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Everything posted by kimik

  1. BvS was being touted as a $1B blockbuster, and fell short. Justice League was even worse. Right now the DCU is in shambles, just like their comic publishing arm (outside of the Batman titles, there really is nothing left). They need someone to set a vision and see it through. The Snyder cut for JL is way better than what they churned out - they should have released that and let him finish the story line with Darkseid.
  2. FWIW, as a Batman fanboy it pains me to see how far the movies have fallen since the Nolan trilogy. Reeves has taken the franchise to a new low with this film, and WB is really crying out now for a Favreau type to pull the DCU together.
  3. From an entertainment perspective, Dark of the Moon is significantly better than The Batman. Neither one is what can be considered high art theatre. If Reeves had produced a better movie it tops $1B easy. As it stands, BvS, which was considered a huge failure at the box office, posted a final tally that WB would kill for The Batman to hit.
  4. We will disagree re: WOM being strong. My daughter and her friends (high school aged) who have seen every DC movie to date did not go (they saw the first SS movie three times). The reason? The people in their class that saw it the first weekend said it was a bad movie. At the one-day comic show was had this past Sunday it was the same thing. People had seen it and were not impressed or were not going to see it due to bad WOM from their friends. This movie should have been an easy $1B box office since it is 1) Batman and 2) the first blockbuster type hero film coming out during the widespread Covid reopening. There was pent up demand for people to go to the theatres. The fact it is an average quality film and is too long is killing it. FWIW, I posted here that Pattinson was a bad choice from the start and the movie's box office is confirming it. They need to recast the lead role if they want to avoid another disappointment with the next film. Batman is not supposed to be a mopey Emo wannabe. That is where Reeves missed the boat and showed no real feel for the character as I posted with my critique/review.
  5. Can't wait for season 2 of Peacemaker. Gunn hit a home run with this first season.
  6. Aargh. I clicked here thinking that Bosco found out that they have decided to restart the show.
  7. I actually have to agree with Jaydawg on The Batman being a disappointment box office wise. This would have topped $1B if it was a better movie. And it should have. At a one-day comic show this past weekend the people I talked with either saw and it considered it meh, or were not going to see it based on comments from their friends that did. At this rate it will fall short of BvS.
  8. Will the piece with Supes' red speedos go for more than the No. 1 piece?
  9. The SWHR 1 is across multiple printings though, not just the first print. The best of reprint covers long term will be the fifth printing, I think, as the orders would have tailed off quite a bit by then. https://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales/2021/2021-01.html Marvel's top comic book was Star Wars: The High Republic #1, tying in with a new milieu for the franchise, and initial orders had been reported as topping 100,000 copies, with reorders and reprints taking it well beyond that.
  10. Damnit. Just when I thought I had finally bagged and boarded all of the SW HR and HRAdvs I have, I found this sitting under some other cases. I thought it was something else. I am almost tempted to list it as a sealed case on eBay since I now have to spend time bagging/boarding then reorganizing long boxes to fit them in order. It was sitting there with cases of HR 2 & 3 , but another one of HRAdvs 1 at least.
  11. Based on all of the production quality and ink rub issues they are having now, Marvel should just go with white borders around the front and back covers to hide as much damage as they can.....................
  12. The last one should be eliminated from playoffs this weekend as their team fell apart so it will feel a bit like this:
  13. Thanks for the purchases. This thread will be reopened for the weekend. I do not think I will have anything new to add to it as I am tied up with kids sports playoffs.
  14. I should have qualified that I was referring to the recent past 5 or so years. Even at the tail end of newsstand copies there was such low distribution that it did not matter much.
  15. Some people will argue that print runs are way higher than ComicChron numbers, but the reality is that publishers will likely print a reasonable number of damage replacement copies (5%? 10%?) above pre-order sales and then whatever bit extra to hit the next print run discount threshold from the printer. They make money on initial orders, not the back issue market, so they are not going to print extra to store pallets in a warehouse someplace. That is how you go out of business fast. If there is a surge of demand after FOC they will do a second printing instead. Look at SW High Republic #1 - the pre-orders were lower than they should have been due to the FOC being the Monday BEFORE the Disney presentation mentioning it , and when Marvel was hit with the re-orders after the presentation they announced an immediate second printing. It was so bad that the 88 damaged copies of HR 1 I received in my bulk order were refunded, not replaced. Marvel sold out of their entire first print run after the fact and filled the additional re-orders with 2nd print copies. We may care about the back issue market, but they do not so they will have as many printings as needed to fill demand. And then you have the ratio variant issue. The reason Diamond would have so many left over is not due to mass overprinting, but the fact that the ratio variants would be set to the pre-order print run and not all stores would qualify for them. The higher the ratio, the more likely they would not be qualified for, which is why the Walmart packs last summer had so many 1:200, 1:500 and 1:1000 ratio variants in them. Remember, the vast majority of stores that are profitable do not have the customer base to chase the 1:500+ variants based on file pulls. They may do it if they can sell the ratio variants + file copies for enough to generate a reasonable profit on the order. Otherwise, it is not worth it from a cashflow perspective.
  16. Nice. It is interesting to see that the Venom Island Petrovich cover is the big one for that book now.
  17. It is crazy. I have to check my other Petrovich copies, but at the current prices selling my 9.8 is tempting. These books were bad for back cover staple rubs if I recall correctly. Then again, you can say that for pretty much every Marvel book with a dark back cover from the past 5 years........
  18. Strange Academy #1 has gone up again recently. Now the entry point for cover A in 8.5 is hitting $100+. Are there any rumours about a movie mention of an academy, or is it just DS 2 movie floats all boats action?
  19. This looks very cool. D+ is doing a better Dark Knight show than WB did with the Batman.
  20. I am curious to see what pre-orders are like for the HR 1 and HRA 1 volume 2 later this year. If you look at the current sales numbers, the books are average to weak monthly titles. This is why the LCS owners I talked to last Jan/Feb did not go big on the first volume - their pre-order demand was low and they ordered accordingly. While highly unlikely since it seems like Disney/Marvel has started to get its sh it in order re: promoting their SW line a bit better now (i.e. releasing Sprouse variant covers in advance, more promotion of the HR franchise), I wonder if the diminishing sales numbers as the first volumes continued will weigh on the pre-order numbers again?
  21. The big difference here is that Stray Dogs was a flash in the pan with nothing behind it. HR and HRA are part of the next phase of the SW franchise. I would suggest submitting any copies you think have 9.8 potential so you have them on hand for when the video game hits and more news comes out re: D+ (Acolytes, for example) or movies. It is only a matter of time. I wonder what the print run was for HRA 2. It looks like they had a ton of unsold stock for a long time as I snagged another 100 a month ago to add to my original larger pre-order. It obviously did not have enough pre-orders to meet the publication threshold that IDW printed to. In addition, where did all of the extra 1:10s end up?
  22. Personally, I think it is fantastic that all three books are fetching a premium for the Leveller appearance.