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Everything posted by Hibou

  1. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Ok, so I'm here...
  2. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    It's now Independence Day (2023) and something is seriously wrong. The last picture I posted showed a portion of Washington Street from the mid 1950's to early 1960's and yet, here is the opposite side of that picture, the east end, from the early to mid 1930's. Additionally, we are (seemingly) in late December... Hmm...🤔
  3. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    It's too early for Christmas. What's going on here?! Something... something isn't right. It looks perfect though. Every. Single. Detail. It looks so, so very right. Just properly perfect. Almost... Almost too perfect.
  4. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    What the... ?! ...
  5. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Okay, I think I'm back on the road now. Just last week I submitted three books to CGC that I'm really looking forward to getting back. One book is from 1948, one from 1949 and the last from 1966. So it's looking like I'll have a clear path ahead and nothing else to...
  6. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    What a cleanup job that was!
  7. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    There's a big part of why that movie is so sentimental and important to me which I probably won't explain but there's another, more whimsical side, involving a video game which Rob was very familiar with, that I will definitely get to soon enough.
  8. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Probably my favorite movie.
  9. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    I think I'm obsessed with Time. The passing of and the connecting points across. I ran an exercise with myself a year or two ago and it was kind of interesting... or at least I thought so. I wanted to see just exactly how far back I could go to 'touch' time. I'll try to explain. I took the current year (let's just say it was 2020 and went back from there as in increments of 25 years to see if I could touch that year and by touch, I mean in the sense of having a connection. My direct relatives and their lives were my vehicle or catalyst. And so I started in 2020 and took away 25 years. Ok, it's 1975 and I'm alive. I took another 25 years off and now it's 1950 and my parents are alive. Another 25 years in the past we go and it's 1925 and my grandparents on my father's side (his mother and father) just immigrated from Poland to France. Twenty five years before that, in 1900, my great grandmother (on my mother's side, who I knew for over half of my life) was now 8 years old... So this was the game I sort of played with my wandering mind and was able to directly touch the Civil War where my 2nd great grandfather lost an arm around 1863. I just recently found some new information which will allow me to somewhat do the same on my father's side but this timeline goes through Eastern Europe.
  10. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Most likely I'll visit this place again soon. I'm thinking in about a month or so. I'll be doing a bit of time travel through that area of Pennsylvania when we go to pick up my daughter. These next couple of months are going to be exciting for many reasons!
  11. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Now I'm fully aware that this journal has veered waaaaaaay off course and I do apologize for that but there is good reason... well, in my mind at least. You see, I'm trying, desperately at that, to reconstruct the events that preceded the birth of the Golden Age of comics. A glimpse behind the decisions to launch Action Comics #1 and Detective Comics #27. In my opinion, this is an axiom but I seriously need to find that precise moment and for some reason, some 'gut' instinct... I'm convinced that 1936 was that moment in time! Hm... Didn't Jesse Owens do something 'superhuman' in that year that even caught the appraisal and eye of an evil dictator?! That's a part of why I believe that 1936 could've been our 'Event Horizon'. And just to remind you, it was featured in this series introduction if you look closely. Yes, it's a complete story of the supernatural! So what happened in 1936? Geez... well before I get into that, let me at least try to light this one time dampening stick. (This is just another way of saying that I've decided to turn my mind off for the night instead of continuing on the writing 😉 ) The 1935 Montecristo...
  12. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    I posted the X-Files theme last weekend (with good reason ) but now I'm thinking that this actually makes more sense right about now...
  13. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Freedom. Finally... The Blue Coal time damper is working splendidly as is the hacked Blue Coal FOB. This will allow me to shift timelines at will with no worry or threat of trans-dimensional 'monitors' or Time, for that matter. Where I'm at right now, within this 1936 construct that I've built, I feel it's a pivotal point in time in terms of finding some proof to this theory of many (and ultimately mine), that without the success of the Shadow... Batman would not exist.
  14. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

  15. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Four beers and a delicious pizza... a tour around Rob's apartment. A private viewing of his incredible collection of art prints ranging from Universal Monsters to Pop Culture movies as well as artistic renderings. And then... the 3 books. Yes, those books! Like I said, that evening I gave Rob a fist bump as I departed his apartment with a can of beer, a bag of chocolate Twizzlers and a pack of candy cigarettes. But the evening didn't end there. I quickly noticed that there was no direct access to the basement of this apartment building even as I bid 'hello' to a female resident upon exiting. Once outside, I ran into Emily and (the busboy?) and exchanged a few words and complements before heading to my vehicle which was parked just a lot away. Once I reached my vehicle, I removed the device which I had been saving for such an opportunity and headed back over to Rob's apartment building. I found the outside access to the basement and was able to install this in about 15 minutes. The Blue Coal Time Damper (c. 1937) courtesy of Glen Alden (Scranton, PA.). This allows that building to exist in the current time-stream while hiding the contents of everything within the building to the TVA. So yeah, the building exists in 2023 but the interior is regulated to 1936 standards... as far as the TVA scanning devices are concerned, this building now will exist outside of time and space! It wasn't all that difficult to orchestrate as I had planned this moment but never knew when it would arrive! So yes, in the span of 15 minutes, Rob's entire building was protected and cloaked from the TVA. It worked like a charm however there was but one small adjustment I needed to make. I had to fabricate a type of Key FOB in order to allow me to shift from timeline to timeline without being detected. I managed to find just the right device and was able to program a transistor to adhere to the proper instrument in order to operate this mobile cloaking device! ...
  16. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Was this my latest trick or was this some smokey, Houdini influenced idea, realized in real time?
  17. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    I feel like I haven't been honest here... I need to go back a few weeks. As I mentioned earlier, I met up with Rob for an impromptu beer get together and it was ultimately a weird experience being in that town again. Well... I didn't tell the entire story there and so here's - Paul Harvery. The Rest of the Story. Rob had just shown his Russian apartment and within about 30 minutes, he proceeded to showed me that he actually had 3... yes, THREE copies of THE BOOK! This was bad- very bad, indeed! Once he had shown me these copies, I knew that I had to work fast. Rob is my dearest friend and there's no way that I could expose him to the terrors of the TVA! And so... once I left his apartment, once I evaluated what he potentially could be exposed to, I guess I kind of sprang into action! I had just the right thing but I needed to reconfigure it a little... It needed to be timeproof!
  18. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    June 6th and June 7th, 1944. D-Day. I just listened to this last night and it's definitely worth sharing. Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater presents this gripping dramatization of D-Day from the perspective of those on the home front. This special broadcast from 1944, features Agnes Moorehead (Margo Lane - The Shadow, among other roles from Citizen Kane to Bewitched)...
  19. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Working my way back...
  20. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    I've officially declared this out of the TVA's monitors. If you're a Pink Floyd fan... you'll appreciate this! Hats off to Roy Harper!
  21. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Decoration Day - 1936 Memorial Day - 2023 The start to a relaxing evening...
  22. Hibou

    Digital Staples.

    Damn... Carnivale reminded me that I just put myself in the middle of the Dust Bowl. Fair enough. As I've stated numerous times, this is the greatest intro to a series in my lifetime. Next day and second thought edit... for me this ties The Six Million Dollar Man based on nostalgia! So, yeah... 1936. The second wave of the Dust Bowl. I'll work through this one too.