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Everything posted by Coverdeath

  1. Yes but it still dont answer to the asking how they could replaced the barcode by a design considering that every item avalaible to buy in a shop get a barcode?
  2. Yes but what it change? I mean each product you buy deserve a barcode. Rice, milk, CD or comics everything have a barcode
  3. 423!!! Yes it was a cool time, however i never understood how the product was marketable without a visible barcode, is there someone who know how it worked?
  4. Share here the coolest upc boxes design! I start with Aquaman (1994 series) #60, the upc box is standard without drawing but is pink and frames in an emerald cadre, really cool.
  5. You dream if you tought to convince us
  6. Im probably using the term of "alternative" because for me the common book is the traditional super hero stuff... when i look all these Vertigo covers (just the covers) its look really special for me, closer of an artist painting than a comic book as i know them
  7. The Vertigo section of DC are usually really praised by the reviews on overall. What is your personal experience with it? Did that keep you in the boat during this era where many editors was at their lowest? Was the style too much alternative or gore for you in comparison at the comics of your teenage years? Or it was at contrary a new wave that you loved? If you liked you can also share some of your favourites Vertigo covers here!
  8. I know that its not the question but... honnestly is it so unbelievable? In my opinion, no matter the field, you will find people in just for making money.
  9. God... Cutler look as a kid next to this guy
  10. And never (or almost never) work for DC, thanks god! Can you imagine how could look this big torso batman
  11. Yes and i was disapointed of it.
  12. Im exactly like you, my problem is not that im obsseded to get the perfect book, my problem is on specific defect who make me feel crazy, i have tons of books with fold and leaked ink who are probably not more than 6.0 and i like them but in contrary i have some books who are probably 8.5/9 but who have a few deffect who literally put the fire in my eyes... the perception of things by your brain is sometime so weird...
  13. Im at the moment processing my entire collection essentially for store my books correctly but i also at the same occasion check the condition of each books and i realize that im much more concerned by the grade than i tought... I have already replaced in the past copies of several dollar bin books just to improve the condition of them and i feel a bit guilty to do it... I try to moderate myself and only focus on the defect who really bother me but it still difficult, i see a low progression, try to forget everything which is not killing the cover art... Is there someone here who already had the same kind of bad trends and have succesfully neat himself?
  14. For the people who have several long runs, did you necessary organize your boxes with series by series or you prefer to put small part of each in a box? I tought it could be more funny to have several charachters and styles of books and if you have a good listing files it wouldnt be much harder to find which books are in which box. Yeah it look like stupid but i like to make different than i see elswhere...
  15. Yes i read it in the topic so... huh... this Zabu's more look like as a tiger or im crazy?
  16. Im a bit confused, are the term of cat include everything in the felines family? Because in my language a cat is only the one who said: Miaouuuuuu
  17. 3422 Cat Covers on the Mycomicshop database. You have some work