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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Good luck! "Older books like Spawn" would definitely give me that feeling in the pit of my stomach. Maybe there's something awesome in there, though!
  2. That really bummed me out. 2400+ pages. We can't have nice things!
  3. Absolutely! And as was pointed out earlier, Neal did a ton of work for artist rights, in addition to being a legend. I don't begrudge him a penny he gets, I just don't want someone yelling at me to buy a print I don't want. ha
  4. The Silver Surfer 50 printings are cool too because each is a bit different. The second is very similar to the 1st, but it has black ink detail added to the embossed Surfer image (and "Second printing" added to the UPC box.) The third keeps the black-inked embossed Surfer, but changes the red/pink parts of the cover to yellow/green (and also adds Third print.) I used to grab these anytime I saw them, just because I thought they were neat little changes. I think I sold all of my copies back when Infinity Gauntlet was popping, and I don't see them often now. Ghost Rider 15 gold is a snazzy book, and I'm still adding to my stack. If that book ever pops for some reason, I'll be rich, rich I tells ya!
  5. That's great, and I certainly hope that's the case with most folks! He was certainly pleasant with me. But I've seen him in cranky huckster mode as well, and it's not as much fun, so I usually steer clear.
  6. I've found that he's very agreeable if you're giving him money. Otherwise, he seems a bit cranky. I'm glad to have met him, gotten a signature and spoken to him once, but now I avoid his booth entirely, mostly so I don't have to listen to his booth handlers shout at people.
  7. Actual photo of future @Buzzetta at college, image sent back in time by Skynet:
  8. That's great! So glad you unraveled the mystery! One of my best friends had a ton of Construx when we were kids, so we'd have contest called "Construx Racing" where two players would assemble the sturdiest vehicle they could engineer using only the Construx at hand, and then we'd ram them into each other at full speed, over and over again, until the vehicles could no longer roll. Whichever vehicle managed to roll freely for the longest time was the winner. We tried playing again as adults and the Construx had more or less turned to dust. These plastic toys weren't meant to last decades...especially when they spent most of their life being rammed into each other at top speeds!
  9. Another Saturday, another estate sale, another small Star Wars collection! These weren't nearly as nice as the ones I picked up a couple of weeks ago, but still well worth getting up early to check out. They needed a little cleanup, but all in all I'm pleased. The big surprise was the Luke with the original lightsabre with the skinny tip still intact! I was stoked. I took the saber out and transplanted it into the nice clean Luke I got in the last collection. The rough Luke is pictured below, but the light saber is nice! After the estate sale I went by the LCS, which was having a 20% off sale. Picked up this set of Talkin Turtles. Cards are wavy but the set is still cool.
  10. You get four offers, I believe. If you can't get it done in 4 offers, either you're too low, or the seller is too high, so it's probably not going to work out regardless. Embrace Best Offer! Do it!
  11. And...scene! : @whetteon exits stage left : : thunderous applause: : curtain :
  12. If it means you have to own a copy of Dark Phoenix, it may be worth it! You've been warned! As far as CD's, yeah, that's the reason why I told my friend I'd sell his collection for him, rather than let him take everything down to Half Price Books, where he'd get 5 cents a pop for his cd's. There are still some things that sell for crazy money. His collection is that of a rock and roll curator, so, you know, full collections of Dylan, Bowie, Beatles, Beach Boys, with all of their various pressings and rereleases and live boots and all of that stuff; but he also has a good collection of exotica, 60's girl groups, etc that sell pretty well. Definitely better than a nickel each. It's definitely worth looking through those old cd collections before you send them to the Goodwill. Heck, just last week I went to a garage sale and picked up a few discs for 25 cents each, including several bizarre Australian imports and stuff which should sell for an easy $10-$15. Media! It's good for ya!
  13. Look at it this way: if they decide to do a zombie reboot of TMNT, you're all set to sell it back to 'em!
  14. I don't understand it either, and yet it happens all of the time to me. I'll list an item, BIN OBO, and I'll get messages asking "What is your lowest?" or "Would you accept XYZ?" to which I can only reply "Feel free to use the Best Offer option to make an offer." I mean, wtf?
  15. All I can say is that I blasted through The Boys in two sittings on a Saturday and Sunday, whereas I still haven't found the time to finish up THe Punisher Season 2, Luke Cage Season 2, or Jessica Jones 2 or 3 (and I won't be watching Iron Fist 2, period.) I dug it.
  16. Man, the fan service is off the charts for this event. What a blast it should be. I could never claim that the CW DC shows are, like, high quality television or anything*, but they've definitely got their hearts in the right place. This should be a ton of fun. *Legends excepted. I will honestly defend the claim that it is a legit good tv show.
  17. I still can't understand how I've seen two film adaptations of Dark Phoenix in my lifetime, and yet I've still never actually seen one at all. What a strange future it turned out to be.
  18. @whetteon I think he popped up in the Copper forum recently
  19. As always, you provide wise council! I take it all back, I'm buying it TODAY! And if I regret the choice, I'm mailing it to you, so YOU can deal with it!
  20. You know, I'm not so sure that we won't see that development come along soon. The push definitely seems to be towards streaming programs like X-Box Gold/Plus/Live/Whatever it's called, Playstation Plus etc, and the idea of streaming titles from a library as opposed to buying physical discs. i think we could see it in the next generation of games. I know for a long time that there was interest or even rumors in a Steam Box, or a console that would only stream stuff from Steam. Makes sense. I'll be sad, but not surprised, if this comes along pretty soon. I have been helping a buddy sell his CD collection lately, and I find that I am pulling aside a ton of stuff for myself, because so much of it is so cool! I collect vinyl too, but there are some great CD sets out there, with great packaging, etc that are worthless, and it's a shame because the content is so great! I have a whole slew of CD Boxed Sets now, and they look great on the shelf and sound great in the car, and a lot of the stuff isn't available on Prime, etc. Of course, it's probably no surprise that folks like us, who are on a comic book message board, would enjoy owning physical media. It's all part of the charm of "stuff"!
  21. You're definitely right. I used to drive myself crazy putting together the Criterion Collection, Fox Classics, etc. Glad I jumped off that ship. I may give this one a pass AND throw away Wolverine Origins, and live life just as happily as before!
  22. I'm interested in the movie because of the King of Comedy vibe. I like the look from the trailer. It looks like a FILM. So visually, it should be interesting. I'm hoping it doesn't give birth to a whole new slew of edgelords. Maybe it really has something to say. We shall see. If not, it should at least be pretty and well acted, from what I understand. I can live with that.
  23. To keep things on topic, I've debated buying the Dark Phoenix steelbook a few times now. I have every other X-Men related movie (including X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which I can't imagine watching again) in the collection, and the steelbook is VERY pretty. But man, that movie blew. Even with some rewards points in my account, I have a hard time pulling the trigger on buying a movie I'm pretty sure I'll never watch again in my life, just to keep the collection complete. But then again...it's pretty!
  24. I still buy a lot of physical media, for the reasons given. No one knows when the content owners are going to pull the rug out from under you, or edit the content, etc. I still collect laserdisc and DVD as well, so I can hold onto the original color timing, edits etc of certain movies I love. So many fond memories of going into Suncoast, Circuit City, Best Buy, etc and browsing the aisles of media. Going to Best Buy is so sad now. Only a couple of the local BB's even have physical media anymore (aside from a single kiosk in the front) and the others are pretty dire. Streaming may be convenient, but most services don't offer the sort of stuff I'm looking for. So, for the most part, if I want to see a particular movie, I can walk over to my shelf and pull it down, and I don't have to worry about streaming speed, buffering, or content disappearing. The REAL concern is that eventually the players are going to stop working. There are a lot of folks in the FB groups who do home repair on their laser players, vcr's, etc. But it's going to get to a point where we can't find parts for these things, or mechanics are going to fail that simply can't be replaced/repaired, and then we're stuck with a pile of media we can't play at all. But I'll be long dead by then, so who cares?
  25. Hey Slym! Good to see you in CG again. X-titles flat-lined for quite a while, but with the X-Men now being available to the MCU, and strong fan reaction to the current House/Powers of X series, X-Men are heating up again for sure. Speculators are gobbling up the bronze and copper stuff in anticipation of future movies, and the new Hickman book is stirring reader interest in second and third string characters like Nimrod, Moira McTaggart, Mr Sinister, etc. UXM 266/Gambit was red hot for a while when it seemed like a movie was imminent, then it cooled off when the movie was delayed, and now it seems to be picking back up a little. So, you have speculators AND readers X-cited about X-Men again, which is a good thing if you're looking to sell! So, the short answer is yeah, I think you can sell your X-men now, much better than you could have a year or so ago. I don't follow the modern market very closely, but I'm sure there are others who can point out the individual hot books. Good luck!