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Everything posted by Coverdeath

  1. Yes if it is, this case take the entire page you can see down its the page number 4 of the books. I would say by that not use page splited in many cases
  2. Exactly the same for me i doesn't think to have payed really too much for books in my life, however sometimes i tell myself that I should have waited to buy other books before the ones I chose. Life is just a successions of choices and you cannot buy everything, in any case that wouldn't be fun to have too much money.
  3. Yes thats it More seriously i speaked about a page into the comics not a cover, like the exemple i put in my post
  4. Désolé peut-être qu'ils sont déjà un sujet similaire, je ne sais pas. Ce sujet est créé pour partager vos planches préférées. Juste 3 règles : -Planches avec 1 seul étui (l'étui doit prendre toute la page) -Mentionner l'artiste -Évitez de mettre de terribles spoilers Je vais commencer personnellement avec ce bel art de Paul Ryan sur Flash 130. J'adore ça.
  5. Hmmm... im interested by your advice . What's the timeline you include in your jugement to said Flash is awful and Superman boring?
  6. Yeah im probably will try to smoke dumb on Ebay. You never know what people are ready to pay for strange arts.
  7. Same for me, have the sentiment to be better was i was a teenager. Probably because when we stop we lost.
  8. Men i taked 1h hour of time just to do this mess... that's just worth nothing. With this topic, i'm not want to saying you can't criticize DC and Marvel artist but realize how lucky we are to have all of this very talented guys. Its a really hard work men!
  9. Opposite to the subject but i am the only to think all ultimate series get some really bad cover? I like when it's sober but here its just look like they doesnt care about the cover...
  10. The 2 last comment is just so true. When i writed "Did this books is 2 in 1? Adult Magazine and Comics in the same time?" It was for joking but i had the conviction they are a part of truth
  11. Please take just 8 minutes to see this video, beautiful story.
  12. You would say in your opinion the charachters i cited is not at the foreground of DC?
  13. Hmmm i also looked at lot of time on ebay. For like the 100 first issues of wonderwoman you probably pay like 600 dollars easily, the double of what you pay for superman and flash, and this estimate is kind. And there are less lot on the market than the others, fewer people seem to own them
  14. Men its exactly the topic i search! I love so much reading people stories about her collection. Im going to share with you my personal experience. My name is Jeremy and i live in this small country in the center of the Europe, the Switzerland. In my country nobody collect comics and they're nothing to buy from DC or Marvel in the newstaand. The small group of people collecting comics just buy some keys and not really read them... But for me is different, reading is a passion! Its now 1years i save money for a amazing and really expensive project. And i started to invest in 3month ago. I wanted to create a really coherent collection and i think there are very few people on the world get this entire line. What is it? Collecting entire post crisis era series of my favourites heroes. I started it with Batman, i defined "Year one" as the start of this amazing road who's finish in 2011 with the issue 713. That represent 310 books. And i already collected 284 (with almost every keys) , so its now just a question of time. You cannot imagine how i fell. So powerful! Thats a really hard work to collect them, because of my location i have to pay expensive delivery fees and wait a lot to receive the books. Try to find the best deal, bargain and bargain with the sellers. And its so satisfaying now to can say: i succeeded! That probably appear common and stupid for an american people but for me its like to have the greatest treasure on earth. And i want to conclude this with just 3 words: I AM BATMAN!
  15. You can browse this 5 pages of wonder woman vol.2 and you ll'see thats right https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?TID=113261
  16. Did this books is 2 in 1? Adult Magazine and Comics in the same time?
  17. Hi im actually collecting entire comics series from post crisis era(1987/2011) of my favourite heroes (i started with batman and after a really hard work i see the end soon!) When i started to do that i taked a lot of time to studding the market and know every valuable books. Im really surprised by one thing, a lot of first class heroes like Superman, Green Lantern, Flash have just a very little quantity of Keys and its easy to collect. But WHAT'S happen with the Amazon!? For exemple you take every heroes i cited before, you can get almost every issues on mycomicshop for like 3dollars. And know do the same things for Wonderwoman, every issues is selled in a range between 8 to 15dollars.
  18. Sorry men sometimes i forget my english.. you would said the grade of your books become lower because of age?
  19. If an american people come here with 100 000 dollar box comics he be sure to take shelter. People here pay too much for no reason
  20. The guys in france are the same he just want some outrageous amount for random books... i really does some good deal when i started to buy on UK and USA and always despite the delivery cost.
  21. I would say we really doesnt found it. I live in Switzerland and the only people collecting comics buy somes keys only. They are almost none comic shop in the country and in the flea market nobody sell things like that. I m a real passionate of Comics, so i pay more for that, because i buy to uk and us, and the delivery fees cost a lot but i love that so its ok for me. And that stay better to buy to international comparated to the small switzerland market who's every people have an random book sell it for stupid price just because he think thats from the USA so that would sayd it HOT
  22. I can't believe it. Batman 635 serious!!!? Congratulations.
  23. Ok so i just continue to follow this topic, its really cool to see this amazing deals. But i personally don't post here because that doesnt exist in my country.