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Everything posted by Coverdeath

  1. Men its crazy its exacly what im actually doing (collecting batman 404 to 713)
  2. Never compare to others, its not because a guy get a more valuable collection than you that is better, the best collection is the one you build with the books you loved!
  3. You collected 85 years of Superman story? Awesome
  4. When i started to write the topic i wanted to put a ban to cite this one
  5. Wtf i dont received notifications for one week now so i thinked nobodies car about my topic and see just now he s on fire! Hurry to read every of your comment this evening, thanks guys!
  6. I sell it to a friend so i will always have a vision on it
  7. Remember my old topic about my batman 635. I have a buyer for it, i left it for 30dollars. Did you think i will regret it in many years? I imagine a lot of people had them in their hands a batman 232 (for exemple) at the time the book was recent and throw it or sell it low because is hurted and now regret it because the value have grow up. I want to say even in poor condition a valuable book stay valuable, and if batman 635 value continue to grow up an 5/6 examplar in 20 years probably cost the price of a 9 examplar today.
  8. You probaly won't believe it, but its real... https://youtube.com/shorts/g1mtrG_b4lg?feature=share
  9. What's the longest following of issues you have in your collection? And second question: what's the longest run you "WANT" to collect a day?
  10. Oh my god! This one is unbelievable. I didn't know we did stuff like that.
  11. Its because the page be automaticly traducted when i click into and when i mention it that not put the original comment...
  12. Quelqu'un fait ça ici ou connaît quelqu'un qui fait ça ? Vous aimez ne collectionner que des séries de 11 numéros maximum ? Beaucoup de gens disent qu'ils ont commencé à vendre sa collection parce que cela prend trop de place, alors je me pose la question.
  13. 2 others exemples with doug mankhe and patrick gleason on superman rebirth 25. And the second with Danny Miki and Greg Capullo on Batman New 52 29
  14. I renamed the topic just now, i hope that be more easy to understand now
  15. Yes if it is, this case take the entire page you can see down its the page number 4 of the books. I would say by that not use page splited in many cases
  16. Exactly the same for me i doesn't think to have payed really too much for books in my life, however sometimes i tell myself that I should have waited to buy other books before the ones I chose. Life is just a successions of choices and you cannot buy everything, in any case that wouldn't be fun to have too much money.
  17. Yes thats it More seriously i speaked about a page into the comics not a cover, like the exemple i put in my post
  18. Désolé peut-être qu'ils sont déjà un sujet similaire, je ne sais pas. Ce sujet est créé pour partager vos planches préférées. Juste 3 règles : -Planches avec 1 seul étui (l'étui doit prendre toute la page) -Mentionner l'artiste -Évitez de mettre de terribles spoilers Je vais commencer personnellement avec ce bel art de Paul Ryan sur Flash 130. J'adore ça.
  19. Hmmm... im interested by your advice . What's the timeline you include in your jugement to said Flash is awful and Superman boring?
  20. Yeah im probably will try to smoke dumb on Ebay. You never know what people are ready to pay for strange arts.
  21. Same for me, have the sentiment to be better was i was a teenager. Probably because when we stop we lost.
  22. Men i taked 1h hour of time just to do this mess... that's just worth nothing. With this topic, i'm not want to saying you can't criticize DC and Marvel artist but realize how lucky we are to have all of this very talented guys. Its a really hard work men!