you can from the doc to be able to make the best informed decision regarding your own healthcare. ahh, the great wrong arm/leg horror story. same happened at the hospital i worked at, funny though, the arm was incinerated before it was known that it was the wrong arm
  6. welcome to the chew whoring...i mean hoarding branget. i don't know who has it but i'm sure shortstack would be will to duke it out for one... me? hell, i'd take a 9.9, actually, my 9.8 is just fine and the copy that shortstack sent me does me good.
  7. our first date still holds just as much meaning as our actual wedding date. she was surpised that i remembered last year when we hit 10 years together. i have my brief moments of clarity.
  8. nice! congrats on yours! we're thinking of going to neu awlans for our tenth. we were going to go for our honeymoon, but with the no-fly situation right after 9/11, that stopped that (we weren't going to a train or a bus there).
  9. Dallas just had to be in the largest city in texas... no problem, i'll use some real landmarks and make some up as well. Make it Fort Worth then well, you just ran into the last two surviving members of the dallas police department fighting off a horde of the dead.
  10. Dallas just had to be in the largest city in texas... no problem, i'll use some real landmarks and make some up as well.
  11. oh yeah, what city do you want your story to take place in jason?
  12. i have to focus on writing. won't have any time tonight to write but it'll be worth it.
  13. i have no motivation to post any more funny pictures (and i'm out of ideas what to search for). just tired.
  14. did someone poke you in the left eye right before the picture was taken or did you always have the lazy eye?
  15. Congrats J! My wife and I celebrated our 5th on 8/14. Does it get any easier? yes it does. we've been together for a bit over 11 years and it actually gets easier every day. you have ups and downs, but it all works out in the end (well for 50% of couples) and with me being a geek and all, and her being a hot chick, she's stuck with me.