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Everything posted by Gatsby77

  1. There is a 9.6, but it's signature series. Great book, but it'd get smoked by Archie.
  2. Seriously, man. Bad form! You should honor the bids and have let the auction run its course.
  3. I think you seriously underestimate the depth of recent new money with deep pockets that has recently entered the hobby without any true sense of grading, proportion, or history. I also think we're in a collectibles bubble brought on by a year of quarantine - where there are a *lot* of wealthy people who have been unable to travel instead choosing to spend their money on collectibles. As others have noted, this could be the *best* time to bring these books to market. I still think we'll see many of these books that sell for record prices this year re-sell over the next 1-5 years for significantly less. You're right:~400 books is not the same as 5,000 books, but there also relatively few of the 1938-1941 mega keys present in this collection (at least so far). And it's easy to over-pay for "highest graded" (by label) non-key and not see it appreciate the way a comparable top 20 Golden Age key would.
  4. Batman on a horse, you say? Behold - my latest win from this week's Comiclink auction!
  5. I read this back in college and it was a really good story. Never thought I’d see a decent-looking film attempt.
  6. Given that Kit Harrington as Dane Whitman is fairly high up in the credits list, what makes you think he won't be a main character in the film itself? Especially because he and Sersi are lovers in the comics.
  7. Then you were mistaught. And I say this as an undergrad English major and award-winning college newspaper editor who wrote his fair share of 20+ page papers as well as 80+ published film reviews. Then I moved to DC and worked as a political lobbyist, and now PR flack. Nobody has time to read more than a page. If you're lucky enough to meet with a Senator's Chief of Staff - let alone the Senator himself, you've got 20 seconds to make your point. Pitching reporters? You've got three sentences, maybe four. Anything more than that and they know you're BS'ing and your story's weak. As Albert Einstein said, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
  8. Dude - you might have noticed that Bosco and I enjoy sparring about our differing opinions. But his Latin lorem ipsum quote a few pages back was perfect, and applies here. If you need 800+ words to argue your point, you've lost. And I *loved* the Captain Marvel film - I think it was really smart, high concept sci-fi that had multiple twists I didn't see coming. And, like Guardians of the Galaxy, that the film was actually far better than the character herself (a D-lister from the comics) deserved. But the title change really can't be seen as anything but a demotion. And it sheds severe doubt on her leading the Avengers going forward. (Although, my prediction and hope that Black Panther would lead the next phase of the team has now sadly been proven wrong as well.)
  9. We'll see. *Many* of the Billy Wrights sold for less the second (and third) times they were offered. Granted, no guarantee which books from this collection will re-sell over the next three years vs. disappear for 10-20 years, but the longer I've been in this hobby, the more I've realized "a lifetime" actually equates to "10 years."
  10. Ditto any Star Wars books. I'm glad to see that the Marvel Star Wars run has caught up with the modern Dark Horse show first appearance speculative hype books over the last six months. But $6,000+ for the normal $.30 # 1 in 9.8 is just dumb. And there have now been several sales at that price point.
  11. Agree - but the rationale for Iron Man 150 seems to be new “classic cover” status, a la Sub-Mariner 8. Problem is, it’s not rare, even in 9.8 - and this sale will flush out many more slab candidates.
  12. This means nothing. We know no one uttered the words “Scarlett Witch” until Wandavision. Likewise, IIRC, “Wonder Woman” wasn’t mentioned once in her first film - she was just “Diana.” But - just as we knew Diana was Wonder Woman, Carol was Captain Marvel. With this new film’s title, she’s no longer unique, simply one of many - and just far more expendable.
  13. This argument is totally invalid because all three of The "Marvels" in discussion for this film are strong women. (Hence "major female super-heroes".) And yes - I can totally see them sidelining Carol Danvers in this film so that by film's end Monica Rambeau or Kamala Khan is the primary one wearing the mantle. It's the difference between getting "Green Lantern 2" (Hal Jordan - or maybe a retcon / intro of John Stewart) and getting "The Green Lantern Corps" (implies multiples of them with equal weight - and/or also allowing for a key Lantern (or Marvel) death for emotional resonance and shock value.) Not saying they'll kill off Danvers in this film, but I wouldn't put it past them. And it's ironic, because this could end up being very much a Green Lantern Corps situation, and I'm old enough to recall when Bosco lambasted me pre-release of Captain Marvel for noting how similar the trailer looked to that of Green Lantern. Having now seen the Captain Marvel movie 3x, I stand by that assessment: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) is the MCU equivalent of Green Lantern - down to her willpower-based powers and origin -- and I predict "The Marvels" - whether it involves the multiverse or not, will very much play out like a Green Lantern Corps.
  14. CGC knows. Here's a link to the # 2 Star Trek registry set (and highest-graded 100% set). Notes two variants for # 2 and one variant for # 3. None for # 1. https://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/PeopleSetDetail.aspx?PeopleSetID=77389
  15. Yeah - but that's old-school comic collector talk. We all see Giant-Size 1 / X-Men 94 as the more important books, rather than X-Men 1. Even moreso because the most important first app. in X-Men 1 is arguably Magneto, not even one of the X-Men themselves. This new generation of Millennials / cryptocurrency / Facebook hype comic collectors, however, don't share this view. They see "X-Men # 1" and push that as the mega-key to have, thus driving the absurd increases over the last six months. Personally, while I had a CGC 3.0 copy for a few years, it was a lark of an impulse buy. It's never excited me as much as books like even Daredevil 1 (my favorite SA title).
  16. Good post. My gripe with X-Men # 1 was laid out in the recent thread, "Is it now a Top 3 Silver Age book?" Some noob collectors were arguing that it was (which it is, by price, having now surpassed the price of both Showcase 4 and Hulk 1), while I - and most other long-term collectors - argued no, because of its relative availability -- and 50+ years of comic book history of its playing second fiddle price-wise to AF 15, FF 1, Showcase 4, and Hulk 1. I also disagree with the thesis that somehow an 8th X-Men movie coming out in 2024 will suddenly skyrocket the book. And yet, because of the perception that a Disney-led MCU re-boot in an 8th film 3-4 years from now will magically lead to new fans has led the book to double-triple over the last 12 months. 3.0s are now $10-$12k 5.0s are $22-$25k. I just don't see it. And I've yet to see a veteran collector admit that they'd take an X-Men # 1 over a same-grade copy of Showcase 4, Hulk 1 or FF 1, even though it now costs more than 2 of those 3.
  17. Counterpoint - I think X-Men 1 fits this list because it is ridiculously common vs. the other Silver Age keys of its era. Not as common as Daredevil 1, sure, but far more common than the likes of FF 1, TOS 39, Hulk 1, Showcase 4, AF 15, etc.
  18. Sure. But looking at last night's Comiclink auction still scares me. I'm supposed to believe that Marvel Comics Presents # 72 is a legit $1,000+ book in 9.8? That Iron Man # 150 (cool cover - yes) is a legit $3,000+ book? That's banana pants. And no - the market for vintage sealed 80s/90s video games is not at all comparable to the market for 80s/90s comic books. Precisely because we were all saving and collecting comic books, and virtually no kids were buying - and then keeping sealed and not playing - their video games at the time. Adult dealer warehouses upon warehouses of sealed / unsold Atari games? Sure. Comparable dealer stores of NES and SNES games? Nope. Comparing 80s/90s comics to 80s/90s video games isn't comparing apples to oranges; it's comparing apples to hand grenades.
  19. I've sold via the unsolicited offer function before and was actually happy to do so. Had a 4.0 Startling # 10 (first Fighting Yank). It's a rare book but it's also got a really thin collector base and isn't really liquid. The price offered was probably more than it would have sold for at open auction at the time, as I'd sold my 7.0 Startling # 11 via a Comic Link a few months earlier for a bargain. But yeah - knowing both FMV and the relative liquidity of the book in question is key.
  20. You've actually argued for 2 years now that Carol Danvers' Captain Marvel will be the face of the Avengers and Marvel Phase 4, and specifically that Spider-Man will not be. Between this deal and the announcement that Captain Marvel 2 will actually be called "The Marvels" and likely feature Carol, Monica and Khamala, I'm thinking you are, in fact, incorrect.
  21. Wolverine was my favorite character growing up, Bought # 18 and up off the rack and it was the first series I ever went back to fill in to # 1. But I stopped at # 82 because I was so pissed at the price increase to $1.95 the month before.
  22. Right? I think BWS drew interiors for all but 17-18, but Kane did a few more of the covers.
  23. When I was in law school 15 years ago one of the case studies was on the "Right to Publicity" (the opposite of the "Right to Privacy"). Basically, the right to a dead celebrities' use or likeness. And the fun fact then? As of 2005, the dead celebrities who were pulling in the most money annually: 1) Marilyn Monroe 2) Elvis
  24. Then there are instances that are just obviously wrong, whether due to intentional mis-information by Bob Overstreet or dealer manipulation. Example: I'm glad Conan # 23 is (finally!) acknowledged as the first appearance of Red Sonja, whereas # 24 (her first cover appearance) was considered her first appearance for decades. Why # 23? By my count she appears in 26 panels spread over 6 pages -- covering two entirely different scenes that take place on different days - and she speaks / interacts with Conan in both scenes. That's not a cameo - she's a major part of the story (and appears in close to 30% of the pages).
  25. So what's your argument against the re-casting of Wolverine? Hugh Jackman's run was as as beloved as RDJ's as Iron Man, lasted longer and over more films. So he shouldn't be re-cast because he also went out on the perfect note (in Logan)? Literally every thing you've said about RDJ holds true for Hugh Jackman as well (and for Christopher Reeves - and even, for a generation of Millennials - Christian Bale). Curious if you'll go with: # 1) Nah...Hugh Jackman doesn't count because it was Fox, not the MCU, so it's okay to re-cast him for the MCU? or # 2) Nah...Dakken or X-23 or any of Weapon Prime are just as good in lieu of Wolverine. Audiences won't care...