About this journal
This journal catalogs all of Professor Pecora's CGC Journal Entries from 2012-Present.
It celebrates and documents his personal CGC Comic Collecting Journey with thorough reflections and commentary of each acquisition. The Professor incorporates data from the CGC Census Report, GPAnalysis and the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide to provide an insightful analysis of the rarity factor and value of each book, along with discussing cultural trends within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) that affect the comic book market.
NOTE: The first 21 journal entries were posted within the OLD CGC Journal format. Therefore, some of the journal entries (the lengthier ones in particular) do not display the full content as a result of the system converting the old journals into the new format. In this case, to read the complete journal, just scroll down to the bottom of the article and click where it reads, "To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here."