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Everything posted by Calamerica

  1. Yes I did see that. Other posts got zapped as well. I give you people my word of honor I did NOT pump the Mod button or call Patel so he could hang up on me again....
  2. I missed this until now. Don't know what to say here.... Am I right about this Forum? Wrong? Time will tell, but time HAS told some already.... CAL checking in....
  3. Enjoy the ride! Prepare for greatness!!! CAL assembling the troops....
  4. What? Go back to sleep. There is another Thread that has gotten almost 2,000 views the last 30 hours.... CAL alive and well...
  5. Yes I do have an Origin story, posted many times over the years here. Give it a day but I am betting the Farm that the CAL detractors will post it up here. Stay tuned CAL who never disappoints....
  6. 3,996 views as of now. Two days ago this Thread was struggling to get 1,500 views. Take your money($$$) and go to Vegas and park the truck on the following bets: Odds: 1) emails sent TO Stu, the Charity recipient within the last 24 hours: Over 25: 5 to 1, Under 25: 8 to 5. CAL's handicapping tip: Bet your retirement on the OVER!!! 2) CGC Forumites spending amounts of wasted TIME to regurgitate old posts/threads that include quotes from CAL the last 24 hours: Over 25 CGC Forumites: 10 to 1. Under 25 CGC Forumites: 7 to 5 against. CAL's handicapping tip: Bet your GRANDKID's entire wealth on the OVER. Can't miss! 3) CGC Forumites hitting the "report this post to the Mods" button to try to get CAL in trouble again the last 24 hours: Over 25 CGC Forumites: 100 to 1. Under 25 CGC Forumites: even money. CAL's Handicapping tip: Bet the OVER. Borrow against the US Treasury and put a cool MIL on the OVER. Oh well, the cocktail waitress wants to act in my Webisode I am cooking up; she just whispered some sweet qualifications in my good ear, and her words if she backs them up she's as good as "Weinsteined" CAL still working the fringes....
  7. Can you believe someone broke into one of my Storage Units and stole my hat??? That was the ONLY thing that was missing when the Manager called me and told me of the "break-in".... CAL who loves that Einstein quote: "Two things are infinite: The Universe and Man's stupidity. Wait: maybe the Universe MAY have an ending"....
  8. Quality? Check my Feedback Left for Others and you can see Quality....
  9. I knew it was only a matter of time before this Thread got the "Hot Topic" sign on the main Board....
  10. You mean the lady who could NOT answer the ONE question we all had for her back in that day over her "Charity" donated CGC Forum Fund of $4,100??? You mean the lady who send me three( 3) links but then retracted the last one because of "faulty news reporting"? You mean the lady who was a Stu Cathell disciple back in 2000 - 2003 during the eBay Chat Board Wars and Stu told me he would put his "spin" as he used to call it to get most, if not everyone here to drink his Kool-Aid and how I was "picking on her"? The person who set up that "Charity" was a Coinee and he contacted several people after he saw something HE did not like. Apparently I was the only one that answered( as far as I still know 5 years later) and things "did not add up". This lady had an "emergency" event every so often, so TWO phone calls later at a County Public Records' dep't( using PUBLIC sources) revealed that the initials of her so-called husband did NOT live on that block where this fire occurred. That got her ire really into high gear, and I have saved traced emails/messages from her( anonymously) via the old ISP I used to have and we are sure it was her( again). There was other info at that time I can't recall quickly here for now but I DO have it still. The purge from switching interfaces here two years ago wiped out most of that but I DID manage to save what counts on MY end. That purge wiped out over 10,000 of my stored PMs for those who realy care. 30,000 used to be their limit; I have no clue what it may be now and don't care.... I never once made a trip out there to prove aything. I did not need to. Matter-of-fact I HAVE been that way several times, one for a Coin Estate Sale I was invited to, and I did not give this "case" a second thought at that time. Those who know CAL knows he travels all over the country for Collections. Bottom line I spent very little money on this , but if there IS inappropriate scamming and solicitation CAL will stop it every time. I stopped this one from happening again and am now bragging about that. The smarter, less-confrontational Forumites stayed clear of this, we all sat back and watched the Forumites that did not even have two years here( as of 2011 or so) jump right in and "bash that sob CAL". They did, as always. Stu could always count on PMing those who did not know better and "spin" this as CAL the big, bad bully Comic Profiteer ( see RutgersKnight case)that was picking on a "down-and-out" Boardie. I was NOT shocked that this worked. A few of the smarter, reasonable Boardies would try to defend not me, for that position of honesty and they got flamed almost as bad as CAL did. Yes, she had the gift of online gab and actually had a good "spin" as far as good spins go, but had every answer but the one I wanted: why is the owner in those articles that covered that unfortunate fire have a different name than THE ONE SHE GAVE OUT HERSELF for years??? Those who bashed me for even sticking my nose in this I can say this: I hope YOU get ripped off in this sob-story manner and I don't want to ever ever ever ever ever hear or see ONE word about it. I normally do NOT wish ill will against anyone but this Board has upset me so much( and made a lifetime enemy out of CAL) that I am making an exception here. I know who is who here and I remember the inner-city kid's taunts from 58 years ago I can certainly recall things from 15 years or so or less ago and I recall the actual SEQUENCE of events, which also irks some here. I know who threw which rock at a certain time and still recall what is important. Oh, I USED to give generously here until that "charity" case and refuse to donate another comic or penny here ever again. They must have believed me because I was never ever contacted again via PM after that "case"....how about those apples??? If I could take back those IMSM's( CGC'd by the way) I donated here I would definitely take them back. If I could have looked forward to how this Board was going to turn out I would have heeded the advice I was given about the eBay Chat Boards: " There can only be downside for a person like myself. No upside. The few deals you get won't offset the damage they can do to you". See those who were fans of "pressing". What a fool I was. I should have listened. I am here today just to stick it to those who have it coming their way. Putting the wanna-be's back in their place. Someone has to do the dirty work, and CAL has never been afraid of work. Work is afraid of CAL. BTW, I never deleted that "charity case" case and I have it on one of my old retired laptops that was just for the CGC Forums. So don't get on here and paste this/paste that/paste FALSE because I WILL call you out on that. I WILL regurgitate this topic on a whim. At that point I will name names and gather/build another "case", as the Mods might pull the plug on me for good. The Mods are another story in themselves. Most blame me for all this . I still believe she got $4,100 for virtually nothing and until the proof FROM HER comes my way proving otherwise that is the way that cookie crumbled. No proof from Stu, Sky, etc. It has not as of today, and never has, come from HER. Don't chime in tomorrow when I won't be here for another 8 months and you haters do count on that so you can now delete posts( had a shorter time limit before back in the day). I will check in every day and yes, to do what I have done since eBay in 2000: defend myself. Beware of those who resents/objects against someone who defends themselves. They want "obedience", under the guise of "don't be confrontational. Be nice". Tokyo Rose behavior. CAL won't fall for that crapolla. I see something, I call it. Right or wrong or a mixture of both I call it as I see it and those who don't like that eventually get what is coming to them. Tastes better when CAL throws the knockout punch, but as most punks hide behind keyboards in Mama's basements, that is not usually possible. But I usually hear about their come-uppance later. And that guy over the pond....have not seen much of him lately. I wonder what happened??? I know what happened, as it always does. I will let YOU clowns figure it out. Might not hear much out of Logan510 either.... I have a bad attitude? Really? Really? Don't get near me at a Comic Show. I promise I won't utter ONE WORD! I promise!!! CAL who does not hold his breath for other human's actions( or inactions)
  11. You need to ask the others who my Legendary Real-Life Heroes are. I'll save you some time like I did your buddy across the pond: In worship order: 1. Napoleon Bonaparte 2. General George S. Patton, Jr. 3. John Wayne 4. Ronald Reagan 5. Donald J. Trump. 6. Stanley Kubrick 7. Ghengis Khan 8. Alexander the Great 9. William Shakespeare 10. George Foreman( the younger version) NONE of the above took crapolla. CAL who needs to go to real life now.... ta-ta
  12. But it is almost 9 a.m. now PST. Time for the REAL world. As this Thread was specifically designed towards me, I have the right to post whatever I wish, and for those who know me, knows that I will do just that. gave up here a long, long time ago and expect the plug to be pulled any second any day and I just don't care. The only thing I would lose is access to the sales threads. Moving into U.S. Silver Coins anyway, and I am a Member of PCGS, so I won't need NGC. Bored. CAL who will forever be the KING of IMSM....
  13. If you can turn your junk of 6.0 into a 9.2 I am interested.... NOT!!!! CAL who knows better to fall for that bull
  14. You been a member since 2016. What can YOU possibly know about any of this IMSM Saga? Methinks you are the common excess humanity that can't remove yourself from the herd....That is my nice way of saying that you are wasting everyone's time except to Troll, and I can't say what this REALLY is here.... Think you are a great Comic Book Collector? If so you would have known not to burn bridges anywhere near other Comic buffs. The smarter ones get rewarded from the big-shots every now and then. One would think reading this back-and-forth that you have the means to compete on the greater Collector's world. Again, methinks that you are in the camp of the "have-nots" and drank that Kool-aid of the Robin Hood story.... CAL who hated that "steal from the rich give to the poor" even when he was a small boy....
  15. Newton Ring Question NoMan replied to bmalone's topic in Comics General I hear ya. I have a really big key that I wouldn’t have bought unless CGC’d because I needed someone to check for restoration cause I don’t know jack. I don’t know how to say what I mean so I just gonna step back from the conversation. 16 hours ago 56 replies
  16. I don't collect 6.0's. Nowhere near my minimum requirements. So good luck to YOU and YOUR bad attitude. Maybe I will start a Thread bashing you and see how you handle that.... CAL who just can't adjust to suffering fools well and likes that part about CAL....
  17. 550 pennies? Can you ship it for FREE??? CAL who is always looking to add to his IMSM army....
  18. SIX MONTHS??? This IMSM "Saga" has been going on for AT LEAST 15 years, sir. Don't stick your pinky in the Dogfight.... CAL who deserves some of what he gets re: expectations of the haters....( Einstein: " Two things forever: The Universe and Man's stupidity....wait, the Universe MIGHT have an ending....")
  19. Check my eBay "Feedback Left for Others" like the other wanna-be Detectives that dig my trash here on the Forums. Don't gag when you see those raw 9.2's I sold for over $300.00 each. I won't name names in this post, but I know of at LEAST ten Boardies here that had a "spirited discussion" about them. That discussion was relayed to me by someone I trust. Now I spilled more than I was supposed to, now get to work insufficiently_thoughtful_person. CAL who will NEVER suffer fools well....
  20. I am having the last laugh re: IMSM: He who laughs last laughs BEST! All-the-way-to-the-bank CAL
  21. They can TRY to give me grief....I push back hard. The more someone or a group pushes me, the worse I get. Guarantee.
  22. Don't worry - so long as I die with the most toys/gold/coin/phenominal you-know-what, I win. THAT is my goal, especially against the lemmings at a certain Forum. " If you can't show them with brilliance, dazzle them with B.S.".... CAL who won't forget the who, what, when, and why about this Forum....
  23. If you like the deal, then it is a good deal. Whatever the buyer/seller agrees to is the final denomination of the transaction, for anything. IMSM is one of my favorite items all-time. CAL who still IS the KING of all things IMSM!!!